Only my left leg hurts. Pulling the right leg from hip to foot causes and treatment

The pain in the right leg causes significant discomfort. When such a symptom is short-lived, a person may not pay attention to it. But sometimes the pain syndrome becomes bursting, acute, and long-lasting. And it becomes impossible to tolerate it. Then you should determine the true reason why your right leg hurts. This will help you quickly begin effective treatment and reduce the risk of possible complications that occur with certain diseases.

Common Causes

Most often, pain that appears in the area of ​​the right leg is associated with diseases of the joints, spine, blood vessels and muscles of the lower extremities. During vascular pathologies, the outflow of venous blood is disrupted. The pressure in the vessels begins to increase several times, and congestion forms in the veins. This is what leads to irritation of the nerve endings, as well as pain in the lower limb.

Usually such spasms are dull in nature. At the same time, you may feel heaviness in your legs. Subsequently, varicose veins develop. Other causes of unpleasant symptoms in the right lower limb include:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • atherosclerosis of arteries;
  • joint problems;
  • peripheral nerve diseases;
  • myositis;
  • osteomyelitis.

When it comes to thrombophlebitis, pain syndrome also occurs in the right leg. It is pulsating in nature. A burning sensation may be felt under the skin. The discomfort becomes permanent and is mostly localized in the lower leg and calf area.

With atherosclerosis of the arteries, the walls of the vessels begin to thicken. Compressive pain appears in the calf muscles of the right leg. They get worse when walking. The distinctive features of this disease are cold feet, even if it is a warm season outside.

Problems with joints are almost always accompanied by pain in the lower extremities. This syndrome manifests itself most when the weather changes. If the disease is in an advanced stage, the pain in the right leg becomes constant and quite painful. When it is localized in the knee area, we can talk about the destruction of the cartilage of this joint.

REFERENCE. Peripheral nerve diseases can also cause pain in the right leg. In this case, the spasm itself becomes paroxysmal. Soreness occurs in those areas where the nerve fibers are located. When the attacks, which can last several minutes, subside, the discomfort disappears.

Under myositis lies inflammation of the muscles of the lower extremities. This disease is considered very serious and requires immediate medical intervention. With osteomyelitis, the causes of pain in the leg are due to infection of the bones. This symptom becomes acute and torments a person for a long time. Sometimes pain in the right lower limb is associated with an injury. It could be:

  • Crick;
  • injury;
  • ligament rupture;
  • fracture

In these cases, pain in the right leg appears immediately after the injury. Less commonly, such a symptom develops against the background of constant, increased physical stress exerted on the right limb. This can occur when playing sports without first warming up the muscles, wearing uncomfortable and tight shoes, or running on very hard surfaces.

If a sharp pain appears in the leg, and the skin turns red and becomes hot, then we are talking about erysipelas. Pulsating pain, reminiscent of distension, signals thrombosis. Sometimes such an unpleasant symptom can appear due to lymphatic edema. In this case, painful spasms intensify when palpating the leg, as well as when walking.

With arthrosis, pain appears due to damage to the hip joint, which is caused by its wear and tear. During osteochondrosis, when inflammation of the nerve in the hip area occurs, a painful spasm can radiate to the back, groin and manifest itself in the knee. Sometimes irritable bowel syndrome, which torments a person for a long period, can provoke pain in the right leg. This happens when irritation affects the right side of the large intestine.

During pregnancy, a woman also runs the risk of experiencing pain in the leg. This happens because the uterus increases in size, the load placed on the spine increases, and the nerves are compressed. As a result, noticeable discomfort occurs in the right lower limb.

Some women during menstruation may also experience this problem. Discomfort is first localized in the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries, affecting the entire pelvis, and then going down. This is most often associated with hormonal changes that occur in the body during this period.


Some diseases of the spine can provoke discomfort in the lower limb. However, in such a situation, pain occurs that radiates to the leg. There may be no sensations in the area of ​​the spinal column itself.

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve provokes pain in the right lower limb

When the sciatic nerve is damaged, a disease called sciatica begins to occur. The pain becomes intense, it is felt in the back of the thigh or the entire right leg. Many patients may complain that they feel a tense, painful core inside, due to which they cannot continue to lead their usual active life.

Sciatica is recognized by certain symptoms. The spine may curve to one side. In a lying position, it becomes painful to fully straighten the leg. Back movements become limited. Subsequently, atrophy of the lower leg muscles may occur.

In addition to the sciatic nerve, the femoral nerve may be affected. This usually occurs against the background of lumbar osteochondrosis, spondylitis, and tumors in the spine. Nagging pain covers the inner and front surface of the thigh. It becomes uncomfortable to bend the leg at the knee, especially when lying on the stomach. The muscles gradually weaken.

