Point diagnostics of the body. Vegetative resonance testing and treatment for parasites. About preparation for computer diagnostics. Is it possible to eat, drink

Quickly washing the floors throughout the house is not as easy as it seems to many housewives. In this matter, as in any household cleaning, there are a lot of nuances, knowledge of which greatly facilitates difficult work. After all, modern interior design offers a wide variety of floor coverings, and each of them has its own approach in professional cleaning. Let's borrow a couple of secrets and find out how to easily and quickly clean the floors throughout the house. You will find this and other information in our material.

Washing the floors is the final stage of general cleaning of any home. After things have been put in their places, cabinets have been wiped down, and surfaces have been freed from a layer of dust, it is time to clean the flooring of sand, dirt and stains. If you follow simple rules at this stage, you can carry out this part of the cleaning much faster and with less effort. After all, you must admit that at the end of cleaning activities there is not much energy left, and yet the floors are one of the dirtiest surfaces in the house, and they must be cleaned of dirt as thoroughly as possible.

Simple rules for cleaning floors

Many of these rules seem obvious and overly simple, but they are the ones that allow you to quickly and effectively clean your floors. If you ignore them, the process will inevitably drag on, absorbing energy and time. But this is not what we want. Therefore, follow these simple tips and make your life much easier!

Before you start washing the floor, you need to remove all things from it, and take small objects, such as chairs or stools, out of the room or place them on tables with their legs up. Needless to say, you need to shake out the dust from the carpets first. Otherwise, all dirt from the carpet will quickly transfer to the clean floor and stick securely to it, significantly complicating subsequent cleaning.

You shouldn’t start wet cleaning right away - it’s best to first vacuum the floor or sweep away sand and dry dirt with a broom or brush. If this is not done, they will be smeared with a wet rag on the floor covering - it will be more difficult to wash the floor, and in addition, stains will remain. If you use a broom, you need to moisten it a little so that the dust does not rise into the air and settle again on the already swept surface.

Washing the floor with a damp cloth should start from the corners opposite to the entrance. Be sure to pay attention to the baseboards - a lot of dirt and dust accumulate on them. Try not to step on already washed areas, gradually moving towards the exit. Otherwise, your marks will remain on the coating, which will be noticeable after the floor has dried.

To ensure that there are no streaks left and the floor shines, it is best to wash it with water with a small amount of a special cleaning composition for floor coverings diluted in it. In this case, it is easier to wash off dirt and you do not have to wipe the floor several times. In addition, after such cleaning the coating will shine. Another plus: next time cleaning will be much easier, and dirt from the floor will be easier to clean.

Change contaminated water frequently to prevent dirt and harmful bacteria from being transferred from one room to another.

Methods for cleaning various floor coverings

Depending on the type of flooring, the methods for effectively cleaning it vary. Indeed, today in houses you can find both parquet, painted wooden floors or cork, as well as laminate and linoleum. Each such material has its own characteristics and also reacts differently to excess water. Smearing dirt with a wet cloth can easily ruin the floor. Therefore, we understand the types of floor coverings and how to clean them.

Wood floors

Wooden floors are usually painted or varnished. Thanks to this, the natural material does not absorb water, which means that such floors can be washed with a damp cloth.

For daily cleaning, simply wipe the cover. If the floor is washed once a week, you need to dilute a certain amount of detergent in water to remove accumulated dirt. You can use liquid soap and wash the floor with soapy water. After this, you will have to wipe the coating a couple of times with napkins soaked in clean water to remove any remaining soap.

If you use HG parquet detergent, you will not need to wipe the floor again after this treatment. This product is intended not only for parquet, but also for wooden floors. Just a little product needs to be diluted in water to prepare a cleaning solution. It is enough to wash the flooring with a cloth soaked in it to get rid of dirt and give the floor a shine.

A popular way to add shine to painted wooden floors is to use a solution of water and vinegar to wash. By the way, thanks to this cleaning, the paint will last much longer on the coating. A definite minus is the smell of vinegar, which will be felt in the room for some time. Therefore, this method is not very suitable for daily cleaning.


