What foods contain collagen? A tale about collagen, collagen supplements, connective tissue, joints and beauty

Collagen is the building material of our body. If for some reason it is lacking, old age approaches much faster than we would like. Everyone knows that the human body is a clearly organized structure in which each individual mechanism plays its own irreplaceable role. However, if tissues and organs do not receive certain substances in the required quantities, then malfunctions in the functioning of various organs and systems are noted. A deficiency of any mineral or other substance will immediately affect your overall health and appearance.

For example, for the firmness, elasticity, youth and strength of connective tissue, that is, the skin, as well as for strengthening the ligamentous and muscular apparatus, bone tissue and tendons, it is necessary to have a special protein in the body, called collagen. Let's consider the main functions of a protein compound, as well as the sources of this substance.

Collagen is a special protein synthesized by dermal cells and provides the firmness and elasticity of the skin. This substance is considered both a building material and a glue that forms and glues all the cells of the body. In other words, the protein compound provides tissues and organs with strength.

Protein takes an active part in the metabolism of connective and muscle tissue. In addition, protein contributes to:

  • revival of dermal cells;
  • strengthening bones;
  • in muscle tissue;
  • improving skin properties;
  • maintaining joint mobility.

This component of connective tissue makes up approximately 1/3 of the total mass of protein in the human body. There are 28 types of collagen. But all these types perform protective, supportive and restorative functions, and also help provide elasticity to tissues, suppress the development of melanomas, and stimulate the formation of cell membranes.

At a young age, it is not difficult to maintain the turgor of the dermis, since after destruction there is a rapid replacement of collagen fibers with new ones. But as we age and due to exposure to destructive factors, old fibers are destroyed, and new collagen does not have time to be produced. As a result, wrinkles appear and the skin becomes sagging.

There are plenty of reasons why there may be a decrease in the production of the compound. A decrease in collagen production can be caused by:

  • improper unbalanced diet;
  • presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • age-related changes;
  • disruptions in metabolic processes;
  • the presence of connective tissue and gastrointestinal tract diseases;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • frequent stressful situations.

Hormones play an important role in the production of collagen fibers - estrogen in the fair half of society and testosterone in men. Since the production of male hormones does not decrease as sharply as the production of female hormones, signs of aging develop many times slower in men compared to women.

In this case, it is necessary to provide assistance to the body. You can increase the production of the substance using certain foods.

Table of collagen content in foods

The daily dose of a substance is determined by the level of activity. People who lead a normal lifestyle should consume up to 6-7 grams of protein, and professional athletes and people who constantly perform physically demanding work should consume 10 grams.

In order to replenish protein reserves, you need to take care of your diet. Collagen is found exclusively in products of animal origin. Products of plant origin, which are sources of a different protein, but similar to collagen, elastin, will help the synthesis of collagen fibers.

The leaders in protein content are meat, fish and seafood, including salmon, salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, and shrimp. Collagen is found in beef, turkey, pork, lamb, chicken and duck meat, and rabbit.

In order to replenish the substance, it is recommended to enrich the diet with dairy products, cheese, eggs, and poultry. When collagen denatures, it turns into gelatin. Therefore, the use of edible gelatin helps maintain normal collagen fiber content. It is recommended to eat a variety of jellied dishes, jellied meat, fruit and berry jellies.

Subtleties of collagen fiber synthesis

You can get the element from foods, but it will not come in the form in which it then exists in the body. The substance must be synthesized, just like any other protein compound.

Turkey meat Rabbit meat

Conventionally speaking, a collagen molecule is the sum of the remainder of the following amino acids:

  • Glycine. Thanks to this substance, muscle and cartilage tissue does not become thinner. Glycine also helps in the regeneration of damaged tissues.
  • Lysine. Takes an active part in the formation of bones. It is also responsible for the absorption of calcium and nitrogen. This amino acid promotes rapid tissue restoration after injury or surgery.
  • Proline. Responsible for ensuring the strength of collagen fibers for the heart, skin and cartilage.

To produce the compound, a number of additional substances are required, including vitamins and minerals, without which the synthesis of collagen fibers and absorption are simply impossible. It is recommended to enrich the diet:

  • Vitamin A (butter, egg yolks, carrots, spinach, pumpkin, apricots, fish liver);
  • Vitamin E (chicken eggs, legumes, vegetable oil, almonds, peanuts, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, sea buckthorn, cherries);
  • Vitamin F (fish oil, blackcurrant, oatmeal, sprouted grains, almonds, avocados, corn);
  • Vitamin D (dairy products, fish oil, sea fish);
  • Zinc (seafood, bran, hazelnuts, milk, legumes, eggs);
  • Gray (sea fish, legumes, cereals, gooseberries, grapes);
  • Copper (cereals, beef liver, legumes, cod liver, legumes, durum pasta);
  • Silicon (bran, cereals, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin);
  • (figs, quince, persimmons, legumes, cereals, yeast, shellfish);
  • Luteins (pumpkin, spinach, legumes, carrots, egg yolks);
  • Anthocyanins (black rice, cranberries, raspberries, green tea, hot peppers).

Deficiency and excess

The intake and absorption of protein compounds in sufficient quantities helps to strengthen and give elasticity to ligaments, muscles and tendons, prevent tissue ruptures, rejuvenate and tighten the dermis, heal and strengthen hair and nails, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen cartilage, muscle and bone tissue.

Salmon Seafood

Lack of protein is a fairly common and unpleasant phenomenon. Deficiency of the substance is accompanied by loss of elasticity and firmness of the dermis, the appearance of wrinkles, thinning of the vascular walls, which is fraught with rupture of blood vessels and the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques, deterioration of vision, the development of arthrosis and osteochondrosis, deterioration of the condition of cartilage, malfunction of the digestive system, increased constipation, brittle hair, the appearance of split ends, deterioration of nails, decreased bone density, strained joints and tendons, and decreased muscle strength.

This may be due to an unbalanced diet, hormonal imbalance, age-related changes, or problems in the gastrointestinal tract. In order to eliminate signs of deficiency, it is recommended to enrich the diet with foods rich in this vital substance, as well as products that promote the synthesis and absorption of collagen. You can also take medications and supplements to replenish protein reserves. But you should be careful with them and it is advisable to consult a specialist before you start swallowing pills. He will tell you what dose to take and for how long.

Do not overuse medications and supplements. Inappropriate use can lead to overdose. An excess of the compound in the body is manifested by the development of certain pathologies, including scleroderma and other disorders of protein metabolism.

Collagen is a vital element that takes an active part in many physiological processes. The substance must enter the body, but in the correct quantity. The main thing is to observe moderation, and you already know where to get protein.

For many, the word “collagen” is associated with smooth and beautiful skin. Indeed, this substance allows you not only to look young and good, but strengthens the body as a whole. And in order to maintain its sufficient level, you need to know which products contain it.

What is collagen?

Half of the human body weight is made up of connective tissue, the main protective tissue of the body. It also determines the physical functions and characteristics of all internal organs and systems of a person, since it is the connecting link of all tissues of the body.

All connective tissue, regardless of its type (skeletal, cartilaginous, connective tissue itself, etc.), has a similar structure. Collagen is protein fibers that are one of the main components of connective tissue. The filamentous structure of collagen fills the entire intercellular space, accounting for up to 35% of human tissue.

After 25 years, collagen production in the body decreases, which affects all systems and organs. When a person approaches the 40-year mark, the production of this important protein decreases by half and further decreases annually, almost completely stopping by the age of 60.

In women, the process of collagen loss occurs faster, because during the process the body sharply reduces its level by almost 25%.

One of the simplest and most affordable ways to replenish this essential protein is to consume foods containing collagen, since the human body is capable of independently synthesizing this protein or, in simple words, “extracting” collagen from food.

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What are the benefits of collagen?

It’s not for nothing that collagen is called the protein of youth, because a person’s youth and health directly depend on its presence. It is what gives strength and elasticity to fabrics and protects them from mechanical damage. This protein stimulates the formation of new cells, holds and forms organs, has restorative functions, participates in water-salt metabolism, and inhibits the development of cancer.

  1. Healthy and beautiful skin. With a lack of collagen in the body, this is most noticeable in the condition of the skin. The tone, strength and elasticity of the skin decreases with all the ensuing consequences: wrinkles, stretch marks, etc. appear. In women, the skin of the face is the first to suffer. Numerous studies and experiments show that the use of cosmetics containing collagen significantly improves the condition of the skin, making it smoother and more elastic.
  2. Excellent condition of teeth, eyes, nails and hair. The main substance of the gum tissue and tooth root is collagen, so a sufficient amount of it helps to avoid many diseases of the teeth and gums. It also supports the tissues of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye, preventing vision impairment. Since nails and hair are derivatives of the epidermis, they need this protein to give strength and a healthy shine.
  3. Strong bones and flexible joints. Thanks to collagen fibers, bones have special strength, and joints have flexibility and mobility. With its deficiency in the body, cartilage tissue quickly wears out, it becomes very thin and cannot protect the joint as before. As a result of joint friction, acute pain appears and dangerous diseases develop, such as osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, etc. With a lack of collagen fibers, bones become brittle and there is an increased risk of fractures. If you are at risk for such diseases, you need to know which foods contain collagen and take this into account when planning your daily menu.
  4. Healthy cardiovascular, digestive, nervous and endocrine systems. Deep wrinkles, poorly bending joints, dull hair and brittle nails are just external signs of a lack of collagen in the body. The internal organs suffer no less, and this makes everything much more serious. Collagen fibers are part of the walls of blood vessels, and the less collagen in the body, the more fragile the vessels become. It is this protein that maintains tissue structure and the healthy functioning of all internal organs.

