Which is better: chest x-ray or lung x-ray? What is the difference between X-ray of the lungs and fluorography. The difference between X-ray and fluorography

CT and fluorography use x-rays to produce images of human organs and tissues. X-rays travel differently through human organs, soft tissue, and bones. This makes it possible to use them as a diagnostic method to obtain images of internal organs and bones of the skeleton on film or screen. This principle is used in CT, fluorography and radiography.

The difference between CT and fluorography is that fluorography gives a flat image of all the structures through which ionizing rays pass, and CT takes pictures of thin sections of the human body. Then, using special software, they are combined together, which allows you to obtain a three-dimensional image that can be studied in different planes.

Fluorography is used for mass preventive examinations of the population, and CT is used as a diagnostic method to clarify the diagnosis and carry out diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.

Both methods are unsafe because the patient receives a certain dose of radiation during the examination. With a chest CT scan it is 10 mSv, and with fluorography it is 0.5 mSv.

Studies show that irradiation at this volume very rarely causes cell mutations or cancerous degeneration, but there are still limitations to the use of these diagnostic methods.

What can CT or fluorography show?

CT or fluorography can help diagnose a number of diseases of the chest, and computed tomography can be used to examine other parts of the body (brain, joints, abdominal and pelvic organs, spine and others).

Fluorography is done to determine diseases of the chest organs. These include

  • diseases of the lungs and bronchi (pneumonia, tuberculosis, pleurisy, abscesses);
  • injuries (pneumothorax, fractures of ribs, sternum);
  • neoplasms in the lung tissue, bronchi, mediastinum or mammary glands (benign or malignant tumors, cysts, echinococcus).

Fluorographic images are small in size, so it is difficult to identify small formations on them, but if a pathological process is suspected, a CT scan or x-ray is prescribed after fluorography.

Unlike fluorography, CT allows you to detect and study small formations, as well as diagnose the vascular bed. To do this, iodine-containing contrast is administered. The capabilities of CT are much higher than those of fluorography, but the level of radiation is also relatively high. The cost of computed tomography also differs significantly; it is more expensive.

If we compare whether CT or fluorography is better, for an accurate diagnosis CT is a more informative examination, although it has its disadvantages and contraindications.

This article will focus on considering the answer to the question of which is better - fluorography or x-ray of the lungs. Here we will study these processes and assess the level of possible harm, features of implementation and purpose, as well as much more.

Fluorography concept

First, let's look at what fluorography of the lungs shows. At its core, this is an x-ray study, the meaning of which is to photograph a visible image displayed on a fluorescent type screen. The image is formed by X-rays that flow through the body and are unevenly absorbed by the organs and various tissues of the body. The main elements of the method were described shortly after the discovery of X-rays, and it was invented by scientists A. Carbasso, A. Batteli and J. M. Bleier.

What fluorography of the lungs shows is a reduced image of the object. Two types of techniques are distinguished, namely: large-frame type (in special cases, 70 x 70 mm, sometimes even up to one hundred) and small-frame type (about thirty, 35 x 35 mm). The first type can approach the radiographic level in terms of the scope of its capabilities. As a rule, this method is used if it is necessary to examine organs located in the chest cavity, mammary glands and bone elements.

Most commonly used method

Chest fluorography is the most widely used diagnostic method using fluorographic principles. Used to detect diseases such as tuberculosis and/or lung tumors. There are two types of fluorographic devices; they are divided into stationary and mobile.

Today, most devices for fluorographic studies are being replaced from film to digital. The latter are a way to simplify the work with images, and also reduce the load of rays on the subject of the examination, and reduce the cost of auxiliary materials.

Methods and their application

To answer the question of which is safer (fluorography or x-ray of the lungs), you should also pay attention to the methodology of this study. Common methods of digital fluorography are divided into two means. The first is similar to conventional fluorography, since the doctor uses a photograph developed on a fluorescent type screen. The only difference is the use of X-ray film or CCD matrix. The second methodological technique is a transverse scan of the chest cavity, using X-ray beams. The transmitted radiation is detected by a special scanner for paper documents, where the detector itself moves along the surface of the sheet. The second method makes it possible to use less radiation, which puts pressure on the body. Among the disadvantages, mention should be made of the longer time it takes to receive a picture.

