REG of cerebral vessels: the safest and most accurate study. What is a reg examination? What is the reg procedure?

Constant headaches not only worsen a person’s mood, but also reduce their performance. To eliminate such an unpleasant symptom, many take various medications, however, this does not always bring the patient a feeling of relief.

To make a correct diagnosis and find out the cause of headaches, a study such as rheoencephalography of cerebral vessels is used. What is an REG examination, what may be the indications for its implementation and what pathologies can be identified with its help?

Rheoencephalography is one of the methods for assessing blood circulation in the brain. With the help of such a study, it is possible to identify various pathologies of the brain and assess the condition of the circulatory system. Many specialists resort to this research method, since it is highly informative and makes it possible to obtain accurate results, and its cost is low.

Carrying out REG makes it possible to obtain data on the condition of the blood vessels of the brain and diagnose abnormalities in the circulatory system at an early stage. This is considered a rather important factor, because at the initial stage it is possible to prevent the development of many dangerous pathologies and consequences.Thanks to REG of cerebral vessels, it is possible to determine the viscosity of the blood, the speed of blood flow, the time of flow and propagation of the pulse wave. This procedure is carried out using a recording device such as a rheograph.

Rheoencephalography is prescribed to patients both for certain indications and for preventive purposes.

The fact is that in many elderly people the elasticity of blood vessels significantly decreases, and the consequence of this is the development of many concomitant pathologies.

Experts identify the following indications for prescribing a study such as REG:

  • patient complaints of temporary and permanent dizziness, as well as when positioned vertically
  • injuries of varying complexity to the cervical region and head
  • the appearance of problems with hearing, vision and memory
  • recurrent headaches or noise in the hearing organs
  • family history
  • diagnosis of damage to the vascular system of the brain
  • assessment of the functional capabilities of collateral circulation
  • control of cerebral circulation after surgery
  • patient's dependence on weather conditions
  • cerebral atherosclerosis
  • migraines of various origins and complexity
  • vascular crises
  • the appearance of attacks of osteochondrosis or epilepsy

In addition to the listed indications, REG of cerebral vessels is used to determine the speed of the trigger wave and blood flow, as well as its viscosity.

Despite the fact that REG is considered a fairly simple study, it can help identify an extensive list of diseases:

  1. hematomas and various formations after injuries
  2. pathologies of cerebral circulation in acute form
  3. disorders of the vegetative-vascular system
  4. cerebral vessels
  5. migraines of varying severity
  6. pre-stroke conditions and strokes

If a specialist has doubts about making the correct diagnosis, then REG provides him with great help in this. Thanks to such a study, it is possible not only to identify a pre-stroke condition, but to select effective treatment. To clarify the results obtained during REG, computer and magnetic resonance imaging, as well as Doppler ultrasound, may be prescribed.

Rheoencephalography is considered a non-invasive research method, during which the skin is not exposed to any impact from various surgical instruments.

Research methodology

When an REG is prescribed, patients often begin to worry and completely in vain. This method is considered completely painless, since there is no effect on the skin. REG does not cause any harm to the human body, so it can be performed even on infants.

The REG study is performed using a 2-6 channel device - a rheograph. In fact, the more channels the device has, the larger the survey area will be covered. The REC procedure includes the following steps:

  1. The patient is asked to sit on a soft couch.
  2. Metal plates – electrodes – are placed on a person’s head, which are pre-treated with a special gel in order to avoid irritation of the skin.
  3. Using a rubber band, the electrodes are attached to the areas where the condition of the blood vessels is to be assessed.
  4. Electrodes are applied depending on which part of the brain will be examined.
  5. If it is necessary to study the territory of the internal carotid artery, electrodes are placed in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and mastoid process.
  6. When examining the external carotid artery, metal plates are attached above the eyebrow, outside and in front of the ear canal.
  7. If it is necessary to assess the functioning of the vessels of the vertebral artery basin, electrodes are applied to the mastoid process and occipital protuberances while simultaneously performing an ECG.

If a specialist needs to conduct an examination of the head, it is recommended to close your eyes. This is due to the fact that the impact of external stimuli on the body can lead to the final results being distorted.

All data recorded by the device is reflected on paper tape.

The difficulty of carrying out the procedure lies in the fact that under the influence of a stressful environment a person begins to become very nervous, which leads to a narrowing of blood vessels and this can result in unreliable results.

Decoding the results

Before starting to decipher the results of the REG, the specialist asks the patient about his age. The fact is that such a factor must be taken into account to obtain adequate information. In fact, for a young and an elderly person, the standard indicators of tone and elasticity will be completely different. When conducting an REG, exactly those waves are recorded that characterize the areas of the brain filled with blood and the reaction of blood vessels to this process.

After the study and recording of the REG, the specialist notes deviations from the required norm and makes certain conclusions. Typically, a doctor determines the following types of damage to the vascular system:

  • dystonic type
  • angiodystonic type
  • hypertensive type

Each type of REG should not be interpreted as a separate pathology, since they accompany another disease. In addition, such indicators serve as a kind of diagnostic guideline for identifying the disease.

Carrying out the procedure in childhood

A research method such as REG is used to examine young children. Typically, the duration of such a procedure is approximately 10 minutes, but can stretch up to half an hour. During such a study, the child has to lie or sit motionless with his eyes closed so as not to be distracted by external stimuli.

In fact, not all small patients can withstand such a long time, so experts recommend abandoning REG if the child is too restless. The main task of parents is to influence the child educationally and tell him about why such an examination is needed.

In fact, REG is considered a more preferable research method compared to tomography.

REG is a completely safe procedure, the implementation of which does not affect the patient’s health in any way. It is for this reason that completely healthy people can be sent for such examination for preventive purposes. REG has been carried out by specialists for quite a long time, and some scientists consider it to be obsolete, however, its effectiveness is beyond doubt.

To conduct such a study, it is not necessary to provide additional laboratory space or purchase expensive equipment. During the procedure, the device reflects data on the functioning of arteries and veins separately from each other, which greatly simplifies the diagnosis of pathologies at various stages of their development. The main advantage of REG over other methods is its painlessness and simple conditions.

More information about what electroencephalography is can be found in the video:

Today, REG of cerebral vessels is considered one of the most important and informative studies, which is characterized by high diagnostic value. Thanks to this technique, it is possible not only to assess the condition of the brain vessels, but also to diagnose many dangerous diseases.

Rheoencephalography is a word from several roots; from ancient Greek it is deciphered as “ῥέος” - “flow”, “ἐνκέφαλος” - “brain” and “γράφω” - “I write, I depict”.

That is, REG of the brain vessels shows a picture of the entire system of blood vessels in our head, their patency and possible injuries and problems.

An REG is performed (just don’t be scared!) by applying an electric current to the brain using electrodes. If you have ever done an REG, this is a “hat” with wires that is supplied barely noticeable electrical charge with a frequency of 16-300 kHz.

Our tissues, which make up the brain, blood vessels and the like, react in a certain way to the current. At this time, the computer captures and records all changes. Based on this draw up a map of the work of the organ under study, when deciphered, the presence or absence of any disease is established.

This procedure is completely painless. And it does not cause any inconvenience to patients. The main thing is not to be afraid, because under the influence of fears and unnecessary worries, the readings of the device may be distorted.

Often, it is REG that not only provides the most accurate data on the patency of blood vessels, their blockage or breakage, but also helps to choose tactics for further prevention of serious health problems.

What is it used for and what does it show?

The primary purpose of this device is to find out what processes are happening in our head at the moment. Research is ordered after a serious head blow to prevent hemorrhage.

The second useful effect of REG is it determines blood flow along the main and main vessels and collateral circulation, that is, the movement of blood currents bypassing the main vessels if for some reason they do not cope with their work.

Before the invention of rheoencephalography, such ailments as neurocirculatory dystonia and migraine and they were not considered diseases. Proving them from a medical point of view is almost impossible. The person is considered healthy. The organs function normally, which means that a person writhing from a headache (and men also get migraines!) is most likely faking it. After all, amazingly, only those products that contain caffeine help these people with headaches.

And only the REG study put everything in its place. She proved their presence in a matter of minutes, and people suffering from the wildest headaches were no longer accused of pretending; moreover, they found an adequate solution to their problems.

Only thanks to this study, migraine was included in the list of diseases due to which people are assigned a disability group. Because in some cases, due to an attack of pain, a person completely loses his legal capacity.

What the study shows:

  • everything that happens inside our skull;
  • blood supply to the brain;
  • the work of individual vessels;
  • state of tone;
  • elasticity of blood vessels;
  • blood flow rate.

Indications and contraindications of rheoencephalography

  • cerebrovascular pathology,
  • dystonia,
  • stenosis,
  • migraine,
  • acute and/or chronic circulatory disorders,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • to monitor the effect of individual drugs and prescribed treatment,
  • to identify vertebrogenic effects on the vertebral arteries in osteochondrosis, spondylitis, consequences of injuries, and the like.

Direct readings:

  • head injury,
  • headache,
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia,
  • chronic headache,
  • dizziness,
  • deterioration of vision, hearing, memory,
  • migraine,
  • circulatory disorder
  • other diseases.

Contraindications for REG:

  • It is advisable not to use for newborns,
  • if wounds and abrasions are visible in the areas that are going to be examined.

Rules for preparing for the procedure

  • Do not worry. This procedure is non-invasive, that is, it does not require penetration, injections or incisions (non- + lat. invasio - introduction, penetration). Plus, no harm to the body! It is allowed even for newborns.
  • Bring a towel. It will be useful after the procedure. To wipe off a special gel.
  • Don't think about bad things and don't beat yourself up. This is typical mainly for women. Although some men cannot calm down.

Progress of the head examination

Most often in hospitals you can find a 2-6 channel rheograph. The more channels, the larger the area under study. There are also polyreogreographs.

Step by step on how REG is done:

  1. the patient sits in a comfortable chair;
  2. areas on the scalp are lubricated with a special gel to prevent skin irritation;
  3. a cap with electrodes is put on the head, these can be separate metal plates attached with a rubber band only in the areas being examined,
  4. The doctor will ask you to close your eyes to avoid external stimuli.

Now about specific places and what exactly computer rheoencephalography determines from them.

The result of the examination of the REG of the vessels of the head and neck is a paper tape, similar to a cardiogram, used for diagnosis.

Norms and principles for interpreting results

When deciphering the REG initially age is important patient. The tone and elasticity of blood vessels deteriorate over the years. Therefore, the norms for a child and an adult will be very different.

The essence of rheoencephalography is to record data on waves that show areas of the brain being filled with blood and track the reaction of blood vessels to their filling with blood.