What foods to get collagen from?

The most affordable way to maintain collagen at sufficient levels is to get it from food. Collagen is found in various foods of animal origin.

However, it is worth knowing that about 600 ingredients are involved in the synthesis of collagen: these are various vitamins (the essential vitamins C and B6), minerals and amino acids. Therefore, in the diet you need to use a variety of animal products containing collagen directly, and always plant foods filled with vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Let's look at which products contain collagen.

  • Meat products. All meat products, without exception, contain collagen fibers. Turkey and beef are considered the best for absorption, and turkey is the richest product containing collagen. Less stable protein is found in lamb and pork meat. In last place in terms of collagen content is chicken and rabbit meat, and its content in the skin is higher than in meat. All types of meat, with the exception of turkey, contain special substances that interfere with the absorption of collagen, so greens, sour sauces and any vegetables must be served along with meat. The greatest content is in tendons and cartilage, so strong, rich jellied meat will be a rich source of this healthy protein. Meat products rich in collagen should definitely be included in the menu of those over 30, athletes, those with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and for cosmetic purposes with skin problems.
  • Fish products. What types of fish are the healthiest and contain the maximum amount of collagen? Of course, these are salmon fish. Their bones contain valuable collagen fibers, most similar in structure to those produced by the human body. When eating salmon fish, the maximum health-improving effect is observed. Sea kale is a very valuable product for the body, due to its high content of iodine and minerals, which is also necessary for synthesis. It is good to have crabs, oysters and shrimp in your diet.
  • Food. Gelatin is a product of processing cartilage and other connective tissues of animals, is denatured collagen, contains a number of amino acids, fatty acids and trace elements. Including various dishes containing gelatin in your diet: fruit jellies and mousses, jellied fish and meat dishes will help cope with the lack of collagen in the body. One of the most popular folk recipes for joint diseases is based on taking gelatin as a medicine.

When considering which foods contain valuable collagen, it is extremely important to note foods that help collagen production and absorption:

  • Vegetables. For sufficient collagen synthesis, you need to include greens and fresh vegetables in your diet every day. Carrots, cabbage, onions, garlic, zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers, tomatoes, beets, celery, dill and parsley should appear on your table.
  • Bean products. Beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, mung beans, and soybeans contain the required amount of micro- and macroelements.
  • Fruits and berries. Eating fresh fruits, berry jellies, and fruit juices will provide the body with the necessary vitamins C, A, D, and E. Actively consume apples, peaches, lemons, oranges, and kiwis. Among the berries, the most useful are black currants, cranberries, raspberries, cherries, blueberries, viburnum, and sea buckthorn. In winter, pay attention to dried fruits and use them in preparing various dishes.
  • Nuts. Eating 20 grams of nuts daily will help the body absorb protein from other foods. Pine nuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts and pistachios are very healthy.
  • Cereals and grains. These are simple and affordable products necessary for our body. It is advisable to use whole grain cereals containing the maximum amount of nutrients. Include oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, brown or steamed rice in your diet.
  • Dairy products. They themselves do not contain collagen fibers, but stimulate their production and saturate the body with vitamins D, A and other useful elements.
  • Various animal and vegetable oils, as well as fish oil, are necessary products containing amino acids, fats, vitamins E, A, D.

Properly organized nutrition will help slow down the natural aging process and significantly improve human health. Knowing which foods contain the collagen we need, create a proper and varied diet.

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We are what we eat. This is what the ancients said, implying that the nutrients that enter our body with food affect not only the feeling of satiety, but also participate in metabolic processes. For example, protein is responsible for the condition of the skin and joints, accelerates tissue regeneration and is the basis of the body’s vital functions. And knowing which products contain collagen, you can solve many problems associated with one or another pathological condition.

What is collagen used for?

Collagen is a special type of protein that forms the basis of the body's connective tissue. Being in the intercellular matrix, the substance, along with elastin and hyaluronate, plays the role of a kind of framework, providing the dermis with elasticity and strength.

This is interesting. Collagen gives our body strength and energy. Its deficiency leads to decreased performance, loss of vitality, and deterioration of immunity.

In the body of a young healthy person, the polypeptide is produced in sufficient quantity to maintain the necessary functions. However, with age, protein synthesis is disrupted and its concentration in the skin and structural elements decreases markedly. As a result, a number of serious hereditary pathologies develop.

For example, these:

  • joint laxity;
  • habitual dislocation;
  • glass man syndrome;
  • congenital rickets;
  • dermatosporaxis.

A sufficient amount of collagen is very important for the skin. With its deficiency, the dermis dries, becomes flabby and thins, loses volume and freshness, and becomes covered with wrinkles. Hair and nails suffer from protein deficiency...

Therefore, it is so important to take care of maintaining a sufficient level of collagen in the body. Unfortunately, we do not always realize this and thoughtlessly spend reserves, worsening our health.

How we lose collagen

The cause of protein deficiency can be not only an age-related slowdown in metabolism. Other factors also influence its production:

  • hormonal status;
  • bad habits;
  • excessive sugar consumption;
  • poor nutrition, diets and hunger strikes;
  • frequent stress;
  • prolonged exposure to the open sun;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • some autoimmune diseases.

It is known that sex enzymes play an important role in the synthesis of natural collagen. Well, since the secretion of hormones in the stronger sex does not decrease as quickly as in women, signs of aging appear much later, which means that men do not have to make as much effort to maintain youth.

Important. Collagen production drops especially sharply after menopause. Thus, in the first 5 years of the menopausal period, the number of fibrillar fibers in the skin decreases by more than 30%.

Affects the rate of recovery of protein compounds and unbalanced nutrition. If the body does not receive all the necessary amino acids and vitamins, the first symptoms of deficiency will appear very soon and the state of health will worsen.

What substances improve collagen synthesis?

If you notice that your skin has lost its elasticity and firmness, and your body has lost its former flexibility, change your diet. Please note that for collagen, the presence of three amino acids in products is important - lysine, glycine and proline. What do they contain?

Sources of lysine include eggs, legumes, cod and sardines, and lean red meat. Glycine can be found in nuts and basil. Proline, which occupies almost 20% of the collagen molecule, is found in cereals, dairy and seafood products, meat and green vegetables.

To improve protein metabolism, the following vitamins and microelements are necessary:

  • D (fish oil, dairy products);
  • F (oat flakes, vegetable oil, sprouted grains, peanuts, fish oil);
  • C (citrus fruits, berries and fruits);
  • E (animal liver, vegetable oil, legumes, sea buckthorn, eggs);
  • A (fish liver and fat, butter, egg yolks, pumpkin and spinach);
  • zinc (seafood, milk, legumes, eggs);
  • sulfur (gooseberries, grapes, cereals, legumes, meat and fish);
  • silicon (cabbage, pumpkin, cucumbers and tomatoes);
  • copper (hard pasta, beef and fish liver);
  • iron (shellfish, animal kidneys and liver, persimmon, figs, dry yeast).

To produce collagen, you need foods containing lutein and anthocyanins. There are many of them in green tea, peppers, carrots, spinach, raspberries and egg yolks.

Where else are the necessary amino acids and vitamins found? Yes, almost everywhere. Each source contains its own set of useful substances, so the diet should be as varied and healthy as possible.

What products contain natural collagen?

It would be nice to get from food not only the nutrients necessary for protein production, but also collagen itself. When broken down in the gastrointestinal tract, it breaks down into amino acids, which are absorbed by the body better and faster, since they are properly structured.

Let's see which products contain natural collagen.


It is the richest source of natural protein. Fish from the salmon family are especially rich in nutrients. In addition, it contains a huge amount of vitamins, microelements and Omega 3 fatty acids, therefore it is considered an excellent product for preventing aging of the body.

Vegetable gifts from the ocean are also rich in collagen. The most useful of them are considered to be seaweed and red algae.

Attention. A lot of collagen is found in oysters, mussels, crabs and shrimp. Regular consumption of these ocean inhabitants not only saturates the body with natural protein, but also helps to avoid iodine deficiency.

The presence of seafood in the diet is a guarantee of health and longevity. They contain low molecular weight collagen, which is perfectly absorbed by the body and quickly integrates into the intercellular structure. This protein is especially useful for pregnant women, children and the elderly.


Another leader in collagen content. It contains a lot of complete polypeptide, which is easily broken down and absorbed by the body. The only drawback is that meat products contain substances that slow down protein metabolism.

An exception is turkey meat, which contains the dipeptide carnosine. This compound is an excellent antioxidant and, when it comes into contact with collagen, plays the role of a buffer and protector, ensuring the stability of the polypeptide.

Such properties make it possible to place the tender and healthy meat of “Spanish chicken” in first place in terms of protein absorption.

The most stable collagen is found in beef meat, followed by lamb and pork. Rabbit contains very little useful substance, which is why rabbit meat is so soft and tender. It is considered a dietary dish and is ideal for feeding children and the elderly.

Meat products rich in collagen

All sources of animal protein (especially pork) are high in fat and cholesterol. You should remember this and, when composing your diet, choose white and dietary meat.


Edible gelatin is essentially partially processed collagen from animal tissue. It is well absorbed by the body and quickly copes with the deficiency of natural protein. Jellied meat and aspic, prepared from cartilaginous residues and gelling substances, have a similar property.

To maintain youthful skin and healthy joints, it is recommended to consume the following dishes as often as possible:

  • fruit and berry jelly;
  • various aspics;
  • jellies.

The collagen in these foods is in an easily digestible form. It is easily broken down and incorporated into the cells of the body.

Fruits and vegetables

Of course, there is no protein in vegetables, fruits and greens. But we already know that the polypeptide cannot be absorbed without a set of amino acids and vitamins, which are so abundant in plant crops.