Lung x-ray concept

What does a lung x-ray show? At its core, this procedure is a kind of alternative to the fluorographic method, which is due to its high resolution capabilities. Based on X-ray data, it is much easier to distinguish clusters of shadows up to two millimeters, while fluorography is limited to five. The X-ray method can be prescribed in cases where, for example, the presence of tuberculosis, pneumonia, cancer, etc. is suspected. Fluorography is a preventive method. The principle on which X-ray photography is based is the exposure of certain areas of the film as X-rays pass through the body. During the study, the patient is subjected to a high but short-term load through the use of beams.

Beam load value

Having answered the question of what an x-ray of the lungs shows, it will be important not to bypass the point about the intensity of that same radiation exposure mentioned in the section above. Without pretense, we can say that on the territory of the Russian Federation, the harm from the examination is clearly high. This is due to the exploitation of domestic honey during the examination process. equipment that is already outdated. In Europe, the amount of radiation exposure per year does not exceed 0.6 mSv. In Russia, this value reaches one and a half mSv. You can protect yourself during examination by fluorography or x-ray of the lungs during examination in modernly equipped clinics.

The difference between X-ray and fluorography

What's better? Fluorography or X-ray of the lungs? In answering these questions, it is important to compare procedures across different parameters to ensure that the assessment is as accurate as possible. For example, the prevalence of methods must be taken into account, since radiographic examinations are considered one of the most widely known methodologies and are used more often compared to magnetic resonance or computer aids. X-rays of the lungs are used extremely rarely for children, since the load created by radiation is quite large for the child’s body. However, sometimes it is necessary to do this. For example, if you suspect a serious illness.

The principle of X-ray examination is simple - the beam of radiation comes from a special tube of the device and then passes through the subject’s body, projecting the image onto film.

About computed tomography

In clinical studies, it is also common to encounter a method that is very similar to X-ray. It's called computed tomography. In more detail, it should be noted that X-ray radiation flows through the body from a number of angles at once. The output “frames” are processed by a computer and “fused” into a single image. This type of CT scan is very informative, reliable, accurate and detailed, but has a high cost. The method is most often used to clarify the results of the examination, as well as if there is a suspicion of a serious illness. However, when discussing the question of what is more effective (fluorography or x-ray of the lungs), it is important to mention a method such as computed tomography.

Applications of Magnetic Resonance

There is the concept of magnetic resonance imaging, which obtains a set of images through the influence of a magnetic field on the body. This method must be taken into account when considering what is more accurate: chest fluorography or x-ray. Depending on various conditions, sometimes it is better to resort to such methods, rather than focusing only on those discussed in the article.

MRI is a harmless examination, but it charges a very high price. There are also a number of restrictive points to the procedure. An example would be an implanted pacemaker, certain metals inside the body, prosthetics, etc.

The right to choose an examination remains with the patient, but it is strongly recommended to listen to the advice of a doctor in the use of such measures.

Probable reasons for refusal and assignment

Another point in considering which is better (fluorography or x-ray of the lungs) is to determine the indications or contraindications for these methods of clinical examination.

An X-ray may be prescribed by a doctor in order to get acquainted with the general picture of the patient’s health and respiratory system. This methodology is also used to clarify diagnoses such as pneumonia, pleurisy, malignant neoplasms, inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, Koch's bacillus, etc. People often wonder whether it is possible to do an X-ray of the lungs instead of fluorography? It all depends on what specific examination you need: preventive or detailed. There are other reasons.

In cases where the patient draws the doctor’s attention to the presence of a constant and prolonged cough, severe shortness of breath, pain in the chest area, wheezing, etc., most often the specialist will prescribe an x-ray of the lungs. In addition, on the territory of the Russian Federation, citizens are subject to mandatory preventive examination. In accordance with the instructions of current legislation, there are categories of subjects who are required to undergo such examinations at least once every 6 months. The examination is also mandatory for persons who have frequent contact with people suffering from a number of diseases, such as tuberculosis.

Harm from examination

What is the difference between fluorography and x-ray of the lungs, if we talk specifically about the effect on the body? Almost everyone knows that X-ray radiation has a negative effect on the organs of any living creature, including humans. The radiation used during examination is radiation, which has a very detrimental effect on the body. It can cause changes in the blood or diseases of an oncological nature.

