Project "Homestead" project on the surrounding world (junior group) on the topic. Pedagogical project “Pets” for children of the second junior group Project 2 ml group pets

Pedagogical project
in the second junior group
The animal world is an important part of our life. Every child learns about the world around him, trying to touch it, play with it...
You need to start cultivating a love for nature from childhood. We need to teach people to take care of nature and protect it. An important part of nature are living beings. First of all, the child gets to know the animal world by getting to know those who live next to him. And these are domestic animals; many children cannot even name the animal. That's why the idea of ​​introducing children to pets in detail arose.
PROJECT PARTICIPANTS: children of the second junior group, teachers, preschool specialists, parents.

PROJECT TYPE: creative, educational and research.

TYPE OF PROJECT: group, family.

PROBLEM: Children do not have sufficient knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs.

Expanding the horizons of children;
Replenishing children's vocabulary;
Gaining knowledge about the house. animals and their young;
Fostering love for animals;
Involving parents in friendly, partnership relationships.

Give children an idea of ​​domestic animals and their cubs, their appearance, habits, and the role of animals in human life;
Introduce children to the names of domestic animals and their cubs; with their place of residence.
Foster love, respect and caring attitude towards pets.

Develop basic ideas about domestic animals (they live next to people, people take care of animals, animals benefit people.);
To help clarify and enrich children's ideas about domestic animals and their cubs (cat-cat-kitten, dog-dog-puppy, bull-cow-calf, goat-goat-kid, horse-horse-foal, etc.);
Encourage and support independent observations of animals;
Cultivate an interest in animal life and a caring attitude;
Learn to establish the simplest family connections between adult animals and their young;
Develop the ability to answer questions and conduct dialogue;
Develop the ability to communicate with peers during gaming activities;
Develop cognitive activity, thinking, imagination, communication skills;
To develop the productive activity of children, to improve skills in drawing, modeling, and appliqué; develop creative abilities;
To form primary ideas about the expressive possibilities of music; her ability to convey various emotions and moods.

1. Bring the problem to the attention of parents and children.
2. Selection of methodological literature on the topic.
3. Selection of fiction on the topic.
4. Selection of didactic material, visual aids (albums for viewing, paintings, board games)
5. Selection of material for play activities.
6. Selection of material for creative and productive activities.
7.Design of the mini-museum “Pets”.
Cognitive development:
House observations. animals at home and outside: (what it looks like, where it lives, what it eats, who takes care of it).
View the presentation "Pets"
Conversation "What do we know about pets"
"Observations of a kitten" "Examination and comparison of a cat and a dog"
Conversations: “Cats and dogs are our dear friends”, “The importance of animals in human life”
Socialization and communicative development:
Didactic games:
“Name the animal”, “Name the baby”, “Who lives and where? ",
“Who is the odd one out? ", "Who is missing? ", "Who eats what? ", "Who is screaming? ", "Find the cub", "Gather the family"
Examination of the painting "Cat with Kittens";

Guessing riddles about animals.
Game exercises - “Make an animal”, “Complete the animal”, “Choose an animal”, “Draw an animal by dots”.

Board games:
“Cut pictures”, cubes, lotto, dominoes, inserts, “Whose house? ", "Logic train", "Clean up order", "Find a pair."

Role-playing games:
“Family”: plot: “We got a kitten”, “On a walk with the dog”, “What to feed the kids? »
“Zoo”: plot: “Taking care of animals.”
“On the Farm”: plot: “Who lives on the farm? »

Construction games: “Horse Corral”, “Dog House”, “Farm”.

Speech development:
Examination of the paintings “Cat with Kittens”, “Dog with Puppies”, “On the Farm”, “In the Stable”;
Looking at photographs, illustrations, pictures of the house. animals and their young.
A conversation about the appearance, lifestyle, nutrition, living, and care of animals at home.
Safety talk: “Do not touch unfamiliar animals! ", "Wash your hands after caring for animals! ", "Don't hurt animals! »
Writing descriptive stories “Who Am I?” ", based on the diagram.
Compiling stories from personal experience.
Word games: “Whose tail? Whose head? ", "Count the cubs", "Who has who? ", "Call me affectionately", "Let's make riddles"
Children's stories on the topic: “My favorite animal”, “Description of a cat” (toy);

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Artistic creativity (Modeling): "Let's feed the cat."
Drawing: "Balls for kittens",
Manual labor: "Piglet"
Coloring pages, drawings, mosaics, cut-out pictures, design, modeling, applique.