Ascorbic acid, which is abundant in citrus fruits, black currants, garden strawberries, and other fresh berries and fruits, is especially important for the synthesis of natural collagen.

Antioxidants present in orange-colored plants have a similar effect. Yellow and red foods include vitamin A in the form of carotenoids, which enhance protein regeneration.

Advice. Among the vegetables, cabbage, carrots and tomatoes are considered the most useful. For better absorption, it is recommended to use them with olive or vegetable oil. Among green crops, pay attention to parsley, dill, lettuce and spinach.

All the products reviewed contain a lot of vitamins and microelements, accelerate the production of polypeptide and elastin, and are therefore especially beneficial for the skin.

Does plant collagen exist?

There is no such thing as vegetable protein, since collagen can only be of animal origin. In this case, we are talking about collagen-like compounds present in sprouted wheat grains and green algae.

Pleasant trifles

What else can you find protein in? It turns out that a large amount of this substance is found in quinoa grains, a grain from the amaranth family. The crop was grown only in the Andes for a long time, but its high nutritional value helped the “golden grain” spread further.

A teaspoon of cereal a day saturates the body not only with complete protein, but also with valuable microelements - copper and zinc.

A large amount of collagen is also present in chia seeds. Add them to yogurt or sprinkle on your morning porridge. Small, but so healthy grains swell in the stomach, providing a feeling of fullness for a long time and helping to maintain a slim figure. Chia seeds are an ideal option for women practicing diets.

Where is the “right” collagen found?

It is not enough to consume foods containing collagen. It is much more important that the protein is completely absorbed by the body and brings benefits, and not come out in an unchanged form. Therefore, when composing your diet, you should take into account the presence of other nutrients and the absence of harmful substances.

For example, a meat cutlet gives us only 3–15% of energy from proteins, the rest comes from fats, the lion's share of which is saturated (remains solid at room temperature).

Natural soy derives more than half its calories from protein, making it a better source of collagen than meat. Other legumes have the same property.

Advice. By including two parts of products containing plant collagen and one part of animal protein in your daily diet, you will receive an optimal set of amino acids, including essential ones.

The most complete answers to questions on the topic: “what products contain collagen for joints.”

You can replenish collagen reserves daily, a substance responsible (like elastin) for the condition of the skin, from food. To do this, you need to know exactly which foods contain collagen and what is needed for its good absorption.

Why do you need collagen?

Collagen is a protein in the synthesis of which enzymes, vitamins, microelements and amino acids take part. The content of collagen and elastin in the body is about 35% of all proteins.

These proteins are needed for:

  • Maintaining good condition of the skin of the face and body;
  • To maintain joint mobility;
  • To maintain ligament strength.

Since the body contains substances that destroy collagen and elastin, and with age the production of these proteins slows down (after 40 years it decreases every year by 1-3%), the body begins to suffer from their lack, which is manifested by sagging skin, the appearance of wrinkles, and wear and tear. joints, general deterioration of the body. Collagen fibers are easily destroyed and restored slowly, and in old age the body’s function of producing this protein fades away almost completely.

A balanced diet, in which the body receives a large amount of elastin and collagen every day (for this you need to know which foods contain collagen and in what quantity), can greatly help in preventing the development of arthritis and arthrosis and prolong youth for a long time.

Why does the body lose collagen?

In addition to the decrease in the production of this substance during aging and the natural destruction of collagen fibers, its content is influenced by the following factors:

  • Hormonal background;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking);
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • Diseases;
  • Ultraviolet irradiation;
  • Stress.

Testosterone (in men) and estrogen (in women) play an important role in the synthesis of this protein. Since testosterone production in men does not decline as sharply as estrogen synthesis in women, men show signs of aging somewhat more slowly: they retain skin elasticity, bone density, joint mobility and muscle strength longer. Therefore, men need to make less effort to look younger than their age.

With the onset of menopause in women, estrogen synthesis drops very sharply, which is associated with a reduction in collagen synthesis. After 5 years of menopause, the content of collagen fibers in the skin is reduced by 30%. Hormone replacement therapy will help deceive nature and maintain the normal condition of the skin of the face and body for a long time. To do this, upon the onset of menopause, you need to visit a gynecologist and endocrinologist, who will conduct a full examination and prescribe the most suitable drug.

An unbalanced diet can also significantly affect the condition of the skin. If the body lacks at least one vitamin, enzyme or microelement necessary for the synthesis of this important protein, then its deficiency will soon begin to be sharply felt, appearing specifically on the condition of the skin: wrinkles will appear, it will become dry and stale.

Abuse of alcohol and tobacco smoking, frequent stress, lack of fluid, excessive ultraviolet irradiation, sudden weight loss, gastrointestinal diseases and other health problems are quite capable of negatively affecting the rate of synthesis and accelerating the breakdown of collagen fibers, which will immediately begin to affect the condition of the skin (in primarily the face), joints and ligaments.

How to eat to get the required amount of collagen

If you don't produce enough collagen, you can get it from food. It is necessary to take into account that you simply cannot do without certain microelements and vitamins when absorbing this protein coming from food, as well as during its synthesis. Many useful substances that are needed for its synthesis and absorption are found in tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, and greens.

What substances are required for collagen production?

The synthesis of this substance requires the following vitamins:

  • A (it is found in fish liver and fat, apricots, pumpkin, spinach, carrots, egg yolks, butter);
  • E (it is found in animal liver, chicken eggs, legumes, vegetable oil, almonds, peanuts, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, sea buckthorn, cherries);
  • C (you can get it from citrus fruits, apples, currants, blueberries, persimmons, as well as other fruits and berries);
  • F (it can be obtained from fish oil, black currants, oatmeal, sprouted grains, almonds, peanuts, avocado, vegetable oil, corn);
  • D (it is part of fish oil, it can also be found in dairy products and sea fish).

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The following minerals are required for collagen synthesis:

  • Iron (to replenish its reserves, you need to eat the liver and kidneys of animals, shellfish, dry yeast, cereals, legumes, persimmons, quince, figs);
  • Silicon (to replenish the reserves of this element, you need to eat bran, cereals, cabbage, cucumbers, pumpkin and tomatoes);
  • Copper (found in cereals, beef and cod liver, legumes and durum pasta);
  • Sulfur (found in beef, sea fish, legumes, cereals, gooseberries and grapes);
  • Zinc (found in seafood, bran, hazelnuts, milk, legumes, eggs).

When producing collagen, luteins are needed (they can be obtained by eating pumpkin, spinach, legumes, carrots, persimmons, corn and egg yolks), as well as anthocyanins (these substances are found in black rice, cranberries, blackberries, raspberries, hot peppers and green tea) .


A lot of collagen is found in fish from the salmon family (100 g of fish contains 1.6 g of collagen). In addition, such fish contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, so consuming this product is an excellent prevention of aging.

Sea kale, containing a large amount of iodine and salts, is a serious accelerator of collagen production. Most seafood works this way.

Those who have a lack of collagen fibers can turn their attention to the following products containing collagen:

  • Beef (the amount of collagen is 2.6 g per 100 g of product);
  • Turkey (2.4 g per 100 g);
  • Pork (2.1 g per 100 g);
  • Lamb (1.6 g per 100 g);
  • Rabbit meat (1.55 g per 100 g);
  • Duck (0.87 g per 100 g);
  • Chicken (0.7 g per 100 g).

Meat contains many other proteins and fats, which reduces natural collagen synthesis (turkey meat is an exception). When you eat turkey, your body synthesizes carnosine. This substance makes collagen fibers resistant to destruction. The most stable natural collagen can be obtained by eating beef, and the most unstable - pork.

Gelatin-based dishes

When collagen denatures, it turns into gelatin. Therefore, by consuming food gelatin, you can maintain normal collagen content.

To maintain youthful skin and good joint condition, it is recommended to consume:

  • Fruit and berry jellies;
  • Aspic;
  • A variety of aspic dishes.

To maintain skin elasticity and prolong youth, you need to understand before the age of 40 what foods contain collagen, and organize your diet so that the required amount of this substance enters the body every day. It should be taken into account that the body will benefit not only from the collagen in the products, but also from the vitamins and minerals necessary for its absorption and synthesis.

Since this healthy protein is found in seafood and meat, and vitamins and minerals are found in cereals, vegetables, fruits and berries, we can conclude that to compensate for the lack of collagen, you just need to adhere to a balanced, balanced diet. Also, to maintain a normal level of collagen fibers in the skin, it will be useful to give up bad habits, avoid stress and treat gastrointestinal diseases in a timely manner.

In our body, all processes are closely interconnected. And it is quite natural that the lifestyle a person leads in one way or another affects his health.

But the main role is played by diet, various substances that come or, on the contrary, do not come from food, affect the metabolic processes occurring in every cell of the body.

Collagen is a high molecular weight protein that has a helical structure. It forms hard-to-stretch fibers that make up about a third of the total mass of connective tissue. To date, 29 species of this protein, designated by Roman numerals, have been identified.

Types of collagen differ from each other by amino acid residue. Some (for example, IV, V, VI, XV) are ubiquitous, others (in particular I, XIX, XIV) are found in the skin, the first type forms the basis of cartilaginous tissue. Collagen performs many vital functions in the human body.

The main ones are:

  • maintaining the integrity of the skin;
  • maintaining the firmness and elasticity of the skin, muscle tissue, tendons and epithelial membranes in combination with elastin fibers;
  • ensuring cell regeneration;
  • maintaining the integrity and rapid restoration of cartilage;
  • production of synovial fluid necessary for normal joint function;
  • normalization of cell water balance;
  • preventing the appearance of signs of early aging.