But very often the threat is exaggerated, because when performing an X-ray, the amount of radiation exposure lies in the range from 0.03 to 0.3 mSv. If we talk about fluorography, then these values ​​can increase five times.

For comparison, it should be noted that the annual amount of the maximum permissible dose should not exceed 150 mSv. If we compare the permissible annual norms with the amount of load during the examination, we can conclude that there is nothing fatal or terrible here. An X-ray of a child’s lungs is also a fairly safe measure, despite the fact that the child’s body has lower values ​​of the maximum permissible norm.

Conduction and frequency

X-ray examination of the lungs (unlike diagnosis of diseases of other organs) does not necessarily require special preparation of the patient. To do this, just get to the office and follow the instructions of the doctor or laboratory assistant. Most often, health care providers will ask the subject to remove items from the waist up. Next, you need to remove your jewelry, and also, if you have long hair, remove it from your face. Then, using a special apron, the patient is covered with organs responsible for reproductive function, as well as the area of ​​the main digestive organs. Doctors suggest taking a position between the radiation tube and the device that receives the signal.

The radiologist asks the patient to hold the controlled breathing process for a few seconds. This is done to get a sharp and clear photo. Speaking about the methods in accordance with which X-rays of the lungs are performed, it is important to note that fluorography does not contain any characteristic and sharp differences. But with the second method, the doctor can ask the patient to press closer and closer to the emitting source, while taking a certain body position, which is necessary to improve visibility. As mentioned earlier, the study should be completed at least once or twice during the year. If the subject is in a “risk group,” then the period may be shortened.

Indications for the study

Another important point in answering the question of which is better (fluorography or x-ray of the lungs) will be the determination of the results of the study.

Currently, X-ray examination of the lungs is more often used in diagnosing a diverse range of bronchopulmonary pathologies. This methodology is effective for detecting tuberculosis, pneumonia, cancerous tumors, fungus and foreign objects. However, radiography is not considered a universal method, because it will not make it possible to find pathological problems in bones and joints. MRI is often used for such purposes.

Final goal

To answer the question of where you can get an X-ray of the lungs and/or fluorography, it will suffice to say that you can get examined in almost any clinic or hospital. The newer the equipment that doctors will use, the lower the dose of negative effects of radiation will be.

The ultimate goal of the examination is to obtain special images, with the help of which the doctor will be able to determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. However, correct decoding can only be done by a specially trained radiologist, who, by studying the shape of clearings and darkening, the level of intensity of lines and the transmission of shades, can draw a general conclusion about the general condition of the chest organs, in particular the lungs.

X-ray examination is considered classic and is the “Gold Standard” in confirming many diagnoses. To identify pulmonary pathology, two similar research methods have been created: and lung fluorography as a screening diagnostic method. What is the difference between fluorography and x-ray of the lungs?

What is X-ray examination

For pneumonia, it is better to choose an x-ray. This is due to the fact that fluorography shows only the anterior projection. The inflammatory infiltrate can hide behind the mediastinal organs and bone structures. In this case, photographs in different projections (direct and lateral) are required.

In a fluorograph image, the darkened area is always the same, regardless of the pathology. An X-ray image accurately reflects the nature of the inflammation, detects compensatory emphysema around the source of pneumonia, and determines in which segment of the lung the area is located.

Safety of chest x-ray examination

X-ray and fluorography cannot be called a safe study, since the X-ray itself is considered a type of radioactive radiation. It is capable of causing ionization - the formation of free radicals, which have a damaging effect at the level of molecular structures.

The method is dangerous for children due to their active growth. Dividing cells exposed to radiation are prone to mutations at the gene level. Therefore, in early childhood, the study is carried out strictly according to indications to identify the suspected pathology. Mantoux tests are used to screen for tuberculosis, and fluorography begins in adolescence (from 15-16 years old).

The study is contraindicated during pregnancy, in the first trimester. This is due to the fact that cells are constantly dividing, tissues, organs and systems are being formed. X-ray radiation can lead to mutations and gene aberrations. The child may be born with developmental defects. Breastfeeding mothers are recommended to start feeding after 2-3 pumpings; at this time, the baby is briefly transferred to artificial feeding.