Parquet, popular at all times, is extremely difficult to clean. A wet rag with dripping water is harmful to it. Just like scratches from heels or animal claws, the varnish becomes covered with a web of scratches and the floor stops shining. This is why special products are best suited for cleaning parquet floors.

Before you begin wet cleaning, the parquet must be thoroughly vacuumed. This will remove all debris and sand that could scratch the varnish. By the way, a washing vacuum cleaner and a steam cleaner are absolutely not suitable for cleaning such a floor. Hot steam will cause the floor covering to swell quickly.

The main rule: parquet is not friendly with water. Therefore, for daily cleaning of the floor, only a slightly damp cloth that has been wrung out most thoroughly is suitable.

A thorough washing of the parquet with a wet cloth and soap solution can be carried out no more than a couple of times a year. In this case, immediately after washing off the dirt and stains, the coating must be wiped dry and treated with a special protective agent. To make the parquet shine, add a little glycerin to the washing water.

Stains and traces of dirt must be removed from the parquet as quickly as possible, otherwise they will be absorbed into the structure of the floor and it will no longer be possible to clean them. The coating will be hopelessly damaged.

Professional cleaning of parquet involves the use of a special composition. perfect for daily use. It will not only remove all dust and dirt from such a floor, but will also help deal with stains. But a special one will protect the floor covering from heavy dirt, scratches and tarnishing. In addition, it will give the floor a delightful shine. Before applying the composition to the coating, it should be further cleaned. The product will remove layers of old polishing compound, as well as all stubborn dirt and stains. By the way, you can try to fight old stains with this remedy. Only after such thorough treatment is fresh polish applied to the floor surface. In this case, even such a capricious coating as parquet will be reliably protected from any adversity.


Due to its moderate cost and at the same time good decorative properties, laminate is increasingly being chosen for flooring in any home. The multilayer nature of this material ensures its strength and durability. The top layer, which is most often a coating with acrylic or melamine resin, protects the laminate from damage. However, this gender, of course, cannot be called absolutely invulnerable. Laminate is resistant to scratches and excess water.

For such a floor, timely cleaning of sand and dirt is a vital necessity. The first step is always to remove dry debris from the surface, and only then can you begin wet cleaning. Grains of sand leave a web of small scratches on the laminate and take away its shine.

It is not advisable to carry out wet cleaning every day if you have laminate flooring. A couple of times a week will be enough. On other days, use a broom, brush or vacuum cleaner to remove dirt. By the way, you shouldn’t use a washing vacuum cleaner often. After cleaning the floor with it, immediately wipe the surface with a dry absorbent cloth to remove excess moisture.

For wet cleaning of laminate flooring, a microfiber cloth or mop with a soft cloth attachment is ideal. The main thing is to prevent the accumulation of excess moisture on such a floor and the appearance of puddles. Water will cause the laminate to swell.

Popular advice: to prevent stains from remaining on the laminate, add a little vinegar to the water for washing it.

Cleaning specialists use professional products to wash laminate flooring, which prevent the floor from getting excessively wet, carefully clean it and create a protective layer on the surface. Such compositions include: It easily cleans even complex stains, prevents the floor from fading and restores its beautiful shine. The product is very easy to use - just dilute a small amount in water and wash the laminate with a well-wrung out cloth. After such treatment, the floor does not need to be wiped again with clean water, which significantly saves time on cleaning. The product leaves a protective layer on the surface, which will reduce contamination and also extend the life of the floor.


This type of flooring attracts with its practicality. In addition, linoleum looks good and has a pleasant shine, especially if it has just been laid. Moreover, now there is a huge variety of such material on sale. However, in order for linoleum to continue to delight with its beautiful appearance, it must be properly cared for and protected from exposure to high temperatures, mechanical damage, abrasives and chemicals. They can cause him irreparable harm.

Immediately after laying the linoleum, you should leave it alone for several days and use only a vacuum cleaner or a broom to clean it, in other words, clean it dry.