IMPORTANT! With an inflammatory process involving the iliopsoas muscle, in addition to the pain that radiates to the upper part of the right leg, there is pain on palpation of the abdomen. Body temperature may rise, and blood composition may change. Osteophytes that affect the bone joints of the spine can spread to the knee joints, contributing to the appearance of pain in the right leg. It becomes difficult to bend the limb, it becomes numb, and stiffness is felt in the hip joint.

When serious pathologies begin to occur in the body, one of the symptoms may also be pain in the right leg. It should be understood that such diseases require immediate medical intervention. These include:

  • appendicitis;
  • intervertebral disc herniation;
  • thrombosis;
  • presence of tumors;
  • abdominal type infarction.

With appendicitis, the appendix, which is located at the level of the large intestine, becomes inflamed. The most pronounced symptom of this pathology is acute pain appearing in the right side and going down. Almost always, this symptom is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

A herniated disc is formed when two adjacent vertebrae are compressed. As a result, the disc begins to squeeze out, affecting the spinal nerves. In this case, the entire right leg hurts greatly, in the area of ​​which tingling may be felt.

Thrombosis affects large veins located in the lower extremities. Sometimes this disease affects the right or left hand, localizing in the hand area. Blood clots, which are blood clots, appear for a variety of reasons. This disease is accompanied by redness of the skin of the legs, swelling and pain in the affected areas.

In some cases, when the right leg suddenly hurts, we may be talking about the formation of a tumor in the connective tissue. Metastases subsequently affect bone joints, nerves and ligaments, which leads to noticeable discomfort. A very rare pathology is abdominal infarction. This disease occurs when the abdominal artery is blocked. In this case, the person is tormented by approaching nausea, a sharp pain appears in the stomach, which radiates to the right leg.

Abdominal infarction provokes acute spasm in the abdomen and leg

Bunion causes the formation of a bunion on the inside of the foot. It becomes painful to step on the affected leg. This is due to the incorrect position that the foot begins to assume.

With a disease such as Achilles tendonitis, the inflammatory process affects the tendon. The person begins to feel severe discomfort in the lower right limb. The pain is stabbing in nature, localized mainly just above the heel, under the calf.

Characteristics of pain

To find out the reason why the leg hurts, the characteristics of the spasm itself and its localization will help. Pain syndrome can occur from behind, radiating to the buttocks or the entire leg. Anterior pain is most felt in the knee joint or foot. If such a symptom occurs in the area of ​​the lateral surface of the thigh, then the entire leg is most often exposed to discomfort.

In a sitting position, unpleasant sensations can appear when a person leads a sedentary lifestyle. It may also be due to compression of the spinal nerve endings or inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Sometimes pain in the leg bothers a person before going to bed or at night. This may be due to a muscle strain.

Pain that occurs while standing may be due to the fact that a person spends too much time on his feet. And sometimes the cause is radiculitis. Discomfort that manifests itself while walking and disappears at rest means that the problem lies in the muscles.

Pain radiating to the buttocks may be a manifestation of sciatica or muscle rupture. If it spreads to the hips, then the development of arthrosis can be suspected. A spasm that affects the back and radiates to the leg is often associated with ongoing inflammation in the spine.

REFERENCE. Pain spreading from the groin and throughout the leg indicates radiculitis. If it hurts to step on the heel, we can talk about compression of the spinal nerves. Painful sensations affecting the lower abdomen and moving to the leg may indicate diseases of the abdominal cavity.

When pain in the right leg is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the back, we may be talking about the following ailments:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

When this phenomenon is accompanied by onset of nausea, this condition indicates thrombosis. Tingling and aching pain in the right leg indicate circulatory problems.

If the upper part of the right leg begins to hurt, movements become difficult, the skin in this place becomes hot, sometimes tingling or numbness is felt, and the process of urination is disrupted, then we may be talking about Paget's disease of the bone. Typically, mature people encounter this disease when the physiological processes of aging begin to occur, causing bone tissue to gradually deteriorate.


Therapy to help eliminate pain in the right leg will depend on the cause that preceded the symptom. If the main factor was the period of menstruation, then the woman does not need to rack her brains about what to do. It will be enough to take any painkiller. This could be Ibuprofen or Paracetamol.

When pain in the right leg bothers you during pregnancy, treatment recommendations boil down to reducing the load on the back and taking frequent rests. In case of muscle rupture and stretching, an ice pack should be applied to the damaged area, ensuring the lower limb rests for several days.

Treatment will be more complex and lengthy if the cause of the pain in the right leg is a serious illness or internal pathology. For arthrosis, therapy will be based on the following measures:

  • taking anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • iontophoresis.

