Vowel letters and vowel sounds (Weak and strong reduction). Graphic arts. Spelling. Principles of Russian spelling

Vowels in the Russian language are few in number, but there are quite a lot of spelling rules concerning them. These letters occur in different parts of the word and in combination with different consonants. Vowels after sibilants cause particular difficulties. There are quite a lot of rules here, we will try to systematize them and give specific examples. The iotated vowel also causes a lot of controversy. After a vowel of this kind, as a rule, a disjunctive is written. Usually, the spelling is considered to be the letter that is in a weak position (i.e., under stress), however, in combination with sibilants, a strong position can raise many questions. Therefore, we will analyze the rules for vowels in both strong and weak positions.

Yotated vowels

First, let's look at what an iotated vowel is. After a vowel, at the beginning of a word, or before a hard or soft sign, similar letters are pronounced with the sound [th] at the beginning: [yo]zh (hedgehog), vran’[yo] (lies), ple[ya]da (pleiad).

This e, e, yu, i, and And. The last vowel after a vowel has an iotated design, as well as at the beginning of a word, but not after soft and hard signs. For example, Zina[y]da (Zinaida), but [and] grief.

E after a vowel it also gives an iotated sound: po[ye]hal, vo[ye]ny.

Letters a, y after sibilants

The use of the term "sibilant consonants" is quite common. What does it mean? These are the sounds that, when articulated, are accompanied by a characteristic hissing design. This f, w, sch, h, c.

It should be said that initially they had a pair in softness or were always hard, but with the development of language they either lost the pair (for example, [zh], [sh]) or from originally hard they became soft ([h]).

This explains the vowel that comes after them. A standing sibilant after a vowel, as a rule, does not affect anything. So, after hissing words it is always written only A or at(use I or Yu considered a gross error). For example: Jacqueline, jasmine, creepy, screw, shawl, sorrel, pike, thicket, seagull, heron, tsunami.

This rule does not apply to words of foreign origin, some surnames and toponyms: brochure, Jules, Qianjian, parachute, jury, Kotsyubinsky, Steponavichyus.

Spelling and, s after sibilants

It should be remembered that after all hissing sounds, except ts, only a letter is written And. A vowel can be followed by any consonant or other

For example: fat, animal, life, wide, fascist, kids, shield, raincoats, breams, cleaning, swords, read.

There are exceptions to the rule, they relate to proper names, they can be written s. For example, the Vietnamese name Truong.

And or s in combination with c

Let's figure out which vowels should be written after ts. Letter s is written in the following cases:

  1. If it comes at the end of a noun or adjective. For example: three capitals, brave fellows, short fur, narrow-faced man, pickled cucumbers.
  2. In proper and common nouns with the suffix -yn or -tsyn-: Tsaritsyno, Golitsyn, fox tail, marten fur.
  3. In some exception words: gypsy (and all its derivatives), chicken, chuck, tiptoe.

In surnames And or s after ts is not regulated by the rule, only by title documents, which indicate the correct spelling. Let's say in the surnames Kunitsyn, Staritsyn are written s, and Yeltsin or Vitsin must be written through And.

Now let's look at cases when after ts required to consume And. These are all those that do not fall under the rules listed above.

  • Word roots (except for the exceptions listed in paragraph 3 of the previous rule). For example: figure, circus, tsigeika, specific, cylinder, Tsiolkovsky, vaccine.
  • Suffixes of foreign language origin: constitution, revolution, organization, interpretation, medicine, routing, calcite.
  • It is also written as a link between parts of a compound word and in abbreviations And: All-Russian Central Executive Committee, special interview, blitzinform.

Impact position o, e in combination with hissing

In a strong position to convey the sound [e] after hissing ones you should write e. For example: pearl, tin, whispers, rustle, crack, rubble, target, hundredweight, jaw, honor.

Vowels o/e after the hissing ones, they obey their own rules.

First, let's look at when to write O.