Remember: before washing linoleum, it must be swept or vacuumed. This floor, like almost any coating, is resistant to abrasives. Grains of sand and small stones will play exactly this role if you do not remove them from the floor before washing. Otherwise, very soon your linoleum will lose its attractive shine, as it will be covered with a web of small scratches. In addition, dry dirt that is not removed will be smeared on the surface and you will have to deal with stains.

A couple of days after installation, you can begin to carry out wet cleaning of such a coating - with a rag soaked in ordinary water, or in a solution of liquid soap or powder, if the linoleum is very dirty. However, keep in mind that after this you will have to wipe the floor several times with clean water to remove soap stains.

To ensure that linoleum enjoys the shine and brightness of its colors for a long time, and also does not dry out, cleaning specialists use professional detergent compositions to wash it. Their advantages are obvious: they do not need to be washed off the floor with clean water, they do not leave streaks, they easily remove all dirt and, most importantly, they protect the floor covering from external influences. Such products include. It easily copes with even stubborn dirt, improves the decorative properties of the coating and serves as reliable protection from the rays of the bright sun, abrasive effects and other factors, provided that it is used regularly. You just need to wash the linoleum with a solution diluted in water, wait for the coating to dry, and then lightly polish it to achieve a pleasant shine.

Cork floor

Environmental friendliness, as well as softness and warmth, distinguish cork from other flooring materials. The disadvantages of this coating include difficulty in installation, rather high cost, and fragility. In order for a cork floor to last a long time, you need to know how to care for it and strictly fulfill all requirements.

This coating can be removed using a vacuum cleaner, a soft brush, or a well-wrung out damp cloth. The cork is afraid of excess water, and any accidentally spilled liquid must be wiped up immediately.

The cork can be washed with a solution of soap or powder. The main thing is not to scrub the floor with abrasives or use aggressive substances for cleaning.

The same will help to gently clean stubborn dirt, renew the surface and protect it from microdamage. It is enough to dilute a little mixture in water and wash the floor with it to significantly improve its appearance. An invisible protective layer that remains on the coating will help significantly extend its service life. To protect your cork floor as much as possible, experts recommend regularly using HG to clean it.

By following the rules for cleaning floor coverings, you can cope with this difficult job quickly and easily. Plus, doing the right thing will help protect the material your floor is made from and extend its lifespan!

Unfortunately, various tests and modern types of examinations do not always allow us to accurately determine the cause of the disease. Diagnosis of modifications down to the atomic structure is possible only through a computer examination. This research method is called bioresonance diagnostics of the body.

The vegetative resonance test is an electropuncture diagnostic that checks the condition of all human systems and individual organs. It is based on the diagnosis of R. Voll, expanded by the German doctor Schimmel in 1978. Testing is carried out at one biologically active point. To date, this is the most informative diagnosis. Its duration is about 2 hours.

Prices for bioresonance diagnostics

Diagnostics and treatment using company equipment « IMEDIS »

This is a special diagnostic that has an undoubted advantage over all others. It lies in the fact that ART makes it possible to detect not only existing but also developing diseases that have not yet been detected during standard medical examinations in clinics and hospitals.

The vegetative resonance test ART allows you to identify:

  • disorders in systems and organs;
  • malignant and benign tumors in the early stages;
  • fungi, helminths, viruses, bacteria that lead to the development of severe chronic diseases;
  • level of intoxication of the human body
  • level of physical overload;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements;
  • allergic reactions (conduct a detailed test for allergens of food, chemical food additives, allergens of plants, animals, fish, dust, products, chemicals that a person uses in everyday life, as well);
  • level of lymphatic congestion, endocrine and immune systems;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • human exposure to electromagnetic, environmental, radioactive, geopathological, chemical, toxic, alcoholic and drug factors.
  • mental stress;
  • the presence of diseases of organs and systems; formation of stones, tumors;
  • state of the immune system;
  • It is also possible to conduct an early study of various disorders at the stage of the onset of the disease (in the absence or severity of symptoms), nutritional disorders (individual selection of the diet: which products the patient should consume and which ones should be excluded from the diet).

In addition, the tolerability and effectiveness of medications, homeopathy, dietary supplements, cosmetics are determined, and the effect of jewelry on the human body is determined. In the future, the necessary drug and its dosage are selected.

