What to do: Your period falls on vacation. How to relax with your period at sea

Some ladies try to provoke the onset of menstruation as soon as possible, while others, on the contrary, do everything possible to postpone them, at least for a week. But such experiments are unacceptable, and sometimes even dangerous, since playing with hormonal levels can have serious consequences.

So, what to do if your period starts at sea, and how not to ruin your long-awaited vacation? There are options, and we will look at the most popular ones.

Is it possible to swim in the sea if your period suddenly starts?

What to do if your period suddenly starts at sea? And how to bathe during menstruation? Most gynecologists are categorically against this, since in open water you can catch an infection, especially on “these” days.

The main thing that a woman should remember is to under no circumstances try to prevent the onset of menstruation, either with the help of hormonal contraceptives or through the use of folk remedies (in particular, decoctions of poisonous plants). If you still really want to swim in the sea, you can resort to using hygienic tampons.

Never go into the water with a pad - it will not adequately protect you from the penetration of pathogens into the vagina!

Even swimming with a tampon is allowed only if certain rules are fully followed:

  1. It is necessary to use only tampons with the maximum degree of absorption (the best option is “Super” class products).
  2. Swimming is allowed for no longer than 20 minutes.
  3. After bathing, you must remove the sanitary product, wash yourself and use a sanitary pad.
  4. Change your swimsuit or put on dry underwear.

On this day, try to avoid repeated bathing. Often, using tampons can also be harmful to health, but sanitary pads are safer.

Is it possible to sunbathe?

Another question that worries women is what to do if your period starts unexpectedly at sea, and is it possible to sunbathe in this case?

Prolonged exposure to UV rays is not recommended not only for women during menstruation, but also for any other person.

However, it is during menstruation that sunbathing should be avoided as much as possible.

If, nevertheless, you want to soak up the sun a little, then a woman should do this in the morning, when the rays are not too scorching. But here another question arises: how to hide the uncomfortable position, because if menstruation suddenly begins at sea, then it will be extremely difficult to disguise a sanitary pad under a swimsuit. And sunbathing in shorts or a skirt is not at all what a woman dreams of during her summer vacation.

Everything is very simple: you just need to purchase not only a swimsuit, but also a pareo to go with it. It is advisable to choose a dark-colored set, thanks to which you can not only hide the sanitary pad, but also stains if your period suddenly spills onto the fabric.

What can and cannot be done to delay or speed up the onset of menstruation?

The realization that menstruation will unexpectedly begin at sea often pushes women to rash and even downright dangerous actions. Thinking about what to do if menstruation really does not come on time, many girls take actions aimed at delaying or, conversely, accelerating the arrival of “these” days.

If you don't want to wander sadly along the beach, watching happy holidaymakers swimming happily in the sea, you can use one of the tips below. They are absolutely safe, since they do not lead to changes in hormonal levels - these are just small, harmless tricks that some women go to in order to save their long-awaited vacation. But remember: no one guarantees that they will be effective, so don’t be surprised if, after all your efforts, your period suddenly starts in the middle of your vacation.

How to delay the arrival of menstruation?

If, according to a woman’s calculations, her period will begin just during a holiday at sea, you can use several simple, and most importantly, safe means to delay it. Here are 3 of the most effective methods, according to reviews:

  1. Lemon. To delay the onset of menstruation, you need to eat 1 lemon daily. It is necessary to start such “therapy” approximately 3-4 days before the regulation. Perhaps the woman will be able to cause a delay, but it is possible that they will nevertheless begin at the right time.
  2. Regular consumption of tomato juice. It can be drunk or added to various dishes. This activity should be started a week before the onset of menstruation.
  3. Drink a cup of stinging nettle infusion (2 sachets per glass of boiling water, leave for 5-7 minutes). You need to take the medicine for 2-3 days.

Perhaps these remedies will help delay the onset of menstruation, and the woman will be able to enjoy a vacation at sea. But each organism is individual, so you should not be surprised if your period begins on time.

What is absolutely forbidden to do?

To delay or, conversely, accelerate the onset of menstruation, women going on vacation at sea are strictly prohibited from using:

  • decoction of tansy or any other poisonous plants;
  • uncontrolled use or cessation of oral hormonal contraception without consultation with the gynecologist;
  • hot baths with parallel drinking of alcohol. If you nevertheless decide to take a desperate step, be sure to take a pregnancy test to make sure there is no pregnancy. Otherwise, you will not speed up your periods, but will provoke a miscarriage, and the use of home remedies in this case is dangerous not only for health, but also for life!

