How to remove a small hump on your nose. How to get rid of a hump on the nose without surgery? Causes of hump

Valeria Nikiforova from Vladivostok asks:

I had a broken nose. It fused correctly, but after some time a small hump appeared. I want to get rid of it, but I don’t want to have surgery. Is it possible to remove a hump on the nose at home without surgery?

Our expert's answer:

The hump on the bridge of the nose is not liked by many of its owners. It occurs for various reasons. First of all, this is a genetic factor, when this form is congenital. This is especially true for some nationalities. Its appearance can be triggered by injuries, improperly healed fractures, surgery, or constant wearing of glasses with heavy frames.

It is impossible to completely remove a hump on the nose on your own; modern cosmetology can only help a person in a clinic. There is no home influence technique. Specialists can teach how to hide such a defect using cosmetics, hairstyle and behavior.

The ability to partially remove a hump on the nose at home without surgery depends on its size, the type of tissue - bone or cartilage, from which it is formed, and the age of the patient. This can be easily done without surgery in the following ways:

  • makeup;
  • injections;
  • massage;
  • gymnastics;
  • plaster splint.

Splints and injections are not exactly a home method, since they are impossible without a doctor. A fixation device for shaping is placed in the clinic and requires wearing for several days.

The essence of the injections is to inject special substances - silicone, collagen, the patient's own fat - next to the protrusion under the skin. As a result, the nose becomes slightly larger, but smooth.

A simple way to disguise a flaw is to learn professional makeup. To hide facial details, foundations of different shades are used. Darker ones are applied to the part that needs to be masked, lighter ones - to the surrounding area. But this method is relevant only with a small defect.

It is easy to reduce a cartilaginous hump with the help of special gymnastics and massage. The gymnastic technique is carried out as follows: with your finger you need to press on the tip of the nose, lifting it. Stretch your lips to the sides so that the skin above them stretches, and the nostrils tend downward. You need to repeat it several times twice a day.

The massage is carried out using a scarf folded in several layers and heated with an iron. It is applied to the bridge of the nose and through it the protrusion is pressed firmly with your fingers for several seconds.

All home methods can correct only a small hump formed by cartilage tissue. The shape of the nose, obtained from nature, formed by bone tissue, is corrected only by clinical methods using modern surgical methods.

Video: How to remove a hump on your nose?

A hump on the nose is just an external feature of a person, which everyone treats differently. Many are proud of it, considering it a kind of highlight, an original detail, an indicator of belonging to a certain family. And others, on the contrary, have complexes, wanting to get rid of the defect at all costs. Today we will try to figure out whether it is possible to solve the problem without resorting to surgery, and, if so, how to do it.

Hump: reasons for its appearance

Like any other, this characteristic feature can be either congenital or acquired. The method of getting rid of it depends on the characteristics of its formation, size, and severity. Where does the hump on the nose come from?

  1. Hereditary factor. Often, people inherit a hooked nose. It is a characteristic feature for some peoples, so getting rid of it most often means losing your own individuality. In addition, a hump due to heredity can usually only be removed through surgery. And, unlike all other cases, this will be exclusively plastic surgery.
  2. Injury. The second most common way to get a hump nose. You only need to hit it once or, even worse, break it, and the very delicate cartilage tissue will begin to grow and this is the result - a hump that was not observed on your nose at birth. Unlike hereditary, it becomes a threat to health: it interferes with normal breathing, contributes to complications such as sinusitis, etc. This deficiency is already becoming necessary to remove.
  3. Damage to osteochondral tissue. The fact is that the nose is a very complex organ. Sometimes pathological processes can occur in its structure, which, even without injury, will lead to the growth of the hump. It can occur as a result of any disease or specific internal disorders.
  4. Physically determined factors. Finally, the hump may begin to grow due to constant mechanical stress on the bridge of the nose. For example, if you have been using glasses with very heavy frames for a long time. It puts pressure on the nose, rubs its tissues - and as a result, they begin to form an unsightly hump.

In any case, no matter what the reason for the defect, if you don’t like it and make you nervous, you need to get rid of it. Moreover, most likely, you simply cannot do without the intervention of a surgeon, because pathological changes occur in internal structures, and only a specialist can cope with them. But still, there are alternative methods that allow, if not completely getting rid of the hump on the nose, then at least visually reducing it or making it almost invisible. We'll talk about them below.