  1. If it is part of the ending of nouns or adjectives (barzhoy, mezhoy, shoulder, gun, stranger, big), as well as a suffix of adverbs: hot, fresh.
  2. If is a suffix of a noun. Let us list the variants of such morphemes: -ok- (buddy, circle, pie, jump); -onk- (little book, little piece of paper, little money, girls, boys, barrels); -onok-/-chonok- (barrel, little pebble, little hare, little badger); -onysh (as a rule, these are colloquial words: uzhonysh, little one); -ovk- (raincoat, combat jacket, small items); -about- (slum, thicket); -otk- (ratchet) and the last suffix -ovshchin- requires an ending A: stabbing.
  3. If it is -ov-: penny, walrus, brocade. This also includes nouns derived from these words that end in she -ovka-/-ovnik-: tsynovnik, parchovka, groshovka, grushovka, rechovka. The suffix -ov- is also often found in surnames. Here it is worth focusing on the documents given at birth. So, it can be written Borschov and Borshchev, Khrushchov and Khrushchev, Kumachov or Kumachev.
  4. If it is an adverb or adjective with the suffix -okhonk-: small (small), svezhokhonky (freshly). These words are colloquial.
  5. If is fluent in nouns and adverbs: zhor (eat); burn (burn); trouble (rozhon); intestines (kishok - genitive case).
  6. If the word is borrowed and the vowels after the sibilants are in its root: joker, shorts, anchovy, major, Joyce (proper names also obey this rule).

When should you write e under stress?

Let us list the cases when in the root after a hissing word one should write e:

O and e in unstressed position

Regarding spelling O or e in an unstressed position, then you need to remember that in a weak position you should write the letter that is heard in a strong one. This applies to both roots: tin - tin; wool - wool; turn yellow - yellow; and suffixes: key, raincoat, scourge; and endings: husband, watchman, redhead.

You should remember foreign words in which it is written in an unstressed position O: majordomo, highway, shock, lecho, Chopin, poncho, banjo and others. Their spelling should be checked with a spelling dictionary.

O and e in combination with c

After the letter ts in a weak position O And e are checked by a strong position: tsedit - tsedit, censorship - censor, workshop - workshop. Also: pepper, fighting, pollen.

Words of foreign origin may contain unstressed O after ts: mezzo, scherzo, duke.

Tskokat is spelled through O(clatter).

The lack of complete correspondence between the phonetic and graphic appearance of a word creates difficulties in morphemic analysis both in school and university educational practice. We are talking primarily about iotated vowels, which, being located on morphemic seams, make the latter “opaque.”

The distinction between letters and sounds, which received scientific permission by the end of the 19th century, has not yet become a necessary component of the knowledge of the educated part of Russian speakers. The problem, solved by phonetics, phonology and graphics and constantly solved when teaching these sections of the curriculum, turned out to be beyond attention when studying the facts of word formation and morphology both at the university and at school.

The discrepancy between phonetic and graphic design reveals itself already in the very method of written representation of morphemes. So, for example, when designating suffixes of present participles -ashch (-box), -ushch (-yushch) it does not take into account that the graphic options for the names of morphemes taken in brackets reflect different phonetic situations: on the one hand, praying, struggling, where iotized letters denote one sound (respectively [a], [y]) and the softness of the preceding consonant sounds (phonemes); on the other side, standing, capable, where the same iotated letters designate two sounds (respectively [ya], [yu]).

All this makes it quite obvious that there is a need for a rule (algorithm) that would help determine the boundaries of the morphemes of a sounding word in a situation of graphic and phonetic discrepancy without resorting to reference literature. This rule can be formulated as follows:

An iotated vowel letter located on a morpheme suture in a graphic position after the vowel letter and the separating soft sign denotes -j-, referring to the preceding morpheme.

The scope of application of this rule is the post-root part of the word, because morphemic boundaries located in front of the root are not darkened.