You shouldn’t take risks and do downright stupid things, trying to save your seaside vacation by delaying or speeding up your menstruation. Even if critical days begin suddenly, you can find interesting things to do during your vacation. In addition, before the end of the regulation, you will be able to fully acclimatize, and shopping and all kinds of excursions can help you with this.

When you really want to swim, you can, albeit for less than half an hour, use a sanitary tampon to swim a short distance. You will also have the opportunity to sunbathe a little, but do not overdo it, otherwise instead of a beautiful tan you will get an unattractive copper or red skin tone. Hormones - they don’t like to joke, especially with ultraviolet radiation!

Natalia Artikova


In fact, the trick is not new. Since the late 60s of the last century, an extended regimen of COCs (combined oral contraceptives) has been used to treat some hormone-dependent female diseases. Over half a century, enough evidence has accumulated about the safety of the method; in 2003, it was officially approved by the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration), a recognized international expert in the field of drug safety. Today, every woman who has no contraindications to using COCs can regulate her cycle and avoid menstruation.

You don't go against nature, you return to it

Awareness of this fact in the medical community did not occur immediately. By and large, it has not yet fully happened: doctors “not gynecologists” find such information difficult to perceive, hormone phobia is generally a big problem in domestic medicine. But ordinary female users are actively introducing the “extended mode”, or “menstruation on demand” into life. Long and long journeys, weddings, service in the army and, especially, the navy, active sports with many competitions, business with a tight schedule that is scheduled six months in advance, surgery or injury with limited mobility - life is full of situations when menstrual bleeding greatly complicate the already difficult fate of women. Girls cancel their periods, but at the same time they are still afraid: what if I go against nature, what if, sooner or later, a terrible punishment will befall me for this? It won't happen! You don't go against nature, you return to it.

How dangerous is this?

How dangerous is this?

When newborn sea turtles take their first steps in the hot sand, their heads turn in unison towards the brightest part of the horizon. For thousands of years, the shining horizon meant only one thing - the ocean. Light reflects from water, the ocean is life, if we go to the light, we will live. In the 21st century, ocean beaches are entangled in a network of comfortably illuminated routes and buildings. And the light, reinforced by centuries-old instinct, now turns out to be not life, but death for the baby turtles. Evolutionary mismatch: traits that evolved in one environment turn out to be detrimental in another.

So women find themselves in the 21st century in the role of “turtles crawling into the light.” About 100-200 years ago, a girl’s menstruation began at 13–14 years old. And soon after that they tried to urgently marry the girl. And then pregnancy, breastfeeding, the next pregnancy, new lactation... At the age of 40-45, menopause occurred. During the entire reproductive life, no more than 100 menstruation occurred. In any human community where contraception is not used, menstruation is a very rare event.

However, the world has changed. A lady of the 21st century is not going to give birth at the age of 18, doubts the need for even two children, breastfeeds little or does not breastfeed at all, and average age menopause has moved back to the number 52. A modern woman, before retirement, experiences about 300-400 cycles - ovulation and menstruation. Retribution came immediately. Everything that was previously considered a “disease of nuns” has gone to the masses - uterine fibroids, endometriosis, mastopathy, ovarian cancer... Therefore, scientists decided to “remember everything.” Well, if not everything, then at least the fact that menstruation itself does not bring any benefit to the body, but is a by-product of the reproductive cycle. This means that they can be canceled - without harm, even with some significant health benefits.

How to cancel your period

How to cancel your period

In Russia, only one drug is officially registered “for a flexible, prolonged regimen of oral contraceptives.” If you use it, you can set your own schedule. To delay the “temporary trouble,” any monophasic contraceptives (pills, ring or patch) can also be used if used without interruption for seven hormone-free days. And from the COC packs, which contain 28 tablets, remove four placebo pills and immediately start taking a new pack. True, if you have not used hormonal contraception before, but are now going straight to an extended scheme (for the sake of a vacation!), then the details should be discussed with a gynecologist: if your own cycle, for example, is shorter than the standard 28 days or menstruation is longer than four days, then it is possible all sorts of nuances.