Of course, most people who dream of getting rid of a hump on the nose want to do without surgery. Unfortunately, most often you can’t go anywhere without the help of a specialist, because this is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a disorder that poses a threat to normal breathing and the proper functioning of the organ. That is why, if you have a hump due to injury or as a result of an illness, we advise you to consult a doctor. Only a specialist can assess what threat it poses to health, and whether it can be managed without intervention. We recommend not to delay solving this problem so as not to provoke chronic diseases.

However, if you know where your hump comes from, moreover, if you have had this feature of your appearance since birth, then you can fight on your own. The basis of winning tactics is camouflage. After all, if a defect cannot be completely removed, then it should be properly hidden. Therefore, the main methods are as follows:

  • Secret makeup techniques;
  • Special cosmetic facial gymnastics;
  • Injection method (with the help of a cosmetologist).

So, let's start the fight.

Secret Makeup Tricks
No wonder someone once said that cosmetics are a great thing. She can actually cope with most external imperfections, including a hump on the nose. Of course, the flaw itself will not go away, but you will disguise it so skillfully that no one will notice.

The main task is to highlight the base of the nose without drawing attention to its details. Let's figure out what this area is. The base of the nose is the place that is closest to the eyebrows; it is the place that attracts attention first. We highlight the area with a lighter foundation, while masking the hump itself with a product about 2 shades darker. This is followed by light shading, and that’s it; outwardly the defect is practically invisible.

You can resort to other tactics. It will be based on a red herring. Concentrate the other person's attention on other parts of the face. Hide your nose. To do this, makeup artists advise using either bright lipstick, when the main detail is the lips, or beautiful eye makeup, so that they attract the eye. You can also divert attention to a luxurious high hairstyle, behind which the hump will simply get lost.

Special cosmetic facial gymnastics
Exercises that are designed with a specific purpose can also help significantly. In connection with our question, we are only interested in those that help smooth out the hump on the nose and make it less pronounced. Surprisingly, there is a whole complex that solves the problem. It was developed by Carol Maggio, and the technique received quite positive assessments from many world cosmetologists. Exercises help not only to cope with the hump, but also to tighten the skin, straighten the oval of the face, make it more contoured and beautiful. However, there is one thing. These exercises will not help you if the defect is formed not by cartilage, but by bone tissue. In this case, there is only one way - to the surgeon. Well, in all others, it’s worth a try.

So let's get started:

  1. Basic exercise: pull in your stomach as much as possible, while tensing your gluteal muscles and hips as much as possible. Use your thumb and index finger to firmly grasp the bridge of your nose. Now you should squeeze your nose, gently, carefully, but with effort. At the same time, lower the lip down. Let's relax. We repeat the exercise.
  2. Second exercise: press your index finger on the very tip of your nose so that the main respiratory organ rises up. Hold it in this position for about 10 seconds. Release and repeat again.
  3. The main condition: do gymnastics at least twice a day, every day, without forgetting about it. Only then, after some time, you will see a positive effect.

In addition to these methods, there is also an injection method. It can only be used by a medical specialist and only in a medical facility. Essentially, these are injections of hyaluronic acid or collagen, which tighten structures, smooth out the relief, and give the skin radiance and youth. In medicine, the procedure is called “filler injection.” It is carried out for everyone who has no contraindications.

In general, a hump on the nose is a certain highlight, a feature of your appearance. Maybe by getting rid of it, you will also get rid of a certain charm that is unique to you? Think about it! Well, we wish you good health and spectacular appearance!

Video: how to fix a hump on the nose at home

A hump on the nose is not a typical external feature of Europeans. Apparently, this fact has formed many people’s negative attitude towards this feature of the structure of the nose, which is considered an aesthetic defect that negatively affects a person’s self-esteem and general psychological state.

Causes of a hump on the nose

A nose with a hump can be either an individual congenital feature or a consequence. Nowadays, thanks to the achievements of modern plastic surgery, it is possible to quickly remove a hump on the nose.

A hump is more often present on narrow noses. In such cases, the hump is of practical importance, allowing you to maintain the capacity of the nasal passages, which are also narrow.