Musical and theatrical activities.
Music game “We’ll call the dog”, “The sly cat is sitting in the corner”, learning the song “The horse is galloping. ";
Theatrical activity: fairy tale “Turnip”,
Acting out fairy tales, table theater, finger theater.

Learning: songs “Hen with Chicks” (music by Filipenko, lyrics by Volgina), “Tsap-scratch” (music by Gavrilov, lyrics by Aldonin), “Dog” (music by Rauchvergen, lyrics by Komisarova); games “Cat with kittens” (music by Vitlina), “Take us for a ride” (music by Agofonnikova)
Listening to music:
“My Horse” Czech folk melody, “Horse” music by M. Simansky, “Kitty” music by M. Lomova, “Cat and Kittens” music by V. Vitlin, “Cow” music by M. Rauchwerger, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya.
Listening to lullabies.
Reading works:
E. Charushin “About Tyupa”, “Mustachioed Tabby”, S. Marshak “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, “Dereza Goat”, “Fedot the Cat”.
Poems, riddles, tales about animals “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, G. Oster “Kitten Woof”...
Memorizing verses by heart.
V. Suteev “Who Said Meow”, S. Marshak “Cat’s House”, K. Ushinsky “Vaska”, L. Tolstoy “The Cat Slept...”
Memorization: songs, nursery rhymes: “Kitten-murysenka”, “The cat went to the stove”, “Cat-cat”, “Like our cat...”, A. Barto “I have a kid living with me.”
Fairy tales:
Brothers Grimm “The Town Musicians of Bremen” (retelling by A. Vvedensky, edited by S. Marshak).
English folk tale “The Three Little Pigs” (adapted by S. Mikhalkov)
Watching animated films about animals.
Physical development:
Outdoor games:
with running - “Cat and Mice”, “Sparrows and the Cat”, “Shaggy Dog”, “Horses”, “Birds and Cat”, “Shaggy Dog”;
with jumping: “Sparrows and the cat”, “Kittens and puppies”,
with climbing: “Rabbits”

Looking at illustrations, reading books, excursions to the pet museum, zoo; Design of exhibitions, creative work with parents;
Writing stories;
Design of albums “My Little Friend”, assistance in collecting exhibits for the mini-museum;
Help parents in selecting proverbs, sayings, riddles.
Learning poems with children, reading fairy tales;
Watching TV shows about animals.


Subject paintings on the theme “Pets”;
Albums for viewing: “Domestic Animals and Their Babies”;
Coloring books: “Moms and Babies”, “Pets”;
"Farm" layout.
T. A Shorygina. Pets. What are they? - M., 2008.
O. E. Gromova, G. N. Solomatina Poems and stories about the animal world. - M., 2005.
R. G. Kazakova, T, I, Saiganova. Drawing with preschool children.-M., 2005.
My first encyclopedia about animals - M., “Ekimo”, 2007.



Choosing a mini-museum theme.
Involving parents in the selection of exhibits.
Examination of illustrations of animals, paintings: “Cat with kittens”, “Dog with a puppy”.
Reading S. Ya. Marshak “Cat House”.

“Our true friends” To form children’s ideas about museums.
Develop cognitive interest in museum exhibits.
Show children a variety of materials, their brightness, and elegance.
Foster a culture of behavior. Toys for cats, dogs, books, coloring books, crafts. Teacher's story about museums.
Looking at, admiring toys, books about animals.
Looking at the signs for the mini-museum, talking about them.

“Luxury life on the planet for cats, cats and kittens” Expand children’s understanding of a pet – a cat.
Cultivate a desire to care for animals. Cat toys. Looking at toys. Conversation about them: determining the emotional state of cat toys by appearance, posture.
Reading the poem by A. Usachev “Cats have a luxurious life on the planet”
Conclusion from the poem: “What are cats sad about? »

“A dog is our most faithful friend” To form the idea in children that a dog is a person’s faithful friend.
Talk about taming a dog, about some breeds (dog - boxer, poodle).
Cultivate a love for animals. Dog toys of different types. Making a riddle: “He is friends with the owner, he guards the house. He lives under the porch, and his tail is like a ring.”
Looking at dog toys.
The teacher's story about the taming of dogs, their importance in human life.
A story about a dog - a boxer, a poodle; a reminder of how to behave when meeting an unfamiliar dog.