With the onset of warm days, all thoughts are only about summer vacation. However, the sweet anticipation of a holiday on the seashore for girls can significantly spoil the onset of the menstrual cycle. How to delay your period while on vacation is a question that worries most girls, and it is also important to understand how safe such a delay will be for your health.

Menstrual cycle

The monthly menstrual cycle in a woman of reproductive age is divided into three main periods:

  1. Follicular. At this stage, the main follicle matures, which can subsequently be fertilized, resulting in pregnancy. The duration of this phase is approximately two weeks.
  2. Ovulation. During this period, under the influence of hormones, the egg leaves the follicle and prepares to meet the sperm. It moves through the fallopian tubes towards the uterus, moving along the villous epithelium lining the tubes. If during such a movement the egg does not meet the sperm, it will reach the uterus, where it will dissolve in its mucous membrane.
  3. Luteal. Immediately after ovulation, a corpus luteum is formed at the site of the released follicle, from which hormones are actively released: androgen, estradiol and progesterone, in order to prepare the uterus for implantation of the fertilized egg. This phase occurs in every cycle, regardless of whether fertilization has taken place. If pregnancy does not occur, the reverse process begins, the amount of hormones secreted by the corpus luteum is sharply reduced, and the endometrial layer formed by them begins to be rejected. It is at this moment that menstruation occurs.

Considering that all stages of the menstrual cycle are regulated by hormones, and the onset of menstruation is directly related to a sharp reduction in their levels, the conclusion suggests itself that to delay the monthly number of sex hormones, the number of sex hormones should be increased and for these purposes there are various methods.

Postponement Methods

In order to delay the onset of menstruation for several days, a week, or even a whole month, medications are often used:

  • coca (combined oral contraceptives);
  • progestins and gestagens (therapeutic hormonal drugs for the treatment of endometriosis and amenorrhea);
  • emergency contraception;
  • hemostatic drugs.


Medicinal methods of delaying menstruation are very popular among female athletes who use them before important competitions. For these purposes, they use hormonal contraceptives or take gestagens.


Birth control pills (combined hormonal contraceptives) are used to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

Important! Drugs in this group contain a certain concentration of hormones and have clear indications for use. Uncontrolled use of such medications has a negative impact on health.

Birth control pills are divided into two groups:

  1. Monophasic - the same tablets are taken throughout the entire cycle.
  2. Three-phase - the package of contraceptives contains different tablets that are taken in accordance with the current phase of the menstrual cycle.

For the purpose of contraception, COCs should be taken on the first day of the cycle, that is, on the day of the start of menstruation, otherwise its effectiveness is reduced and additional means of protection against pregnancy are required.

Worth knowing! Taking birth control pills evens out the menstrual cycle.

The package of contraceptives contains 21 tablets, after which you should take a seven-day break, during which menstruation begins. If you do not take this break, your period will not come. In this way, you can extend the cycle by several days or skip it completely by finishing the second package of tablets to the end.

If you regularly take three-phase contraceptives, after finishing the first pack, you should immediately take tablets of the third phase from the next pack, and it should be borne in mind that with this use the contraceptive effect will not be maintained.

If a woman does not take oral contraceptives regularly and purchases them solely for the purpose of delaying menstruation, she should choose monophasic COCs and start taking them on any day of the cycle, but no later than three days from the expected start of menstruation.

Worth knowing! Taking oral contraceptives without interruption is absolutely safe for health, as confirmed by recent medical studies, according to which such pills can be taken continuously for 60-80 days.

In some cases, irregular use of oral contraceptives (solely to lengthen the cycle and delay menstruation) is strictly contraindicated:

  • over 35 years of age;
  • women who smoke;
  • in the presence of thrombosis;
  • with high blood clotting.

Emergency contraception

A separate group of drugs includes emergency contraception, which is taken after sexual intercourse. When there is a high risk of pregnancy. The most popular among such products is Postinor.

The drug is a means of emergency abortion and contains a very high dose of the hormone. A single dose of this drug can delay menstruation. But at the same time it leads to a serious failure in hormonal background women.

Important! Taking emergency contraception for the purpose of regulating the menstrual cycle is strictly contraindicated, since one of the side effects of the drug is the opening of severe uterine bleeding, which may require surgery to stop.