The post-root part is associated with the formation of the paradigm of the word and, therefore, first of all, the distinction between the stem and inflection, for which almost the only guide is the definition of the stem and inflection as, respectively, an unchangeable and changeable part of the word. This rule, addressed to the phonetic side of the word, does not contain a special clause in this regard and applies to the graphic word. As a result of this, a graphic base and a graphic ending are identified, which may or may not coincide with the corresponding phonetic parts of the word. The reason for this discrepancy is the presence of iotized letters in the Russian alphabet e, e, i, yu, i, which, depending on the graphic position in relation to other letters in the word, can denote either one sound (one phoneme) or two sounds (two phonemes). So, for example, in cases will, vo[l"]i, vo[l"]th; ve[l"]-yu, ve[l"]-ish, ve[l"]-yat the graphic basis quantitatively corresponds to the phonetic one, since the iotated letters assigned to the graphic ending in the graphic position after the consonant letter indicate the softness of the preceding consonant sound (phoneme) and one vowel sound (phoneme). By analogy with the above facts, they often divide words and forms like white, white, white, white, white, (o) white; by-yu, by-eat, by-eat,no-yut, without thinking about the fact that in this case there is both a graphical basis and a graphical one; inflection are not equal to the corresponding parts of the spoken word form, since the iotated letters included in the graphic inflection are in a graphic position or after the separating soft sign (linen), or after a vowel (singing) denote two sounds (phonemes) - a combination of iota with one or another vowel sound (phoneme). In such a situation, the morphemic boundary between the phonetic base and the phonetic inflection lies “under the letter.” The consonant [j] refers to the unchangeable part of a phonetic word.

"/To eliminate “graphic blindness” it should be recommended to use one affix name both in oral and written speech, the one, naturally, that is more consistent with its phonemic-sound composition. When asked what suffix or ending there is in word forms singing, flying, should be followed by the answer: suffix -ush- in first and second word; V land, army ending -And And etc. Some difficulty in this sense is presented by affixes starting with the letter e and not having a graphic correspondence with the letter uh, for example, in words like sea, meaning, cookies, read, read, explored, seen etc. Apparently, it is acceptable to write something like -e, -eat, -e, -eat-, -enn-, but should be pronounced accordingly -[e], -[e]sh, -[e]te,-[e]l, -[e]nk- (however, in our opinion, it is still preferable to recommend a spelling that matches the pronunciation: -uh, -esh, -here, -ann-).

As for the letter And, then it does not create problems in this regard, since when written separately or at the absolute beginning of a graphic word, which includes the names of morphemes, it denotes one sound (the endings of nouns -them, -them, -them, verbs -ish, -ite etc.). The non-pronunciation of the sound [j] ([и]) at the beginning of the names of Russian morphemes corresponds to their phonemic-phonetic structure: in the Russian literary language there are practically no morphemes that begin with the indicated sound (although there is a suffix -j-: tree-j- a], count-j- a], beast- etc.). The only exception is the ending of nouns of the 3rd declension in the instrumental case, it begins with the sound [j]: life-yu(j)y]), power-yu, night-yu.

However, the picture of the correlation between the graphic and phonetic form of a word will be incomplete if we do not continue the conversation about the features of the phonemic-phonetic meaning of the letter And. The phonetic situation in the post-root part of the word in the place of this letter, located on the morphemic seams, is somewhat different from that which is observed in the place of other iotated letters in the same position. So, for example, in the words repent, pray, fear, sing when pronouncing them, we quite clearly sense the presence of the sound [j] before vowel sounds ([ya], [ye], [yu], [yo]) in place of iotated letters. But before the sound [and] the consonant yot is not pronounced. In the form of the nominative pad. plural pronouns my letter And in a graphic position after a vowel, i.e. where all other iotated vowel letters denote two sounds, it denotes only one. The question arises: where did the yot disappear and did it disappear? In fact, it is pronounced in the form im.pad. units my, in other forms of this pronoun, cf.: my, mine, mine. It turns out that the yot before [and] behaves in the same way as the unpronounceable consonants in the following words: in late not pronounced [d], in messenger [t], in Sun [l], etc. To write these words correctly, we turn to the test words: be late, news, sunshine, in which the presence of the sounds listed above is beyond doubt. The same should be done in the case of the form my. Presence of iota in form my, designated by the letter And, allows you to place yot in a series of verifiable unpronounceable consonants, from which the phoneme yot differs only in that it is not indicated by a separate letter before the vowels.