Products containing collagen are especially necessary if a person is constantly exposed to factors that contribute to its loss. First of all, this is excessive exposure to the sun, especially without applying appropriate creams that prevent moisture loss and protect against ultraviolet radiation. In addition, collagen synthesis is negatively affected by smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol and coffee.

In general, an incorrectly selected diet that does not cover the body’s daily needs for essential minerals and vitamins contributes to the too rapid destruction of the structural bonds of peptides. Especially products containing collagen are necessary for people with chronic congenital or acquired connective tissue pathologies. These are autoimmune rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, connective tissue dysplasia and other diseases that affect cartilage and joints. There are several ways to saturate your skin with collagen.

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In cosmetology, the most common is the use of hydrolysates of this protein in various creams for external use and preparations for mesotherapy sessions, that is, for subcutaneous injection. For these purposes, collagen is obtained from bovine skin cells.

However, it is poorly tolerated and often causes adverse reactions. The best option is considered to be protein obtained from plant materials (wheat). But strictly speaking, this is not collagen, but only its analogue according to the chemical formula. The closest structure to the human peptide is a protein extracted from the integument of marine and freshwater fish. Recently, dietary supplements containing collagen have become widespread.

As a rule, they additionally contain hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, minerals and antioxidants. Such drugs help maintain youthful skin and restore the integrity of connective tissue. They are indicated for intensively engaged athletes, women during menopause and men after 45-50 years.

As for preparing a diet, the term products containing collagen is not entirely correct, since it is not found in its pure form. In this case, we mean the intake of so-called essential amino acids from food. For collagen synthesis, 20 of them are needed, but only 12 are produced in the body, the rest must come from food.

For normal collagen synthesis, it is necessary to maintain a balanced diet containing all the necessary amino acids.

The richest source of components necessary for the production of peptide is gelatin. This is the starting ingredient for preparing jellied dishes and various desserts with jelly. Jellied meat made from bones and cartilage and strong bone broths can replace store-bought gelatin.

The amino acids necessary for the body are also found in poultry meat (chicken, turkey), beef, and lamb. But the main foods containing collagen are fish (especially pink salmon, trout and salmon). In addition to this protein, seafood is saturated with fatty acids of the ω-3 complex, which is also an excellent prevention of skin aging.

What does collagen contain: foods that stimulate protein synthesis, principles of proper nutrition for peptide production

The three most important amino acids for collagen synthesis are proline, glycine and lysine. Proline makes up approximately 15% of the structure of this protein.

For a physically healthy person, the daily intake of proline fluctuates within 5 g; naturally, after injuries, rheumatoid lesions and dysplasia, more proline is required. There are plenty of food sources of this amino acid. These are dairy products, meat, cereals, eggs, fish and seafood, green vegetables.

In addition to participating in collagen synthesis, glycine actively affects the functioning of the nervous system. It relieves depressive states without causing a feeling of fatigue, and stimulates brain function.

The daily requirement is 0.3 g. Glycine is found in large quantities in various nuts (pistachios, peanuts, walnuts), basil, eggs, and fruits of the legume family.

Lysine forms collagen fibers and also takes part in the functioning of the immune system, stimulating the production of antibodies. It affects the synthesis of almost all hormones and enzymes. The main sources of lysine are red meat, eggs, legumes, and certain types of fish (cod and sardines).

In addition, even when consuming foods that contain collagen, the following vitamins and microelements are necessary for protein synthesis:

  • ascorbic acid, daily requirement 150-200 mg;
  • retinol acetate, the average requirement for an adult is 700 mcg;
  • vitamin D, produced under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, but must also come from food (5-10 mcg);
  • tocopherol acetate, one of the main vitamins for the skin, has high antioxidant activity, the minimum daily requirement is 10 mg;
  • zinc is especially important for men's health, so the stronger sex requires more of it (11 mg), and women, accordingly, less - 9 mg;
  • copper, an adult needs at least 1.5 mg per day;
  • iron, depending on gender and age, you need to consume 15-20 mg of this element per day;
  • sulfur, up to 1 g per day is required.

Therefore, you can maintain the youth and elasticity of your skin, the integrity of your joints, and the elasticity of your muscles and ligaments at home, without resorting to outside help. To do this, it is enough to adjust the diet accordingly, combining foods that contain collagen and the dishes necessary for its synthesis.

In general, the diet must necessarily include:

  • First courses: concentrated meat broths and soups based on them, fish soup.
  • Main courses: red meat and poultry, meat by-products, fish (cod or salmon rich in omega-3 complex), preferably boiled or stewed, herring, jellied meat.
  • Side dishes: whole grain porridge, buckwheat, oatmeal, durum wheat pasta, eggs in any form, green vegetable salads seasoned with soy or sesame oil and sprinkled with herbs, stewed chickpeas, beans, peas and other legumes, hard cheeses.
  • Desserts: various nuts, jelly, cottage cheese, kiwi, citrus fruits, raspberries, currants, apples and other fruits.
  • Drinks: natural cocoa, rose hip decoction, dried fruit compotes, freshly squeezed juices and fruit drinks, milk and milkshakes.

From this list, any person will be able to choose a complete diet, which will include all the elements necessary for collagen synthesis. If you follow such a diet, and especially taking into account the amount of calories recommended on sports forums, the result will be noticeable within 2-3 weeks.

It cannot be said that the body is rejuvenated, but the state of health improves significantly. The skin acquires a healthy shade, its turgor is restored, and small expression wrinkles are smoothed out. Products that contain collagen develop the habit of healthy eating, which will have a beneficial effect on health in the future.

In the modern world, people often suffer from joint diseases. They are caused by a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet. Gases and exhausts contained in the air negatively affect the skin and the entire body as a whole. Collagen is necessary for the treatment and prevention of diseases of joints and ligaments. Poor nutrition can contribute to its deficiency. What foods contain collagen? What to eat to make up for its deficiency?

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Collagen - what is it?

Collagen is a protein that the body needs to make connective tissue elastic. It is present in human muscles, skin, joints, cartilage and tendons. A sufficient amount of it in the body helps keep joints mobile and health strong for many years. When playing sports, you also need to know about products containing collagen. It is on the collagen threads that the heaviest load falls. This protein is able to strengthen cartilage, bones and muscles, prevent injury and provide elasticity.

Who needs a lot of collagen in the first place?

If your bones begin to ache and your joints crack, then this is a sign that there is not enough collagen, even if the discomfort is felt only during exercise. Athletes need to eat foods that contain collagen due to the constant stress on their joints. After receiving injuries associated with damage to bones, muscles, joints and tendons, the doctor prescribes a special diet for the patient. He talks about which foods contain a lot of collagen in order to quickly restore health. His advice is worth listening to. Don’t take the word “collagen” lightly. Elderly people simply need this protein, because collagen synthesis slows down with age. This is the cause of back pain, aching joints and limbs. Children also need a special diet that contains collagen products. This is necessary for the proper growth and development of the child. Every mother should know which foods contain collagen.

How is collagen formed in the body?

Such protein enters the body with food, but not in the form in which it should be. To understand which food products contain collagen, you need to know about the amino acid content in them. Collagen is formed and arranged by three amino acids: glycine, lysine or proline, a non-standard amino acid residue. The latter plays an important role; it differentiates collagen for joints, muscles or the face. In order to replenish collagen in the joints, you need certain products, and in order for the skin to become more elastic, you need to know which products contain collagen for the skin. Amino acids synthesize collagen.

What are amino acids responsible for?

Glycine has the ability to regenerate damage to any connective tissue, reduces the thinning of muscle and cartilage tissue.

Lysine helps the formation of bones and cartilage, the absorption of oxygen and nitrogen in the amount necessary for the body. Lysine is involved in the synthesis of not only collagen, but also hormones, enzymes and antibodies. The latter are needed to ensure that the immune system is strong and fights infections and germs. Lysine is important for those who have had surgery or injury.

Proline strengthens collagen threads in the skin, heart muscle and cartilage bags.

What does a lack of amino acids lead to?

If the body lacks the above prescribed amino acids, collagen will not be produced. This will lead to weakness of bones and muscles, pain in the joints. A sign of a lack of amino acids can be a constant feeling of fatigue, sometimes for no reason. Loss of appetite, indigestion and causeless weight loss also indicate a lack of such acids.

Why does women's skin age faster?

Collagen synthesis involves estrogen in women and testosterone in men. The production of these hormones stops in different ways. Testosterone takes longer to produce in men than estrogen in women. Its absence slows down collagen synthesis, which causes skin aging, weakness of muscles, bones and joints. This is why women show signs of aging earlier, while men remain youthful longer. To prevent collagen from being destroyed, you should eat right and give up bad habits (drinking alcohol, smoking). Ultraviolet radiation, illness and stress, and hormonal imbalance also contribute to the loss of collagen.

Collagen for the face: which products contain it?

For a healthy and youthful face, the body needs collagen and elastin. These proteins contribute to the elasticity of the skin by weaving into fibers that maintain its condition. Using creams containing this protein is not enough; you need to know what foods contain collagen, that is, the amino acids that synthesize it. They must enter the body. Women who want to maintain youthful skin for a long time need to keep a list of products containing collagen and elastin.

  • Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit and others), strawberries and black currants.
  • Chicken, quail, goose, ostrich eggs - any. The yolks of these products contain a lot of sulfur.
  • Copper is found in legumes, beans, lentils, brown rice, oatmeal, shellfish and snails.
  • All red vegetables, especially beets, are rich in silicon.
  • Brewer's yeast, wheat germ oil, wheat germ. All this is rich in zinc.
  • Greens (dill, parsley, onions), green leafy vegetables, cabbage, spinach, celery and lettuce are rich in lutein.
  • Fatty fish, salmon, and other products from cold seas, oil and flax seeds are polyunsaturated fats, acids: Omega 6, 9, 3.
  • Iron is found in beef and beef liver, nuts, apples and whole grains.
  • Carrots, bananas, soybeans, buckwheat, pumpkin seeds, red peppers, carrots and peaches.