Structure of the nose

The bone and cartilage bases, together with the soft tissues covering them, form the shape of the nose that we have. The nose has a back (frontal surface), a base (horizontal surface) and two walls on the sides, thus, the nose in its structure is closest to a geometric figure - a tetrahedral prism.

The structure of the nose with a hump

The nasal ossicles and frontal processes of the maxillary bones form the bony base of the nose. The cartilaginous framework includes the unpaired cartilage of the nasal septum (its anterior edge forms the shape of the frontal surface of the nose). The lateral walls of the nose are formed by a bone base, complemented by small sesamoid and accessory cartilages, as well as lateral cartilages.

The individual shape of the nose is formed by a combination of the shapes of individual elements: the tip of the nose, the wings of the nose, the nostrils, the bridge of the nose and the bridge of the nose.

The nose is a particularly important part of the face, the most prominent; its shape and size serve to convey significant national characteristics and partially determine race.

Nose shape

The following are different nose shapes, How:

  • “Negroid” - a wide, fleshy nose with large nostrils

Negroid nose shape

  • “Mongoloid” - a small, flattened nose at the bridge of the nose

Mongoloid nose shape

  • “Caucasian” - large nose with a hump

Caucasian nose

  • “Roman” - a thin small nose with a noticeable hump

Roman nose

  • classic “Greek” - thin, even, straight nose, small wings of the nose

Greek nose

The variety of nose shapes can hardly be described: noses can be long, short, wide, narrow, with a hump, without a hump, with a straight profile, snub, convex, wavy, and so on.

Wide noses, as a rule, do not have a hump. A hump is more often present on narrow noses. In such cases, the hump is of practical importance, allowing you to maintain the capacity of the nasal passages, which are also narrow. In such situations, plastic surgery to remove a hump on the nose can lead to such unpleasant consequences as breathing problems.

"Caucasian" nose with a hump

Methods for removing a hump on the nose

Currently, removing a hump on the nose is possible in two ways:

  • Surgical method
  • The surgical method involves. It is performed under general anesthesia. During the operation, the doctor peels off the soft tissue through incisions inside the nasal passages and approaches the hump directly. Then the cartilage is removed and the bone tissue is sawed off. After this, the doctor fixes the tissues in the new position. After this, a plaster cast is applied to the nose for a week and a half, and tampons are placed in the nasal passages.

Photos before and after surgery to remove a hump on the nose

  • Non-surgical rhinoplasty
  • This

Many of us, looking in the mirror, consider the nose to be the biggest flaw on our face. Most often, the cause of dissatisfaction is a hump on the bridge of the nose. Exactly how many of us? Such a calculation, unfortunately, has not been published as a percentage, however, doctors did this for the statisticians.

According to plastic surgeons, one of the most common operations in their clinics is nose correction. Rhinoplasty surgeons confirm that it is the hump that most often displeases people. By standing out, it can spoil the profile of the face, visually enlarge features or distort proportions. Let's take a closer look at whether it is possible to fix the nose, whether it is safe and what effective methods exist.

Causes of hump appearance

Before going into the question of whether it is possible to remove a hump on the nose and the details of correcting the defect of interest, let’s figure out why it actually appears. Unevenness in the bridge of the nose appears due to the specific structure and formation of cartilaginous tissue in this area. According to its properties, it can be either acquired or congenital.

So, there are the following prerequisites for the appearance of unevenness:

  • The most common is genetic inheritance. This applies to Middle Asian appearance, but does not bypass representatives of other nationalities, those whose parents also had an unevenness on the bridge of their nose;
  • Glasses with rough and heavy frames - if you wear them for a long time, the mass puts pressure on the bridge of the nose and deforms the osteochondral tissues;
  • Injury to the nose, after which the cartilage tissues have grown together incorrectly.

As a rule, this problem worries women more than men. At the same time, the last of the reasons is more often characteristic of the stronger half of humanity.

Is it possible to remove a hump on the nose without surgery?

Since this defect is formed at the level of bone tissue, you will not be able to remove a hump on your nose at home. External intervention for full straightening is mandatory.

Therefore, think carefully, does this little hump really spoil the picture so much?

In many cases, a twist in the profile, on the contrary, gives piquancy and effect to the facial features. Just remember the sculptural profiles of great people - N. Gogol or Aristotle! And besides, while it is present on the face, the hump may seem unnecessary and deforming to you. However, it is quite possible that once you get rid of it, your appearance will lose its individuality.