“Dog with a Collar” Continue to develop an interest in pets.
Teach the ability to note the features of a dog’s appearance.
To instill in children a sensitive, caring, sympathetic attitude towards animals.
Large dog with a collar (clay). Talk about the dog, note its appearance features.

The teacher's explanation of the importance of a collar when walking a dog.
Reviewing the rules of safe behavior when handling yard dogs.
“Dog with a puppy” Clarify ideas about what dog cubs are called; note the appearance features of the dog and puppy.
To instill in children a caring attitude towards dogs; learn to overcome fear. Toys: dog and puppy. Looking at dog and puppy toys.
Note their differences and similarities in appearance and behavior.
Listening to I. Tokmakova’s poem “Gift”, conversation. (Organization of children’s activities during a walk” 2nd junior group / V. N. Kastrygina, G. P. Popova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. – 200 p.
“You, little dog, don’t bark! » Continue to form the idea that a dog is a man’s friend and needs to be looked after.
To promote the development in children of interest in reflecting elementary ideas about domestic animals in play activities. Little black dog
dog mask for the game. Looking at a small dog, talking.
-What dog?
- What is he doing?
- Why does he bark?
- How should you behave when threatened by a dog?
Creating a game situation.
P/ and “You, little dog, don’t bark! »
“Hello, kitty! "Continue to form children's understanding of domestic animals - cats and their cubs. Teach to note the characteristic features of cats and kittens.
Cultivate a desire to take care of cats. Toys, cat crafts from various materials, p/i attributes.
Guessing the riddle:
“Soft paws, and there are scratches in the paws”
- What does the cat have?
- Why does a cat need ears?
- Who is the cat's cub?
- Why does the cat wash itself after eating? .
Comparison of a cat and a kitten, their differences and similarities.
Listening to a poem by A. Emelianenko
“- Hello, kitty! How are you?
Why did you leave us?
- I can’t live with you,
There’s nowhere to put the tail, you walk, yawn... you step on the tail.”
(Organization of children’s activities during a walk” 2nd junior group / V. N. Kastrygina, G. P. Popova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. – 200 p.

P/i “Sparrows and a cat” or “Mice dance in a circle” (Organization of children’s activities during a walk” 2nd junior group / V. N. Kastrygina, G. P. Popova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. – 200 p.

“For friends about friends” Enrich children's understanding of domestic animals - human friends.
Create a desire to care for pets.
Reinforce personal safety rules when handling animals. Mini-museum exhibits
Guessing riddles.
Viewing and admiring the exhibits of the mini-museum.
- Why are dogs and cats called man’s friend?
Theatrical activity based on the work of S. Ya. Marshak “Cat’s House” (flannelograph).

Finger gymnastics

The cow is happy with her
The sheep is happy with its
The cat is happy with hers
Who is the pig happy with?
The goat is happy with her
And I'm happy with my guys!
(Show fingers alternately, first on one hand, then on the other, starting with the big ones)

“Cat” (perform actions that make sense)
The cat washes itself with its paw
Apparently he's going to visit
I washed my nose.
I washed my mouth.
I washed my ear.
Wiped it dry.


I was walking alone along the path (we show one finger)
My two legs walked with me (shows two fingers)
Suddenly three mice come along (show three fingers)
Oh, we saw a kitten! (slaps his hands on his cheeks and seems to shake his head with his hands)
He has four legs, (show four fingers)
There are sharp scratches on the paws (we scratch the surface of what is at hand with our nails)
One, two, three, four, five, (for each count we show the corresponding number of fingers)
We need to run away quickly! (with two fingers, index and middle, we run along the surface)

Like our cat (bend one toe at a time, starting with the big ones),
Boots on feet (on both hands for each name of shoe).
Like our pig
There are boots on my feet.
Like a dog's paws
Blue slippers.
And the kid is small
Puts on felt boots.
And son Vovka -
New sneakers.
Like this. Like this. (Palm clapping and fist bumping rhythmically).
New sneakers.