  • The line that goes up is sharper.
  • Next is a smooth rounding.
  • And the line leading down should be smoother.
  • If you mentally divide the distance between the upper and lower peaks, you will get an additional “tooth” in the middle.
  • From it the descending line continues its smooth movement.
  • The pattern is repeated.

Reviewing the data, the doctor evaluates:

  1. regularity of waves;
  2. the nature of the rounding of the apex;
  3. type and condition of ascending and descending lines;
  4. place of incisura, dicrotic tooth;
  5. presence of additional waves.

Deviations from the norm and possible diagnosis

Presumable diagnosis Description of the rheoencephalography pattern
  • REG is smoother,
  • the tops are flatter
  • no additional waves
severe atherosclerosis the waves resemble a dome and an arch
decreased arterial tone
  • large wave amplitude,
  • steeper climb
  • sharp peak,
  • displaced and enlarged additional tooth,
  • shorter rising line
increased arterial tone
  • small wave amplitude,
  • smoother rise
  • long ascending line,
  • displaced top
  • not pronounced additional scar,
  • additional waves on the rising line
vascular dystonia
  • characterized by “floating teeth”,
  • additional waves on the descending line
obstructed venous outflow
  • elongation and convexity on the descending line,
  • multi-wavelength section of the curve before the next REG cycle
vasospasm top rounding
hypertonic disease change in amplitude and shape of the curve

Possible atherosclerosis will look like this:

Average prices for procedures in the Russian Federation and abroad

Prices for REG in Russia fluctuate from 1500 to 3500 rubles. It all depends on the clinic and its equipment. The price is also affected by the opportunity to consult with several specialists. Since the council of doctors rarely makes mistakes. As they say, one head is good, but two or more are better.

You can undergo the procedure for free in Russia under your insurance policy; you need a referral from the treating doctor.

It is also possible to take the device home. But then the price of the research will automatically increase tenfold.

In Ukraine, the price for REG is from 90 to 150 hryvnia.

In Belarus, rheoencephalography costs from 6600 to 106400 Belarusian rubles.

In Kazakhstan, the same research will cost from 1100 tenge and more.

Price abroad also depends on the capabilities of the device, the number of specialists who work with you and citizenship of one country or another. Naturally, the examination will cost significantly less for citizens of their own countries.

Rheoencephalography - gave humanity the opportunity to look into the depths of the skull without possible interference with the tissue structure.

In the early stages, this study can help avoid many health problems. However, it is absolutely safe and painless.

Sometimes it’s better to pay and be confident. Why be afraid of research, doctors and the like and sooner or later still end up in the hospital, only this time as a permanent “client”.

Diseases and their symptoms associated with pathology of cerebral vessels are the first priority for visits to a neurologist. Many people are very frightened by the “scary and incomprehensible” names of the studies that the doctor recommends, because people far from medicine often associate them with suspicion of a fairly serious diagnosis. But this is far from the case, so you should calm down and figure everything out in order.

One of these “incomprehensible” studies is rheoencephalography (REG) of cerebral vessels, upon hearing the name of which some patients are filled with horror due to ignorance. So what is this procedure?

What is rheoencephalography?

Rheoencephalography (REG) is a modern functional method for studying the conditions of cerebral vessels, which allows you to assess their damage, blood supply, tone, elasticity, blood flow speed in them, the viscosity of the incoming blood, the ability of blood vessels to constrict and relax, the symmetry of the blood supply to the cerebral hemispheres is studied and outflow of venous blood.

The rheoencephalography technique involves passing an alternating electric current through brain tissue and recording the parameters of electrical resistance, which depends on the volume and viscosity of the blood in the vessels of the brain. It is the current resistance indicators that allow us to evaluate the above parameters. When the vessels are full-blooded and dilated, the current resistance increases, and if they are narrowed, then the opposite picture is observed.

Advantages and disadvantages of vascular diagnostics

Currently, rheoencephalography is not used as often as before, because there are more accurate methods for diagnosing conditions of the brain and its vessels, for example, electroencephalography (EEG), computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI is the most accurate diagnostic method ). Due to the fact that not every hospital or clinic (for example, in regional centers) can boast of having modern equipment, REG becomes a wonderful assistant in making a diagnosis.

If a medical and preventive institution has a tomograph, and the doctor still orders to undergo rheoencephalography, then the question arises: “Why REG, and not magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography, because the second and third methods are much more informative?”

Firstly, this is the safest way to diagnose cerebral vascular pathology. Secondly, not everyone can withstand the noise and confined space of a tomograph (this is especially true when examining children, since not all children are able to be in a calm state, especially in the absence of their mother). Thirdly, MRI and CT compared to REG are an expensive examination method. Also, the advantage of rheoencephalography is that with its help the vessels are examined, without affecting “superfluous and unnecessary” areas. On magnetic resonance and computed tomography, both the bones of the skull and soft tissues are visible (most often, these methods become relevant when a serious diagnosis is suspected, for example, a tumor process and others).

A significant disadvantage of REG is that any excitement, worry (and, as a rule, there is no person who would not experience such emotions before undergoing any diagnostic procedure), failure to comply with recommendations for preparing for the procedure can affect the results of the examination.

Indications and contraindications for rheoencephalography

The doctor may give a referral to undergo rheoencephalography if the patient has the following pathological conditions:

  • headaches of varying intensity, localization and duration;
  • dizziness;
  • cerebral ischemia;
  • strokes;
  • tinnitus and the appearance of “floaters” before the eyes;
  • concussions and bruises of the brain;
  • bruises and fractures of the cervical spine and skull bones;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • pathologies of the hypothalamic-pituitary region (in particular, tumor formations);
  • encephalopathy;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • frequent fainting;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • memory and sleep disorders;
  • visual and auditory disorders;
  • weather dependence.

Rheoencephalography is considered a completely safe method of functional diagnostics; it can be applied to all categories of the population (from infants to the elderly). The study is not carried out in cases where the patient has defects (wounds and abrasions) and infectious diseases of the scalp.

Preparing for the examination

There is no special preparation for the examination. You just need to try to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • on the eve of the study, do not take any medications that may affect the condition of blood vessels;
  • try to avoid stressful situations the day before and immediately before the study;
  • on the day of the study, do not drink coffee or strong tea in the morning;
  • do not smoke the day before and before the examination;
  • immediately before the study, rest for 15 - 20 minutes;
  • Prepare napkins and a towel in advance in order to remove excess gel at the end of the procedure.

Such measures are necessary for calmness of the nervous system and minimal vascular changes (as is known, any excitement or the influence of certain chemicals can change the vascular picture). Following these simple rules will help a specialist assess the condition of the cerebral vessels as accurately as possible and make the correct diagnosis.

Directly in the functional diagnostics room, the specialist prepares the patient for examination by degreasing the skin of the areas that need to be examined and placing rheoencelograph electrodes on them.

How is diagnosis carried out?

Diagnosis is carried out using a special rheograph device (rheoencelograph), connected to a device that records and gives readings (electrocardiograph, computer, electroencephalograph and others). During the examination, the patient should be in a comfortable and relaxed position. Most often he is seated in a special chair. A nurse or doctor places electrodes on the patient's head and secures them with a special elastic band, after lubricating them with paste or gel. For convenience, the tape is positioned so that it runs along the circumference of the head: above the area of ​​the brow ridges, above the ears and along the line of the back of the head.

The areas where electrodes are applied will always be different and depend on which vessels need to be examined:

  • if it is necessary to examine the vertebral arteries, electrodes must be applied to the area of ​​the occipital protuberances and mastoid processes;
  • if the object of study is the external carotid arteries, the electrodes should be located in the temporal region;
  • When examining the internal carotid arteries, electrodes are applied to the area of ​​the mastoid processes and bridge of the nose.

Basically, all vessels are examined at once. The examination takes on average no more than twenty minutes.

One of the main conditions for rheoencephalography is that the patient is calm and relaxed.

In addition to the standard technique for conducting REG, there is a study using so-called functional tests. The most common tests include turning and tilting the head in different directions, taking nitroglycerin (under the tongue), holding your breath, taking deep breaths and full exhalations, changing body position, and physical activity. All readings are also recorded and then compared with those taken at rest.

Possible consequences after REG

As already mentioned, rheoencephalography is a safe diagnostic method used to examine patients of any age group. As a rule, no consequences are observed after this diagnostic procedure at rest.

When performing functional tests, headaches (nitroglycerin has this side effect) and dizziness (after turning the head or physical activity) may occur.

Decoding the results obtained

The doctor evaluates the obtained research parameters. Modern technologies have simplified the complex decryption procedure through the use of specialized computer programs. Thanks to this, the patient can receive the results of his examination within ten minutes after the end of the procedure (and not after several days, as was previously the case in many medical institutions). The age of the patient is of great importance, since the rheogram parameters change for each age group.

All data obtained as a result of the examination is converted into a graphic picture (graph), which is very similar in appearance to an electrocardiogram. The device issues them either on paper or on a computer monitor screen.

The wave-like image (each tooth of the rheogram) is divided into special segments that have their own names:

  • anacrota (ascending part of the graph);
  • top of the graph;
  • catacrota (descending part of the graph);
  • incisura (teeth on the descending part of the graph);
  • dicrotic or dicrotic wave (descending part of the graph located after the incisura).

Based on the parameters of these segments, the following values ​​are estimated:

  • roundness or pointedness of the vertices of the graph;
  • wave regularity;
  • depth of dikrota;
  • where is the incisura located?
  • appearance of anacrota and catacrota;
  • the presence or absence of additional waves in the catacrota.

It should be noted that such parameters of the teeth as amplitude and inclination are no less important. They determine the correspondence of the obtained values ​​with the patient’s age. For example, in young people the teeth are more pronounced and more inclined than in older people.

Important rheoencephalogram indicators in the table

Based on the values ​​of these indicators, a general picture is built about the state of the blood vessels of the brain.

Index Meaning Information content
Arheowave (its amplitude)Degree of vascular opening. Pulse fluctuations. Blood filling of blood vessels.
A/Erheographic index
INdiastolic wave (its amplitude)Peripheral resistance of blood flow from large vessels to small ones. The higher the indicator, the higher the resistance.
V/Adiastolic index
WITHdikrotaPeripheral arteriolar resistance. The higher the indicator, the higher the resistance.
S/Adicrotic index
A1late diastolic wavePeripheral resistance of blood flow from small vessels to large ones. The higher the indicator, the higher the resistance.
A1/Aratio of late diastolic wave to rheowave amplitude
AanacroticThe ability of large vessels to stretch. The indicator depends on the elasticity of blood vessels. The lower their tone, the higher the indicator.
a/tratio of anacrota to the main wave
Abdiastolic wave (its location)The value of vascular tone. The higher the indicator, the lower the tone.
ab/Tratio of the diastolic wave to the main wave of the graph

An example of normal rheoencephalographic indicators

Normally, the rheoencephalographic curve is characterized by:

  • pointed apices (with age they become flattened and smoothed), clear incisurae and dicrotes;
  • the time of tooth rise is up to 0.1 s, increasing with age to 1.9 s;
  • ab/T indicator should not exceed 15%;
  • the A1/A indicator should not exceed 70%;
  • the C/A indicator should not exceed 75%;
  • the asymmetry of blood circulation in the cerebral hemispheres should not exceed 10%.