How long should it take after the x-ray? Modern digital devices reduce the risk of high radiation exposure, so X-rays should be taken as often as required by the attending physician.

Since it is more gentle, it is used to control the dynamics of the process, provided that the lesion is well visualized on the anterior projection. This will reduce the radiation dose and monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

Video: differences between digital and film cameras

The effectiveness of tuberculosis therapy depends on timely diagnosis. To determine the diagnosis, fluorography or x-rays of the lungs are used. Patients do not always understand the difference between these two diagnostic methods; describing their differences and the nuances of conducting the study is the main goal of the article.

X-ray, fluorography: description of diagnostic methods

Radiography is a long-known method for diagnosing pathologies of the lungs and other respiratory organs. It is often used due to its accessibility and ease of exploration behavior. The diagnostic device operates on the principle of directing a beam of rays onto the chest, passing through the organs and bones of a person, the image is projected on a special film. This method is similar to making photo cards, but it uses special rays. The image shows bones clearly (white), soft tissues in gray, and air spaces in black. X-ray of the lungs is one of the methods used to prevent pulmonary tuberculosis.

Fluorography is similar in principle to the study. It is also based on the use of X-rays, but the intensity of radiation and information about the condition of the lungs differs. During the procedure, the image is converted to small format film.

How is an X-ray examination performed?

X-ray of the lungs is simple and does not require additional preparation. The patient enters the room where there is an X-ray machine, the laboratory assistant tells him how to lie down, sit down, and stand in order to take a picture.

To carry out the procedure, you need to remove clothes to the waist, remove jewelry, hair, and hairpins. A protective apron is put on the remaining organs. During exposure to rays, it is necessary to hold your breath so that there is no movement of the chest. The whole procedure takes no more than 5 minutes. Time is spent removing clothes and getting the patient ready.

For prevention, you can undergo examination once every 2 years.

A chest x-ray examination is carried out no more than 2 times a year. This frequency is indicated for people at risk.

Carrying out fluorography

The procedure for conducting fluorographic examination differs from radiography. The patient in the office undresses to the waist, removes jewelry and underwear with underwires for women. During the cold season, the laboratory assistant allows you to wear a T-shirt or T-shirt.

Then the person stands in front of the screen, places his chin on top of the screen in a special recess, puts his hands on his belt, straightens his shoulders, pressing his entire chest against the screen. During the irradiation period, a person needs to hold his breath for a few seconds. After this the procedure is completed.

Indications for examination

These two methods complement each other. Fluorography is recommended as a preventive examination of the chest organs. The main indications for fluorographic studies are:

  • Prevention of tuberculosis for patients over 16 years of age is carried out at least once a year.
  • The doctor prescribes it to all primary patients if a person enters a health care facility without preliminary examinations of their health status.
  • All family members living with pregnant women and newborn children are examined.
  • Young people entering military service for fixed-term and contract purposes.
  • Fluorography of the chest organs is indicated for HIV-infected people.

There are cases in medical practice when the doctor refers for additional, unscheduled fluorography. This occurs when there is a suspicion of pulmonary tuberculosis, neoplasms, inflammatory processes, diseases of the heart muscle, and major vessels. In this case, the specialist decides which method will be informative: x-ray or fluorography.

Indications for x-rays are as follows:

  • Clarification of data obtained during fluorographic examination.
  • X-ray is informative if pneumonia or pleurisy is suspected. Based on the data received, the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and prescribes treatment.
  • Tuberculosis in the lungs.
  • Suspicion of tumors in the lung area.
  • Periodically prescribed to prevent the development of occupational diseases.
  • For various heart diseases.
  • An indication for an x-ray is also damage to the chest.


Both methods are dangerous due to radiation, so there are contraindications for the use of fluorography and x-rays. They are:

  • Patients' age is up to 15 years;
  • Pregnant women.

Contraindications are removed when the risk is justified and patients are warned about the consequences.

Types of Methods

Time passes, medicine does not stand still. Not only vitality support devices are being developed, but also diagnostic devices. X-ray and fluorographic examination devices are no exception. Depending on which device is used to diagnose tuberculosis, there are types of X-ray and fluorography.