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These are products that contain trace elements, vitamins and amino acids that promote the production of collagen and elastin for the skin. To help you remember which foods contain collagen and elastin, you should make a list and use it when going to the grocery store. All these products are relevant and available, sold everywhere. You don’t need to eat only them, eat everything you are used to. But don’t forget which foods contain collagen; take any of them daily.

Collagen for bones and joints

During the period of active growth of children, for athletes and the elderly, everyone who has suffered injuries needs this protein. Which foods contain the most collagen? This list should be followed by everyone, even healthy young people, in order to maintain the balance of collagen in the body and avoid its deficiency.

  • All dairy and fermented milk products contain amino acids that help build collagen plexuses.
  • Cabbage, eggs, chicken and turkey meat, beef, fatty fish from the seas.
  • Vegetable oils, vitamins F and E are found in the liver of animals and fish, in fish oil, and in the liver of birds.
  • Vitamin C is found in large quantities in strawberries, blueberries, currants and all citrus fruits and greens.
  • Blueberries and green tea are rich in anthocyanidins. They are also excellent antioxidants. If you only drink black tea, then it’s time to include green tea in your diet. By drinking just one mug of this tea a day, you will replenish your body with useful substances. There is one thing: the tea must be of good quality; tea bags are not suitable. Bagged teas are production waste, tea dust. They do not contain useful substances.
  • Silicon is found in beets and any vegetables that are red in color.
  • Beef meat, tongue, and apples are rich in iron. Buckwheat is also a good source.
  • By eating spinach, you replenish your supply of lutein. This is the most important amino acid in the body.
  • Copper and zinc are found in seafood, yeast and wheat germ.

This is not the entire list of products that contain collagen for joints. Here are the most popular and affordable ones sold in all stores. To keep your bones and joints in good condition, use it.

How do you know if there is not enough collagen in the skin?

To determine that there is not enough collagen in the body, there is no need to go to the doctor. You can check this at home. We determine collagen in the skin: if the contour of the face is not as clear as it was, then this indicates a lack of collagen in the skin. After sleep, if the stripes on the face and body from the underwear do not go away for a long time, this is a sign of a lack of it. If these two points cannot be verified, then there is another method. Pinch the upper eyelid and look - the skin immediately returned to its previous state - collagen is normal. If the pinch wrinkle persists for a couple of seconds, then it’s time to restore elastin and collagen reserves. Follow the list that describes which products contain collagen. These products will help restore its normal balance in the body.

How do you know if there is a lack of collagen in your joints?

In order to determine whether there is enough collagen in the joints and bones or not, it is enough to make several active sharp movements. Squat, twist your neck, swing your arms and legs. Is there a crunch or crackle? It is necessary to replenish collagen reserves. If a bruise appears after a minor injury, this also indicates a deficiency. Pain in the back, lower back, arms and legs is a sign of a lack of this protein, destruction of collagen plexuses. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, do not forget to warm up and do morning exercises. This will help the muscles not to stagnate and stretch the joints.

When to start replenishing collagen?

The symptoms described above are an important sign to begin intensively replenishing the lack of collagen. To avoid such troubles, you need to eat right and include in your diet the entire list of foods that contain collagen. This will prevent joint diseases and premature skin aging. Summer is the best season to eat plenty of foods that contain a lot of this protein. These are vegetables, berries, fruits and herbs. Make sure that during the summer, when these products are especially accessible and healthy, all family members eat them. In winter, stores are full of meat, fish, bananas and citrus fruits, which promote protein production. Dairy products must be complete (not low-fat) in order to fully convey their beneficial substances. There is no need to wait for the body to require collagen, you just need to support it. It's so simple.

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If you are over 35 years old, and you notice that your skin loses its elasticity, firmness and the first wrinkles appear, it’s all to blame collagen, or rather, a decrease in its production by cells. Let's talk about products that contain collagen.

Collagen is a protein that is synthesized by connective tissue cells called fibroblasts. It makes up about 30% of the total protein mass in the body, and 80% of all connective tissue.

In more understandable terms, this protein is the glue that binds our entire body. Without collagen, the human body would simply disintegrate into individual cells.

Collagen and our skin

The health of our skin is directly related to collagen because it is responsible for protecting the structure of our body and creates a barrier against toxins and harmful external influences.

It is the main component of hair and nails, as well as ligaments and connective tissue. More specifically, collagen is responsible for the firmness of the skin, as it makes up the bulk of the dermis.

For this reason, its deficiency causes wrinkles and sagging skin.

Hello, friends! Let's talk about a very important and well-known substance - collagen protein, collagen supplements, how to choose and take collagen for joints and ligaments, where and what kind of collagen to buy and what role collagen plays in our lives. There is a lot of material, but I hope that with the help of the table of contents you will find answers to all your questions.

Let's start with definitions and scientific background. I don’t want to get bogged down with complex definitions myself, but I’d like to take a few things apart to understand what, where, where and from where it’s necessary.

All living beings on our planet, excluding plants, fungi and viruses and bacteria, consist of connective tissue.

Connective tissue is the tissue of a living multicellular organism. Almost every part of our body is connective tissue. The skin, bones, internal organs, and even the fat and fluids in our body are made up of different types of connective tissue. The cell floats in the intercellular medium (matrix), which is connective tissue. This tissue is made up of fibroblast cells and the collagen and elastin they produce.

The structure of connective tissue

Purpose and structure of collagen and elastin

Connective tissue is also called fibrous tissue ( from lat. fibra - fiber), that is, tissue formed from collagen and elastin fibers. Collagen forms the basis of connective tissue.

Collagen- the main protein of our body and the main building material of connective tissue, which has an elongated thread-like structure in the form of a spiral and ensures the strength and elasticity of the tissue, allowing it to be elastic and resist stress and physical impact. Makes up 1/3 of all proteins in the body. It is a simple protein, as it does not contain all the essential amino acids for humans.

In its structure, collagen is a complex (chain) of amino acids and minerals, where every third element is the amino acid glycine. Depending on the type of collagen, the amino acid composition changes, but glycine remains.

The structure of collagen

Whether it is worth overpaying for marine collagen, which is more expensive than animal collagen, when purchasing supplements, or not – it’s up to you to decide. I think that for variety, if you take collagen regularly, you can try different types.

But keep in mind that everything obtained from seafood is a strong allergen for some people. Be careful.

Formation of collagen and elastin in the body

The formation of collagen and elastin is one of the main processes in the life of the body. In essence, this is the process of growth and development. With age, after 25-30 years, these processes slow down, which is why tissue renewal slows down. The body begins to feel a lack of collagen, which affects the condition of the skin, hair and musculoskeletal system. Vessels become more fragile, lose their elasticity and resist stress less well; cardiovascular diseases and disorders appear. It is becoming increasingly difficult for joints to recover: after all, the tissues become weaker, and the impact and load increase, and cartilage is destroyed.

Why there is a slowdown in collagen synthesis, and indeed the aging of the body in general, is not yet fully understood by scientists. There are many theories, but the fact remains that this process is not reversible. But we can make it less fast and noticeable, and significantly delay it. And the most important way to this is not taking specialized supplements at all, as many people think, but the same rules of a healthy lifestyle.

  • Proper nutrition will ensure adequate nutrition of tissues and the supply of necessary substances for the formation of collagen and elastin.
  • will speed up and make these processes more efficient and, above all, oxygen saturation and supply of working tissues with substances. If there is no movement, then the body does not need to feed lazy organs and muscles.
  • will provide and create conditions for the flow of all life processes. Life originated in water, and only with a sufficient amount of water is the full development and life of the organism possible.
  • No bad habits (smoking, alcohol, stress).

The process of collagen synthesis is complex and long. This is why wounds and cuts take so long to heal, and cartilage injuries take a long and slow time to recover. And with age, these processes increase even more, including due to the increasing lack of necessary substances.

We need to know what to do and what to supply our body with to ensure the process of effective collagen synthesis. What should you focus on when signs of collagen deficiency or failure appear? In this case, specialized supplements or products simply carry a ready-made formula and the necessary set of elements in increased quantities for the synthesis of its own collagen, which makes it easier for the body to absorb it and produce its own unique protein.

How is collagen absorbed by the body?

It's important to say that the most effective collagen for humans is collagen produced by the body itself . Moreover, the body will not accept or miss any other collagen for the construction and renewal of connective tissue. Therefore, the very first and most important way to increase and improve the processes of synthesis of your own collagen is to provide the body with everything necessary for the independent production of this most important protein.

The rule, which has long been proven and is an indisputable truth, is known to everyone: before something is learned, the body and its systems must be completely destroyed down to the smallest components. And from this you can build your own unique proteins that are used for various needs. By and large, for a person to live, it is enough to consume only these basic components - amino acids in order to create his own proteins, cells and tissues, and vitamins and minerals are necessary for the complex process of creating his own collagen.

Whatever type of collagen we ingest: be it jellied meat or a specialized supplement, it will undergo the same process of complete breakdown into small components, and then will be collected into the required types and sent to the most suitable places. Collagen supplements, no matter what manufacturers say, are subject to breakdown just like any food product.

Often, when taking supplements, we want to see the result immediately, and many people think that the supplement only works when it is clear that gorgeous hair begins to grow or the skin tightens before our eyes, and better quickly, in a couple of weeks. But our body is smarter and will first send nutrients to the most necessary places and organs on which life depends and, in the last place, will think about the beauty and lushness of the hair. Therefore, the recovery process takes a long time and requires a long and constant supply of all necessary substances. Everything takes time, at least for cell renewal.