When it comes to osteochondrosis and radiculitis, then medications are prescribed to relieve pain and block the ongoing inflammatory process. For thrombosis, anticoagulants and antifibrinolytics are prescribed, which stop the formation of blood clots.

Treatment of thrombosis is primarily based on the use of anticoagulants

If tumors begin to form in the vertebral area, causing pain in the right lower limb, then the doctor selects individual treatment. It may consist of the following techniques:

  • chemotherapy;
  • surgical intervention;
  • radiation therapy.

When the nagging leg pain is associated with irritable bowel syndrome, nutrition will need to be a major focus. You should also try to avoid stress and take a course of muscle relaxants, which will help relax the intestinal muscles. A herniated disc is treated with medications and, if necessary, surgery.

In order to prevent the occurrence of leg pain in the future, you need to be attentive to your health. In case of vascular pathologies, it is necessary to adjust the diet and exclude fatty foods. You should regularly do exercises for the lower extremities to help reduce the risk of developing varicose veins. If sharp pain in the leg does not stop for three days, and the skin turns pale, swollen or blue, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

The characteristic pain radiating to the leg is a signal that indicates that the body is struggling with some serious problem. You can leave everything to chance, or you can immediately consult a doctor. Why does he pull his left leg? Perhaps the reason is simple - lack of vitamins, poor diet or uncomfortable sleeping position. However, this is not a reason to ignore discomfort. Let's find out the main reasons that cause nagging pain in the left leg, and also find out which specialist to contact for examination.

Vitamin deficiency, mineral deficiency

If your left leg hurts and feels tight, you may have vitamin deficiency. Please note that deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body manifests itself to a greater extent in autumn and spring. For example, with a lack of calcium, bones suffer, which causes discomfort. B vitamins directly affect muscle health, especially B1, B2 and B12. But potassium deficiency leads to swelling and tissues lose tone.

Varicose veins of the legs, pelvis and abdominal cavity are the main cause

Does your left leg pull, especially at night? Varicose veins lead to unpleasant sensations. The disease itself is a swelling of the veins, which eventually form nodules. They block blood flow to the lower extremities. Due to stagnation of blood, painful sensations arise, which are often accompanied by aching, nagging pain.

Reasons for the development of varicose veins: increased stress on the lower extremities (long-term walking, excess weight), genetic predisposition, thinning of the walls of blood vessels, altered hormonal levels. It is not difficult to determine the presence of varicose veins of the legs. It is enough to study the surface of the limbs. Swollen peripheral veins protrude under the skin and have a bluish-purple hue. But pelvic varicose veins can only be detected during diagnostics at a medical center.

Fatigue and overwork

The reason why the left leg is pulled may be physical activity. Prolonged exercise with heavy weights, standing work, walking without prior preparation - all this causes the famous symptom of “twisting” the legs. This disease is often accompanied by numbness in the legs (particularly the fingers), cramps and weakness.

To avoid the appearance of pulling sensations, it is recommended to regularly devote yourself to sports. At the same time, it is not necessary to visit gyms, because today there are five-minute home workout programs that allow you not only to strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks, but also to improve blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels and get rid of the sensations when your left leg is pulled.


Complications in which the left leg hurts and pulls occur in 30% of people with diabetes. It is believed that when it comes to the lower extremities, the disease reaches the final stage, and it is almost impossible to cure this disease just like that.

The reason why the left leg is pulled in diabetes mellitus is simple: the disease affects the development of atherosclerosis (cholesterol deposition, thinning of the walls of blood vessels, narrowing of the lumens), then the blood flows poorly to the lower extremities, the tissues do not receive sufficient nutrition, which causes an aching, nagging pain .

Diabetes mellitus often explains the question “Why does the foot of the left leg drag?” The disease affects the nerves of the lower extremities, causing their sensitivity to decrease. Instead of classic pain, a person feels his legs “twisting,” but he can’t do anything about it. Subsequently, the sensitivity of the legs disappears completely, and it is impossible to track even minor wounds or tissue damage. This all leads to the development of non-healing ulcers of the lower extremities.


Rheumatism of the lower extremities is another reason why the thigh of the left leg, foot or calf muscle is pulled. This disease is caused by an infection that affects the joints and tissues of the legs. That is why the main symptom may be, although not excruciating, but an obsessive nagging and aching pain. As a rule, there is a feeling of “torsion” in the hip, ankle and knee joints. It does not matter how long such sensations last - this is the main sign of the development of rheumatism.

Please note that the disease affects the joints symmetrically. For example, if you have a tight knee on your left leg, the same sensation may also occur on your right leg. Basically, rheumatism has a negative effect on large joints, but often unpleasant sensations appear in the fingers. In megacities, much more people suffer from rheumatism than in the periphery. The reason is simple: intoxication of the body due to poor environmental conditions (exhausts, bad water, low-quality products).