Doctors can decipher it. Using it, I determine how the brain works and whether there are any brain diseases. However, if you really took an “oscillogram” with an oscilloscope, then it’s just 50Hz noise + all sorts of other crap and nothing more))

How did you measure your head with an oscilloscope?

Did someone plug my brain into the socket?

Rheoencephalography of cerebral vessels: the essence of the method, indications, contraindications

Due to its functional characteristics, the brain needs oxygen and nutrients to a much greater extent than many other organs of the human body. Their delivery is ensured by a developed vascular system, “problems” in which - narrowing of the vessel, obstruction (blockage) of it and others - cause disruption of the functioning of one or another part of the brain and lead to the development of various unpleasant and sometimes extremely dangerous symptoms. A diagnostic method called “rheoencephalography”, or REG, will help to assess the state of cerebral blood flow and identify the location of its disturbances. What is the essence of this method, the existing indications and contraindications, as well as the preparation and technique for its implementation will be discussed in our article.

Rheoencephalography: the essence of the method

REG is a non-invasive method of functional diagnostics. It is used to measure the resistance of head tissue to electric current. Everyone knows that blood is an electrolyte. When a brain vessel fills with blood, the electrical resistance values ​​of the tissues decrease, which is what the device records. Then, based on the rate of change in resistance, conclusions are drawn about the speed of blood flow in a particular vessel, and also evaluate other indicators.

Why is REG performed?

Since the results of rheoencephalography describe only the functional state of the cerebral vessels, it is not a definitive diagnostic method - it is impossible to make a diagnosis based on the results of this research method alone. However, it makes it possible to identify the fact of cerebral circulation disorders in one or another area of ​​the brain and to concentrate the doctor on further study of this particular area.

REG provides data on the following blood flow parameters:

  • vascular tone;
  • the degree of blood supply to a particular part of the brain;
  • blood flow speed;
  • blood viscosity;
  • collateral circulation and others.


This diagnostic method is indicated for all conditions accompanied by symptoms of cerebrovascular accident. Typically this is:

  • frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • presyncope and fainting;
  • noise in ears;
  • hearing and vision impairment;
  • sleep disorders;
  • memory impairment;
  • learning disability;
  • weather sensitivity (changes in health status associated with changes in weather);
  • traumatic brain injuries (concussions, brain contusions);
  • history of acute cerebrovascular accidents (stroke);
  • encephalopathy;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • spondylitis;
  • vertebral artery syndrome;
  • migraine;
  • diabetes mellitus if its complication, diabetic microangiopathy, is suspected;
  • cerebrovascular diseases in close relatives;
  • assessment of the effectiveness of previously administered drug or non-drug treatment.

Are there any contraindications?

Rheoencephalography is an absolutely safe diagnostic method, approved for use in almost all categories of patients. The study should not be carried out if:

An REG can be performed only if the patient agrees to the examination, so the patient’s refusal is also a contraindication.

Do you need preparation for the study?

No special preparation is required before performing rheoencephalography.

To obtain the most accurate data, the subject should avoid stress on the eve of the test, and get a good night’s sleep the night before. You should also not smoke, drink strong coffee or black tea, as these actions affect the nervous system, vascular tone and blood pressure, and the results of the study will be distorted.

In some cases, the doctor may recommend that the patient discontinue any medications that affect vascular tone before diagnosis. However, this applies only to course medications - if a person takes such drugs on a regular basis, then the diagnosis should be carried out against the background of his usual therapy.

When you come for an examination, you do not need to immediately go to the diagnostic room. It is worth resting for 15 minutes in a well-ventilated, but not stuffy room, and only then go to the REG.

Those who have (and have) long hair will need to put it in a bun so that it does not interfere with the study.

Method of performing rheoencephalography

The study is carried out using a 2-6-channel rheograph (the more channels provided in the device, the larger area of ​​the brain will be covered by the diagnostic procedure). As a rule, the diagnosis is carried out by nursing staff, and the doctor directly deciphers the data obtained.

During the examination, the patient is in a comfortable position, sitting on a chair or lying on a soft couch, relaxed, with his eyes closed. The specialist places electrodes treated with gel or contact paste on his head, securing them with an elastic band (it runs around the circumference of the head: above the eyebrows, ears and along the back of the head). During the diagnostic process, these electrodes send electrical signals to the brain, and at this time the computer monitor displays the above indicators of the state of the vessels and blood flow in them (in some devices the data is not sent to the computer, but is displayed on paper tape).

The area where electrodes are applied depends on which part of the brain is being diagnosed:

  • when examining the external carotid artery, the electrodes should be attached above the eyebrows, outside and in front of the external auditory canal (in other words, in front of the ear);
  • when examining the internal carotid artery - on the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and mastoid process (behind the ear);
  • when examining the basin of the vertebral arteries - on the mastoid process and occipital protuberances, and in this case it is recommended to take an electrocardiogram simultaneously with the REG.

When the main part of the study is completed, if the doctor considers it necessary, he can conduct one or more functional tests. The most common tests are taking a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue (contraindicated in glaucoma, hypotension and intolerance to this drug), changing the position of the entire body or simply turning and tilting the head (usually used to diagnose vertebral artery syndrome), hyperventilation (deep breathing) for several minutes, holding your breath, any physical activity and others. After the test, the REG recording is repeated and changes in it are assessed.

The duration of the study takes from 10 minutes to half an hour. During it, the patient does not experience any special sensations, he is not in pain (the only thing is that a headache can occur after a functional test with nitroglycerin, as a side effect of this drug).

Decoding REG

In order to correctly interpret the data obtained during REG, the doctor needs to know the exact age of the patient - this is logical, because vascular tone and the nature of blood flow in young, middle-aged and elderly/senile patients are different (what is a pathology for a young person is the norm or a variant of the norm for an elderly person).

The rheoencephalogram has a wave-like appearance, and each segment of this wave has its own name:

  • its ascending part is anacrota;
  • descending – catacrota;
  • between them there is an incisura (actually, the bend itself - the transition of the ascending part to the descending one), immediately behind which a small dicrotic tooth is defined.

When deciphering the REG, the doctor evaluates the following characteristics:

  • how regular the waves are;
  • what anacrota and catacrota look like;
  • the nature of the rounding of the wave top;
  • location of the incisura and dicrotic tooth, the depth of the latter;
  • presence and type of additional waves.

Concluding the article, I would like to note that although REG is not an independent diagnostic method,

allowing one to verify a particular cardiac or neurological diagnosis, however, if carried out in a timely manner, at the first symptoms, it helps to detect the presence of vascular pathology at an early, initial stage of the disease. A further examination and adequate treatment will lead the patient to a speedy recovery and eliminate complications that could arise if the diagnosis was not made in a timely manner.

And, although today some experts are very skeptical about this diagnostic method, nevertheless, it has a place and is still widely used in many medical institutions.

Why do we need rheoencephalography (REG) of cerebral vessels?

Diseases and their symptoms associated with pathology of cerebral vessels are the first priority for visits to a neurologist. Many people are very frightened by the “scary and incomprehensible” names of the studies that the doctor recommends, because people far from medicine often associate them with suspicion of a fairly serious diagnosis. But this is far from the case, so you should calm down and figure everything out in order.

One of these “incomprehensible” studies is rheoencephalography (REG) of cerebral vessels, upon hearing the name of which some patients are filled with horror due to ignorance. So what is this procedure?

What is rheoencephalography?

Rheoencephalography helps determine the condition of cerebral vessels

The rheoencephalography technique involves passing an alternating electric current through brain tissue and recording the parameters of electrical resistance, which depends on the volume and viscosity of the blood in the vessels of the brain. It is the current resistance indicators that allow us to evaluate the above parameters. When the vessels are full-blooded and dilated, the current resistance increases, and if they are narrowed, then the opposite picture is observed.

Advantages and disadvantages of vascular diagnostics

Currently, rheoencephalography is not used as often as before, because there are more accurate methods for diagnosing conditions of the brain and its vessels, for example, electroencephalography (EEG), computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI is the most accurate diagnostic method ). Due to the fact that not every hospital or clinic (for example, in regional centers) can boast of having modern equipment, REG becomes a wonderful assistant in making a diagnosis.

If a medical and preventive institution has a tomograph, and the doctor still orders to undergo rheoencephalography, then the question arises: “Why REG, and not magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography, because the second and third methods are much more informative?”

Many doctors, despite the existence of more modern diagnostic methods, still choose rheoencephalography

Firstly, this is the safest way to diagnose cerebral vascular pathology. Secondly, not everyone can withstand the noise and confined space of a tomograph (this is especially true when examining children, since not all children are able to be in a calm state, especially in the absence of their mother). Thirdly, MRI and CT compared to REG are an expensive examination method. Also, the advantage of rheoencephalography is that with its help the vessels are examined, without affecting “superfluous and unnecessary” areas. On magnetic resonance and computed tomography, both the bones of the skull and soft tissues are visible (most often, these methods become relevant when a serious diagnosis is suspected, for example, a tumor process and others).

A significant disadvantage of REG is that any excitement, worry (and, as a rule, there is no person who would not experience such emotions before undergoing any diagnostic procedure), failure to comply with recommendations for preparing for the procedure can affect the results of the examination.

Indications and contraindications for rheoencephalography

Frequent headaches may be an indication for examination

The doctor may give a referral to undergo rheoencephalography if the patient has the following pathological conditions:

  • headaches of varying intensity, localization and duration;
  • dizziness;
  • cerebral ischemia;
  • strokes;
  • tinnitus and the appearance of “floaters” before the eyes;
  • concussions and bruises of the brain;
  • bruises and fractures of the cervical spine and skull bones;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • pathologies of the hypothalamic-pituitary region (in particular, tumor formations);
  • encephalopathy;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • frequent fainting;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • memory and sleep disorders;
  • visual and auditory disorders;
  • weather dependence.