I'm riding, I'm riding a horse
I'm going, I'm going - the path is not smooth.
Jump, jump, jump!
Across the river onto the bridge. (Fingers in a “lock.” Four “clicks” of the wrists on the downbeat. The same “click”, hands in front of you “click” - hands above “click” - hands below “click” - hands above “click” for each syllable , gradually stretching your arms forward).

"Machine porridge"

Masha cooked porridge,
Masha fed everyone porridge.
Masha put porridge in the cat’s cup,
For the bug - in the bowl,
And for the cat - in a large spoon.
In a bowl for hens, chicks
And in the trough for the piglets.
Took up all the dishes
I gave away everything down to the crumbs. (The index finger of the right hand interferes with the left palm. The fingers on both hands are bent. The fists are unclenched. The “crumbs” are blown off the palm).
Poems about pets.
He has four paws
Black nose and shaggy tail,

Barks very loudly
And it bites bad people!
He can be a bully!
Who is this? Dog!

Here is a dog sitting in a booth,
Breakfast is in her stomach
She protects the house
May you live peacefully in it!

Wet nose
Loud barking
This is a doggie
Just know it!

The cow has horns
And hooves on the legs.
She chews grass
Gives milk to children.
Cow eating in the meadow
poppies and chamomile,
milk will be delicious
to cook us some porridge!

K. Strelnikova
If you meet a cow,
Don't be afraid of her horns.
Give her some rye bread
Or a bunch of cornflowers.

M. Sarkozy
Hey, goat-dereza!
Look back quickly
A whole cartload of fresh grass
I brought it here for you.
Eat some weed and then
Treat us with milk.

All day calf flour
Didn't even make a sound
And now everything is - Mu, Da-Mu!
He felt thirsty.
N. Rodivilina
He has hooves on legs,
And there are horns on the forehead.
The spitting image of a mother:
Loves to nibble grass
He says in a drawn-out manner: “Moo-oo!”
If you're bored alone.
He's still just a child.
It's called a calf.

Piglet, piglet
Where are you in a hurry to sleep?
- I’m running to the fontanel
Wash your dirty little spot.

E. Ranneva
Mommy pig for a piglet
In a puddle, he rubs his back with a washcloth.
The son responded: “Thank you,
So glad! Oink oink oink!"

You can't live without a cat:
He is the primary enemy of mice.
Pretend to be asleep
He is watching closely.
Sharpens claws and fangs -
He loves barbecue very much.

Sheep and sheep wool
It heats better than any stove.
Hats, sweater, mittens
Grandma's knitting needles are knitting
So that in the cold winter
You and I didn't catch a cold.

Lamb's fur
Soft, in curls.
The lamb will be shorn and
Knit warm socks.

The horse has a long mane
The disposition is cheerful and playful.
She'll eat the hay now
Yes, and he will take us for a ride.

The horse works continuously
He carries firewood and hay.
Autumn, summer and spring
Plows the ground, virgin soil.
And in winter the guys in the sleigh
The horse will ride at a trot.

Svetlana Vasilyeva
Project "Pets" in the second junior group

Type project– cognitive and creative.

Participants project - educators, parents, children 3-4 years old.

Supervisor project– Vasilyeva Svetlana Anatolyevna.

Duration project – 2 weeks.

Project by educational field "Cognitive Development". Integration with regions: "speech development", "socio-communicative development", "artistic and aesthetic development", "physical development".


Looking at pictures of pets, the children could not answer questions: “What are the cubs called? animals, "Who lives where?", “Who takes care of them?”, “What do they eat?”, “What benefits do they bring to humans?” The children did not have sufficient knowledge. To answer these questions, we decided to conduct project« Pets» .

Relevance project.

It is necessary to instill the basics of environmental consciousness in children from early childhood. We need to teach people to take care of nature and protect it. Pets are part of nature. So let our children be environmentally educated, emotionally responsive, and capable of empathy.

Target project: enrich children's knowledge about pets. Give children an idea of ​​their appearance, habits, role animals in human life. Introduce children to their place of residence. Foster love, respect and caring attitude towards pets.