Increased load on the lower limbs and changes in hormonal levels

Many people experience nagging pain in their left leg, but this ailment especially affects pregnant women. Such sensations are caused by the fact that a woman’s body is constantly reorganizing while carrying a baby: the load on the lower limbs increases, a deficiency of minerals and vitamins appears, the pelvic nerves are affected, and hormonal levels change. All this leads to sensations such as nagging and aching pain, cramps, numbness of the feet and toes, swelling and varicose veins.

In this case, you should not take risks using folk remedies or choosing a vitamin complex yourself. In order not to put your baby at risk, you need to contact a specialist who will prescribe a safe examination and then prescribe effective medications suitable for both pregnant women and women during lactation. Statistics prove that this disease goes away on its own, a few weeks after birth.


Injuries to the lower extremities can lead to a feeling of “twisting” in the left leg. These include fractures of varying degrees, bruises, and sprains. Nagging pain can occur immediately after injury to a limb, with slight swelling, changes in skin color, and the appearance of lumps. Often, damage to muscles, ligaments and joints can be accompanied by unpleasant sensations from 2-4 days to several weeks. For minor injuries, bandaging, taking painkillers and keeping the leg completely immobilized until it is completely healed can help. It is important to avoid putting stress on the lower limbs and to rest them as often as possible.


Cysts and tumors can cause an unpleasant pulling sensation, particularly in the left leg. Such neoplasms can be either benign (removed surgically, resolved with the help of medications) or malignant, affecting bone and muscle tissue not only of the lower extremities, but also of the entire body. The main symptom, such as “torsion” of the legs and aching pain in the joints, may indicate that oncology is developing. In this case, it is best to contact a specialist immediately after the first unpleasant sensations appear. Tumors are often found in the hip and knee joints.

Tumors can appear due to injuries (bruises, fractures, frostbite), due to physical activity (in professional athletes), due to infectious diseases, diabetes, and hormonal imbalances.

Who to contact

You should not ignore this symptom, but should immediately consult a specialist. First of all, to a therapist, who, after collecting an anamnesis and questioning, will refer you to either a neurologist, an orthopedist, or an oncologist. Everything depends not only on the location of the pain, but also on the lifestyle that the patient leads. Based on the collected data, the therapist will be able to prescribe the necessary examinations and refer you to a qualified specialist.

It is important to understand that today, due to poor ecology, poor-quality water and food, overwork and regular vitamin deficiency, the risk of developing pathologies increases, so it is best to carry out diagnosis in a medical institution. Self-medication in this case is not recommended, since it can only hide the nagging sensations, but in no way relieve you of the root cause. At the same time, do not forget about basic hygiene rules, sports, and proper nutrition.

Do exercises, especially if you have a sedentary lifestyle, give preference to nuts, fruits and vegetables, donate blood regularly to prevent vitamin deficiency, walk more often in the fresh air and follow a routine. These tips are banal and hackneyed, but they work and help avoid such unpleasant sensations as pulling and aching pain in the lower extremities.

Today, many people complain that their legs are stretched. There can be many reasons for this, and it’s impossible to figure it out without specialists. To treat a disease, you need to find out the cause, and for this you need to undergo an examination.

The most common nagging pain in the legs occurs for the following reasons:

  • lack of magnesium or calcium in the blood, or both;
  • compression of the nerve roots due to osteochondrosis of the ridge;
  • varicose veins of the legs;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • rheumatism, gout, arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • hemorrhoids and varicose veins of the small pelvis;
  • kidney diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • poisoning, intoxication;
  • restless legs syndrome.

Let's look at some of them.

Vascular and spinal diseases

Pain due to varicose veins or atherosclerosis, in which narrowing of the lumen in the vessels occurs due to damage to the latter by atherosclerotic plaques, occurs quite often. This occurs due to stagnation of blood and accumulation of breakdown products in the leg muscles. It is because of them that the legs feel heavy and tired.

At the initial stages, the external manifestation of these processes is hardly noticeable. When everything is left to chance, the legs are not given due attention, the skin becomes thinner and the pattern of blood vessels becomes visible. In the absence of timely and adequate treatment, skin wounds may occur on the legs.

To determine the diagnosis, you need to contact a specialist and perform a scanning procedure of the veins and arteries of the legs. Today this is the most effective diagnostic method. It is also necessary to check whether platelets and blood sugar levels are normal.

Nagging pain in the legs can be due to osteochondrosis of the spinal column. Pain appears when the nerve roots in the spine are compressed, and it can be easily distinguished by the following signs:

  • appears simultaneously with pain in the lumbar spine or sacrum;
  • pain bothers only the right leg or only the left leg;
  • the pain may be followed by cramps;
  • may occur at any time;
  • not accompanied by heaviness in the muscles;
  • quickly disappears when the underlying disease is treated.