Sources of collagen

Let's consider all possible sources of collagen, as well as sources that are best not to be used for such a noble purpose.

  1. Cartilage, skin, bones etc., which are found in various dishes and are subject to minimal processing (fried or boiled chicken, cartilage, ribs, etc.). An absolutely ineffective source of collagen, since with such minor processing, collagen fibers are almost not absorbed by the body and require a lot of energy and additional digestive substances. As they say, you need to be able to digest nails. Not many can boast of such an ability, and those who can, flatter themselves.
  2. Chicken or any other meat broth, jellied meat. Dishes obtained by cooking (long-term heat treatment). This is a more accessible type of food for collagen absorption. When cooked, collagen fibers are destroyed and become more bioavailable for further absorption by the body. This produces regular homemade gelatin. It is almost no different from store-bought gelatin powder. You need to eat such dishes periodically. But I doubt that this can be made a constant source of collagen. In addition, the broth contains many other substances that cause debate about their benefits to the body.
  3. Store-bought gelatin in bags. I decided to highlight this as a separate item. Purchased gelatin is a completely natural product for use in the food industry and confectionery industry. It is obtained by boiling bones, skin, and tendons. The properties of gelatin (or rather, collagen fibers) are used to capture water molecules and form a jelly-like form. After boiling the initial raw materials, the resulting gelatin is purified and becomes a good natural food additive, which is quite cheap, but also has a number of disadvantages. There is no artificial gelatin, but when purchasing, you need to make sure that it is not diluted with other substances that we do not need. Sometimes I take myself this 100% gelatin. It is well refined and has a neutral taste. My mother is a confectionery and baking technologist; she identifies ingredients and components even by appearance. So my mom recommends it!
  4. Jelly, marmalade, chewable gelatin candies. This type of product, contrary to popular belief, is not a good solution for collagen replenishment. There is very little gelatin in such products; the main place is occupied by sugars, dyes, flavors, etc., which is very harmful, especially for constant consumption. In addition, often in such products it is not even gelatin that is used, but gelling substances - agar-agar and pectin. Agar agar is obtained from red seaweed, and pectin is a polysaccharide obtained from fruits and vegetables. Both substances are not collagen.
  5. Specialized Hydrolyzed Collagen Supplements. Specialized supplements (dietary supplements) based on collagen hydrolyzate and other substances that promote better absorption of collagen and its synthesis by the body. Everything is clear here. This includes collagen drinks, powders and tablets. One of the most famous and reliable manufacturers of collagen supplements - NeoCell company .

Rules and regulations or how to take collagen supplements

When taking collagen supplements, there are certain rules that must be followed. It is difficult to say by whom this was established and whether there is a clear scientific basis for this, but it is based on something and it is better to follow them.

In supplements, different types of collagen are used separately . When purchasing, you will find supplements with collagen types I and III and separately supplements with collagen type II. It is believed that they cannot be mixed.

Collagen Supplements Types I and III intended for joints, ligaments, skin, hair, bones and other purposes.

Collagen Type II designed for joint cartilage, so it is often added to specialized joint supplements along with,.

Doctor's Best, Hyaluronic acid with chondroitin sulfate and type II collagen.

Or a very high-quality supplement from the well-known company Solgar with many components that reinforce each other for complete nutrition of joints and cartilage tissue.

Solgar, Glucosamine, Hyaluronic Acid, Chondroitin, Type II Collagen and MSM (Sulfur).

Select type II collagen supplements are designed specifically for joint cartilage. They are obtained by processing chicken cartilage. They cost more. It makes sense to take such supplements for problems and diseases of cartilage tissue, after operations on cartilage and their injuries. When I get rich, I will periodically take a course of such supplements.

From a reader's letter: Hello, Igor! I have been reading your articles for a long time and enjoy them. They helped me a lot. Thank you. After rhythmic gymnastics, I myself developed spondyloarthrosis. What have I tried to drink? Now I have been drinking UC-II for 2 months. This is a biological supplement. Undenatured collagen. I feel better. I recommend you try it too. Sincerely, Marina.

Spondyloarthrosis- an inflammatory destructive-dystrophic disease of the spine, characterized by limitation in movements and pain.

When mixing collagen I, III and type II collagen, when they are used together, the body, having broken everything down to amino acids and , does not see for what specific purpose the supplement is intended: the amino acid composition is mixed and the specific goal - joints - is more difficult for amino acids to achieve.

Supplements with collagen types I and III should be taken on an empty stomach. : approximately 1 hour before meals or 1 hour after. The time varies depending on the form of the supplement (liquid, powder, tablet) and, accordingly, the rate of absorption.

The reason is the same: when mixing collagen amino acids with other protein foods, the purpose of the amino acids is lost, and the body uses them for general needs.

Type II Collagen Supplements It is also recommended to take separately from collagen types I and III and separately from other protein foods. See manufacturer's recommendations.

The main and most important rule for the use and absorption of collagen supplements by the body is sufficient amount of vitamin C .

It has been proven that without this important vitamin, collagen cannot be absorbed. Collagen supplements almost always have vitamin C added to make things easier. It is more convenient to control the intake of vitamin C by taking it along with collagen, but this is not necessary. It is enough that a daily dose of vitamin C is already present in the blood to ensure the necessary processes. If you do not take anything containing vitamin C separately, it is better to choose a supplement that already contains it.


It is more difficult when using gelatin. Here you will have to take care of additional vitamin C intake.

Drinking gelatin and collagen in the absence of sufficient vitamin C is useless.

Collagen intake rate

Collagen consumption rate. For prevention and for the normal functioning of the body, it is enough to consume 2-3 grams (that’s 2-3 thousand mg) of collagen per day.

For an athlete, especially in power sports, this dose should be increased to 5-6 grams.

If you are faced with problems and injuries, it is recommended to increase the dose of collagen to 10 grams and take it in courses. It is best to alternate taking supplements with the same gelatin: this will diversify your diet and will not be so hard on your pocket.

In addition, it is advisable to alternate animal and animal supplements. Personally, I take a course of collagen with a dosage of 5-6 grams. And I alternate it with a month or two of rest and a course of gelatin. I take gelatin from a sachet (10 g). You can make jelly from gelatin, a gelatin drink, or simply dissolve it in water and drink it as a snack with vitamin C.

The time of day does not matter when taking collagen supplements.

Unless you can remember about the biological clock and the general functioning of our digestion. The digestive system is most active in the morning (the best time for protein foods), and activity decreases in the evening. This applies more to foods and gelatin, less to collagen supplements. Since they already contain significantly broken down collagen protein (peptides), absorption is easy. But it is better to take any supplements gradually in small portions, taking into account the rules specified by the manufacturer and their form (time for absorption by the body). That is why it is recommended to distribute the daily collagen intake throughout the day. In any case, listen to your own body: it will tell you.

The rules are quite simple, but I can say from myself that sometimes it is difficult to control the emptiness of the stomach and remember to take collagen in between. But anything is possible.

What are collagen peptides and what are they for?

When selling and advertising their supplements, manufacturers promise everything. Very often, when describing collagen supplements and many others, as well as when describing the effects of cosmetics, one may encounter the concept of peptides as the most digestible and effective elements. What it is?

Peptides- These are very short chains of amino acids. All proteins are made up of long chains or sets of amino acids. If the chain is long, then it is called a protein. If the chain consists of one or two amino acids, but no more than ten, then it is a peptide. The body breaks down proteins into amino acids and peptides. If for some reason it was not possible to destroy the protein completely and the penetrated piece turned out to be too long (long peptide), then the immune system mistakes it for foreign - rejection and allergies occur.

Peptide in the structure of an amino acid chain

Peptides are formed in the body very quickly, but creating peptides in the laboratory is more difficult, it requires a lot of money and time, but it is possible. Proteins are unique structures for the body, but peptides are universal in living organisms and have some specialization for each organ or tissue. The body builds its own unique protein combinations from peptides and individual amino acids. Scientists say it is possible to create such peptides for the specific needs of the body.

Peptides, unlike large collagen proteins, even hydrolyzed ones, are able to penetrate the skin to their destination or other places. The body, breaking down food into individual amino acids and peptides, sends them to the right place. You can create peptides that will definitely go either into the skin, or into the bones, or into the cartilage. A wonderful future is opening up. Theoretically, by being able to create the necessary peptides, it is possible to control individual processes in the body.

When I read the description of supplements or other products and see that the manufacturer claims the miraculous properties of their peptide-based product, I experience a double feeling: on the one hand, it should work, but on the other, distrust arises. These are complex processes. Is he being disingenuous? We just need to know that this is possible and is actively developing, but we also need to be more responsible in choosing the manufacturer and his promises.

I touched on the concept of peptides precisely because it has now become common in relation to cosmetics and specialized supplements containing collagen. The size of the final chain of amino acids determines the absorption, penetration and effectiveness of collagen in the body. That is why manufacturers (especially cosmetics) have the courage to declare maximum penetration into the deep layers of the skin and the effect of peptides. I thought it was necessary to know this in our case. The supplements recommended in this article, according to the manufacturer, are precisely a source of collagen peptides.

Forms of use of collagen supplements

As usual, manufacturers offer collagen supplements in different forms and packaging. In addition, the supplement almost always contains additional substances that enhance the effect, depending on its purpose and purpose. Let's look at examples.

Liquid collagen. The most easily digestible form of collagen precisely because it is liquid. We must not forget that this is a food product that must be kept in the refrigerator and has an expiration date. Difficult to transport and control dosage. I don't feel comfortable taking this type of collagen.

