Do cats feel when a person feels bad? How cats sense a person's imminent death. Toothed and clawed

Is it because we treat the cat family this way because the magic in one such fur ball is enough for a crowd of wizards and sorcerers?

Everyone knows the sacred cats of Egypt and the cats of Thailand, who guarded temples from plunder worse than a guard dog. They say that if a person with unclean thoughts entered the temple, the monks were not always able to save the wicked person from the angry mustachioed avengers.

It is no secret that the cat tribe protects humans from otherworldly forces and astral bodies, in exchange for shelter and food, of course. A cat rarely does anything for no reason, it’s worth watching your pet and it will become clear that no matter what place she chooses, no matter what she does, she does it for a specific purpose, sometimes known only to her.

What signs might there be that a cat has detected the presence or penetration of evil spirits?

Having sensed the presence of evil spirits, the cat peers for a long time, determines its essence and the presence of a threat. She may intentionally avoid a certain place in the house or, on the contrary, pay excessive attention to it.

A cat may suddenly hiss and bristle at its beloved owner if he himself brought negative energy into the house. You should definitely take a shower and wash your clothes, and also check whether you brought with you a borrowed item or an unpleasant gift from a person who may wish harm.

If a cat has refused its usual food or games, it is worth considering whether there is a guest in the house that it does not like or new objects that have come into the house from people with the evil eye.

Sometimes a cat just leaves the house. In some cases, she thus takes away negative energy with her, in others she simply cannot cope with what has settled in the house. If it so happens that the cat left the home on its own, it is worth carrying out a thorough energy cleaning of the house.

Actually, the cat chooses a new home according to one principle known to it. It is worth paying attention to when and how the cat came into the family. Perhaps one of the household members was in danger or the house needed changes. It happens that the house is closed from the outside world.

Its residents communicate with people, but do not open their hearts and souls to others, then a good-natured, sociable cat appears in the house, which constantly demands attention, welcomes guests and prefers noisy games. Very often, women who have experienced difficult breakups prefer to get a cat.

This is due to the fact that cats definitely feel feminine energy, they bestow their affection on those in need, but they can also bite out of the blue if the owner is thinking about a painful past. It may seem that the cat wanted attention and was acting out, but more likely her two-legged companion needed a distraction.

Needless to say, by paying attention to the strange and unusual behavior of your feline friend, you can save yourself from a lot of trouble, this is no longer a secret, it’s not for nothing that the ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians so valued these mysterious creatures, striving to lay at the feet of the owner or, even worse, on the master’s pillow.

Is it possible to sleep with a cat?

Scientists have proven that sleeping with someone is good for your health, so why not sleep with a cat?
Often pets are not prohibited from sleeping in the owner's bed. And some of them fundamentally ignore the cat beds purchased by bipeds. Some argue that a cat in bed can cause a variety of problems and illnesses.

In addition, cats are allegedly attracted to so-called zones of geopathic pressure, that is, natural radiation of the earth in places of faults. Such radiation is dangerous for the human body and can negatively affect brain activity, can cause sleep disturbances and, as a result, mental disorders.

Another opinion says that sleeping with a cat will certainly be bad, and in the morning you will experience fatigue and apathy, since the cat will drain vitality and energy during the night.

Fortunately, there are many opponents of such theories. Avid cat lovers all over the world unanimously say that until the moment a cat appeared in their lives, they had never slept so well as with a purring friend.

A cat, as is well known, can lull its owner to sleep, especially if it lies on him or cuddles up to him in his sleep. A cat in a strange way promotes relaxation and immersion in a deep, even sleep.

It has been proven that the sound waves emitted by representatives of the cat tribe have a beneficial effect on the emotional and psychological state of a person. Purring calms and pacifies, and also effectively fights insomnia of its owners.

In any case, everyone determines for themselves how to treat their four-legged friends. Although sometimes the decision to get a cat or not, to sleep with him or not, is not made by a person, but by his purring companion.

In many houses cats live next to people. And these cute fluffy creatures are able to tell their owners where negative energy accumulates in their home.

Even in ancient Egypt, the magical power inherent in this animal was known. Cats guarded temples and protected them from looting and desecration. The cat tribe tends to protect us humans from the influence of otherworldly forces. It is enough to observe the behavior of your furry pet to understand that she can see what is inaccessible to the human eye.