Hemostatic agents

Drugs that can delay menstruation by several days (up to a week) or stop it early include:

The most popular drugs in this group used to delay menstruation are:

  1. "Vikasol" is a synthetic analogue of vitamin K, which increases blood clotting and leads to the rapid completion of menstruation.
  2. "Dicinon" is a drug that strengthens the muscle layer and blood vessels, thereby stopping bleeding or preventing its onset.

Such medications have nothing to do with hormones and do not affect the cycle; moreover, a side effect of their use, in addition to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, headaches and nausea, is thrombosis.

Important! The use of hemostatic agents to delay menstruation is not recommended. Such medications should be prescribed by a doctor if there are appropriate indications.


Gynecologists prescribe specific medications based on the gestagen hormone to regulate the menstrual cycle, or rather for long-term periods and to treat endometriosis.

Drugs in this group affect the uterine mucosa and increase the production of progesterone, against the background of which the development and rejection of the endometrium slows down, which means that menstruation occurs later than the due date.

Popular medications in this group are:

  1. "Utrozhestan".
  2. "Norkolut."

Such drugs for delaying menstruation begin to be taken in the third phase of the cycle, approximately 3-5 days before the expected date of the onset of menstruation. The first days, 1 tablet per day, on the last day two tablets. With this intake, menstruation will be delayed by about three days.

If you start taking gestogens two weeks before the start of menstruation, regular bleeding will be delayed for a week.

Worth knowing! Gestogen-containing drugs can also be taken during menstruation in order to complete it as quickly as possible and reduce the volume of discharge.

Contraindications to the use of drugs in this group include:

  • liver diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • asthma;
  • increased blood clotting.

Side effects that occur while taking gestagens are:

  • headache;
  • allergic reactions;
  • increased breast sensitivity;
  • discomfort in the liver area.

Traditional methods

If you don’t want to take medications, you can try to delay menstruation with folk remedies.

Worth knowing! If you have gastrointestinal diseases, taking herbal decoctions, citrus fruits and other folk remedies to delay menstruation is not recommended.

Popular traditional medicine recipes for delaying the onset of menstruation are:

  1. Lemon
    This citrus fruit has a very high concentration of vitamin C, which affects blood clotting and vascular function. To delay menstruation by 3-5 days, you need to eat 5 lemons without sugar every day during the last five days of the cycle. The effectiveness of the method can be enhanced by daily cold foot baths taken for 10 minutes during this period.
  2. Nettle decoction
    Pour 5 tablespoons of dried herbs into 0.5 liters of cool water and boil the composition for 5 minutes. Cover the finished broth with a lid and leave for half an hour, then strain and drink completely the day before the start of menstruation.
  3. Water pepper tincture
    Pour 5 tablespoons of the plant with 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil the solution for 5 minutes. Infuse the product for 3 hours, then strain and take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day four days before the expected onset of menstruation.
  4. Herbal collection
    Mix a tablespoon of raspberry, mint and shepherd's purse leaves and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour and take 120 ml 3 times a day, starting four days before the start of menstruation.
  5. Strawberry leaves
    The product can be used both to delay and to stop menstruation that has already begun. Pour a tablespoon of crushed dry leaves of the plant into a liter of boiling water, cover and leave for 30 minutes. Take the strained solution a quarter glass in the morning and evening, starting a couple of days before the onset of menstruation. If menstruation has already begun, drink a third of a glass three times a day until it ends completely.

Important! Folk remedies, as well as hormonal ones, can have a negative effect on the menstrual cycle.


When trying to postpone menstruation while on vacation, women rarely think about how this could affect their health in the future.

Gynecologists say that a forced delay of menstruation, even by 1 day, can cause serious hormonal imbalance and menstrual irregularities, the recovery of which will be difficult and lengthy.

Worth knowing! The menstruation following a forced delay is highly likely to be more abundant and longer than usual, with corresponding risks to the woman’s health.

It is strictly contraindicated to use any methods of delaying menstruation if:

  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • after 40 years;
  • smoking.

What to do if it doesn’t work out

In the event that it was not possible to delay menstruation before the vacation for one reason or another, or the girl decided that the risk associated with delaying menstruation is much higher than the benefit from it, everything possible should be done to ensure that the vacation is pleasant and safe, despite the timing the beginning of menstruation.