At the letter And There is one more individual feature. The fact is that And in the position after a vowel, unlike other iotated vowel letters, it does not always mean yot, i.e. may not have a biphonemic meaning at all in the indicated graphic position, therefore the rule proposed in the work should be applied to the named letter, taking into account possible exceptions. So, in derived words with suffixes like -ist, -irova-, -ism meaning And determined by the presence/absence of a motivating basis, for example: hockey player (hockey), lyceum student (lyceum), heroize (hero), escort (convoy), Where And on the border of morphemes it means yot, cf.: essayist (essay), judoka (judo), interview (interview), Where And denotes one vowel sound, although the pronunciation in one and the other case is exactly the same. Letter And has a monophonemic meaning in words with related roots and the same suffixes: theism(compare with its derivative: te-ist), altruism(cf.: altru-ist), evacuate(cf.: evacuation), repatriate(cf.: repatriation) etc. However, cases when And in the graphic position under consideration at the junction of morphemes does not denote iota, they are quite rare, we are talking about a relatively small number of predominantly borrowed words.

And only in one graphic position - after the separating b letter And, finally, it “behaves” at morphemic boundaries in exactly the same way as all other iotated letters, i.e. always denotes a phoneme and its sound implementation: sparrowj-and], bearish[j-and], fox[j-their,wolf[j-them,jumper[j-k], var[j-i]tify and so on.

Thus, the scope of application of the iotated letter rule proposed in the work in morphemic analysis is very wide. It allows, without resorting to reference manuals, to accurately determine the presence at the boundaries of morphemes “closed” by iotized letters on the letter. It is based on the well-known positional (syllabic) principle of Russian graphics. We are talking about a way to update knowledge of phonetics and graphics when studying grammar facts. The proposed rule is not theoretical, but methodological in nature and aims to establish continuity in the teaching of phonetics and grammar both at school and at university. The problem is not new, but still relevant to the topic of the day.


Continuation. See No. 39, 43, 47/2003 and No. 3/2004

Graphic arts. Spelling.
Principles of Russian spelling

Compact theme No. 5

Graphic arts

Everyone knows that there are two forms of language - written and spoken. Any language initially exists in oral form, and at a certain stage of its development writing appears. The theory of writing is divided into two components - graphics And spelling.

Graphics is called a set of descriptive means of a particular letter. It includes not only letters, but also punctuation marks, accents, hyphens, apostrophe, paragraph marks, spaces, as well as various font emphases (bold, italics, underlines). Graphics establish certain correspondences between sounds and letters. Letters- these are the signs that we we write and read. Sounds We pronounce and hear.

A set of letters arranged in a certain order is called alphabet. Word alphabet comes from the name of the Greek letters alpha And beta(in modern Greek the second letter is called vita). The Russian word corresponds to it ABC, formed from the name of the first two letters of the Slavic alphabet - az And beeches.

There are 6 vowel sounds in the Russian language, and 10 letters; consonants – 36, letters – 21, two letters – ъ And b - do not represent sounds.

The first Slavic alphabet was created in 863 (or 855) by the Greeks Cyril and his brother Methodius (“first Slavic teachers”). Many researchers believe that it was Glagolitic (from Old Church Slavonic verb‘speech’) is an alphabet that looks like Greek cursive.

And the modern Russian alphabet goes back to another ancient Slavic alphabet - the Cyrillic alphabet, which was compiled by the brothers' students on the basis of the Greek (Byzantine) ceremonial letter. To convey sounds that were not in Greek, they introduced new letters. Many Cyrillic letters also stand for numbers, for example: A (az) – 1, d (good) – 4.

Yotated vowels

Among the vowels there are four letters: e , e , Yu , I , - which are called iotized, since they can denote two sounds at once, including the sound yot - j. These letters do not always represent two sounds, but only in three positions:

1) at the beginning of a word: spruce, Christmas tree, spinning top, pit;

2) after a vowel: ate[pagel], my[majo], I'm digging[poju], May[maja];

3) after separators ъ And b signs: traveling[razjest], climb[padjom], snowstorm[v’juga], monkey[abiz'jana].