How to determine whether a cat in your house sees evil spirits or other inhabitants of the other world? Bioenergy therapists claim that this is not difficult to understand! The behavior of a cat is a kind of indicator of the presence of negative energy in the house. The animal, having sensed it, can stare at one point for a long time, while you yourself do not see anything suspicious or that could interest your pet. She not only feels, but also sees the energy threat.

The cat will either constantly avoid places that are an accumulation of negative energy in your home, or, conversely, pay special attention to them: hiss, raise its fur on end. A cat can easily identify things that have bad energy that can harm the owners of the house. She will rush at them, try to scratch and ruin them.

The cat behaves in a similar way towards people who come to your house with bad intentions. If your pet is extremely unfriendly towards the guest, take a closer look at him! He probably wishes you harm or is a carrier of negative energy. Animals, especially cats, are good at reading people and can distinguish who is good and who is bad. In the presence of bad people, cats may refuse to eat or play.

Sometimes the cat leaves the house. Most often this means that she took with her the negativity that was in him. If this happens, know that your pet took away the problems and illnesses that threatened you, thus cleaning your home.

Bioenergy therapists advise taking a closer look at the behavior of your pets. This can save you from various troubles. For example, if a cat throws itself at your feet when you are about to go somewhere, refuse the trip - it threatens you with trouble.

It's a bad sign if your cat goes to sleep on the table. This portends the loss of someone close.

There is a popular saying that a cat should not be allowed to sleep in the owner’s bed. This leads to illness, insomnia, fatigue and even mental disorders. Most cat lovers will disagree with this statement! On the contrary, sleep next to a purring pet, in their opinion, is more sound and calm. It has been scientifically proven that the sound waves emitted by baleen-striped animals during sleep have a calming, relaxing effect on people, promote deep, even sleep, and improve a person’s emotional and psychological state. Purring sounds have a calming effect on our brain. This is an excellent remedy for stress and insomnia! Many psychologists advise patients suffering from depression or neurosis to get a furry pet.

Whether it is worth seeing a creature with magical abilities in your pet, everyone decides for himself. However, not a single cat lover will deny the fact that these mysterious creatures see what we cannot see and have a special sense.

A cat is such a complex and incomprehensible animal to humans that even now, at the beginning of the 21st century, its nature is a mystery to us. Judgments that contradict common logic are not the exception, but the norm when we talk about a cat. So, among all kinds of myths about these amazing creatures, there are ideas that cats supposedly do not feel pain. Is this really true?

Scientists have long discovered that the cat's nervous system is similar to the human one. Cats have the same variety of pain receptors on their skin and body as humans, the presence of which already tells us that the cat is capable of feeling pain. Moreover, an animal unable to feel pain is unlikely to survive anywhere. And finally, the most obvious evidence of the conscious perception of pain in cats, familiar to every cat breeder, is a reflexive reaction to a painful stimulus, such as stepping on a cat’s tail, retaliatory aggression and an attempt to avoid a repetition of the situation in the future. Although some individuals, as we see, are able to withstand this. Where did the idea come from that cats do not feel pain at all? Why until recently in veterinary practice were cats not given painkillers after surgery?

It’s just that many of us have encountered the fact that cats in a critical, from our point of view, situation do not show any signs of pain, like, say, dogs. But because cats perceive and react to certain stimuli differ from our ideas of what it should look like, it cannot be denied that cats have a feeling of pain.

Physical pain

Laboratory experiments analyzed electrical signals in the brains of cats exposed to stress or physical pain and analyzed the levels of various hormones in their blood. Changes in electrical signals and increases in certain hormones have been scientifically proven to cause pain in cats.

It is also true that cats react to pain in a different way than dogs. The fact is that dogs are herd animals by nature and openly showing their emotions to other members of the pack helps them gain support. Cats do not have a herd mentality, although they are not as solitude-loving and “out on their own” as they were once supposed to be. Therefore, a cat usually endures pain stoically and hides all its signs from prying eyes, the slightest manifestations of which would inevitably attract the attention of opponents, and they, naturally, can use knowledge of the cat’s vulnerabilities to their advantage.

Moreover, the cat’s body has another unique protective agent. As soon as a cat begins to feel pain, the neurons of its brain begin to intensively produce endorphins, which have the ability to reduce pain and influence the emotional state. And if the pain is only moderate, the cat will continue to behave as normal, which is important to know when assessing a situation where the cat is injured or sick. In an unfamiliar environment, such as a veterinary clinic, a cat will mask its discomfort as much as possible.