Menstruation during vacation, in addition to discomfort, significantly increases the risk of colds in the appendages and infection, since during this period the female body is especially vulnerable. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should follow the following rules:

  1. Reduce the number and duration of bathing in the first days of menstruation, when the discharge is most abundant.
  2. Use tampons, changing them after each bath. Select such funds in accordance with the volume of allocations.
  3. During the first days, try not to sunbathe in the sun, so as not to provoke increased bleeding.
  4. Keep a menstrual calendar and try to plan vacations and other important events on appropriate dates in accordance with your cycle.

Worth knowing! The risk of infection during swimming during menstruation is not justified, since most pathogenic microorganisms die in the water, but it is quite possible to catch a cold in the appendages and develop inflammatory diseases associated with hypothermia during this period.

If you need to shift the cycle by several days, there are many ways to implement your plan, especially when a long-awaited vacation awaits you, but before resorting to them, you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons of such a delay.

Today I decided that it was time to mark the 10 cherished August days with a blue marker (sea-sky-freedom-relaxation!) in my work calendar and begin active pre-vacation preparations. But here... Oh horror! I counted the days one more time, checked my “women’s” calendar one more time... What kind of mysticism is this?!! The whole seven days of the long-awaited vacation included critical days! How could this happen? After all, I was counting on everything...

After two hours of mental effort, calculations, and estimates, I realized that the antibiotics I used to treat the flu interfered with my plans. What a sneaky surprise! And now what i can do?!!

I spent the next two weeks looking for information about a remedy that could help me - speed up the onset of my periods (in order to have time to get rid of it before the vacation) or, conversely, delay them for a couple of weeks. Internet, friends, mom... Hundreds of recommendations like “there are some pills, but I don’t remember their names”! Thousands of memories of “how terrible it is to vacation with them!” A million oohs and sighs!

My mother, after the obligatory “go crazy!” and “I would give birth better!”, I remembered how before my own wedding I solved the problem with my menstrual periods with the help of a decoction of ordinary parsley. But she promised to tell me the details after I go to the gynecologist. The argument was presented as bulletproof: “You still have to give birth, there’s no point in fooling around!”

I visited my gynecologist. Nina Andreevna, a strict lady with kind eyes, brought my brain into complete order in 25 minutes of detailed conversation:

Yes, it is possible to change the date of your next menstruation. But this should be done under the supervision of a gynecologist and in case of emergency (here Nina Andreevna noted that she would not include vacation in the list of “extreme necessities”).

Yes, there are hormonal drugs, with the help of which, in fact, the “undesirable” date is corrected. The principle of the procedure itself is based on the artificial creation of hormonal fluctuations that occur throughout the menstrual cycle. The fact is that in the first half of this very cycle, estrogens predominate in the female body. And in the second half - progesterone, whose task is to maintain the intended pregnancy (that's why it is called the “pregnancy hormone”). After the level of progesterone in the body drops, critical days begin. Intervention in a woman’s hormonal balance with the help of Norkolut, Duphaston, Utrozhestan and other similar hormonal agents should only take place as prescribed by a gynecologist. Amateur activity is unacceptable!

Yes, with the help of oral contraceptives (OCs) you can “skip” unwanted critical days. To do this, after finishing taking one package of OK without a prescribed break, you should immediately start taking the second package of OK. However, you should “cancel” your periods in this way only in cases of “extreme necessity” (this was followed by another “attack” on vacation) and no more than 1-2 times a year. And you certainly shouldn’t resort to this method for women who have not practiced taking OCs before - not only may they not achieve the desired effect, but in addition it’s quite possible to get a whole bunch of “associated” inconveniences.

Yes, with the help of folk remedies you can delay or speed up the onset of your period. As a rule, eating lemons (1-2 lemons a day 3-4 days before the start of menstruation) delays the onset of menstruation by 3-5 days, and drinking parsley decoction (1/2 cup twice a day for 3-4 days ) – brings closer.

No, POSTINOR cannot be taken to correct the date of menstruation, since it is an abortifacient used in cases of emergency contraception (for example, after rape). This drug causes enormous harm to the female body! And there is a high probability that for the “unclouded” vacation provided by Postinor, the woman will have to pay for years of treatment.
That's all, actually. As for me, this is comprehensive information on a burning topic. Personally, for myself, I chose parsley - it’s not hormones, and my mother tested the remedy. The recipe is simple: cut a bunch of parsley, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours; take ½ glass in the morning, ½ glass in the evening; then a new portion is brewed. Closer to the desired date I will conduct personal tests.