To make a correct diagnosis, you need to examine the spine using MRI and make sure whether individual nerve roots are actually being compressed.

Lack of vitamins and alcohol

Pulling legs due to lack of microelements and vitamins. For example, with magnesium deficiency, nagging pain in the legs may occur at night. They are often accompanied by convulsions. Usually such pains disappear if you drink a vitamin complex containing vitamin C, magnesium, and calcium.

To establish a diagnosis, you just need to take a blood test. In order to prevent such a situation, you need to monitor your diet. Traditionally, women suffer from this disease, following various diets and thereby limiting the variety of their diet.

After drinking alcohol, your legs can also hurt.

Alcohol affects blood vessels: small ones become blocked, while large ones, on the contrary, become very dilated.

Because of this, the blood supply to the legs deteriorates sharply, and the circulation of venous blood is disrupted. This is especially true for people who have a tendency to varicose veins. Alcohol can aggravate this disease. Alcohol can also cause swelling in the legs as fluid accumulates in the lower extremities, creating pain.

Alcohol washes calcium from the body, resulting in pain and often cramps in the lower extremities. If alcohol damages the nervous system, severe cramps and numbness in the legs will begin.

Legs hurt during pregnancy

Pregnant women also often experience leg pain. At a doctor's appointment, they complain that their legs are pulling. The root cause is simple: as the fetus grows, the weight of the expectant mother also increases, which means the load on the legs increases.

To avoid varicose veins and swelling, a pregnant woman should eat right, do exercises daily, and not wear high-heeled shoes. She also needs to replenish her body with microelements: magnesium, calcium, potassium and vitamins, especially vitamins D and E. The answer to the question of why my legs hurt at night lies in pregnancy itself and in the overloads that are characteristic of this condition.

Night pain in legs

It happens that a person has passed all the necessary examinations, no vascular pathologies have been identified, urine and blood tests are good, there are no varicose veins, but pain in the legs torments him at night.

This condition indicates problems with a person’s mental health. Under the influence of frequent stress, the brain does not allow the muscles to completely relax before going to bed. The body is always under tension, even at night. Because of this, pain appears in the legs. Traditionally, they appear before bed, when falling asleep. I want to move my legs all the time, changing their position every minute. Convulsions do not appear at this time. A person cannot relax and fall asleep for a long time. Slowly but surely, restless legs syndrome can lead to a nervous breakdown.

To prevent this from happening, you should increase physical activity on the leg muscles. It is enough before going to bed (a couple of hours before) to do a small exercise in the form of a 15-minute run in place, a dozen squats and several leg swings. If classes do not give results, then you need to consult a doctor for comprehensive treatment.

Separately, it is worth mentioning acute poisoning and intoxication, which can also cause pain in the legs. Simultaneously with a decrease in the functions of some organs, microbial processes lead to an excess of acetone bodies and lactic acid in the leg muscles, which causes unpleasant sensations.

When your legs drag due to intoxication, what should you do? First, free the body from poisons and toxins. To determine signs of poisoning, doctors prescribe biochemical tests of urine and blood. A disordered metabolism often accelerates the body's slagging, and when it is clogged, it signals this with nagging pain in the lower extremities.

When one leg hurts

It happens that not both legs hurt, but just one. Pain in the left leg may indicate spine disease, vascular disease of the legs, or muscle disease. Pain in the left leg indicates a serious illness. It can be unbearable, pulling, aching, with a feeling of tightness in the muscles, and can occur in the buttock area. It is believed that this is associated with heart disease.

If a nagging pain occurs in the left leg and at the same time in the left arm, then the cause is a microstroke. Pain in the left leg can be present in pregnant women and is the result of compression of the nerve roots in the spine. Pain resulting from diseases of the spine and radiating to the leg can be overcome with the help of massage and exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles.

If intense pain from the ridge radiates to the thigh and spreads to the entire back surface of the left leg, then we can confidently speak of inflammation of the sciatic nerve (sciatica).

There can be many reasons for pain in one leg. These are thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, spinal diseases and many others. And before looking for remedies to treat a disease, we need to find out its cause. Perhaps you have an intervertebral hernia, and urgently need medical intervention, and you are looking for folk remedies to eliminate leg pain. Without specialists and a comprehensive examination, the cause of pain in the legs cannot be determined. Do not experiment with your health, contact specialists in a timely manner.

It is difficult to meet a representative of the fair sex who is not familiar with the phrase “they often drag their feet.” Women's legs really require special attention, and caring for them begins with identifying the causes of discomfort and competent medical diagnosis.

Illness or just fatigue?