You can determine whether a cat is feeling pain in a particular area by observing signs such as posture, gait, reaction to touching the affected part, general depression, lethargy, seeking solitude, lack of appetite, the appearance of a third eyelid (a white film that partially covers eye from the inner corner). However, keep in mind that not all cats with one or two of these signs are in pain, and not all cats show any of these signs when they are in pain.

Temperature sensitivity

A cat's body, including its paws, is relatively insensitive to both low and high temperatures. What is painful to us often does not cause any pain to cats. Cats can easily put their front paws into a hot frying pan to eat your dinner. They often lay so close to the fire that their fur catches fire, and conversely, they can walk for a long time on ice and snow without obvious frostbite on their paws or skin. Animals with severe burns are often brought to veterinarians, which is naturally surprising. How could the cat not notice and allow such tissue damage? It's just that a person begins to experience discomfort when the skin temperature reaches approximately 44°C, and the sensitivity threshold in cats begins only at 52°C. This relative insensitivity to heat-induced pain is probably a consequence of a lack of thermal receptors on the body and also, as mentioned earlier, a result of the cat's body producing endorphins.

Emotional pain

Do cats feel emotional pain? Yes. Like dogs, cats can be sad (sometimes to death) when a human or animal friend dies or leaves for a long time. Moreover, animal psychologists say that cats can experience feelings similar to grief in humans. Signs of grief in a cat include depression, withdrawal, loss of appetite, increased vocalization and endless searches for the missing person. The level of stress hormones in the blood of such animals is greatly increased, indicating the physiological response of the body to the emotional state. Cats also experience psychological pain. When they have nightmares, cats may scream and meow pitifully in their sleep.

Evidence of cats' conscious perception of pain brings us to another equally important question: “Does a cat know how to inflict pain?” If you have ever observed the early social play of kittens, you will have noticed that they all resemble hunting and include elements such as grasping and pinning. In addition to strengthening hunting skills, such games introduce the kitten to what pain is and how much pain can be caused to others. The kitten learns to control the force of its bite by observing the other kitten's response. Separately raised orphans, deprived of experience in such games, subsequently do not know how to painlessly bite or scratch the owner in the game, and how to cause real pain to the enemy.

The works of S. Hartwell, B. Vogl, B. Beever were used in writing the article

There is no doubt that cats love us as much as we love them. If you are not one of the people who views these furry creatures favorably, then this will be hard for you to believe. And all because kittens show their affection in ways other than people. And in fact, even a pet's hurtful antics can express undying love. So, your cat loves you if he does the following things.

He purrs

All cats express love and affection through purring. Listen to the sounds your furry pet makes. They can accommodate a wide range of volumes, from soft and subtle to loud as a truck. Thus, cats express a different range of feelings, from delight to anxiety. However, rest assured, if your pet begins to purr in your presence, this means that he loves you.

He rolls from side to side at your feet

If a furry animal rolls from side to side at your feet, it is also showing its affection.
This way he can greet you or ask for some attention. Know that by exposing his tummy, he puts himself in a vulnerable position. And this means that he trusts you completely.

The cat rubs or butts your cheek

When your furry pet rubs its face against your cheek or butts you, this behavior also indicates affection. If you notice this behavior from your cat towards other cats or even dogs, don't be surprised. Cats are capable of loving not only people.

He sharpens his claws on upholstered furniture

If your furniture is completely worn out by a cat’s claws, this does not mean at all that this is how he sharpens his “weapons”. Leaving heavy scratches and puffs on upholstered furniture, he shows you how well he lives in this house. In addition, the fluffy leaves its scent through its claws, which means it marks its territory. You've probably noticed that damage to furniture occurs in the places you love most, and the cat will never sharpen its claws in a place specially designated for this. Of course, because he is so attached to his owner.

Trampling on various parts of the body

Do you think that if a kitten has literally trampled a whole path on your stomach, then he is asking you for something? This statement is only partly true. It turns out that kittens love to “milk” their mother cat by kneading her abdomen with their claws. But even in adult life, this habit remains with our pets. This way they show that they feel safe and relaxed. They are as comfortable with you as they were with their own mother in childhood.

He brings you a gift

Cats are born hunters, and this cannot be taken away from them. They chase rolling toys, laser fire, sparrows and mice. Having brought another bird from the street to your door, he shares the spoils with you and thanks you for your boundless love. Don't forget to praise the furry animal for showing such incredible generosity. He needs this so much. Otherwise, the cat may be offended, and you will be left without “gifts” in the future.