The method is characterized by high diagnostic accuracy, non-invasiveness and safety.

Having diagnosed ART, the doctor selects a treatment that allows for the correction of these processes, slowing down the development of the disease, curing it and preventing the emergence of new pathologies. You will be offered bioresonance therapy, homeopathic treatment and color therapy.

Diagnosis of ART can be performed on almost anyone, without restrictions on age or health status, since it does not cause harm to health. The exception is people with

  • pacemaker (there is a possibility of disruption of its operation);
  • pathological changes in the skin at measurement points;
  • states of exhaustion;

In our center, diagnostics using the ART method is carried out by an experienced homeopathic doctor using modern IMEDIS-test equipment. At the end of the examination, the patient is given a detailed report with the results of the examination, the doctor’s recommendations, and the prescribed homeopathic treatment.

The essence of computer diagnostics of the human body

Diagnosis of the body according to Voll is a computer examination method that allows you to measure the energetic functionality of active points. Their work has significant differences from the work of the systems of the whole body due to the anatomical features of the structure of our body. At such points there are a large number of nerve endings that transmit signals to the spinal cord. From the segments of the spinal cord, in turn, data is transmitted to each internal organ. As a rule, this connection is considered two-way and any disturbance in the functionality of the organ can lead to a displacement of the active point. In addition, with increased energy consumption by the organ, a decrease in electrical resistance at the active point occurs. In particular, a similar picture can be diagnosed during the development of the inflammatory process. In case of cancer, resistance, on the contrary, increases. Thanks to the sensitivity of computer technology, electropuncture diagnostics using the Voll method makes it possible to identify the development of the disease at the initial stage. To further obtain more accurate data about the problem, additional examinations are used.

Diagnostic stages using the Voll method

When diagnosing the body using the Voll method, a specialist uses special sensors to take data on the functionality of acupuncture points located on the fingers. The whole procedure takes place in three stages:

  • first – sensors are put on the patient’s fingers, after which the data obtained is recorded for 20 minutes;
  • second - simultaneously with data collection, the program analyzes the results;
  • third - based on the results obtained and the diagnosis made after bioresonance diagnostics, the doctor prescribes an individual treatment plan.

Since the data obtained is not always enough to identify the localization of the inflammatory process, a specialist may prescribe additional studies.

What can you learn from computer diagnostics?

Diagnosis of the body according to Voll is used today by a large number of doctors all over the world; the capabilities of this research method are quite extensive:

  • a comprehensive study of the functionality of the whole organism, which makes it possible to identify a disease, including cancer, at an early stage, when the development of the disease occurs latently;
  • making a diagnosis in complicated cases;
  • determine the quality of the patient’s diet;
  • identification of accumulations of substances harmful to the human body;
  • monitoring the body's response to treatment.


Treatment and diagnosis using the Voll method has a number of unique features that distinguish it from other methods:

  • computer diagnostics of the human body does not cause harm, including in the case of diagnostics in children;
  • diagnosis is carried out without internal intervention in the body;
  • the ability to quickly make a diagnosis;
  • the procedure does not require any preparation, which is very convenient for many patients;
  • a comprehensive assessment of the functionality of the whole organism is carried out;
  • absence of any side effects.

Contraindications for carrying out

  • in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • if body temperature exceeds 38 degrees;
  • people with mental disabilities;
  • if a person has a pacemaker installed;
  • if surgical intervention is necessary;
  • with open form of tuberculosis.

Conducting a bioresonance study can significantly shorten the process of making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment. You can receive more detailed information about this type of examination during your initial appointment at our clinic.

In terms of the value of information for the doctor, this method is superior to other types of medical examination. It allows you to judge the functioning of organs without tests, ultrasound, x-rays, etc. Thanks to new physical principles for recording the state of living tissue and a computer program, the bioresonance method allows you to replace up to 15 specialized specialists. And an additional examination of a drop of blood (hemoscanning) increases the accuracy of the diagnosis to 100%.