Tasks project.

Cognitive development: teach to recognize and name pets by appearance. Give an idea of ​​what they eat. Strengthen the idea of pets(live next to a person, people take care of animals, animals benefit people).

Develop the ability to distinguish domestic animals and their babies(cat-cat-kitten, dog-dog-puppy, goat-goat-goat, etc., imitate their voice. Develop cognitive activity. Cultivate in children a love for animals, caring attitude towards them.

Speech development: to develop skills in writing a short story about animals.

Develop the ability to answer questions and conduct dialogue.

Develop thinking, imagination, memory, enrich vocabulary.

Looking at posters, illustrations, pictures about pets.

To develop children's interest in nature and emotional responsiveness. Learn to listen to works of art, memorize short poems, and solve riddles. To develop children's interest in oral folk art, Russian folk tales about pets. Learn to dramatize short passages.

Social-communicative development: develop the ability to communicate with peers during gaming activities. During games, develop interest in the world around you.

Reinforce the rules of safe behavior when communicating with animals.

Cultivate interest in the work of adults, provide all possible assistance in caring for pets.

Artistic and aesthetic development: develop creative abilities. Improve skills and abilities in drawing, modeling, and appliqué.

Learn to memorize and perform small songs, convey an artistic image and emotional mood in them.

Physical development: learn to convey habits in movements and gestures pets, develop all types of motor skills. Develop the ability to coordinate speech with movements. Create the prerequisites for a healthy lifestyle - wash your hands after communicating with animals.

Expected Result.

Children will formulate the concept Pets. Children will name correctly animals and their babies. Know what they eat. How to care for them. What benefits do they bring to people?

Increased cognitive interest in animals, there will be a desire to take care of them.

Children's communication and creative abilities will expand. Children's vocabulary will be enriched.

Parents will become participants in the educational process.

Implementation stages project.

Stage 1 – Preparatory.

Aimed at enriching the development environment.

1. Selection of methodological literature on the topic project.

2. Selection of fiction, riddles on the topic « Pets» .

3. Selection of visual teaching aids, demonstration material, set of toys pets.

4. Involve parents in working on project: making a book about pets, caps for performances and outdoor games, layout « Pets» , bring photos for the stand "Our favorites".

Stage 2 – practical. Implementation project.

Carrying out educational activities with children on the topic project.


Subject « Pets and their babies» .

Goals: Expand children's understanding of domestic animals and their babies. Be able to distinguish between different animals according to characteristic features. Enrich children's understanding of behavior and nutrition pets. Introduce the role of an adult caregiver pets. Develop emotional responsiveness.

Subject « Poultry» .

Goals: Consolidate knowledge about poultry(appearance, method of movement, habitat, names of cubs). Learn to use in speech words: chickens, feathers, wings. Encourage students to listen carefully to the story and answer questions about its content.

Research activities “What does a cat eat?”


GCD. Subject “Who is screaming?”

Goals: connected speech: teach children to compose a short story together with the teacher;

grammar:learn to name the cubs animals, form words using the suffix –onok-;

dictionary: distinguish words with opposite meanings (big small);

sound culture of speech: clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds "And", learn to regulate the pitch of your voice.

Topic: “Telling a picture "Cat with kittens"" Reading folk nursery rhyme "Kitsonka-murysonka".

Goals: Learn to write a short story with the help of an adult. Activate adjectives and verbs in speech. Strengthen the use of diminutive names for cubs in speech animals.

Looking at posters, illustrations, paintings about pets. Conversation « Pets» , about appearance, lifestyle, living, caring for them.

Composing stories "Find out who I am?"

Situational conversation "How to wash animals, "If it weren't for pets "How do I care about pets» .

Word games: "Name animal» , “Who has who?”, "Call me kindly", “Who is screaming?”

Making up riddles.


Reading "Goat-dereza", "Kids and the Wolf", "Ryaba Hen",E. Charushin "About Tyupa", V. Suteev "Who said meow?", "Chick and Duckling", S. Mikhalkov "Kittens", E. Blaginina "Kitty", S. Marshak "Mustachioed - Striped", V. Berestov "Hen with Chicks".