Moreover, to get rid of a hump, you will have to resort to plastic surgery, and this is a huge expense. And the rehabilitation period will be accompanied by not the most pleasant sensations - pain and swelling. Before the light sees your new profile, it will also see your swollen and bandaged face for a long time. In addition, external intervention in the structure of bone tissue is not always as successful as we would like. However, if your desire is unshakable and you don’t want to do without alignment surgery, consider the existing options.

The method is radical, facial plastic surgery, and in this case, rhinoplasty. This method of eliminating shortcomings is the most popular today, however, it is no less risky. Since this is still a surgical procedure, there is a risk of damage to the breathing membranes, which will prevent the passage of oxygen. Therefore, before deciding on this method, consult an ENT doctor. There are people with congenital defects of the respiratory tract and such an operation may be contraindicated for them.

An innovative method – contour plastic surgery. This type of plastic surgery has a slightly different approach to correction - by injection, some parts of the face are filled with filler.

The tip of the nose is often corrected in a similar way, and less often, an unevenness on the bridge of the nose is corrected.

A significant disadvantage of this method is its fragility - after two years, the filler dissolves and the facial contour returns to its previous shape.

However, on the other hand, if the straight features are not beneficial to the profile, then returning to the previous outline will be just in time.

However, only read what is actually written as dialogue - a simple comment “this and that clinic is good and they have discounts” will most likely be a common marketing ploy.

Exercises to correct the defect

For those who are dissatisfied with the profile of their face, but still do not dare to undergo drastic surgical methods, we will give ways to reduce unevenness in the hollow of the nose at home. Since the convexity in this part of the face causes a noticeable resonance among many, and especially among the fair sex, a whole technique has been developed to eliminate this defect.

There are a number of exercises to remove a hump on the nose, which are based on developing muscles. The fact is that to eliminate this defect, you need to train the nasal muscles. This helps strengthen and maintain muscle tone. Small specific physical activities correct the shape of the nose, make it less wide or slightly reduce its size.

The most effective and widespread set of exercises today was developed by facial gymnastics specialist Carol Maggio.

It is noteworthy that she tested the effectiveness of these exercises on herself, since she used surgery for correction, which was not very successful.

  • No. 1. The exercise does not require much effort - you can do it before bed or standing, or even just walking down the street. Place your index finger on the tip of your nose. Press it down so that it lifts up slightly. At this time, pull your upper lip along your lower lip and lower your nostrils down. In this case, the end of the nose will move downwards under the resistance of the index finger. Try to hold this position for a few seconds. It is important that your breathing does not falter during the exercise and remains even.

After performing gymnastics, your lips should be relaxed. Repeat this exercise 35 times a day. You can divide this amount into two sessions: morning and evening exercises. In this case, the results will be more noticeable.

  • No. 2. In addition to the first exercise, the following gymnastics can be used, designed to slightly shorten the nose. Its essence is that by narrowing and shortening the nasal muscles, the unevenness on the bridge of the nose can be made less visible.

It is worth doing the following:

  • pull in your stomach, tensing your abdominal muscles;
  • Tighten the anterior muscles of the thighs and buttocks;
  • grab the bridge of your nose with two fingers and press;
  • with your other hand (second finger), lightly press on the tip of your nose and do the same as in the first exercise;
  • It takes no more than a second to remain in this position, then relax the muscles;
  • The gymnastic complex should be performed 4 dozen times a day.

There is another method of correcting a bulge on the bridge of the nose - massage. However, the problem is that you won’t be able to remove the hump on your nose with a massage as in the previous methods at home. To do this, you should go to a corrective clinic and undergo a specialized massage complex.

Representatives of the fair sex always strive to look attractive.

But what to do if the ideal image is spoiled by an ugly hump on the nose? We'll fix everything!

There are several ways to correct the shape of the nose, both radical surgical methods and safer ones that can be performed at home.

Reasons for appearance

It is widely believed that the appearance of a hump on the nose is a manifestation of genetic heredity. In fact, this symptom can also be acquired.