A modern hardware and computer complex allows the doctor to identify the most important data about the patient:

  1. Types of diseases and their cause and stage.
  2. Pathogens - bacteria, viruses, fungi, helminths - their location in organs and the degree of infection.
  3. Allergens and causes of allergies.
  4. Tumors and cysts in organs, their nature and cause.
  5. Harmful substances in the body.

There are 2 types of bioresonance diagnostic devices

They differ in two respects.

  1. By the method of collecting information - contact or non-contact
  2. The nature of the physical field is electromagnetic or torsion.

Contact devices: an ancient device of the German doctor Voll and its modification - the Russian Imedis. These devices measure the electrical resistance of the meridians in accordance with Chinese medicine. A weak electrical signal is passed through a point on the hand and its parameters are measured, which reflect the state of the organs.

Disadvantages of the contact method

  1. The result depends on the accuracy of the measuring probe hitting the meridian point. This is influenced by the doctor’s qualifications and his condition - fatigue, mood, etc.
  2. Long duration of examination - up to 3.5 hours.

The non-contact method provides 3 advantages.

  1. The sensors are placed on the head, so their accuracy does not depend on the doctor.
  2. The device does not emit anything, but only registers the natural vibrations of organs and cells, so the method is safe for humans.
  3. A shorter time for a complete examination of the body is up to 1.5 hours.

This is the method we will consider. But first, a few words about hemoscanning.

Giardia attacks red blood cells

Physical basis of bioresonance diagnostics of the body with computer analysis of the results

V. I. Nesterov

The first bioresonance diagnostic apparatus was created at the Omsk Institute of Applied Psychophysics, under the leadership of its director V. I. Nesterov and associate professor of the Omsk Medical Academy Yu. But. It was called “Oberon” (RF Patent for invention No. 2119806, priority dated 08.21.96).

Today there are analogues that use the bioresonance method: IMAGO, Valeoscan, Vector, Mageric and others. But these are all prototypes of Oberon.

Hardware-software complex (HSC) Oberon

It has been scientifically proven that every organ or cell vibrates at a certain frequency, which varies depending on its condition. Here's how this property is used in surveying.

  1. The frequencies of healthy and diseased cells are different.
  2. Each pathology has its own frequency, which is determined experimentally.
  3. The frequencies of all known diseases are recorded in the computer memory.
  4. The frequencies measured during the diagnostic session from different organs are compared with standards in the computer memory for different diseases and the most similar ones are selected.
  5. The stage of the disease is also determined - in comparison with their frequencies in the database.

Thanks to this technology, APK Oberon identifies diseases without additional tests and suggests a diagnosis. The data is displayed in a convenient form on the monitor, but the final conclusion is given by the doctor.

This examination method reveals very small deviations from the norm, which is inaccessible by conventional medical means. For example, oncology here is detected 2-3 years before the appearance of tumor markers or other signs.

The physical nature of the torsion field that is recorded by bioresonance diagnostics

In 1922, mathematician Eli Cartan predicted the presence of a torsion field, which arises as a result of the torsion of particles (English torsion - torsion). And in the 70s, the Einstein-Cartan theory appeared, describing the effects of spin (torsion) of material particles.

A torsion field is also created by electrons rotating around the nucleus of an atom. This is what is called the biofield that psychics feel. All cells of the body communicate using this field.

Metapathy program

Possibilities of bioresonance diagnostics and the Oberon complex

Tumors, cysts, fibroids... Now you can determine their nature and cause

For the same reason, cysts and stones form in the gallstones and kidneys. In some cases, a course of herbal medicine from 3 to 12 months is sufficient. and they dissolve. If you have such formations, do not immediately agree to removal, but undergo this examination and perhaps you will avoid surgery.

The effectiveness of the drug can be predicted at a diagnostic session before taking it

Container for drug testing

The Oberon APK kit includes a container in the form of a metal cup (see photo) where the drug is placed and its characteristics are measured. The computer processes them and changes in % are displayed on the monitor, which you can receive after receiving it.

This way you can determine individual intolerance to drugs and avoid side effects.