It is little consolation to simply accept that this complaint is very common. Owners of a similar problem quite colorfully and skillfully describe similar sensations in the lower extremities. Tingling, numbness, goosebumps, and discomfort associated with a feeling of heaviness in the legs or muscle pain, etc. Similar symptoms are often described by women suffering from osteochondrosis.

Other diseases of the spinal column, blood vessels, and endocrine glands are also possible. Experts consider 90% of the population over 25 years of age to be at risk.

Often these symptoms are concomitant; they indicate the presence of a more serious problem with the blood vessels or endocrine system. Only laboratory tests prescribed by an experienced doctor can eliminate such concerns.

Pulling legs: reasons for women

The first thing that most of those who encounter a similar problem complain about is long hours of fatigue, overexertion from a large number of kilometers traveled, uncomfortable shoes or the classic: “on your feet all day.”

There are a lot of folk remedies that help relieve the severity of pain.

Pain is not always an indicator of fatigue or a busy work schedule.

Healthy legs may report fatigue as a result of overexertion in training, professional sports, or walking for many hours (pain in the calf muscle is the most common sensation). This pain is most often described as “twisting” pain.

If you do not belong to the category of people who overexert their legs with sports activities or daily jogging, then you should pay more attention to the factors that cause such symptoms. Possible reasons for such sensations:

The table presents common causes of the sensation of pulling legs in women and the most common diseases that cause such sensations. See the table for symptoms, possible consequences during the progression of the disease, as well as diagnostic options for the most common diseases.

No. Disease or group of diseases What causes the symptoms, how they manifest themselves, possible consequences of not treating them Necessary tests to confirm or refute the diagnosis
1. Violation of vascular tone:
  • diabetic angiopathy;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • loss of elasticity of large blood vessels;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • problem with the circulation of the smallest blood vessels;
  • atherosclerosis.
Stagnation of blood, accumulation of oxidation and breakdown products inside muscle fibers (may be invisible, in advanced cases - manifestation of a vascular pattern). Danger - amputation (loss of a limb due to the appearance of trophic ulcers)
  • Blood sugar test;
  • blood clotting test;
  • blood platelet level;
  • duplex scanning of veins and arteries of the lower extremities;
  • duplex scanning of the pelvic veins.
2. Damage to the nerve endings of the spine, osteochondrosis They appear more often in one leg, are accompanied by lower back pain, cramps (not always), and have no schedule (appear at any time of the day). With proper treatment, symptoms disappear irrevocably in the shortest possible time. Magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal column
3. Lack of calcium, magnesium, trace elements and vitamins Cramps (especially strong in the back - the calf muscle) and severe pain at night are an indicator of magnesium deficiency. A three-day intake of a complex of vitamins leads to complete relief from unpleasant sensations Blood test for microelements and vitamin content
4. Intoxication (in acute or chronic phase) The accumulation of lactic acid in muscle fibers and ketone bodies that are not excreted by the kidneys (due to their poor functioning) form collagen fibers that cause such pain. Causes:
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • infectious and/or colds;
  • General blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • Ultrasound examination of the kidneys.

Whatever the cause of the pulling sensation in the legs, you should not self-medicate. After passing the examination and diagnosing the disease, only a doctor has the right to prescribe you the correct, adequate treatment, suitable in your specific case!

Pain in the legs

Your problem is a psychological state, stress and a request from the brain to go on vacation. A very common and ultra-modern problem not only for women.

The result of systemic lack of sleep, a constant lack of rest and complete relaxation of the body is muscle hypertonicity, the inability to restore strength, which often leads to neurosis or a nervous breakdown. The body seems to be in constant readiness to “go on the offensive” and withstand even more serious loads.

The advice is simple: go in for sports, take time for yourself, think about the beauty and health of not only your legs, but the whole body as a whole. A couple of hours before bed, do some exercises such as:

If a gentle regimen of physical activity, alternating with proper rest, does not help, seek help from a neurologist.

He will prescribe comprehensive rehabilitation treatment for you and give appropriate recommendations on the ability to control your own emotions and alternate rest with exercise.

Folk remedies that soothe “pulling legs”

Yoga is a particularly popular remedy. Contact your instructor. A specially designed set of exercises is what you need.


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What to do if pain begins in your leg, as if a vein or vein is being pulled. Why sometimes a vein or vein is pulled, how to treat below the knee, what to do first. , what ointment to buy and what diseases you should pay attention to. All detailed recommendations are in our article.

What can cause leg pain?

Leg pain is not a rare occurrence. There are many reasons, as well as consequences. The human body is a complex mechanism. When diseases occur, signals appear. One of them is pain.

The nature of the pain makes it clear what is going on in the body.