1. In which words the number of letters and the number of sounds do not match?

1) Volume; 2) reception; 3) howls; 4) blows; 5) sew; 6) sing; 7) sowed; 8) flaw.

(Answer: 2, 4, 6, 7.)

2. Determine: which words have more sounds than letters?

1) Apple; 2) pleasant; 3) subject; 4) poet; 5) sings; 6) chandelier.

(Answer: 1, 2, 5.)

3. Determine: in which words the number of sounds and letters coincides?

1) Soy; 2) actor; 3) clear; 4) pedestal; 5) plot; 6) skirt.

(Answer: 2, 4, 5.)

Indication of softness of consonants in writing

Hard and soft consonant sounds in Russian are expressed in writing using the same letters. This means that there must be a way to show the hardness - softness of a consonant sound. Yotated vowels e, e, yu, i, and and: onion[onion] , hatch[onion], small[small], crumpled[m'al], soaped[soap], nice[m’il] – after a consonant, the softness of the preceding consonant and the corresponding vowel are indicated.

When it is necessary to indicate the softness of a consonant not before a vowel, but at the end of a word or before a subsequent consonant, a soft sign is used - b : chalk - stranded, horse - horse, weight - all; earring, sick, very.

Many manuals give an incorrect formulation of the function of iotated vowels: it is written there that they soften the preceding consonant. It is advisable to give students a clear idea that letters are signs that are signals of the softness of the preceding consonant, and not the reason that causes this softness.


Spelling(from the Greek orthos ‘correctly’ and graphо ‘I write’) is a historically established system of rules establishing the spelling of words. In school practice we often use the term spelling(from Greek orthos ‘correct’ and gramma ‘letter’), it denotes spellings determined by spelling rules.

The theory of Russian spelling began to take shape back in the 18th century. V.K. made a great contribution to its formation. Trediakovsky, M.V. Lomonosov, Y.K. Groth, F.F. Fortunatov.

Modern Russian spelling is based on the Code of Rules published in 1956. The rules of the Russian language are reflected in Russian grammars and spelling dictionaries. Special school spelling dictionaries are published for schoolchildren.

Language changes as society changes. Many new words and expressions, both our own and borrowed, appear. The rules for writing new words are established by the Spelling Commission and recorded in spelling dictionaries. The most complete modern spelling dictionary was compiled under the editorship of the spelling scientist Vladimir Vladimirovich Lopatin (M., 2000).

Principles of Russian spelling

The basic principle of Russian spelling is morphemic, in some manuals it is called morphological. Its essence lies in the fact that each morpheme is written uniformly regardless of pronunciation. The following rules are based on this principle: the spelling of unstressed vowels in the root, the spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants in the root, the spelling of most prefixes and suffixes.

When the choice of letter cannot be verified by a strong position, since there is no such thing in the modern language, the word is written in accordance with tradition, and its spelling is determined by the dictionary. In these cases it appears traditional principle of Russian spelling. The following rules are based on it: spelling of unchecked and alternating vowels and consonants in the root, spelling of vowels after hissing and ts , consumption b after sibilants, continuous and separate spelling of adverbs, adverbial combinations and some prepositions, spelling of the endings of masculine adjectives r.p. units h. -Wow and etc.

Phonetic the principle is that the spelling corresponds to the pronunciation; there are few rules that are based on this principle: spelling prefixes in salary, as well as the vowel in the prefix once-/rose-, spelling and/s at the root after consonant prefixes.

In addition, spelling establishes the rules for continuous, separate and hyphenated writing, word hyphenation, as well as the use of upper and lowercase letters.


1. Indicate words in which the vowel is written in accordance with the traditional principle of Russian spelling:

1) spoon; 2) cup; 3) mug; 4) bump; 5) book; 6) toy.

(Clue: h – always a soft consonant in Russian, w – always hard; answer: 2, 4.)