Types of radiography

To diagnose tuberculosis and other respiratory pathologies, two types of x-rays are used:

  1. Analogue - used since the end of the 19th century, the radiation dose for such an examination is quite high. This is no longer a modern method, since it is not convenient in obtaining accurate results or storing films. A special film is loaded into the machine, a “print” is depicted on it, then developing the image takes a lot of time and is done using the technology of making ordinary photographs. The patient's movements and violation of the image development technology lead to a fuzzy image. In this case, there is a high probability of making an incorrect or inaccurate diagnosis. This is dangerous for the sick person.
  2. Digital radiography – X-rays of the lungs are performed using a digital machine. Immediately after diagnosis, the radiologist can enlarge the image to clarify unclear points, increase the contrast, change the colors of the image, place several images at once, print the “picture” on a sheet and special film, place the image on a digital medium for transfer to another institution, to another specialist.

Radiation exposure when using digital radiography is reduced significantly.

Types of fluorography

Fluorographic examination is also divided into two types. Which one to use depends on the capabilities of a particular medical institution.

  1. Film fluorography is an outdated method, known for its low information content. Most often this is a stationary device for permanent operation. The peculiarity of this type is the duration of obtaining the result. The film needs to be developed for a long time; the quality of the film, the quality of the chemicals and other factors influence the result. The radiation exposure is quite high.
  2. Digital fluorography. The digital diagnostic method is better, since the results are obtained faster, it causes less harm to the person, and the image is better than when carrying out the procedure using film. This type is also good because there is no dependence on chemical reagents; they are not used when developing the film. It allows you to clarify various nuances without exposing a person to additional radiation during re-diagnosis.

Harm when using two methods

What is more harmful: lung x-rays performed by different types, or fluorography?

If there is a suspicion of lung pathology, you need to choose a diagnostic method that will least harm your health.

The choice is based on a comparison of the degree of exposure.

Today, all 4 types of diagnostics that we discussed above are used, the radiation exposure of each of them is different. To keep your body as safe as possible, you need to check the effective equivalent dose of each of the four types of lung tests:

  • Examination using film fluorography: the equivalent dose is 0.5 m3v per procedure.
  • With a digital fluorogram, the equivalent dose is 0.05 m3v.
  • Film X-ray of the lungs: the equivalent dose is 0.3 m3v.
  • Digital X-ray of the lungs: effective equivalent dose is 0.03 m3v.

For 12 months, the dose control level is allowed to be 1-1.5 m3v (millisievert). Having analyzed the radiation exposure of different methods, we can say that digital fluorography and digital x-rays are the safest for a sick person. At the same time, the price of digital fluorography is significantly lower than the cost of digital x-rays.

Legal provisions regarding these diagnostic methods

Tuberculosis is a disease that threatens all segments of the population. The myth that only people from the lower social strata of society are susceptible to tuberculosis has already been dispelled. The law of the Russian Federation has certain provisions that regulate the mechanisms, timing and requirements for x-rays and fluorography.

It should be noted that every resident of the country has the right to refuse such a survey. But in this case, he takes full responsibility for his condition, the likelihood of an incorrect diagnosis and inadequate treatment.

Research is carried out without a person’s consent in three cases:

  • in order to warn others about a “walking” threat to their health (in the case of open tuberculosis);
  • X-ray examination is carried out for persons with mental illness;
  • Compulsory examination is required by persons in prison or under investigation.

WHO experts, aware of the dangers and consequences of x-ray diagnostics, draw attention to the inadmissibility of routine x-rays without clinical manifestations of lung disease. Preventive examinations are also a big question for people with weak immune systems. The doctor must be aware of how much the body can be loaded with x-rays.

The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly defines the standards for the design of rooms and the use of X-ray machines, permissible radiation doses and the nuances of using this diagnostic method. This document is called “X-ray departments. Sanitary and hygienic standards." Also, from 2004, 2 more documents were adopted regulating the rules for conducting diagnostics: “Letter on the creation of a system for monitoring and recording radiation doses to patients”, “Control of effective radiation doses to patients during medical x-ray examinations”.

Where can I get a diagnosis?

Fluorography and x-ray of the lungs are widely used diagnostic methods. The doctor prescribes such studies not only for tuberculosis, but X-rays are also used to diagnose other organs. Therefore, rooms with devices are located in every clinic.