Collagen drinks with liquid collagen, vitamins and antioxidants: Neocell, Collagen +C, pomegranate syrup And Youtheory, Collagen Liquid, Advanced Formula, Type 1 & 3

Collagen powder. The second most absorbable and bioavailable form. In my opinion, it’s also not a very convenient form: it takes up a lot of space, it’s difficult to calculate the dosage, you need to have juice or another drink on hand (it doesn’t taste good to drink with water), it takes time to prepare the drink. But it is absorbed very quickly and stored for a long time. When compared with other forms, the cost of collagen powder is cheaper.

Neocell, Super Collagen, 6600 mg, Type 1 & 3, Powder (198 g).

Super option for fish collagen (collagen peptides) in price, quality, quantity and composition. California Gold Nutrition, CollagenUP 5000, (461 g) with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C.

Collagen powder is added to water or juice. It's good to add it to your morning multivitamin smoothie or any other protein-free drink.

Some add it to tea or coffee. I haven't tried it. Theoretically, there is nothing wrong with this. Collagen is already denatured protein, destroyed by heat treatment, but, nevertheless, since supplements often contain other useful substances, it is better to dilute them and wash them down with liquids at room temperature. In addition, vitamin C, necessary for collagen, is destroyed at temperatures above 60° C.

There are people who find off-flavors in fully purified collagen, so juice with enough vitamin C is the best carrier for collagen.

But there is another disadvantage: drinking juices in the morning on an empty stomach is not very healthy - it’s bad for the pancreas, and drinking with water is tasteless.

Personally, it’s easier for me to drink collagen in capsules or tablets. I threw it in, drank it and went.

Collagen capsules. Combines the advantages of powder form and tablet form, but dissolves a little longer.

Doctor's Best, collagen types 1 and 3, 500 mg.

An excellent joint health supplement with type II collagen, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine and chondroitin. But it does not contain vitamin C and it is not clear what types and how much glucosamine with chondroitin is included in the recommended amount. But the presence of collagen is important here. It is better to use it as an addition to courses of chondroprotectors.

Neocell, Collagen Complex for Joints, Type 2.

Collagen tablets. It is convenient to store, transport, dose and drink, but it takes a long time to dissolve. If a drink with collagen powder begins to be absorbed immediately, then the tablet must be dissolved in the stomach for about 20-30 minutes. This is why it is better to take collagen tablets several times a day. It is difficult and time consuming to immediately absorb the number of tablets recommended by the manufacturer. It is better to split the intake throughout the day.

One of the Best Hydrolyzed Collagen Vitamin C Supplements Neocell, Super Collagen + C, Type 1 & 3, 6000 mg, 250 Tablets.

A super offer from Dr"Best - a large amount of collagen with the required composition. I buy myself the maximum amount at once: you need to take the supplements for a long time, otherwise there is no point. And this way it turns out profitable and lasts for a long time.

Doctor's Best, Collagen, type 1 and 3 (Best Collagen Types 1 & 3), 1000 mg, 540 tablets.

Collagen for athletes

Collagen is a protein that is necessary and important for any person. For people involved in sports and having increased stress on the body, it becomes even more necessary.

But collagen, taken as a supplement or through food, is an incomplete protein and cannot provide the body with all the amino acids it needs. Therefore, it is not suitable as a protein for building muscles.

However, consumed collagen carries in sufficient quantities those amino acids that are necessary to build its own collagen and elastin, allowing the body not to remove them from other important processes and not waste energy on the production of these amino acids. This is a very important point when developing and gaining muscle mass.

To obtain the effect and benefit from collagen supplements, as well as any others, a sufficient amount of ALL necessary substances is necessary in the athlete’s food: amino acids, . The lack of even one thing can nullify all efforts. Therefore, close attention should be paid to substances that promote the effective process of formation of collagen fibers.

When any problems arise (injuries, increased stress, connective tissue diseases), the body needs more of certain substances and amino acids, which it can painlessly use to restore weak points.

Collagen strengthens ligaments, muscles, bones, tendons and cartilage, increasing their elasticity. Helps to more effectively withstand increased loads. Indispensable for injuries and other tissue damage, since collagen and elastin are responsible for rapid tissue restoration.

Joints and cartilage are very slowly regenerating structures. Just as you shouldn’t expect quick results, you also need to be patient when taking collagen supplements. It's a long process.

Collagen – beauty supplement

Despite the fact that diseases of the musculoskeletal system and joints are becoming a real scourge of our time, when certain problems affect a huge number of people, the first thing that worries and is most important for a person and especially our fair half of humanity is appearance. What’s wrong with the joints is not the most important thing, the main thing is that the “suit fits”, or rather, our main clothes (skin) are healthy, young, fit, smooth and radiant.

It is for this reason that manufacturers position their supplements (in this case collagen) as a means of preserving beauty, having a beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenating and tightening it. This is the main thing, and then at least the grass won’t grow.

Our skin contains the most collagen types I and III. This is exactly what is stated on collagen supplements. Manufacturers don’t lie (they don’t always lie) and collagen, as we managed to figure out, has exactly these functions, this is its direct purpose in the body - to take care of connective tissue and skin as well.

Great beauty supplement. In addition to marine collagen, it contains a bunch of necessary substances for the synthesis of your own collagen, hydration and tissue health. Neocell, Marine Collagen (Marine Collagen).

Another women's supplement Neocell, Collagen Beauty Builder.

Main, in pursuit of beauty, do not forget that skin, hair and nails receive their nutrition not from shampoos and creams, but through blood , through internal power supply. I’m already talking about numerous cosmetic products.

Concerning collagen for external cosmetic use, added to cosmetics, masks, creams, etc., the question of its effectiveness is controversial and very much depends on the manufacturer and the technologies available to him. By and large, such products have some effect due to other components: vitamins, minerals, oils, etc., which have a positive effect on the skin. Collagen proteins are too large to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, even in hydrolyzed form. But, as I found out, collagen helps retain moisture and nutrients by forming a kind of barrier.

As for cosmetics containing collagen, which, according to scientists and manufacturers, are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, integrate into the structure of the skin's collagen and influence the processes of synthesis of its own collagen, we must trust this carefully.

According to scientific data, amino acids individually, although they are able to penetrate the layers of the skin, are of no benefit, since they do not have information data for these processes, the cells do not know how to use them, but peptides (small amino acid chains) due to their size are able to penetrate into the skin, and the cells recognize their purpose and use it for collagen synthesis or other purposes.

How accurate this is, how correctly understood and, most importantly, studied from an independent point of view, I cannot say. The cosmetics industry is developing very intensively, consumer demand is huge, but you need to choose any products from high-quality, reliable and responsible manufacturers. Without fanaticism and with a sober outlook. You must understand that the process of laboratory production of peptides is complex and expensive, and it is not yet possible to surpass the body and nature in this. Funds obtained in such ways cannot be very cheap.

It is impossible to stop natural processes in the body. But it is possible to slow it down, make it less pronounced both inside and outside.

That's all I know about collagen from this side. Don't blame me, I'm more interested in joints and ligaments. Who's talking about what, and lousy...about joints! And inner beauty from excess will eventually break through...

The main thing is that the body receives everything it needs and collagen from the inside, and let the cream, even with unique peptides, perform its cosmetic functions. And only then, by attacking from different fronts, can good results be achieved in terms of health, and beauty will be an inevitable accompanying bonus, reflecting the internal health of the body and the beauty of the spirit.

Japanese collagen

One reader once asked me what I thought and how I felt about Japanese supplements. Naturally, I immediately remembered the most famous Japanese supplement that I tried - Japanese collagen.

Probably, many people know that the Japanese are the nation that consumes the most various additives in the world. And they drink collagen drinks by the bucketful. I think that good appearance, youth, health and longevity in Japan depend on many reasons, not only on supplements, but they also play a significant role.

First of all, Japan gets everything for food and other needs, including cosmetics, from marine resources. Collagen produced by Japanese manufacturers is marine. Most often, collagen is positioned as a supplement for beauty, youth and rejuvenation. Developed high-tech means of processing raw materials (Japanese, you understand) make it possible to obtain high-quality additives. I also delved into this and understood it. Naturally, I ordered Japanese collagen via the Internet.

If anyone now remembers the accidents that occurred not so long ago in Japan at nuclear power plants, then you don’t have to worry. The production of additives in Japan is subject to serious multi-stage quality control and compliance with international standards; there is a completely different attitude towards this. You understand, about 80% of the population eats supplements. In general, I believed the Japanese.

I took Japanese collagen supplements in powder form. They undergo complex processes of processing, denaturation and deodorization. This collagen is more reminiscent of a powder with a creamy, milky smell, and not at all fishy, ​​and a neutral taste, so adding it to juices or other drinks is very convenient (for my personal taste, it may differ from yours, don’t blame me). To justify its purpose as a beauty supplement, , and , extracts of medicinal beneficial plants and other ingredients are added, which is quite good. The main thing is that this is high-quality hydrolyzed collagen, which can be tried as part of a comprehensive treatment for recovery from injuries, joint diseases, connective tissue problems, and simply when you want to look good and healthy.


Low molecular weight drinking Amino Collagen MEIJI (Japan)

Such supplements can be ordered through an international online store ebay. Once upon a time this could have been tried, but now it would be quite expensive in my opinion. Whatever one may say, but now an online store IHerb remains the most profitable and affordable in terms of prices and delivery with a huge range of products that are not inferior to Japanese ones. But everyone has different possibilities, so look, try, choose. My job is to tell and show.

How to restore connective tissue

Restoring connective tissue, first of all, consists of actions aimed at establishing the body’s own processes of collagen fiber synthesis. There is no other way to restore and strengthen connective tissue (be it ligaments, bones or facial skin).