Saying nursery rhymes “Like our cat”.Memorization "I love my horse", "Pussy, pussy, scat pussy"

Guessing riddles


Conversation "Don't touch strangers animals» , "Don't tease dogs", "Do not hurt animals» .


Conversation “Wash your hands after communicating with animals»


Di "Gather the Family", “Who loves what?”, "Where is my mom?", "Who lives where?", “Who is missing?”, "Get things in order"

Board games: cubes, lotto, puzzles on the topic project.

Dramatization game "Two cheerful geese", "Fun Concert".

Tabletop theater "Ryaba Chicken", "Cat, Rooster and Fox".

Role-playing games: "Journey to Grandma's Village". "Family"- I was given a kitten for my birthday (puppy). "Veterinary hospital", "On the farm".

Construction games: construction "Barnyard", "Dog Kennel", "Pen for Buryonka".

Watching a cartoon "Kitten named Woof".

Motor activity.

P/n: "Cat and Mice", "Kittens and Puppies", "Cat and Chicks", "Sparrows and the cat", "Guess by movement", "Fox in the Chicken Coop".

Finger gymnastics.

Productive activity.

Drawing "Fluffy kitten", "Chick" - Target: practice drawing round objects using gouache using the poking method.

Modeling “There are a lot of chickens around the hen.”. Target: practice sculpting round objects. Encourage him to pinch off a small piece of plasticine for the beak, roll it into a ball and attach it correctly.

Application: "Hen with Chicks", "Sheep in the meadow".

Origami "Puppy".Target: learn to use a variety of applicative techniques.

Stencils, coloring pages on the topic project.

Crafts from natural and waste materials on the topic project.

"Grey cat" music V. Vitlina sl. N. Naydenova.

"Dog" M. Rauchwerger.

Listening to a song "Who grazes in the meadow" music A. Pakhmutova, lyrics. Yu. Chernykh.

Take part in the production of the layout « Pets» .

Reading works and riddles on the topic to children project.

Make hat-masks for outdoor games and dramatization games.

Set up a stand on the topic "Our favorites".

The final stage. Result project.

Layout created « Pets» .Book produced « Animals near us» . Stand decorated "Our favorites".

As a result project:

1. Children have formed and enriched their understanding of pets. Children will learn animal in appearance, know where they live, what they eat, what the cubs are called pets how to care for them.

2. Making a model made it possible to visualize the habitat pets

3. Children's vocabulary has expanded.

4. Children’s communication and creative abilities have expanded.

5. Children have become inquisitive and take care of animals, show a caring attitude towards them.

PROJECT in the second junior group


Educator: Rodionova S. Yu.

Project hypothesis:

Formation of a humane attitude towards pets.

Objective of the project:

Enriching and deepening children's ideas about pets, how to care for and communicate with them.

Project objectives:

1. To develop children’s knowledge about pets.

2. Give an idea of ​​the needs of animals for their growth and development.

3. Develop basic ideas about domestic animals (they live next to people, people take care of animals, animals are useful.)

4. Form primary ideas about the expressive possibilities of music; about her ability to convey various emotions and moods.

Project objectives:

5. Develop cognitive activity, thinking, imagination, communication skills.

6. Develop the ability to answer questions and conduct dialogue.

7. Develop children’s productive activities, improve skills in drawing, modeling, and appliqué; develop creative abilities.

8. Cultivate an interest in the life of animals, a caring attitude.

9. Cultivate kindness, a desire to care for pets, a sense of empathy for all living things.

Relevance of the project:

The Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education is aimed at the main result - the socialization of the child, the need for creativity, curiosity, and cognitive motivation.

Conversations with children showed that the children in our group do not have sufficient knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs. Children incorrectly name baby pets, but still show interest in them. Caring for pets has a positive effect on the development of the child’s emotional sphere and on his caring attitude towards the world around him.

Relevance of the project:

One of the tasks facing the standard is to provide psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increase the competence of parents in matters of development and education of children. The problem can be solved, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family.

Therefore, there was a need to work on the “Pets” project in order to deepen and enrich the knowledge of students, as well as their parents.

Project type: creative

Project participants: children of the second younger group,

teacher, parents

Project implementation period: medium term

Expected results:

As a result of working on the project, students will learn to distinguish domestic animals by appearance, correctly name their cubs (calves, foals, lambs, piglets), and know their place of residence (kennel, pigsty, barn).