Oh, I’d rather have a vacation, the sea, the cries of seagulls, the sound of the surf! I hope everything goes well for me! I wish the same for you!

Have a nice holiday!

Periods at sea can ruin your mood. Today the site Shtuchka.ru will help you find out what to do if these days fall on vacation, what to do to delay them, and how not to get bored on the beach.

Traditional methods

So, if you are going to warm countries, you have bought a ticket - and suddenly you realize that on these very days you will have your period, do not be upset. There are folk ways to delay menstruation - this is consumption lemons and parsley in large quantities. The vitamin C contained in these products will bring your period closer, and then you won’t be bothered by your period while on vacation at the seaside.


In addition, some medications help delay these days. Just remember that you can only take them after consulting a doctor. There are combined oral contraceptives, COCs. To delay the first day of your period, you need to drink monophasic COC from any day of the cycle, but no later than three days before the start of menstruation. You need to drink a pack of COCs, and after about a couple of days the “red days” will begin.

Sometimes they drink to delay gestagens, dicinone. True, you need to take certain medications only after consultation and under the strict supervision of a doctor. Nature is not to be trifled with! No matter what advertisements say, especially on the Internet, there is still a danger of disrupting important mechanisms in the body.

The site advises you to either prevent your period at sea, that is, plan a vacation on days when you definitely won’t have your period. But this is only possible if your cycle is stable and does not change. If you draw up a vacation schedule at the beginning of the year, you won’t always be able to guess. And, besides, you need to coordinate your plans with your companion or girlfriend.

And another common situation is when your period on vacation at sea began suddenly. Due to a change in climate, moving or flying, just the excitement associated with leaving. In such a case, always, even if everything is still normal, take tampons and pads with you.

You probably already know that tampons and pads need to be changed frequently to prevent infection from developing, and simply for hygienic reasons. And when you are on the beach or swimming in the sea in the heat, even more so.

Let's talk about swimming in the sea... You shouldn't swim in a pad, or in a tampon - it's also undesirable, but it's still possible. If you have the opportunity to change your tampon immediately after the sea, just great. And one more thing - you can swim with a tampon only not on the first or second day of your period.

How not to be bored if you start your period at sea?

There is no need to be upset right away if there are critical days during your vacation. Firstly, they won’t last all 10 days? And if the vacation is longer, then there is even more reason to be sad. Secondly, if you come to warm regions, this does not mean that you will spend all your days exclusively on the beach and in the water.

If critical days coincide with the beginning of carefree days, there is no need to be upset. When you have just arrived or flown in, you need to acclimatize, get used to new conditions. You can just lie down and bask in the sun.

What if you’re not one of those people who likes to swing for a long time, you need to make the most of every vacation? Great, in the first days you can explore the surrounding area and go on excursions. And don’t worry, your period will interfere with your period during excursions on the moraine. If you take a ticket on a boat, enjoy the luxurious view and, if necessary, visit the toilet.

The excursions can take you two days. If your period usually lasts from three to four days, then on the last day, when a little blood is released, you can swim in the sea. Just be sure to use a tampon and always change it.

Of course, it is best to wait out your period not at sea, but by going on excursions or simply having fun in bars and cafes. Believe me, you will remember such a vacation for a long time, because it will be full of impressions. After all, when a vacation takes place according to the “hotel-beach-sea-restaurant-hotel” scheme, it is not as fun and interesting as many excursions, trips and new acquaintances.

Periods at sea are not such a problem!

And there is a small percentage of happy girls for whom do not cause dissatisfaction or negative emotions. After all, not everyone goes to warmer climes solely to swim; some just want to sunbathe, relax, sleep and, of course, walk around the city and go sightseeing. Now we are talking about those who cannot swim. Of course, this is great pleasure, but not everyone is able to overcome their fear of water.

So, if your period may begin, then you can delay it by using folk remedies or medications, but just consult with your doctors before doing so. And the best thing is not to disturb the rhythms of your body and enjoy other types of recreation, but go to the beach when your period passes. After all, you won’t need pads and tampons for a whole vacation!

Remember that it’s not your period that can ruin your vacation, but your bad mood. Therefore, tune in to the positive and enjoy every minute of your vacation in a hot country!

Eva Raduga - especially for the site Shtuchka.ru!

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