You can get diagnosed at your place of residence in a health care facility. But not all such institutions are equipped with digital devices.

If a person wants to receive a minimum dose of radiation, it is necessary to look for private clinics with digital devices. The diagnostic efficiency in such institutions is much better.

We have decided that fluorography and radiography are the main methods in diagnosing tuberculosis. In the resulting image, you can see darkened areas, which indicates the presence of changes in the lung. Images are better obtained with digital devices, and the minimum radiation dose makes them more effective and safe compared to film ones.

To detect diseases of the lungs and other organs of the respiratory system, methods such as fluorography and radiography are commonly used. Let's consider what lung X-ray and fluorography have in common, what is the difference between them.

Each of these two techniques is based on exposing the patient to high, but short-term, X-rays. When they pass through the tissue, uneven exposure of the film occurs in certain areas. The resulting image allows us to judge the diagnostic object.

Fluorography and x-rays are similar diagnostic methods. Is there a difference between them? To answer this question, it is important to understand what these procedures are.

Fluorography is a primary examination of the chest using R-irradiation. The rays illuminate a special film, compactly illustrating the condition of the lungs. Much the same method was previously used in photography (but without radiation). The result is a small image from which you can assess the condition of the chest. This form of examination is rarely applied to other areas of the body.

Based on the results of fluorography, only some obvious signs of disease can be detected. First of all, these are tuberculosis and cancer. This technique is screening; it does not provide the opportunity to obtain detailed, clear images, but only indicates dangerous zones and signs of disease. Therefore, you should not be surprised if after fluorography the doctor writes out a referral for an x-ray.

With the help of an x-ray you can see a clearer picture. If fluorography reveals signs of pneumonia, tuberculosis or cancer in a patient, an x-ray will indicate the exact location of the lesions, their shape, size, and structure. Diagnostics, which is carried out using good modern equipment, greatly increases the efficiency of the study.

Modern diagnostic equipment does not work with film, but on the basis of digital technologies. Thus, the radiation received during irradiation has noticeably decreased (from 0.5 mSv to 0.05 mSv). Unfortunately, such equipment is not yet available in all clinics.

Features of the methods

In general terms, we talked about what a chest x-ray or fluorography is and how they differ from each other. Let's summarize and supplement the list:

  • fluorography is intended for preventive examination and primary diagnosis, x-rays are prescribed to clarify the diagnosis and obtain information about the location, type and extent of the lesion;
  • fluorography is effective for diagnosing tuberculosis and cancer; x-rays, in addition to lung diseases, reveal problems with the heart, blood vessels, and bone tissue;
  • with x-rays, the radiation dose the patient receives is usually lower. It all depends on the characteristics of the diagnostic equipment;
  • With x-rays, the clarity of the resulting image on photographic film is higher than with fluorography.

How it goes

Diagnostics using X-ray irradiation always takes place in a specially equipped protected room. Before taking a photo, the patient must undress to the waist and remove all metal jewelry (watch, chain, etc.).

The patient stands in front of a special shield in which a film cassette is installed and presses closely against it. The tube from which the X-rays come is located approximately two meters away. At the doctor’s signal, you need to inhale and freeze for a couple of seconds.

After the procedure is completed, the person gets dressed and waits for a medical report.

What do these surveys show?

Fluorography accurately detects tumors, pulmonary tuberculosis, signs of pneumonia and other lesions.

Chest X-ray shows not only these diseases. Using X-rays, you can most accurately diagnose tuberculosis, cancer, pneumonia, as well as benign tumors and occupational changes. If signs of disease are confirmed, you should contact a specialized doctor at the clinic to prescribe treatment.

X-ray reveals pathologies of the lymph nodes, some heart diseases, and provides information about the condition of the aorta and inferior vena cava. For a detailed study of disturbances in the functioning of the heart and coronary vessels, the patient is referred to EchoCG.

X-ray photographs provide excellent visualization of the bones and joints of the upper body.

When planning a pregnancy

Fluorography and x-rays are very well tolerated and usually do not require specialized training, but some contraindications exist.

Thus, for planned or confirmed pregnancy, fluorography is not recommended. The resulting radiation can be dangerous to the embryo. In the first weeks of pregnancy, when the baby's future organs are actively developing, such a test is contraindicated. In subsequent months, the study is carried out using precautions - shielding the abdomen.