Rheoencephalography is considered a completely safe method of functional diagnostics; it can be applied to all categories of the population (from infants to the elderly). The study is not carried out in cases where the patient has defects (wounds and abrasions) and infectious diseases of the scalp.

Preparing for the examination

To obtain accurate results, it is necessary to maintain emotional calm the day before and immediately before the study.

There is no special preparation for the examination. You just need to try to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • on the eve of the study, do not take any medications that may affect the condition of blood vessels;
  • try to avoid stressful situations the day before and immediately before the study;
  • on the day of the study, do not drink coffee or strong tea in the morning;
  • do not smoke the day before and before the examination;
  • immediately before the study, rest for 15 - 20 minutes;
  • Prepare napkins and a towel in advance in order to remove excess gel at the end of the procedure.

Such measures are necessary for calmness of the nervous system and minimal vascular changes (as is known, any excitement or the influence of certain chemicals can change the vascular picture). Following these simple rules will help a specialist assess the condition of the cerebral vessels as accurately as possible and make the correct diagnosis.

Directly in the functional diagnostics room, the specialist prepares the patient for examination by degreasing the skin of the areas that need to be examined and placing rheoencelograph electrodes on them.

How is diagnosis carried out?

Diagnosis is carried out using a special rheograph device (rheoencelograph), connected to a device that records and gives readings (electrocardiograph, computer, electroencephalograph and others). During the examination, the patient should be in a comfortable and relaxed position. Most often he is seated in a special chair. A nurse or doctor places electrodes on the patient's head and secures them with a special elastic band, after lubricating them with paste or gel. For convenience, the tape is positioned so that it runs along the circumference of the head: above the area of ​​the brow ridges, above the ears and along the line of the back of the head.

Rheographic tape is placed along the head circumference line

The areas where electrodes are applied will always be different and depend on which vessels need to be examined:

  • if it is necessary to examine the vertebral arteries, electrodes must be applied to the area of ​​the occipital protuberances and mastoid processes;
  • if the object of study is the external carotid arteries, the electrodes should be located in the temporal region;
  • When examining the internal carotid arteries, electrodes are applied to the area of ​​the mastoid processes and bridge of the nose.

Basically, all vessels are examined at once. The examination takes on average no more than twenty minutes.

One of the main conditions for rheoencephalography is that the patient is calm and relaxed.

The location of the rheoencelograph electrodes depends on the location of the vessels being examined.

In addition to the standard technique for conducting REG, there is a study using so-called functional tests. The most common tests include turning and tilting the head in different directions, taking nitroglycerin (under the tongue), holding your breath, taking deep breaths and full exhalations, changing body position, and physical activity. All readings are also recorded and then compared with those taken at rest.

Possible consequences after REG

As already mentioned, rheoencephalography is a safe diagnostic method used to examine patients of any age group. As a rule, no consequences are observed after this diagnostic procedure at rest.

When performing functional tests, headaches (nitroglycerin has this side effect) and dizziness (after turning the head or physical activity) may occur.

Decoding the results obtained

The obtained parameters are assessed by specialists who decipher the rheoencephalogram

The doctor evaluates the obtained research parameters. Modern technologies have simplified the complex decryption procedure through the use of specialized computer programs. Thanks to this, the patient can receive the results of his examination within ten minutes after the end of the procedure (and not after several days, as was previously the case in many medical institutions). The age of the patient is of great importance, since the rheogram parameters change for each age group.

All data obtained as a result of the examination is converted into a graphic picture (graph), which is very similar in appearance to an electrocardiogram. The device issues them either on paper or on a computer monitor screen.

Parameters assessed by a rheoencephalograph

The wave-like image (each tooth of the rheogram) is divided into special segments that have their own names:

  • anacrota (ascending part of the graph);
  • top of the graph;
  • catacrota (descending part of the graph);
  • incisura (teeth on the descending part of the graph);
  • dicrotic or dicrotic wave (descending part of the graph located after the incisura).

Based on the parameters of these segments, the following values ​​are estimated:

  • roundness or pointedness of the vertices of the graph;
  • wave regularity;
  • depth of dikrota;
  • where is the incisura located?
  • appearance of anacrota and catacrota;
  • the presence or absence of additional waves in the catacrota.

It should be noted that such parameters of the teeth as amplitude and inclination are no less important. They determine the correspondence of the obtained values ​​with the patient’s age. For example, in young people the teeth are more pronounced and more inclined than in older people.

Important rheoencephalogram indicators in the table

Based on the values ​​of these indicators, a general picture is built about the state of the blood vessels of the brain.

An example of normal rheoencephalographic indicators

Normally, the rheoencephalographic curve is characterized by:

  • pointed apices (with age they become flattened and smoothed), clear incisurae and dicrotes;
  • the time of tooth rise is up to 0.1 s, increasing with age to 1.9 s;
  • ab/T indicator should not exceed 15%;
  • the A1/A indicator should not exceed 70%;
  • the C/A indicator should not exceed 75%;
  • the asymmetry of blood circulation in the cerebral hemispheres should not exceed 10%.

Patient reviews

Don't be afraid - you won't feel anything. My child, in any case, said that it was even a little ticklish, but there was no pain.

Although many consider diagnosis using REG to be useless, this procedure helped us make the correct diagnosis.

The procedure is very incomprehensible, as is the device itself. I feel like nothing is happening, I don’t feel anything. The only thing the doctor asked during the procedure was “do you feel dizzy?”, I answered that no, I am not dizzy. I was afraid that I should be spinning and would be. But nothing happened. I didn’t feel anything. The whole procedure took about 5 minutes, at the end they gave me a statement and told me to take it to the attending physician. When I asked if everything was okay, the doctor said “yes, it’s fine.” And, in general, this was my conclusion, because the attending physician said the same thing! I still don’t understand what this procedure shows...

What brain examination techniques can a doctor prescribe - video

So, it is now clear that rheoencephalography is a simple procedure that allows you to identify pathologies of blood vessels and blood supply to the brain. Despite the fact that modern medicine offers more advanced diagnostic methods, REG is successfully used to this day, allowing doctors to make an accurate diagnosis of their patients.

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REG of cerebral vessels: examination procedure, results

A rheoencephalogram is the graphic result of a diagnostic procedure called REG of cerebral vessels. The method has been used for quite a long time. One of the basic sources that describes this method (by Jenker F.L.) was translated from English back in 1966.

As a procedure, rheoencephalography is very simple, but it helps to detect a number of brain diseases even at an early stage, as well as assess the quality of cerebral circulation. Due to its good information content, this diagnosis enjoys authority among doctors, although there are skeptics in the medical community who do not really believe in the objectivity of the method.

We can highlight the obvious advantages of REG diagnostics - its availability and not very high price. The equipment is affordable even for district clinics. Of course, tomography gives a more complete picture, but its availability leaves much to be desired today.

Features of cerebral vessels

  • Left and right carotid arteries.
  • Left and right vertebral arteries.

In the vascular bed of the brain there are two arterial systems, each of which functions independently:

  • Central - with its help, blood supply occurs to the subcortical nodes and the nearby medulla. The central system consists of vessels of the circle of Willis (these are the terminal branches of the carotid and vertebral arteries, interconnected by anastomoses - small vessels connecting one vessel to another), which are located at the base of the brain and basilar arteries.

Blood circulation in the brain is regulated by internal systems that maintain optimal blood flow in all brain structures.

Regulation of cerebral circulation

There are 4 main systems with the help of which the consistency of cerebral circulation is regulated:

  1. Myogenic - performed due to the response of the smooth muscles of the arterial bed to pressure fluctuations in them. An increase in blood pressure causes an increase in the tone of muscle cells and vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels). A decrease in blood pressure, in turn, causes a decrease in tone and vasodilation (dilation of blood vessels). Myogenic regulation is the leading element of autoregulation of cerebral circulation.

At rest in a healthy person, the intensity of cerebral blood flow is equal to ml/100 g/min. This value is equal to 15% of total cardiac output. The proportion of total body oxygen consumption by the brain is 20% and 17% by glucose. The rate of oxygen consumption by the brain is 3-4 ml/100 g/min.

An approximate value of 15 ml/100 g/min indicates the development of irreversible consequences. If blood circulation stops for up to 7 minutes, a complete breakdown of all regulatory mechanisms occurs, loss of consciousness, coma, and brain death. This occurs due to blockage of the microvasculature due to irreversible changes in the capillary walls and cellular edema.

Important! The main trigger factor for such ischemia is that the brain, unlike other organs, has minimal reserves of its own oxygen.

Even the most minor changes in the blood vessels of the brain of various origins lead to impaired cerebral circulation of varying severity.

Indicators of cerebral circulation

  1. Intermediate level – characterized by a change in the functional activity of nerve cells. At the same time, their structure does not change; their function is subject to restoration.

Today, one of these methods is rheoencephalography.


This is a method for studying the blood vessels of the brain. The basis of the study is the registration of changes in tissue resistance when exposed to low-frequency electric current.

Rheoencephalography allows us to draw conclusions about the state of the vascular system of the brain and hemodynamic parameters, in particular:

  • Vascular tone.
  • Vascular resistance.
  • Elasticity of vascular walls.
  • Blood flow speed.
  • Pulse wave propagation speed.
  • The severity of the increase in intracranial pressure.
  • The presence, degree, and possibility of developing collateral circulation (this is the formation of networks of blood vessels that bypass the main affected vessel in order to prevent the development of a deficiency of blood supply to a certain organ or tissue area).

Indications for REG

Due to the high information content of the study and the short duration of the study, rheoencephalography is recommended for the following conditions:

  • Assessment of the severity of circulatory disorders.
  • Hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes.
  • Head injuries.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Visual impairment.
  • Hearing impairment.
  • Headaches and dizziness.
  • Migraine.
  • Changes in blood pressure.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Insufficiency of vertebrobasilar origin.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Orthostatic hypotension.
  • Encephalopathies of various origins.
  • Insomnia.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Forgetfulness.
  • Various diseases of the spine in the cervical region.
  • Instability of intracranial pressure.
  • Pituitary adenoma.
  • Parkinson's disease.

Research technique

The manipulation is carried out using a rheograph having from 2 to 6 channels. The more channels the reograph has, the more informative the results of the procedure will be.

If it is necessary to conduct research in several circulatory pools at once, then the use of polyreographs is necessary.

For the resulting rheoencephalogram to be correct and informative, the following conditions are necessary:

  • Take a comfortable position.
  • Placement of electrodes on the head in those places where it is necessary to record hemodynamic parameters.
  • In the case of examining the internal carotid artery, electrodes are applied to the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and mastoid process (behind the ear from below).
  • To obtain data on the external carotid arteries, electrodes are placed above the eyebrow and near the ear canal in front.
  • The study of the vertebral arteries involves the application of electrodes to the occipital protuberances and mastoid process. In this case, simultaneous electrocardiography is necessary.