Fluffy animal plays with you

Cats can express their love through playing with their owner. At a young age, kittens play for so long that they never seem to get tired. They can scratch, bite and get real pleasure from it. The family member who receives more attention is usually the animal’s favorite.

He sleeps on your lap

It's no secret that cats sleep a lot. Scientists have calculated that they can spend up to 16 hours sleeping every day.
At the same time, they feel the most vulnerable and defenseless, so they choose only the safest place to relax. Well, if the cat lay down on your lap and fell asleep sweetly, this means that she feels completely safe next to her owner.

He's looking at you

The kitten's eyes, in proportion to its body, are very large. And if the human body had the same proportions, then we would have eyes with a slit of 20 centimeters. Cats are very protective of their eyes, which is why they are not used to making eye contact with someone. And if you catch yourself feeling that the cat is literally following you with his eyes, this indicates his complete trust. Zoologists sometimes call this gaze from a pet a “cat kiss.” If you notice that the cat blinks during the exchange of glances, do the same in response.

The cat shows you its furry butt

Sometimes this cat habit seems ridiculous to us. Why did the cat raise its tail again and poke its butt in the owner’s face? The answer is simple. This is how she shows you her trust and affection, and also greets you. Know that she will not perform this ritual with the “first person she meets.” You are among the chosen ones. This habit also takes its roots from cat childhood, when kittens thus greeted their mother returning from the hunt.

He meows

If a cat meows loudly and persistently for a long time, this does not mean at all that he wants to drive you crazy. Know that cats do not even communicate with each other by meowing; for this purpose, special chants are provided in the form of howls. Meowing is intended solely for communication with humans. Do you like to talk to people who are deeply unpleasant to you? Of course no. So cats communicate exclusively with pleasant people. You can be proud that you are among the chosen caste. Tip: next time don’t forget to give your pet some milk. Maybe this will save your ears from heartbreaking screams.

He "courts" you

If a cat licks an exposed part of your body, this does not mean that he is concerned about your hygiene. He simply expressed his affection to you and, of course, did not forget to leave his scent on your body. In the wild, felines are accustomed to licking every member of their family. Well, pets include their own owner, as well as all household members, in the family group.

He makes marks

You are likely to get very angry at your pet when you smell his urine in your shoe or even on your bed. Don't scold him, he didn't mean to hurt you. He simply calmed himself down after the stress associated with moving to a new apartment or the long absence of the owner.

Tail demonstration

Did you know that a cat's favorite part of the body is the tail? A cat will never let an unpleasant person touch its tail. She will definitely grab his hand. But if she stood in the middle of the room and raised her ponytail with a pipe, this means that she invites you to dialogue and requires special attention.

Today, no one will be surprised by the fact that pets, and especially cats, can sense the approach of trouble. It has long been proven that before an earthquake these animals show active anxiety. People who live in seismically active zones rely on the instincts of cats. In the same way, animals sense the approaching death of their owner. There are two versions of why cats feel the approach of death.

First version. A person who is about to die emits a certain “death” smell that animals can sense. Scientists say that this smell contains an admixture of the smell of blood, but people do not smell it. Cats and some other animals, sensing this “death” smell, go into a riot: they begin to worry, run around the house without a break, etc. But there is one interesting point here: animals also feel the unnatural death of a person - murder, death in an accident, and so on. What smells might such people have?

The second version suggests that these animals have highly developed intuition, the so-called cat's sixth sense. People who have this feeling are called clairvoyants. There is an assumption that intuition adapts to a person’s energy field. Cats are unwittingly manipulated by the fate of their owners. In this case there is no mysticism, we are talking about the close energetic connection between animal and human.

A scary story from life. Eyewitness account Inna

This strange incident occurred in the mid-seventies. I lived in a large communal apartment with my gray cat Tosha. Our relations with our neighbors were friendly: no one got under anyone’s skin, no one imposed their own rules, and quarrels were rare. Everyone loved Tosha, even though he was a big fan of pranks.

But one day something incredible happened to this friendly fluffy ball. He wandered around the room, then abruptly stopped, looking somewhere into emptiness, his fur stood on end, and the cat screamed like a wild animal. A few seconds later he hid under the sofa. I thought that Tosha had gone crazy, I was afraid to approach him.

About fifteen minutes passed. There was a knock on the door and an excited neighbor Alla looked in. She began to talk quickly about some window, about a neighbor Peter, about a man on the asphalt...