A sad example: How ignoring modern diagnostic methods by official medicine leads to tragedies

A father whose daughter dies due to the fault of doctors writes on a medical forum:

“When my daughter was examined using a bioresonance device, cancer was predicted three years before her illness. Routine examinations in clinics did not show anything back then; the doctors just laughed. My daughter also found it funny, looking at the results - she is a graduate of the Medical Academy. Every year she underwent medical examination at the clinic, and everything was normal. And it all ended very badly. Now she has leukemia and chronic renal failure, and has been between life and death for three years.

I spoke about this with medical luminaries. They have one opinion - this diagnosis is nothing more than nonsense. Moreover, without any clear argumentation. I wrote a question to the President in a letter: “Why are these examination methods not used in clinics?”

A month later, a woman from the health department called. I ask her: “Why are there eight such devices in the clinic of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, but there are none in ordinary clinics?” The lady just laughed merrily.

But, after all, no one is insured against illness, and funds incommensurate with the price of these devices are spent on providing medicines to beneficiaries. How to evaluate the suffering of patients whose illness could have been prevented? Who will explain to me the reason why our medical luminaries have such a disdainful opinion of new methods of diagnosis and treatment?
Every year in April, seminars on BRD are held in Moscow. DOCTORS come from all over the world, but our academicians are nowhere to be seen.

Tests for allergens using the Oberon device - contactless

Using bioresonance examination, the presence of allergens is detected. This method does not replace blood tests, but determines an increase in blood sugar levels, disturbances in the absorption of calcium, etc.

The Oberon device is configured to examine all important body systems:

  1. The cardiovascular system.
  2. Gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Genitourinary system.
  4. Musculoskeletal system.
  5. Bronchopulmonary system.
  6. Endocrine system.
  7. Visual and auditory apparatus.
  8. Nervous system.
  9. Qualitative analysis of blood condition without blood sampling.
  10. Determination of pathogenic organisms in all organs and systems - viruses, microbes, fungi, protozoa, helminthic infestations, etc. (staphylococci, streptococci, lamblia, trichomanas, chlamydia, ureoplasma, etc.).
  11. Endocrine system: assessment of the level of hormones of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, pancreas, thyroid, gonads.
  12. Assessment of the state of immunity.
  13. Chromosome set.

After the examination, the doctor issues a conclusion about the condition of the patient’s body:

APK Oberon evaluates the health of organs using “state markers” of individual points on the organs where measurements are made. The markers clearly display six options for the state of the cells and differ in shape and color.

The resources of self-regulation and cell protection are normal - there are no diseases.

A decrease in cell self-regulation under external influence is the initial stage of the disease.

Self-regulation on the verge of breakdown is a disease in the middle stage.

Failure of cellular self-regulation, resources are exhausted - the acute stage of the disease.

Results of bioresonance examination of organs

Here are computer models of organs that are displayed on a computer screen. Status markers are visible on them.

Liver examination: yellow markers indicate a healthy liver - a very rare occurrence.

The liver is overloaded with toxins. Impaired ability to eliminate toxins due to stagnation of bile and spasm of the biliary tract.

Gallbladder- tissue tension and spasm of the biliary tract. Dyskinesia and possible presence of stones.

Colon- malabsorption of nutrients. Inflammation of the mucous membrane in the lower part.

Vessels of the anterior wall of the heart- deterioration of blood supply, atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries and aorta.

Brain- insufficient blood supply and vascular atherosclerosis in the initial stage.

And so on for each organ

How does a bioresonance examination session work?

Many candidates for this examination ask the same questions:

During the examination session, the doctor will ask you what is bothering you, but the opinions of other doctors are not needed. Complaints are desirable in order to configure the program for a detailed scan of problematic organs. But you don’t have to say anything, the device and the doctor will determine everything. The session will just take a little longer.

Then the doctor places sensors on you - like headphones on your head - and turns on a body scanning program. The following will be visible on the monitor: alternation of organs, status markers and graphs. This is what processing information from the body and computer analysis of data looks like.

During the examination, the doctor may ask you something or comment, but he will issue a conclusion after final processing of the data by computer.