The main reasons for the appearance of an aesthetic problem:

  1. Heredity. A hump on the nose can be “transmitted” from parents to children. Also, this shape of the nose may indicate that a person belongs to the nations for which it is characteristic.
  2. Injury. Since the nasal bones are thin and fragile, even a minor blow or injury is enough to stimulate the growth of cartilage tissue and cause aesthetic defects.
  3. Destructive changes in osteochondral tissue. Considering that the nose has a very complex structure, disturbances in its structure can occur without injury. Pathologies appear after various kinds of diseases and health problems.
  4. Physical impact. The hump may take the form of a cartilaginous subcutaneous growth, which is formed as a result of prolonged exposure to the surface of the bridge of the nose. For example, after wearing glasses with heavy frames for a long time, this unsightly defect is formed at the site of rubbing with structural elements.

You need to understand that the method of correcting the defect should be chosen depending on the background history of the appearance of the hump.

In some cases, restoring the aesthetics of the nose is only possible through surgery.


Plastic surgery is an extremely complex surgical process, which also includes certain elements of creativity.

The doctor needs to solve the aesthetic problem, while maintaining the full functionality of the respiratory organ.

Rhinoplasty is indicated for patients with the following problems:

  • congenital deformity in the form of a hump on the nose;
  • the appearance of a defect after physical trauma;
  • unsuccessful operation requiring adjustments;
  • the hump looks like a bone growth.

In the case of physical trauma, in addition to rhinoplasty, septoplasty is usually performed - restoring the shape of the nasal septum.

It should be noted that the operation to correct the shape of the nose is one of the most difficult, and therefore must be performed exclusively by a highly qualified specialist.


Rhinoplasty is not available to everyone, and has a certain list of contraindications, which are divided into absolute and relative.

Absolute, completely excluding any surgical intervention:

  • various chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • cutaneous tuberculosis;
  • venereal diseases;
  • immune system disorders;
  • hepatitis;
  • allergic reactions that can cause complications after surgery;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • mental disorders characterized by impaired perception of reality;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic organs.

Relative contraindications, the elimination of which allows rhinoplasty or other procedures to be performed:

  • infectious diseases and colds;
  • inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes and sinuses;
  • acute and chronic rhinitis;
  • inflammatory processes of the skin at the site of rhinoplasty;
  • the patient's age is under 18 years or over 50.

All possible contraindications are determined during the first visit to the specialist’s office, when a preliminary examination is performed.

The patient undergoes laboratory tests, takes necessary x-rays, and in some cases undergoes a CT scan to obtain three-dimensional pictures of the sinuses.

Surgical intervention

A defect on the nose in the form of a hump is formed from bone and cartilage tissue. Accordingly, during a surgical operation, both bone and cartilage elements are removed. The procedure is performed using an open method under local or general anesthesia.

A typical rhinoplasty operation usually includes the following steps:

  1. An incision is made above the bridge of the nose. The required area of ​​hard tissue is cleared for surgeon access.
  2. Gradual separation of cartilage elements. In fact, this step is performed “by eye” of a specialist, since it is difficult to determine in advance the number of cartilaginous structures to be removed. The work is carried out until the desired result is achieved.
  3. Using a special chisel and a surgical file, elements of bone tissue are separated. After this, incisions can be made on the lateral slopes of the nose to give a more aesthetic shape.
  4. When all procedures are completed, the incisions are closed and cosmetic stitches are applied.
  5. The last step is to apply a plaster cast for several days.

The entire operation takes about 2 hours.


During the recovery period, it is extremely important to follow the recommendations, strict adherence to which minimizes the occurrence of any possible complications:

  • For the first time after the operation, you need to stay in bed;
  • any sudden movements are excluded before the sutures are removed;
  • the patient should be in a state of complete rest as much as possible;
  • during sleep, the head should be positioned as high as possible to reduce blood flow to the operation area;
  • You need to sleep exclusively on your back to avoid possible injury to the operated nose;
  • given the pain of the postoperative period, the doctor prescribes painkillers for the patient during this time;
  • to avoid possible infection, the patient is also prescribed a course of antibiotics;
  • in the first month after the operation, strong physical activity is excluded;
  • It is prohibited to visit baths, saunas, solariums or similar establishments;
  • alcohol consumption is excluded;
  • Avoid eating excessively hot or cold foods.

Sutures are removed within a week after surgery. And if rhinoplasty is performed by a qualified specialist, the effects of surgery disappear after six months.