I am always for an integrated approach, for attacking on several fronts at the same time, and I believe that this is the only way to achieve real health. Buying yourself a bunch of supplements, swallowing them in packs, but lying on the couch and eating it all with chips is a waste of money. Nothing will work out that way. This is especially true for joints. Only an integrated approach will lead to recovery and beauty, if you want. Let's look at each of these fronts.

  1. Movement. To obtain all the nutrients and effectively form and renew tissues, energy and movement are needed. Please note: collagen is found most in tissues that perform mechanical functions (muscles, ligaments, cartilage). The more and more intense the movement, the more active the process of collagen formation. If you don’t stretch the ligaments, don’t train them, don’t strengthen them, then nothing will happen. Only through load and movement does the body determine where it needs to send nutrients, what needs to be restored and strengthened. Without movement, neither collagen, nor cartilage, nor ligaments will be effectively restored and strengthened.
  2. Nutrition. Everything in our life depends on nutrition. If nutrition does not provide the body with all the necessary substances, then no processes of regeneration, renewal, restoration and birth are simply possible. The body is capable of producing a lot of things on its own, replacing them and synthesizing them for its own needs, but this mode of operation very soon leads to illness, exhaustion and death. To live, we must eat. And let our food be varied, complete, nutritious and healthy. The main thing is to give the body what it needs, and it will figure it out on its own: where to send what, how to transform it and what to use. For the effective formation of healthy and strong connective tissue, all existing amino acids, vitamins and minerals are needed. Some go to her education, others help her. The lack of one thing, and especially the absence, will immediately disrupt these complex processes.
  3. Drinking regime. Do not forget that all processes in the body take place only in a liquid medium. A sufficient amount is the key to the effectiveness of the formation of collagen and elastin. Only with a sufficient amount of fluid will enzymes work effectively, breaking down and helping to absorb substances for the formation of collagen. Dehydration is one of the main causes of fragility and failure of connective tissue, joints and ligaments. Try to drink enough good water.
  4. Enzymes. Consuming enzymes on an empty stomach will speed up the processes of destruction and renewal of weak and diseased connective tissue. In case of injuries, this method will help to effectively get rid of the damaged ones and will quickly allow the formation of new healthy tissues. In this case, enzyme preparations are dissolved in the mouth on an empty stomach for faster entry into the blood. The function of enzymes is to dissolve and break down something, but when there is no food, they will go to work on sick and dead cells. Which is exactly what we need. If you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver or pancreas, it is better to consult your doctor. I do not consider taking enzymes necessary if everything is fine with digestion. Enzymes can be taken during the initial stages of recovery of the body after injuries and operations.
  5. Collagen Supplements. During intense sports activities, stress on the joints, joint diseases, and problems with connective tissue (bones, skin, cartilage), it is advisable to take courses of collagen supplements. These may be specialized supplements or additional gelatin intake. Such supplements will provide the body with those amino acids and substances that are necessary for its own synthesis in the required quantities and proportions.
  6. It is necessary to remember about the main substances that form collagen and elastin, which can be obtained from ingested collagen, gelatin or other foods and pay close attention to them if you want to stimulate your own collagen protein formation processes.

With a chronic lack of essential nutrients, problems will not be long in coming. We eat incorrectly and do not get all the necessary substances from food. This is confirmed by the increasing incidence of the musculoskeletal system and other organs throughout the world. Scoliosis, curvatures, etc. begin to appear early.

With age, the level of silicon in the body decreases, which consequently affects the decrease in collagen formation. One thing clings to another. It is believed that a lack of silicon is another reason for the rapid aging of the body. Silicon is considered the element of youth, probably for good reason.

Magnesium. Magnesium is part of enzymes and thereby participates in the formation of collagen. The absorption of food and its breakdown is possible only with an abundance of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Enzymes will not be able to break down your favorite jellied meat, it will go straight away.

Copper. Copper is an element that is integrated into collagen peptides and thus increases and promotes the effective synthesis of collagen and elastin, has anti-inflammatory properties, and is involved in the process of replacing damaged collagen fibers with new ones, which is especially important during recovery from injuries and surgeries. Copper is involved in the formation of important enzymes.

Vitamin A. participates in collagen synthesis, regulates and increases its level.

Vitamin E. It is an antioxidant, protects cells from free radicals, participates in the process of collagen synthesis and many others, promotes moisture retention in cells, is necessary for blood circulation, and relieves joint pain.

Amino acids essential for collagen production

Let's look at the amino acids involved in the formation of collagen.

Glycine. It is the main and every third amino acid in the structure of collagen. Glycine is a non-essential amino acid, that is, the body is able to synthesize it itself if there is a deficiency, but everything has limits and it also needs to be made from something. The glycine content in human tissue reaches 35%. Glycine also regulates the activity of the central nervous system and metabolism. Glycine is very important for many processes in the body, so if it is deficient, it will be removed primarily from collagen, which obviously will not benefit it.

Lysine (L-lysine). Essential amino acid. Must be supplied with food. Lysine along with vitamin C are necessary for the construction of collagen fibers. If they are deficient, collagen formation is impaired. Lysine is very important for the growth and development of cartilage tissue, bone tissue, and for the quality and elasticity of the skin. Participates in the restoration and regeneration of connective tissue and in the formation of hormones and enzymes.

Proline. An amino acid that, with the help of vitamin C, helps create a stable collagen structure, which gives collagen fibers strength.

Alanine, Valine, Arginine and other amino acids are present in collagen in small quantities, can be synthesized in the body independently and are involved in many processes, including the formation of collagen.

These amino acids are part of and are essential for the formation of collagen by the body. In case of diseases of the spine, curvatures (improper lifestyle + weakness of connective tissue) and other problems, these amino acids should enter the body in increased quantities.

As a supplement, you can try this complex of nonessential and essential amino acids. People who are actively involved in sports, especially bodybuilding, know the importance and necessity for the body of additional amino acids.

Any company involved in sports nutrition produces such supplements (usually signed with the abbreviation BCAAs ( branched-chain amino acids) - Branched chain amino acids). This includes complexes of essential amino acids obtained only from food.

Additive Now Foods, Sports, Amino Complete contains a whole balanced complex of essential and essential amino acids and is suitable for everyone, especially those leading an active sports lifestyle. Let's just say: sometimes it won't be superfluous to enrich your diet.

But supplements are supplements, and no one has canceled good nutrition. Otherwise, I keep recommending supplements and I’m afraid that you have forgotten about basic nutrition. Collagen, like everything else in our body, must be constantly renewed. And this is only possible with proper nutrition, having in the food consumed all the necessary elements for its formation.

That is why such a statement as “spine health through proper nutrition” has a basis. So I strongly advise you to still understand the issues of proper nutrition, primarily containing these important amino acids, or to trust the analysis and methods of other people. But it's really important to know this.

This little free book talks very briefly about the basic nutritional elements that you should definitely know about when buying food. These are the basics that you cannot do without, especially if a person comes up with the idea of ​​​​starting to monitor his diet. Test your knowledge.

Does collagen help and should you take supplements?

First of all, any additives are part of the nutrients that the body in modern conditions finds it difficult to obtain from food in sufficient quantities. Supplements are aimed at filling this deficiency. They allow the body to effectively carry out the processes of nutrition, renewal and recovery. No more, but no less.

We are all made up of connective tissue, living tissue, whose cells are constantly renewed (born, live and die). Everything in our body is renewed. Every day millions of cells die and the same number are born. It’s just that bone tissue is renewed over several years (this also applies to joints), and, for example, liver cells within a month or less.

For all these renewal processes, a sufficient daily intake of various substances is necessary. If, having fallen ill, a person does not change anything in his life, then cell renewal does not change either. Sick cells are replaced by the same sick ones, experiencing a lack of substances and hunger, the disease continues to develop further.

If there is a lack of collagen, its problems in the body, during injuries or after operations, when the connective tissue needs to be restored and nourished intensively, the role of supplements increases. You can eat intensely, hoping to get everything you need from a standard set of foods, but I think this is more difficult and often impossible for most of us. It’s even better to eat well and enrich your diet with the necessary elements, without hoping for chance.

In any case, it is necessary to increase the intake of amino acids and other elements necessary for the synthesis of collagen in the body. Otherwise, recovery may not only be delayed, but may also be disrupted and cause additional problems. A hungry body will form hungry, inferior and diseased tissues. It is almost impossible to obtain the amino acids necessary for the formation of collagen fibers in the required quantities from ordinary food. Most of them are replaceable, but also necessary - this means that the body, if they are deficient, must produce them independently, while taking them away from other organs and excluding them from other processes. Several amino acids are essential and can only be obtained from food, which complicates matters. All these processes depend on our life, nutritional capabilities, stress, existing diseases and, what can I say, are seriously limited by this.

So that the body can cope with modern loads, stress, and also have the strength to play sports, develop and recover effectively, it is very desirable to take supplements and specifically collagen supplements, even in the form of gelatin or jellied meat.

If you don't exercise, eat well, and don't have any problems, then you probably don't need supplements. If you take care of yourself, expose yourself to stress, play your favorite sport, want to be active for a long time, and even more so have injuries and need to recover, then watch your nutrition and ensure that there are enough nutrients in your daily diet. Pay special attention to those amino acids and supplements that will promote the production of your own collagen. The main thing is to think about your body, and it will reciprocate.

I highly recommend reading the article from the “Health Recipes” section -. I will give recipes for making healthy gelatin drinks and jellies, which can, if not replace taking collagen supplements, then diversify your diet and get a lot of benefits for joints, cartilage and appearance.

All the best to you. Do not be ill!

Nutrient content of food products taken from the website Food Plus.info

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