Bioresonance diagnostics is safe for children and identifies causes that hinder their development

The examination method is safe for humans, since Oberon devices do not create radiation, but only register it. It is especially important that the device is able to identify deviations and their causes in children, since this inhibits their development. For example, a child who, according to genetics, could be talented turns out to be average or retarded.

Blood drop examination

About preparation for computer diagnostics. Is it possible to eat and drink?

Before the examination, you can eat as usual, only drink a glass of water half an hour to an hour before the examination. This is important for examining a drop of blood

After the session is completed, the doctor suggests a course of treatment. This is usually a herbal program, although sometimes medications are needed. To monitor the results, the doctor recommends coming for a follow-up examination in 1-2 months. Responsible patients do this and come once every six months to a year. This is the best way to insure yourself against health surprises.

Cost of bioresonance computer examination and how long does the session last?

An examination session using two methods (bioresonance + hemoscanning) in Moscow costs 4,000 rubles. The session lasts 1.5 - 2 hours. In the regions, one method is more often used - bioresonance. The price varies from 1,000 rubles to 1,500 rubles. Although in clinics I have seen up to 6,000 rubles.

“Pitfalls” of the bioresonance method - What to fear?

1. Counterfeit devices and pirated software

The devices for such examinations are compact and it is not difficult to make a fake, and there are plenty of craftsmen in Russia. There are two types of copying.

1. Direct - for a well-known model. Usually they try to convince that they are official representatives of the developer.

2. Indirect copying - when the device is produced under its own name: PHAETON, MIRANDA, ICEBERG, etc.

Today there are also plenty of hackers capable of hacking a computer program. But where can I get updates then? This leads to distortions in examination results and erroneous diagnoses.

2. Low qualified specialists

The problem is that the computer automatically determines all diseases, their stage, pathogens, etc. This is the temptation. So any nurse or massage therapist can buy an Oberon device and open a diagnostic office, which sometimes happens. An erroneous conclusion can lead a person down the wrong path and he will waste time. Such “specialists” only discredit this effective method.

What is required here is a doctor who is able to think systemically - at the level of the organism as a whole. This is achieved only by experience, honey. Universities do not train specialists of this class.

Bioresonance diagnostics in Moscow and other cities

In Moscow, appointments are conducted by two doctors with whom I have been collaborating for a long time.

Lyudmila Nikolaevna Kulakova has been practicing for about 40 years. Of these, more than 10 years using the bioresonance method, which I chose, having become disillusioned with the methods of official medicine. She collaborates with the inventor of the agro-industrial complex Oberon V.I. Nesterov - trains delegations of doctors from Europe, England and Japan who purchase his devices.

Lyudmila Nikolaevna trains doctors from Russia, helps them choose a device and installs the program. This is a guarantee for doctors to avoid counterfeiting.

Now, Lyudmila Nikolaevna is accepting M. Belyaevo

The cost of bioresonance diagnostics is 3000 rubles.

Dual diagnostics: bioresonance + hemoscanning 4000 rub.

Session duration 1.5 hours

Another good Moscow doctor is Galina Mikhailovna Eshtokina. She diagnoses using the IMEDIS machine.

Galina Mikhailovna writes books on alternative medicine, knows breathing practices and nutrition well. After the examination, in addition to prescribing herbal remedies, she gives recommendations on these methods.

Galina Mikhailovna's office next to the Belorusskaya metro station.

The cost of double diagnostics - bioresonance + hemoscanning = 4000 rubles.

Book, certificate and certificate of Galina Mikhailovna

To register for diagnostics in Moscow call me on tel. 8-926-764-4266 (Vladimir Timofeevich) I will determine which doctor is best for you and make an appointment.

Bioresonance diagnostics in other cities

A similar survey is carried out in the cities of Petrozavodsk, Yelets, Kursk. The cost there may vary. Let us know which of these cities you are in in the feedback form.>>

An experienced specialist Natalya Yuryevna works in Kursk using the IMEDIS device. This device allows you to effectively carry out bioresonance therapy. You can make an appointment by phone. 8-910-216-8918 - inform that you are from Vladimir Zuev and convey my greetings from Moscow to Natalya Yuryevna.