Find out how the operation to remove a hump is performed in the video.

Using a laser

Laser rhinoplasty is an alternative to the traditional procedure. The difference is that a laser beam is used instead of a conventional scalpel.

However, the laser can only help patients with pathology of cartilage tissue, and is powerless against bone defects.

The essence of the method is that a laser beam polishes the surface of curved cartilage, making it less convex due to thermal effects, while simultaneously sealing damaged blood vessels. As a result, no blood.

The laser rhinoplasty procedure is performed in aesthetic surgery clinics.


  • complete absence of postoperative scars and marks;
  • no anesthesia required, only application of local anesthetic gel;
  • the operation is painless;
  • there is practically no rehabilitation period.

In the case of a classic rhinoplasty procedure, the laser can also only be used as a scalpel to make skin incisions.

This allows you to speed up the healing of postoperative sutures and reduce their visibility.

Applying makeup

It is not at all necessary to correct the defect surgically if the hump is insignificant. You can simply properly disguise it with applied makeup.

Contouring is used by lightening or darkening certain areas of the face.

For high-quality camouflage you need:

  • foundation, one tone darker than skin color;
  • foundation, one shade lighter;
  • powder having a shade slightly lighter than the light foundation used;
  • highlighter.

We arm ourselves with everything necessary and perform actions in the following order:

  1. A natural, normal tone is applied to the face.
  2. The sides of the nose and wings are powdered with highlighter.
  3. The base of the nose, located between the eyebrows, is treated with light powder.
  4. Dark foundation is applied directly to the hump and only to it.
  5. Using a soft sponge, shade the boundaries of the applied foundation until the transitions become invisible.

The procedure must be performed carefully to create a natural effect.

To understand how to apply makeup correctly, you can watch several video tutorials from professional makeup artists.

Cosmetic gymnastics

The method is suitable for eliminating a defect formed, for example, as a result of wearing glasses.

Cartilage tissue is amenable to physical influence, and special cosmetic gymnastics will completely restore the aesthetic appearance.

However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the procedure takes a long time and requires considerable patience.

The gymnastic complex includes the following exercises:

  1. The tip of the nose is raised up with a finger, and the lower lip is pulled down at this time. At this time, you need to pull in your stomach and tighten the muscles of your thighs and buttocks. The cycle lasts 20 seconds and is repeated 30 times.
  2. The bridge of the nose is pinched with the second hand on both sides, and then the first exercise is repeated.
  3. The pad of the thumb presses on the hump for as long as possible. The more often and longer, the better.

The method is convenient because the exercises can be performed at any time and anywhere. To quickly achieve good results, it is recommended to perform gymnastics at least twice a day.

Filler injections

Despite the name, the method is not a type of surgical removal of the hump. Filler injection is a cosmetic procedure that involves injecting drugs under the skin to fill the area immediately below the hump.

Thus, the soft tissue area is raised and the line of the nose is straightened.

The following materials are used as preparations for administration:

  • various types of medical silicone;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen;
  • material taken from the subcutaneous fat layer.

The last procedure is called lipolifting, and is the safest in terms of the type of material introduced under the skin, since possible allergic reactions are completely eliminated.

The procedure takes no more than 20 minutes, and after it is completed the patient immediately goes home.

The negative side of the procedure is its fragility, since the injected drug is absorbed by the body, and the hump appears again. On average, the effect lasts no more than 18 months.


Procedures for correcting the aesthetic defect of the nose in the form of a hump can hardly be called accessible, except, perhaps, for a one-time disguise using makeup or special gymnastics.

The filler injection service will cost, on average, 20 thousand rubles. In this case, the effect of the procedure is temporary and requires repetition.

To solve the problem completely and permanently, it is recommended to undergo a surgical rhinoplasty or laser rhinoplasty procedure.

A traditional operation will cost, depending on the type of complexity, from 21 to 50 thousand rubles. At the same time, less traumatic laser rhinoplasty has a price tag of 45-70 thousand rubles.

It should be noted that the price tag of the operation depends on the choice of the clinic where the procedure will be performed and the qualifications of the doctor.

In this case, saving money and turning to dubious specialists with low prices may not play the best role in restoring the aesthetics of the nose. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to doctors with excellent recommendations.

In the video, a specialist explains when to resort to surgery and when it is not necessary.