1) grass; 2) concrete; 3) screen; 4) loaf; 5) carriage; 6) pasture.

(Answer: 2, 4, 5.)

2. Indicate words whose spelling is based on the phonetic principle of Russian spelling:

1) mediocre; 2) brave; 3) infertile; 4) suitable; 5) retarded; 6) detailed.

1) background; 2) draw; 3) representative; 4) schedule; 5) flirt; 6) receipt.

(Answer: 1, 2, 4, 6.)

3. Indicate the words whose spelling is based on the morphemic principle of Russian orthography:

1) die; 2) peaceful; 3) play out; 4) selection.

4. Find words in the sentence where the letter T means the sound [d].

We turned from the road to the forester's hut, where we hoped to rest and warm up..

(Answer: oh[d]roads, oh[d]breathe.)

Marina Vladimirovna Chekanova
Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Iotated vowels”

Chekanova M.V., teacher – speech therapist


Preparatory group

Subject: « Yotated vowels»

Target: systematize children’s knowledge about iotated vowels EYYUYA at the beginning of a word in a strong position.



The ability to identify sounds at the beginning of a word in a strong position, denoting a combination of sounds letters.

Correctional and developmental:

Develop phonemic awareness through differentiation iotated vowels;

Develop the articulatory apparatus and fine motor skills of the fingers with the help of gymnastics with bioenergoplasty.


Develop the ability to answer fully, listen to the answers of your comrades.


Verbal – conversation, explanation.

Visual – multimedia presentation, sound stones, syllables, elements letters, house models with letters E,Yo,Yu,I

Practical - performing articulations. exercises, tasks to determine the sequence of sounds, syllables; construction letters.


Health-saving (articulation, breathing exercises, physical exercises)

Computer techologies (slide presentation)

Gaming (didactic games, verbal)

Progress of direct educational activities

Introductory part.

Guests have come to us, let's say hello to them.

How else can you say hello?

Good afternoon, hello, hello, nice to meet you

And yogis, for example, say hello in this position. (slide)

Who are yogis?

Let's work like yogis, only not with our feet, but with our hands and our tongues.

Articulation gymnastics

Main part.

1. Write a sentence about yogas. (SCHEME)

What does the proposal consist of? (The sentence consists of words)

How are words separated from each other? (Pauses. How many pauses, so many words)

2. Name a word that has the sound Y.

Name the first sound in the word YOGI.

Let's remember what he is like.

How vowels sounds different from consonant sounds?

Physical exercise.

Divide into two teams: Command I-short, command vowels.

In front of you are two trees - with red apples (articulation models vowels) and with green ones. Whose team will pick the apples faster?

The teams stand opposite each other, holding in their hands "sounds-apples"

Can we combine I - a short sound with vowels? (children's answers)

Let's find out

Look at the screen. Name the first sound in the word APPLES, the second.

Sounds of YA.

Come out those guys who have these in their hands "sounds - apples".

Same with others iotized letters


Skirt, sound YU.

Spruce, sound YE.

Conclusion: Has the i-short teamed up with vowels sounds at the beginning of a word?

What happens when we pronounce two sounds? (At first there is a slight obstacle, a stutter, and then the sound continues)

A game "Stutters"

In what cases did we hear 2 sounds in words?

3. Game “Let’s bring sounds into the house”.

Each house has its own name.

What sounds will we introduce into the house with letter I? (YA, Yo (YO, Yu (YU)

Conclusion: With which letters"friends" YA sounds (With letter I)

4. Game "Say the words"

Name words that begin with the sounds YA (apple, yacht, Yana, Yasha)

YO (hedgehog, hedgehog, tree, ruff)

JE (spruce, raccoon, food, Emelya)

YU (Julia, Yula, Yura, humor, young)

Final part.

Which letters are indicated by two sounds at the beginning of a word? (E,Y,Y,Y)

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a lesson on teaching reading and speech development to preschool children “Vowels and consonants” Topic: "Vowels and consonants." Word game. Fairy tale "Kuroch-ka-Ryaba". goal: consolidation of knowledge about the sounds of vowels and consonants, memorization.