X-ray is a procedure prescribed to confirm a preliminary diagnosis, and radiation exposure during radiography is certainly present. However, if the risk of possible consequences for the woman is assessed to be higher than for the fetus, the doctor may order an examination. Therefore, pregnancy and planning to conceive cannot be considered absolute contraindications. Moreover, when examining the chest, the danger to the child is many times lower than, for example, during an X-ray or CT scan of the pelvic bones.

If alternatives are acceptable, then ultrasound is recommended for pregnant women in the first two trimesters, and X-rays with screening are allowed in the 3rd trimester.

Fluorography and x-rays in childhood

What is better for children: fluorography or x-ray?

Children under 14 years of age are prohibited from undergoing fluorography. X-rays are allowed at any age, but they are prescribed only if the following indications exist:

  • cough lasting longer than two weeks;
  • suspected pneumonia;
  • positive Mantoux reaction.

How many times a year can x-rays be taken?

According to SanPiN, everyone must undergo annual fluorography. The only exceptions are children under 14 years of age and pregnant women.

X-rays are prescribed for suspected diseases localized in the chest area or injuries. There are no restrictions on frequency or dosage. The need for an x-ray is determined by the doctor individually, taking into account indications and contraindications, as well as taking into account the factors of likely consequences if the procedure is refused.

In case of emergency, x-rays and fluorography can be performed on the same day.

What is the difference between fluorography and x-ray of the lungs

Many people believe that chest x-ray and fluorography are the same thing. They are partly right. A chest X-ray is the same fluorography, which is simply performed on different equipment. The only difference is in the tasks. With fluorography, a routine study is carried out, and with radiography, a clarifying study is carried out, since such a diagnosis is more informative. They are not carried out simultaneously unless necessary. If the results of fluorography reveal unfavorable symptoms, the following may additionally be prescribed:

  • X-ray;
  • CT scan;
  • ultrasonography;
  • endoscopy.

If necessary, fluorography can be replaced with one of the above methods, as is done with children under 14 years of age.

The difference lies in the quality of the pictures. Fluorography may not detect minor lesions or diseases of the respiratory tract in the early stages.

Fluorography is a preventive form of examination, which is recommended to be completed annually if there are no complaints. X-rays are prescribed in the presence of symptoms of diseases, pathologies identified on fluorographic images, and also as monitoring of ongoing treatment.

What is more harmful: X-ray or fluorography?

If X-ray of the lungs and fluorography are compared, which method is more harmful? You need to compare the total radiation exposure to the body. Everything depends not only on the chosen technique, but also on the type of equipment. The radiation dose when undergoing an examination using modern digital equipment is reduced many times, for example:

  • when performing fluorography using digital equipment, the exposure rate is only 0.05 mSv;
  • if you carry out film diagnostics, then the indicators increase almost tenfold (0.3-0.5 mSv).

If we compare X-rays and fluorography using equipment of the same class, then when taking pictures, a higher level of radiation comes from the second. But it should be borne in mind that when undergoing fluorography, only one frame is taken. To obtain objective radiographic results, one overview and several targeted images of the area under study are often taken. Thus, the total radiation dose from x-rays may be higher.

How to check the lungs other than fluorography and x-rays

The most common method of studying the lungs, after X-rays and fluorography, is computed tomography. It is also based on X-rays emanating from a tomograph. These rays reach the internal organs at different angles and fall on special ultra-sensitive sensors. They are the ones who convert the radiation into an image, which helps doctors obtain complete information about the patient’s condition.

Like cystography of the urinary system, that is, an x-ray of the bladder, CT of the lungs can be performed using a contrast agent. Indications for this form of research:

  • suspected pneumonia;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • primary and secondary metastases;
  • pleurisy;
  • lymphadenopathy and others.

In some cases, ultrasound may be used as an alternative. When undergoing this form of examination, as with duplex scanning of liver vessels, it is possible to study the functional state of the vascular bed of the chest area. Simultaneously with an ultrasound of the lungs, veins and other vessels of the upper extremities, as well as the mammary glands, are often scanned.

Do not forget about endoscopic diagnostic methods. Examination of the pleural cavity is carried out under general anesthesia using a thoracoscope, which penetrates through a small puncture in the chest.