Upon completion of the study, the data obtained are assessed immediately and provided to the patient.

Rheoencephalogram. Decoding

  • The ascending part is anacrota.
  • The descending part is dikrota.
  • Incisura is a dicrotic tooth in the middle third of the descending wave.

Since during rheoencephalography the waves are recorded, with the help of which the blood supply to the brain vessels and their reaction are assessed, there are certain markers that are assessed first.

When receiving REG data of cerebral vessels, the following data are first assessed:

  • Waveform.
  • The duration of each wave segment.
  • Wave amplitude.
  • Localization of incisura.
  • Regularity of fluctuations.
  • Rheographic index is an indicator of the amount of blood flow.
  • The dicrotic index is an indicator of vascular tone and peripheral vascular resistance.
  • Diastolic index is an indicator of the level of blood outflow and venous tone.

Upon completion of the study, the type of rheoencephalogram is assessed:

  • Dystonic is a change in vascular tone of a constant nature, with a predominance of low tone and low pulse filling, associated with difficulty in venous outflow.

When decoding REG data of cerebral vessels, the greatest importance is attached to the following changes:

  • A pronounced increase in wave amplitude, steepness, a short ascending wave with a pointed apex, displacement and increase in incisura indicate a decrease in arterial tone.

Difference between REG and EEG

In addition to rheoencephalography, there is such a study as electroencephalography.

The main difference in these two manipulations is that REG is used to analyze the state of cerebral vessels and blood circulation, and EEG is used to study the neural activity of certain areas of the brain.

Cost of rheoencephalography

Such a study can be carried out in a simple clinic, neurological department, as well as in various private medical centers. The price of the study will depend on the location of the study.

Today, the price for performing REG of cerebral vessels is several rubles, depending on the urgency of the procedure, the use of stress tests and the quality of the rheograph itself.

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REG of the vessels of the head: when to do the examination and how to decipher it?

Everyone knows that the central nervous system regulates all processes in the body, as well as the fact that all its cells also need respiration and nutrients that come through the blood vessels. The quality of life directly depends on the quality of blood supply, taking into account the functions and tasks assigned to our head. The path of the blood carrying “food” must be smooth and meet only the “green light”. And if in some area there is an obstacle in the form of a narrowing of a vessel, a blockage, or a sharp break in the “road,” then finding out the cause must be immediate and reliable. In this case, REG of cerebral vessels will be the first step in studying the problem.

Vessels leading to the “center”

When the vessels of our body are smooth and elastic, when the heart provides blood circulation evenly and efficiently, which provides nutrition to the tissues and removes unnecessary substances, we are calm and do not even notice these processes. However, under the influence of various factors, the vessels may not withstand and “deteriorate”. They cannot adapt to temperature fluctuations and changes in atmospheric pressure, and lose the ability to easily move from one climate zone to another. The vessels lose the “skills” of quickly responding to the influence of external stimuli, so any excitement or stress can lead to a vascular accident, which rheoencephalography of the brain vessels, taken in a timely manner, will help prevent. The reasons leading to impaired blood flow are as follows:

  • The narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels as a result of the deposition of cholesterol plaques disrupts its elasticity, developing the atherosclerotic process. This often leads to myocardial infarction or stroke;
  • Increased formation of blood clots can lead to their separation, migration through the bloodstream and closure of the lumen of the vessel (ischemic stroke).
  • Previously suffered traumatic brain injuries, which seem to have ended successfully, can lead to an increase in intracranial pressure, which will also be expressed by manifestations of circulatory disorders.

REG of the brain can determine the presence or absence of a subdural hematoma resulting from traumatic brain injury. The hemorrhage formed in the brain tissue will naturally create an obstacle to the normal flow of blood.

If you don’t get too far ahead, but conduct a study when the symptoms are not clearly expressed and create discomfort from time to time, then the REG of the brain will not only determine the condition of the blood vessels, but will also help you choose tactics to prevent serious consequences that put a person’s life at risk.

In addition, REG shows not only the quality of blood flow through the great vessels, but will also evaluate collateral circulation (when the blood flow through the great vessels is obstructed and it is directed “bypassing”).

REG and “non-serious” diseases

There are conditions that, although not fatal, do not allow you to live normally. Now, neurocirculatory dystonia is present in many people, and therefore it is not particularly considered a disease, because “they don’t die from it.” Or, for example, migraine (hemicrania), considered a whim of society ladies, has safely reached our days and does not leave many women alone. Headache medications generally do not help unless the medication contains caffeine.

Considering a woman to be absolutely healthy (after all, there are no signs of any illness), those around her often brush it off. And she herself is slowly beginning to consider herself a malingerer, realizing, however, deep down that a head examination would not hurt. Meanwhile, unbearable headaches come monthly and are associated with the menstrual cycle.

A prescribed and performed REG of the head solves the problem in a matter of minutes, and the use of adequate medications relieves the patient of the fear of monthly physiological conditions. But this is a favorable course of the disease, but there is something else...

Few people know that migraine should not be considered frivolous, because not only women suffer from it, and not only at a young age. Men are also sometimes “lucky” in this regard. And the disease can manifest itself to such an extent that a person completely loses his ability to work and needs to be assigned a disability group.

How is the functioning of the blood vessels in the head analyzed?

When the need arises to do an REG, patients, as a rule, begin to worry. You can calm down here right away - the method is non-invasive, and therefore painless. The REG procedure does not cause harm to the body and can be performed even in early infancy.

The REG examination of the head is carried out using a 2-6 channel apparatus - a rheograph. Of course, the more channels the device has, the larger the study area will be covered. To solve large problems and record the work of several pools, polyreogreographs are used.

So, the step-by-step REG procedure looks like this:

  1. The patient is placed comfortably on a soft couch;
  2. Metal plates (electrodes) are placed on the head, which are previously treated with a special gel to prevent skin irritation;
  3. The electrodes are attached with a rubber band in the places where it is planned to assess the condition of the vessels.
  4. Electrodes are applied depending on which part of the brain is subject to REG examination:
  5. If the doctor is interested in the internal carotid artery basin, then the electrodes will be placed on the bridge of the nose and mastoid process;
  6. If it concerns the external carotid artery, then the plates will be strengthened in front of the auditory canal and above the eyebrow from the outside (course of the temporal artery);
  7. Assessment of the functioning of the vessels of the vertebral artery basin involves the application of electrodes to the mastoid (mastoid) process and the occipital protuberances while simultaneously taking an electrocardiogram.

The obtained REG results, the decoding of which requires additional skills, are sent to a doctor who has undergone special training in this area. However, the patient is very eager to find out what is going on in his vessels and what the graph on the tape means, because, as REG is done, he already has a good idea and can even reassure those waiting in the corridor.

In some cases, to obtain more complete information about the function of blood vessels, tests with drugs that act on the vascular wall (nitroglycerin, caffeine, papaverine, aminophylline, etc.) are used.

What do incomprehensible words mean: decoding REG

When a doctor begins to decipher the REG, he is first of all interested in the patient’s age, which must be taken into account to obtain adequate information. Of course, the standards for tone and elasticity will be different for a young and an elderly person. The essence of REG is to record waves that characterize the filling of certain areas of the brain with blood and the reaction of blood vessels to blood filling.

A brief description of the graphical representation of oscillations can be presented as follows:

  • The ascending line of the wave (anacrotic) sharply tends upward, its top is slightly rounded;
  • Descending (catacrota) goes down smoothly;
  • An incisura located in the middle third, followed by a small dicrotic tooth, from where the descending wave descends and a new wave begins.

To decipher the REG, the doctor pays attention to:

  1. Are the waves regular?
  2. What is the top and how is it rounded;
  3. What the components look like (ascending and descending);
  4. Determines the location of the incisura, dicrotic tooth and the presence of additional waves.

Norms of REG graphs, depending on age

Examination results indicating atherosclerosis

Common types according to REG

After analyzing the rheoencephalography recording, the doctor records the deviation from the norm and makes a conclusion, which the patient strives to quickly read and interpret. The result of the study is to determine the type of vascular behavior:

  • The dystonic type is characterized by a constant change in vascular tone, where hypotonicity with reduced pulse filling often predominates, which may be accompanied by difficulty in venous outflow;
  • The angiodystonic type differs little from the dystonic type. It is also characterized by disturbances in vascular tone due to a defect in the structure of the vascular wall, leading to a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels and complicating blood circulation in a certain pool;
  • The hypertensive type according to REG is somewhat different in this regard; here there is a persistent increase in the tone of the afferent vessels with obstructed venous outflow.

Types of REG cannot be classified as separate diseases, because they only accompany another pathology and serve as a diagnostic guide for determining it.

The difference between REG and other brain studies

Often, when signing up for an REG head examination at medical centers, patients confuse it with other studies that contain the words “electro,” “graphy,” and “encephalo” in their names. This is understandable, all the designations are similar and sometimes it is difficult for people who are far from this terminology to understand. Electroencephalography (EEG) is especially useful in this regard. That’s right, both study the head by applying electrodes and recording data on the work of some area of ​​the head on a paper tape. The differences between REG and EEG are that the first studies the state of blood flow, and the second reveals the activity of neurons in some part of the brain.

Vessels have an indirect effect during EEG, but long-term circulatory disorders will be reflected in the encephalogram. Increased convulsive readiness or other pathological focus on the EEG is clearly detected, which serves for the diagnosis of epilepsy and convulsive syndromes associated with trauma and neuroinfection.

Where, how and how much does it cost?

Undoubtedly, where it is better to undergo an REG of the brain, the price of which ranges from 1000 to 3500 rubles, is decided by the patient. However, it is highly advisable to give preference to well-equipped specialized centers. In addition, the presence of several specialists in this profile will help to sort out difficult situations collectively.

The price of REG, in addition to the level of the clinic and the qualifications of specialists, may depend on the need for functional tests and the impossibility of carrying out the procedure in the institution. Many clinics provide this service and visit your home to conduct the study. Then the cost increases to 00 rubles.

Hello! According to the conclusion, everything is normal in principle, but this study would not show why the headaches, what the reason is. If you want to be examined more thoroughly, it is better to do an MRI of the brain, an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the head and neck, an MRI or an X-ray of the cervical spine. With the results you need to go to a neurologist.

Hello! Deciphering such conclusions is almost “fortune telling on coffee grounds,” since it does not show any signs significant for diagnosis and does not allow one to draw conclusions about the presence of pathology. If you have specific complaints, it is better to do an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the head and neck, MR angiography, and consult a neurologist.