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  1. If the pain is dull, the signal means the development of varicose veins. Varicose veins are venous stagnation. The valves stop functioning. Blood flows through the veins with complexity. The veins stretch and become visible.
  2. Throbbing or nagging pain, burning under the skin in the calf muscles, swelling are signs of thrombophlebitis. Formation of a blood clot in a vein.
  3. The calf muscle hurts. Squeezing pain that gets worse when walking. The effect of cold feet regardless of the weather. These kinds of signs indicate atherosclerosis of the artery. Fatty formations that narrow the arteries disrupt blood microcirculation.
  4. If the pain occurs in distant areas from the source (radiating) from the spine along the back of the leg to the heel, this indicates a pinched spine or inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The limb is troubling.
  5. Aching nature of the pain. The frequency and area of ​​manifestation does not change - there is an injury, bruise or sprain.
  6. If there is a sharp pain in the lower leg, an increase in temperature, redness may occur - a manifestation of erysipelas.
  7. You feel the pulse, pulling veins or veins, bursting - possibly thrombosis or a purulent inflammatory process.
  8. Acute pain in the left leg - myositis.
  9. If severe pain is constant and worsens with movement, it is osteomyelitis. When there is infectious purulent inflammation in the inert tissues.
  10. Cramps, swelling, numbness, tingling, dry, bursting skin indicate diabetes.
  11. Your legs get tired and hurt when you take off your shoes - this is a consequence of flat feet. The muscles are weak, the ligaments have lost shock absorption. It is painful to walk without orthopedic shoes.

And many other manifestations of pain indicate serious illness. Contact a therapist who can study your medical history in more detail and refer you to a specialist.

Why does a vein or vein in the leg sometimes pull?

In the evening, after water procedures, you go to bed, relax your legs. A vein or vein is pulled, the foot hurts. Discomfort that prevents you from falling asleep indicates thrombophlebitis.

Inflammation of the walls of the veins and the formation of a blood clot.

As well as the consequences of unwillingness to treat. In the early stages, the disease is treated with a complex of drugs for internal and external use.

Contact a specialist at the first manifestations of the disease. The vascular surgeon will prescribe an ultrasound, blood test, and angioscanning. The examination will make it possible to choose the optimal treatment.

Tablets or capsules help improve blood circulation and quality and break up blood clots. Gels or creams provide local treatment and relieve pain. Sports and massage bring the body back to normal. Muscles are toned.

In advanced states of the disease, surgical intervention cannot be avoided. The latest technologies make treatment painless and quick. In the morning you undergo the procedure, in the evening you are home. One day in the life and you are healthy.

But sometimes you have to carry out a complex of operations. This cannot be avoided without chronic consequences. Don't waste your health in vain!

How to treat below the knee from the outside

Many athletes or amateurs complain of pain below the knee on the outside. It's not the bone that hurts. This is an inflammatory process of the protective layer around the bone. The reason is very simple - overload. Injury or sprain. Due to incorrect shoes or lack of warm-up.

The optimal solution is peace.

Gels or ointments with anti-inflammatory effects. Treatment lasts about a week. Then they start with small loads, warming up.

Such pain is observed in people who are far from physical activity. Then it is necessary to check with a doctor. The cause of pain may be an inflammatory or infectious process.

An accurate diagnosis can be made and treatment can be prescribed only after a thorough examination: blood test, urine test, ultrasound or x-ray, and other types of diagnostics.

Treatment while walking

Pain overcomes when walking and makes you limp, there are many reasons. Chronic flat feet, ingrown toenails, calluses, heel spurs or sciatic nerve inflammation, joint arthritis, plantar fasciitis or osteoporosis.

In order to get rid of discomfort, find out the true cause of the pain.

Visit a doctor and get examined. MRI, ultrasound, x-ray or angioscanning. Take a blood and urine test. The results will help you understand what kind of disease has struck you. The doctor will select individual treatment. Physical rehabilitation course and massages (if necessary).

It is important to get rid of bad habits and switch to a healthy diet. The body will rejuvenate and thank you with tissue regeneration. Recovery will be accelerated.

Get rid of varicose veins and arrange your personal life!

How I overcame my figure problem and got rid of varicose veins on my legs! My method is proven and accurate. My history on MY BLOG HERE!

Pain in the leg below the knee in the back of the calf

Pain in the back of the knee - Baker's cyst. Signs: the patient is over 40 years old, the tumor in the fossa under the knee becomes visible when the leg is straightened. A tumor is formed as a result of an inflammatory process. Excess liquid collects and pushes the shell out.

Treatment consists of removing the fluid and introducing a glucocorticoid hormone, rest, elastic bandages when walking, pills and physiotherapy.

The cause of pain under the knee is problems with the meniscus:

  • meniscus cyst - a consequence of injury;
  • Meniscus tear - the leg bends, stability is impaired.

Treatment consists of mandatory rest, an elastic bandage on the lower joint, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

If the meniscus is damaged, 90% of patients require surgical intervention.

The operation will not create problems. The technologies of our time make it possible to carry out a painless procedure, leave no traces and get the patient back on his feet quickly.

Disease of the tendons behind the knee also causes localized pain. It is caused by prolonged work in an uncomfortable position, heavy physical exertion, or constant and similar movements. You can fight the disease by fixing the knee, sometimes even in a cast, and with anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Physiotherapy is required.

Pain under the knee indicates a popliteal artery aneurysm, nerve tumor, or popliteal vein thrombosis. This cannot be done without surgical intervention. To relieve pain, Ibuprofen, Nemisulide, Ketonal and other NSAIDs are used.

Ankle pain: like an electric shock

Ankle pain often means overuse of that part of the leg. Trauma, sprain, dislocation. They stumbled and forgot about it, but the ankle did not recover. You need rest and fixation with an elastic bandage.

What to do if you have pain in your leg at night: sit or lie down

Legs go numb or have cramps, as if you have been sitting or lying down. A sign of deficiency of calcium and other vitamins in the body. First of all, consult a doctor and get tested. A general and detailed blood test will tell the doctor more about the body than pain in the legs.

What to do if there is swelling on the foot

Severe swelling in the foot is a signal from the body. There may be heart or kidney failure, or a joint may be injured. It is a common occurrence in pregnant women. Associated with high blood pressure or too much salty foods.

The reasons are problems with:

  • heart;
  • kidneys;
  • allergy to insect bites;
  • ARVI or infectious diseases;
  • overwork;
  • obesity;
  • sleep disturbance.

Conclusion - there are many reasons and they are diverse. To determine what exactly is threatening you, you need to identify all the symptoms; swelling on the foot alone is not enough.

Contact your local physician and describe your condition.

Leg pain from hip to knee to foot: causes

The thigh hurts down to the knee - muscle strain. Varicose veins, pinched or inflamed nerve.

It is determined by a number of other external factors and the nature of the nagging pain. The diagnosis is made after examination.

Pain in leg from hip to foot: sometimes burns

Burning or pulling from hip to foot - inflammation ischial nerve. It is treated with anti-inflammatory injections, tablets, gels or ointments with an analgesic effect. Only after examination by a doctor.

: symptoms, photos and treatment

Symptom of thrombophlebitis:

  1. Pain in calves.
  2. Redness.
  3. Hardening.
  4. Swollen veins.

There are two types of treatment: surgical and conservative. The choice is made exclusively by the doctor. After the examination they talk about surgery, don’t be alarmed. Intervene on time and avoid dire consequences.

Conservative treatment is sufficient, then heparin-containing ointments and preparations phlebotonics they will help you. Heparin ointment, or. Also tablets Detralex, Phlebodia 600 - it all depends on financial capabilities.

After the inflammatory processes are relieved, a complex of physiotherapy is usually prescribed.

: symptoms, treatment

Thrombosis is a consequence of varicose veins. Dangerous because they form. The blood clot can break off and travel through the veins to the lung. By blocking a section or all vessels of the lung from blood flow. Heart attack condition.

A broken blood clot will be fatal.

Therefore, it is important to be examined and see a doctor on time. Follow your doctor's advice, thin your blood, and give exercise to your calves. If there is severe pain and swelling, you need to go to the hospital immediately.

Traditional medicine: recipes and secrets

With thrombosis, traditional medicine is powerless. But in combination with drug treatment, under the supervision of a doctor, it will speed up recovery. At the first manifestations of varicose veins, healing is possible using folk remedies. The main thing is not to rely entirely on folk remedies. Be sure to undergo periodic examinations in the hospital.

Folk secrets were passed down from generation to generation.

Baths, rubbing, medicinal tinctures or syrups. A variety of herbs and folk remedies are all available. Anyone can try it at home:

  1. Keep honey and onion juice in a 1:1 ratio for 3 days in a warm place and 7 days in a cold place. Take 1 tbsp internally before meals. 3 times a day.
  2. Acacia flowers 3 tbsp. l. pour 300 ml. alcohol is infused for about a month. Rub into problem areas.
  3. Tannic root baths. Half a kilo of root per 4 liters. water. Evaporate over low heat for 1-2 hours. The bath is effective for both varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Be sure to combine all procedures with a doctor’s consultation and examination.

How to treat pain in the groin area

A burning sensation or pain in the groin area indicates urological or gynecological diseases, injuries, hernias or pinched nerves.

To figure out what is bothering you, you need to contact a urologist or gynecologist. Get examined, get tested.