Hello! It would be more appropriate to attach not the numbers, but the conclusion of a specialist who learned to correctly decipher the results of an ultrasound examination, although there are no significant deviations in the numbers. As for the neurologist and osteopath, we would advise it is better to listen to the first one. According to MRI, you have disc protrusion and osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, with compression of the subarachnoid space through which cerebrospinal fluid circulates. It is difficult to call such a neck “quite decent”, especially since the examination results can also indicate a violation of venous outflow due to structural disorders (protrusion and decreased height of the discs). You need to not only try to eliminate stress, but also pay close attention to your neck - exercise therapy, swimming pool, etc., otherwise you risk getting a hernia, the consequences of which can be very serious.

Hello! REG does not show any specific pathology; in this case, the method is not the most informative at all. The result is an asymmetry of blood supply, a violation of venous outflow, which means absolutely nothing. If you have symptoms of a possible circulatory disorder in the brain (dizziness, fainting, memory loss, headaches, etc.), then MRI, ultrasound examination of the vessels of the head and neck, and x-ray of the cervical spine will be much more informative.

Hello! The study showed that there were signs of impaired venous outflow on the left. In the PA pool, the pulse blood filling of the vessels is sharply reduced on both sides. Signs of verberogenic influence on the vertebral arteries. What could it be?

Hello! The result may indicate that there is compression of the vertebral arteries from the spine. Perhaps you suffer from osteochondrosis, hernia or other pathology. To clarify the diagnosis, it is advisable to do an X-ray or MRI of the cervical spine, an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the head and neck, and you should also consult a neurologist if there are symptoms of blood flow disorders in the brain.

Hello! The result is a change in the tone of the arteries and difficulty in the outflow of venous blood. REG does not show whether there is a specific pathology and what its causes are, this study does not provide any accurate information regarding vascular disorders, so it is better to do an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the head and neck and/or MR angiography.

Hello! Firstly, you need to calm down and not panic, the study we completed did not show anything bad, but it does not provide the full amount of information, it is better to do an ultrasound scan or MRI, examine the spine, and undergo an ECG. Secondly, interruptions in the heart are most likely associated with stress, and not with diseases of the internal organs, so interruptions can be eliminated by taking sedatives, for the prescription of which it is better to consult a psychotherapist. Avoid stressful situations, normalize your routine, spend more time in the fresh air, provide yourself with adequate sleep, and then interruptions with headaches will almost certainly pass.

Hello! REG is not the most informative study. In your case, it indicates a change in vascular tone, but does not allow any significant conclusions to be drawn. Based on the results, it is impossible to speak about either the pathology of the vessels themselves or the disruption of blood flow, so it is better to resort to other examinations - ultrasound, MRI, based on the results of which and on the basis of an analysis of symptoms, a neurologist will be able to make a diagnosis.

Hello! REG indirectly speaks about the disturbance of blood flow through the vessels of the head, but the cause and nature of the changes cannot be established only from this study, therefore an ultrasound scan should be done not so much out of fear and panic, but to clarify the nature of the blood circulation, especially if there are any complaints. Doppler ultrasound is a much more informative diagnostic method than REG.

Hello! Help me please. They did a REG: pulse blood filling was increased in the VBB, moderate symptoms of dystonia of the hypertensive type, pronounced signs of impaired venous outflow in the VBB. When turning the head to the right, changes in hemodynamics were revealed.

Hello! Based on this study, we can talk about vascular dystonia and difficult outflow of blood through the vertebral and basilar artery system, which are aggravated when turning the head. It is impossible to predict the cause of changes in the REG; it could be congenital vascular pathology, osteochondrosis or herniation of the cervical spine, etc. To clarify the diagnosis, you should visit a neurologist and do additional examinations - ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck, X-ray or MRI of the neck, MRI angiography. Your doctor will tell you what exactly to do.

Hello! According to REG, there is a decrease in blood supply to the brain vessels and their tone. This result must be compared with your complaints and data from other examinations, which is usually done by a neurologist. In addition, REG is not the most informative method of research, so we can recommend supplementing it with MRI of the brain, ultrasound examination of the vessels of the head and neck, and X-ray of the neck (depending on symptoms and concomitant diseases). Consult your doctor about what additional tests are best for you to undergo.

Hello! Using REG, one can judge only about altered vascular tone and possible obstruction of venous outflow, but the method does not suggest the cause of these changes due to insufficient information content. Take an additional MRI of the brain, ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck, examine the spine for hernias, osteochondrosis, etc. It is quite possible that some of these studies will show why you are suffering from headaches, and then the treatment will be more targeted.

Hello! According to the REG conclusion, there is a violation of vascular tone (mainly a decrease) and difficulty in venous outflow. These phenomena can cause headaches. It is impossible to judge the reasons based on this study, but you can additionally undergo ultrasound examination of the vessels of the head and neck, MR angiography, radiography or MRI of the cervical spine. Consult a neurologist about what is most appropriate based on your condition and the presence of other diseases (osteochondrosis, for example).

Hello! Please decipher the results of the REG. Headaches are severe.

Hello! Spasm of small vessels in the brain and venous congestion can cause headaches, but the cause of these changes in vascular tone cannot be determined by REG; the method is not sufficiently informative. Perhaps you suffer from arterial hypertension, osteochondrosis, or have congenital anomalies of the vascular bed, etc., therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, it is better to do an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the head and neck or MR angiography.

Hello! Headaches, floaters, noise in the head, before this my back hurt. Please help me decipher REG. In the basin of the internal carotid artery on the left: blood filling is increased by 89%, severe hypervolemia; the tone of large and medium arteries is reduced; the tone of small arteries and arterioles is increased by 8%, mild hypertonicity; The tone of the venules is normal. Venous outflow is impaired. Right: blood supply increased by 68%, severe hypervolemia; the tone of large and medium arteries is normal; the tone of small arteries and arterioles is increased by 21%, mild hypertonicity; The tone of the venules is normal. Venous outflow is impaired. Left-sided asymmetry of blood supply. Right-sided asymmetry of the tone of small arteries and arterioles. Right-sided asymmetry of venular tone. In the basin of the vertebral artery. Left: blood supply increased by 164%, pronounced hypervolemia; the tone of large and medium arteries is normal; the tone of small arteries and arterioles is increased by 14%, mild hypertonicity; The tone of the venules is normal. Right: blood supply increased by 21%, mild hypervolemia; the tone of large and medium arteries is normal; the tone of small arteries and arterioles is increased by 19%, mild hypertonicity; The tone of the venules is normal. Venous outflow is impaired. Left-sided asymmetry of blood supply.

Hello! Based on the results of the REG, we can talk about the unevenness and asymmetry of the blood filling of the vessels and their tone, but this research method does not show the reason for such changes. If you want to get more accurate and detailed information, then undergo an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the head and neck or MR angiography. If you have back problems, you can also undergo an X-ray or MRI of the spine.

Hello! This means that there are changes in the tone of the brain vessels, but it is difficult to associate them with your symptoms, and even more so, REG does not indicate the cause of vascular disorders. If you want to be examined in more detail, it is better to do an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the head and neck or MR angiography. If necessary, the doctor may recommend examining the cervical spine (X-ray or MRI).

Hello! Please help me decipher the results of the REG: Volumetric blood flow is increased in all pools on the left and right in the carotid zone with difficulty in venous outflow. When turning the head to the right, there is an improvement in venous outflow on the left in the carotid zone.

Hello! The result indicates an increased volume of blood in the vessels of the brain and difficulty in its outflow through the veins. When turning the head, there is an improvement in venous outflow on the opposite side, and the cause may be changes in the cervical spine. REG does not make it possible to judge the cause of changes in blood circulation, so you are recommended to undergo additional examinations: ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck or MR angiography, radiography or MRI of the cervical spine. You should consult a neurologist with the results of the examinations.

Hello! The result of the REG may indicate functional disorders of cerebral vascular tone, but the study is not informative enough to draw any conclusions. The EEG is deciphered by a neurologist who can correctly interpret the result obtained. We can only say that there are no significant deviations or signs of convulsive readiness, which could be a consequence of the injury. With these results, you should consult in person with a competent pediatric neurologist who will be able to interpret the results correctly and in conjunction with the examination, complaints, etc.

Good afternoon Please decipher the results. A 33-year-old woman has been suffering from migraines and simple headaches in different areas since childhood. Thank you in advance!

Volumetric pulse blood filling is increased in all basins on the right and in the basin of the left internal carotid artery (Fms by 35%, Fmd by 53% Omd 29%).

The tone of the main arteries is reduced in the vertebral artery basin.

The tone of large arteries is reduced in all basins.

The tone of the medium and small arteries is reduced in the basin of the right vertebral artery.

Peripheral vascular resistance is increased in the basin of the vertebral arteries and in the basin of the right internal carotid artery.

In the basin of the vertebral arteries there are signs of obstruction of venous outflow.

Signs of vertebrogenic influence when turning the head to the left.

Hello! The result indicates a change in vascular tone, which may be caused by changes in the spine. If you want to be examined in more detail, it is better to do an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the head and neck or MR angiography, as well as an X-ray or MRI of the cervical spine, since the information obtained from REG is not enough for any conclusions.

Help me understand what this is... Volumetric pulse blood flow in the basin of the left internal carotid artery is moderately reduced. Volumetric pulse blood filling of the posterior parts of the brain is slightly increased. The combined type of cerebral blood flow is spastic in the vessels of the right hemisphere (PVSA, PPA) and normotonic in the vessels of the left hemisphere. The tone of large vessels of the right hemisphere is moderately increased. The tone of medium and small vessels in the basins of both carotid arteries and the right vertebral artery is slightly reduced. Peripheral vascular resistance in the basins of both vertebral arteries is moderately increased. The symmetry of the blood supply to the vessels in the carotid basin of the brain is disrupted due to a decrease in the pulse blood supply in the LVSA. Venous outflow is difficult in both cerebral basins.

Hello! The result of the REG indicates uneven blood circulation in the brain due to vasospasm in the right hemisphere, as well as a violation of the outflow of venous blood. It is impossible to judge the reasons for this phenomenon using REG, therefore, to clarify the nature of changes in the vessels, it is better to do an ultrasound scan or MR angiography. With the result of this study, you should contact a neurologist, who, in accordance with your complaints, will clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment, if necessary.

Hello! Please decipher:

blood supply is reduced in the carotid and vertebrobasilar areas.

The tone of cerebral vessels is increased. When turning the head, vertebrogenic

no influence noted. Obstruction of venous blood flow. V/cranial

pressure is increased. Heart rate (sitting) = 63.

Hello! The REG can be deciphered correctly by the specialist who conducted the study, or by the doctor who referred for the REG, because you did not even indicate whether there were any symptoms of trouble. We can only say that the tone of cerebral vessels is changed and, possibly, intracranial pressure is increased (REG speaks about this only indirectly). The cause is most likely not related to problems in the spine. To clarify the nature of the pathology, it is better for you to undergo an ultrasound scan or MR angiography; these are more informative methods for diagnosing vascular pathology.

Good afternoon Please help me with decoding! Dystonic changes in cerebral vessels of a mixed (hypertensive-normotonic) type. The tone of the arteries of medium and small caliber is increased to 1-2 degrees in the left hemisphere. Volumetric blood supply to the brain of the hypovolemic type: moderately reduced in the carotid region and in the VBB (with mild MPA D>S). Venous dysfunction grade 1-2 (moderate vasospasm) with difficulty in venous outflow from the basal parts of the brain. Thank you!

Hello! The result may indicate fluctuations in vascular tone, disruption of venous outflow from the cranial cavity, uneven blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, but this study does not show the reasons for such changes. REG is not the most informative diagnostic method; if something worries you, it is better to do an ultrasound scan or MRI.

Please consult us on our conclusion (my son is 3 years and 9 months old):

“Vascular tone according to the normotype.

Volumetric pulse blood filling of the brain in the CB on the left is of an isovolemic type; in the CB on the right and in the VBB of the hypovolemic type, without MPA.

Heart rate during CREG recording was 91 beats/min.

Difficulty of venous outflow from the cranial cavity 0-1 st.

No vertebrogenic dependence was registered during positional tests.”

Hello! Nothing bad can be said about this conclusion, the only thing is that it is worth deciding whether there is still a difficulty in venous outflow or not. In addition, REG is far from the most informative diagnostic method, therefore, if something is bothering your child, it is better to undergo additional examination (ultrasound, MRI). Check these points with a neurologist or pediatrician.

Hello. Help me decipher?! We performed an REG on an 11-year-old child.

Dystonic changes in cerebral vessels of mixed type.

Tone of medium and small caliber arteries with a tendency to hypertonicity.

The tone of the distribution arteries is moderately reduced. Volumetric blood supply to the brain in the carotid system is of the hypervolemic type (moderately increased). in the VBB according to the hypovolemic type (moderately reduced).

During positional tests (turning the head to the left, right, flexion, extension), no vertebrogenic dependence of blood flow to the brain was registered. Thank you!

Hello! REG is not an informative enough method to talk about a specific pathology. Changes in vascular tone often accompany vegetative-vascular dystonia and functional changes in childhood and adolescence. If something is bothering the child, then you should contact a neurologist and, in addition to the REG, undergo other studies.

Good afternoon. Help me please. We went through REG with our child. The child is 10 years old. Volumetric blood filling is increased in all pools on the right (fmd by 7%) (omd by 70%). All pools showed signs of obstructed venous outflow. Functional tests cause blood filling in both pools

Hello! This result may indicate increased blood flow to the brain and difficulty in its outflow from the cranial cavity. There can be many reasons, so with the result you need to go to a neurologist or to the doctor who referred you for an REG.

Hello, I'm 35 years old. I have very bad headaches, help me decipher the REG. Volumetric pulse blood filling of the entire brain is significantly increased. The tone of large vessels in the basins of both carotid arteries is slightly increased. The tone of medium and small vessels in the basin of the left internal carotid artery is slightly increased. Peripheral vascular resistance throughout the brain is slightly increased. The symmetry of the blood supply to the vessels is slightly disturbed.

Hello! The result indicates a possible disruption of blood flow in the head due to increased blood pressure, vasospasm, etc. It is impossible to draw conclusions about the cause of the headache based on REG alone, so it is recommended to also do an MRI of the brain, an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the head and neck, and consult a neurologist or endocrinologist , check kidney function.

Hello. If you know, write what drugs can be used to improve this interpretation of REG: 1) volumetric pulse blood filling is increased in the ICA basin 2) the tone of medium-caliber arteries is increased in the ICA-SBA basin 3) the tone of small-caliber arteries is increased in the SMA basin 4) venous outflow is not difficult 5) functional tests: bending forward - reduces the volume of cerebral perfusion and worsens venous outflow; tilting - reduces venous outflow.

Hello! We do not prescribe medications over the Internet, and based on the results of the REG, even a neurologist at the clinic will not do this. To choose the right treatment, you need to know the symptoms, complaints, and data from other examinations, so it is better for you to consult the doctor who prescribed the REG.

Good afternoon Help me decipher the results of the REG. Decreased tone of the distribution arteries in lead FM (by 13%). On the FP “Fn after the test” the following are observed: NO SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DETECTED. CONCLUSION: HYPERTENSIVE VARIANT REG. VENOUS OUTFLOW IS NORMAL. NO VERTEBROGENIC INFLUENCE ON RHEOVAVE IS FIXED.

Hello! Explanation - in conclusion: there are no changes, venous outflow is normal, there is no cause for concern either.

Hello! Please decipher the results of REG and MRI for a 13-year-old child, he has a constant headache, during childbirth there was tight entanglement, cerebral ischemia and cardiopathy, he was constantly sick with a temperature of 40 for 5 days. MRI - diffuse Virchow-Robin dilatation, moderate swelling of the mucous membranes of the main sinus, cells of the ethmoidal labyrinth, maxillary sinuses, expansion of the diameter of the bulbous jugular vein on the right to 1.5 cm with its close adherence to the bottom of the tympanic cavity. Pulse blood pressure is reduced in the basin of the left internal carotid artery and in the basin of the right vertebral artery. The tone of the medium and small arteries is increased in the basin of the internal carotid arteries, peripheral vascular resistance is increased in all basins. Thank you.

Hello! The described changes may be a consequence of intrauterine hypoxia, hence the disturbance of vascular tone and headaches. A neurologist can help by prescribing appropriate treatment, but you must be prepared for the fact that the headaches will not completely go away. Perhaps with age, when the child grows up, there will be an improvement.

Good afternoon. I'm going through honey. commission for contract service. The attitude was issued to the ship. The neurologist told me to undergo an REG. Examination result:

Dystonic type of REG. Manifestation of vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type with symptoms of venous insufficiency. A decrease in blood supply in the vertebrobasilar region is possible due to the peripheral resistance of medium-sized and small-caliber venules.

Could you decipher the diagnosis and say how serious it is, because to serve on a ship you need category A? Thank you.

Hello! The diagnosis is not made solely on the basis of REG, moreover, this is not the most informative research method. To clarify the condition of the vessels of the head, it is better to do an ultrasound scan or MR angiography. According to REG, we can only talk about vegetative-vascular dystonia, but the presence of symptoms, complaints, and the results of other examinations are also important.

Volumetric pulse blood filling of the entire brain is moderately increased; the tone of large vessels in the basins of both carotid arteries and the right vertebral artery is moderately increased; the tone of medium and small vessels in the basins of the right internal carotid and left vertebral arteries is slightly increased; peripheral vascular resistance of the head is within the age norm; the symmetry of the blood supply to the vessels is slightly disturbed; decipher it, please. Thank you in advance. Natalia.

Hello! The result indicates increased blood flow and increased tone of cerebral vessels, which may be the result of nervous strain, arterial hypertension, etc. You can find out more detailed information from the doctor who referred you for this study.

Good afternoon I underwent an REG, wrote a conclusion, help me decipher: The volumetric pulse blood supply in the carotid system and in the VBB is increased. Dystonic changes in blood vessels of the hypotonic type. Venous outflow is not obstructed. During positional tests, no vertebrogenic dependence of cerebral blood flow was registered. Thank you in advance.

Hello! There is a change in vascular tone, but probably not related to the condition of the spine. The causes of vascular dystonia are not clear, but you can additionally undergo ultrasound or MR angiography.

Hello, please tell me, is it possible to pass a medical examination at the Ministry of Internal Affairs with such an REG result?! Signs of moderate vasospasm of medium and small vessels, decreased venous tone, difficulty in venous outflow in all vascular areas. When turning the head to the sides, there are no special changes. CONCLUSION: angiodystonic type of REG with symptoms of venous dysfunction.

Hello! REG is not a sufficiently informative study to talk about the nature of the disorders and their cause, so it is better to additionally undergo an ultrasound scan or MR angiography. More detailed information can be obtained from a neurologist, and you will receive permission to work based on the specific diagnosis established (if the disease is present).

Hello, please tell me what the following REG conclusion means? Often there are headaches in the back of the head and

in the left hemisphere. Sometimes tinnitus and dizziness.

FM lead (carotid basin)

Pulse blood flow is normal on the left, sharply increased on the right

PC asymmetry is pronounced

Hypotension of the arterial network is significant on the right

The tone of arterioles and pericapillaries is insignificant. elevated

Before function REO samples - signs of vasospasm: yes

Venous outflow is insignificant. burdened

Peripheral vascular resistance increased

OM lead (vertebral artery basin)

Pulse blood flow is sharply increased

Asymmetry of PC in physiol. permissible within

Arterial hypotension. network is insignificant

The tone of arterioles and pericappillars means. elevated

Venous outflow is moderately obstructed

Peripheral vessel. resistance increased

The elasticity of the vascular wall is not changed

Responsiveness to vasodilation test is satisfactory

Hello! The conclusion means that there are fluctuations in vascular tone, and the outflow of venous blood is also impaired, but since REG is not a sufficiently informative study, you can undergo an ultrasound scan or MR angiography to clarify the condition of the vessels.

Hello, please tell me what does it mean: significant hypotonicity of large-caliber arteries? For what reason could this be and what could it affect in the future?

Hello! Using REG, one can only roughly judge the presence of pathology. Hypotonicity of the arteries most often accompanies vegetative-vascular dystonia. To clarify the nature of the changes, you can undergo an ultrasound scan or MR angiography, as well as visit a neurologist.

Hello, help me decipher the conclusion. Diffuse decrease in venous tone, diffuse obstruction of venous outflow. In the basin of the internal carotid arteries: asymmetry of blood flow, hypertonicity of the arteriole on the left. In the vertebrobasilar region: an increase in the amplitude of blood filling of the vessels, hypertonicity of the arterioles, hypertonicity of the arterioles on the left. Help please, I'm very afraid.

Hello! Based on this conclusion, nothing definite can be said. Yes, vascular tone is changed with asymmetry of blood flow, venous outflow is complicated, but the REG does not indicate the reason for the changes, this is not an informative enough method. You may have arterial hypertension, cervical osteochondrosis, or developmental features of cerebral vessels. To clarify the nature of the changes and their causes, we recommend performing an ultrasound scan or MR angiography. In any case, don’t be afraid, you don’t have a terrible diagnosis yet.

Hello! Please tell me, I am very worried about the results of the REG. Thank you in advance!

Hello! Spasm of small and medium-sized vessels may be associated with arterial hypertension, impaired blood flow through the vertebral arteries due to their pathology or changes in the cervical spine. The vertebrogenic effect on the vertebral arteries means that the cause may be cervical osteochondrosis and other changes. It is quite difficult to give an exact answer based on the REG, especially since you did not indicate your age or the presence of any other diseases. If you want to examine the vessels and blood flow in more detail, it is better to do an ultrasound scan or MR angiography, and with this result it is better to consult a neurologist.

Hello. Please explain the conclusion. Does nothing pose a threat to life? My therapist diagnosed me with vegetative-vascular dystonia, so I’m very afraid. Thank you very much in advance.

Hello! Based on the results of the REG, one can only judge the change in vascular tone. There are no threats to life, the result is quite consistent with VSD. If you want to find out more precisely about your vessels, then do an ultrasound scan or MR angiography, these are much more informative methods than REG.

Good afternoon. Please explain the conclusion, especially this point: in the basin of the internal carotid artery. Left: pulse blood filling increased by 31%, mild hypervolemia; Venous outflow is impaired. Right: pulse blood filling increased by 120% (this figure is scary), pronounced hypervolemia; Venous outflow is impaired. Right-sided asymmetry of blood supply.

Tell me what the threat is and what to do? It's the weekend already, the clinic is closed.

Hello! This conclusion does not indicate a threat to life, so you can safely survive the weekend. The result of the REG indicates uneven filling of the vessels with blood: in some parts there is more of it than necessary (hypervolemia), in others there may be a deficiency. Don’t let the figure of 120% scare you, since REG does not always reflect the true state of the vessels and often gives not entirely correct indicators. Since it is impossible to talk about the causes and draw specific conclusions using REG, it is better to undergo an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the head and neck or MR angiography, which are much more informative. An examination of the cervical spine will not hurt either. Visit a neurologist who will tell you what to do next, but don’t panic, there is no emergency.

Good afternoon, I did an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the head and neck in conclusion: Sleepy

the artery lumen is free. The intima-media complex is normal. C-bend right

ICA in the precranial region with a 60% FSC gradient. Vertebral arteries

C-shaped curved in the bony canal of the spine. When turning your head

a decrease in LSV in the VBB of up to 30% is recorded from the level of the 5th cervical vertebra.

Asymmetry of the diameters of the vertebral arteries d

there is no base of the brain. Poorly functioning ACA on both sides. Blood flow in

The MCA and ACA are symmetrical, laminar without LSC deficiency. Please tell me what’s wrong with me, I’m worried about constant dizziness, nausea, and headaches.

Hello! Since you have identified changes in the course of blood vessels (bends), asymmetry of the lumens of the vertebral arteries, it is most likely that your complaints are associated with blood flow disorders. In such cases, vascular drugs do not always have the expected effect, so you still need to consult a vascular surgeon about the possibility of surgical treatment.

Hello, this is the conclusion of REG (I’m 14)

Conclusion on the left: a mixed type of cerebral hemodynamic disorder, with a pronounced difficulty in venous outflow, and a sharply reduced blood supply to the vessels of the brain. Conclusion on the right: the tone of cerebral vessels is within normal limits, venous outflow is obstructed, and the blood supply to potential cerebral vessels is sharply reduced.

Please tell me what's wrong with me?

Hello! According to the conclusion of the REG, it is impossible to make a diagnosis; this can be done by a neurologist based on complaints and other examinations. Your blood circulation through the vessels of the brain is impaired, nothing more can be said.

Brain pathology spares neither adults nor children. A timely diagnosed disease, as well as competent treatment, will avoid serious complications, preserve the patient’s quality of life and even life itself.

Diagnosis using REG of cerebral vessels or rheoentselography is one of the most informative, time-tested methods. Thanks to it, the possibility of timely provision of assistance to the patient increases and the likelihood of developing complications of the underlying disease decreases.

The study of the condition of blood vessels in other parts of the body has another name:

  • rheohepatography – diagnoses the condition of the liver;
  • rheovasography – vessels of the extremities;
  • rheocardiography – works with the condition of the heart;
  • rheopulmonography – characterizes the condition of the lungs.

There are other types of rheography. To study the blood supply to the brain when performing rheoencephalography, special equipment is used (a device called a rheograph). Usually it is an attachment to other multi-channel equipment: ECG devices, polygraph. Its “heart” is a high-frequency generator. The rheograph allows you to record a rheogram (graphic display of the obtained data). Interaction with the areas of the body under study occurs through metal electrodes - they are placed on a bare area of ​​skin that has been previously degreased with an alcohol solution. Improved contact is achieved by using a pad moistened with saline solution. To study the blood flow of a single area, two electrodes are used: the first is placed at the beginning of the area, the second at the end.

The REG procedure is similar to an EEG: electrodes are also attached to the patient’s head, which read data on blood flow to the brain

REG as a research method

Rheoencephalography, as a method for studying the blood supply to brain structures, is a safe, non-invasive way to obtain information about the elasticity and tone of the vascular wall of the vessels supplying the brain. REG of the brain also allows you to determine the blood supply to individual structures of the brain. If a vascular lesion is present, its location and size are determined.

Using rheoencephalography, you can obtain meaningful data if a patient has vascular diseases; this method is very informative in relation to cerebral atherosclerosis, stroke, and vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Studying the condition of the vascular network using REG makes it possible to establish the true cause of encephalopathy (headaches).

The information content of the REG can be increased by performing functional tests. The most common tests are nitroglycerin and nicotine. They allow you to assess the form of brain damage:

  • functional;
  • organic.

If, after taking nitroglycerin, the amplitude of the REG wave is insufficiently increased, this indicates “organism”. To assess the condition of the vertebral arteries, functional tests are used that involve changing the position of the head.

In addition to performing medical tests, the patient may be asked to change the position of the head to check the vertebral arteries

REG of vessels and ultrasound complement each other perfectly. Depending on the situation, preference is given to one or the other of them. Diagnosis using REG allows you to assess the condition of both large vessels and small ones. But in many cases, REG is only an additional method of examination. For example, this method of studying the state of the brain is often used in conjunction with EEG. Moreover, EEG remains the main diagnostic method. What is EEG and why is REG only a “method in the wings”?

REG and EEG – two sides of the same coin

In some cases, EEG is preferred to identify brain pathology - for example, in epilepsy. Or they use this method of study as the main one, supplementing it with studies that make it possible to study the condition of the blood vessels. EEG can detect more pathologies than rheoencephalography. An EEG is a recording of the electrical activity of the brain. The activity of neurons is recorded using electrodes attached to the patient's head.

Reasons for conducting an EEG include spontaneous loss of consciousness, headaches that cannot be relieved with medications, sleep problems, vestibulopathy and excessive fatigue, suspected mental retardation in children and epilepsy. This study also allows you to monitor the therapy being carried out. The question of which diagnostic procedure is better is not entirely correct to ask.

Diagnostic methods are chosen based on the suspicion of a particular pathological process. Often, diagnostic methods complement each other and their combined use allows you to quickly and accurately determine the cause of suffering.

How the research is carried out

The research procedure is not very complicated, but for the success and objectivity of the research, several rules must be followed. First, the patient must be calm. He needs to take a sitting position or lie down, close his eyes and try to relax not only physically, but also mentally. Calm must be maintained throughout the entire rheoencephalography procedure. Before the procedure, you should spend 15-30 minutes in a calm state, and if the patient smokes tobacco, you should refrain from smoking at least 2 hours before the procedure. Any drugs that can affect vascular tone should also not be taken before a rheoencephalography study.

The research process itself is simple to the point of banality. Areas of the scalp are degreased with alcohol, then electrodes are attached to them. During the examination, the diagnostician may ask the patient to make head movements or change body position.

To prevent the results of the study from being distorted, the patient needs to be in a calm state of mind and relax

Indications and contraindications

The range of diseases for which rheoencephalography can be prescribed is quite wide. REG of cerebral vessels is prescribed:

  • for injuries (bruises, concussions, traumatic brain injuries);
  • encephalopathies;
  • ischemia;
  • vestibulopathies;
  • weather sensitivity;
  • migraines and migraine-like conditions;
  • vertebral artery syndrome;
  • if diabetic microangiopathy is suspected;
  • with hearing impairment;
  • VSD, NDC;
  • hypertension;
  • with increased intracranial pressure;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • pituitary tumors;
  • cognitive disorders;
  • and a number of other pathological vascular changes.

The procedure can be prescribed as a preventive measure when a person reaches old age, in order to notice the onset of pathology in time, since the elasticity of blood vessels decreases with age. REG is a non-traumatic procedure and is one of the safest forms of diagnostics.

Studying the blood supply to the head using REG is a simple procedure, but deciphering its results requires special education and skills. Therefore, only a specialist can make a diagnosis and correlate changes in the rheogram with possible pathologies of the vascular system. In the process of analyzing the data obtained, the diagnostician studies deviations in the amplitude of the waves from the norm, the reaction of the REG wave to functional tests, and makes a conclusion about the normality or pathology of the vessels supplying the brain with blood. REG waves have several types. Common types are:

  • hypertensive type– characterized by persistent hypertonicity of the vascular wall of the vessels delivering blood to the brain, and a violation of the outflow of venous blood from the brain structures;
  • dystonic type– disturbance of vascular tone, which is characterized by regular changes - for example, hypertonicity may predominate, combined with low pulse pressure, venous stagnation may be observed;
  • angiodystonic close to the previous version, the characteristic difference is the presence of a defect in the vascular wall, which leads to a decrease in elasticity and disruption of the blood supply to individual brain structures.

The type of rheoencephalogram is not a diagnosis. The curve graph shows only the changes that the blood flow undergoes. And how it differs from the norm. Based on deciphering these changes and data from other diagnostic procedures, the doctor can determine the cause of suffering and make a diagnosis.

The result of the study shows deviations from the norm in the blood supply to the brain, that is, pathological conditions of the blood vessels

Where can I get tested?

Where can I get an REG? You can do the examination in many private clinics that specialize in vascular pathology or diseases of the brain structures. State medical institutions are also equipped with rheographs. Medicine today has an ambiguous attitude towards this diagnostic method of examination: some specialists are full of skepticism, others consider REG to be perhaps the only way to find out the cause of a person’s suffering in certain diseases.