Parents and students will take an active part in collecting information on the project topic in the project presentation.

I stage: preparatory

Study and analysis of methodological literature, Internet resources on this issue.

Selection of fiction to read on the topic.

Selection of software and methodological support on this topic.

Selection of didactic material, visual aids (album for viewing, paintings, board games).

I stage: preparatory

Planning upcoming activities aimed at implementing the project.

Selection of outdoor games, play exercises, finger games.

Preparation of material for visual arts: plasticine, stacks, paper, glue, paints, brushes, jars, napkins.

Selection of musical works appropriate to the age of the children.

II stage: project implementation

Working with parents:

  • Poll: “Do you have pets?”
  • Parent survey.
  • Consultation for parents “The importance of pets for the moral education of a child.”
  • Parents and children draw pictures and make “Pet” crafts.
  • They bring photographs of children with their favorite pets.

II stage: project implementation

  • Reading, with elements of dramatization, of the works of S.Ya. Marshak "Mustachioed Striped".
  • Finger game "Cat".
  • Conversation on the work of S.Ya. Marshak "Mustachioed Striped". Establishing basic rules for caring for animals.
  • Drawing “Balls for a kitten.”
  • Reading the Mordovian fairy tale “How a dog was looking for a friend.”
  • S/r game “Hospital” plot “The puppy caught a cold.”

II stage: project implementation

  • Modeling "Let's feed our favorite pet."
  • Examination of illustrations “Cow and Calf”, etc.
  • Didactic game “Whose children?”
  • Drawing "Fish".
  • Reading poems about aquarium fish.
  • Listening to A. Grechaninov’s musical work “My Horse”.
  • Construction of the “Horse Corral”.
  • Reading “Who Said Meow” by V. Suteev?

II stage: project implementation

  • Outdoor game "Shaggy Dog".
  • Watching "Kittens and Gloves", "Old MacDonald Had a Farm", "Family of Fingers".
  • Reading S. Ya. Marshak “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse.”
  • Word game "Horned goat".
  • Reading Russian adv. fairy tales "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats".
  • Making and folding “Pets” puzzles.

II stage: project implementation

  • Duckling coloring pages.
  • Examining cat tracks on the ground.
  • Watching a cat on a walk.
  • Conversations “Safety when communicating with animals.” (2 conversations)
  • Reading S. Ya. Marshak “The Tale of a Smart Mouse.”
  • Didactic game “In the poultry yard”.
  • Application "Poultry yard".
  • Russian dramatization adv. fairy tales "Turnip".

II stage: project implementation

  • Meeting of the Riddle Grandmother.
  • Folding cut pictures “Pets”.
  • Didactic game “Find who I will name.”
  • Game exercise “Choose a pet.”
  • Outdoor game "Sparrows and the cat"
  • Game exercise “Complete the animal.”

II stage: project implementation

  • Listening to audio recordings of pets

http :// lalamus . com / music /voices+animals

  • Watch the video “What sounds do animals make. Educational and educational cartoons."

  • Outdoor game “The children went to kindergarten.” (based on a poem by L. Kondratenko).
  • Drawing from a stencil “Pets”.

III stage: final

1.Game – dramatization “Turnip”

2. Design of a mini-museum “Pets” in the group.

3. Design of the photo exhibition “My Pet”.

4. Exhibition of drawings and crafts.

5. Exhibition of books donated to the group.


Thanks to the development and implementation of the project, preschoolers have expanded their understanding of domestic animals and their cubs.

As a result of the work done, it was noted:

  • Development in children of a sustainable interest in representatives of the animal world - domestic animals.
  • Inclusion of parents in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions.

In conclusion, we can conclude that thanks to the classes, conversations, and play activities, children’s knowledge on this topic was consolidated and improved.

Project "Pets" in the first junior group. Organization: MBDOU "Rodnichok" Author of the project: Galina Leonidovna Kolotushkina Project participants: children of the first junior group, parents, teachers. Duration: short-term Implementation timeframe: Relevance: Communication with animals, if carried out without control, can bring not only benefits, but also harm to the developing personality of the child. A child’s attitude towards an animal and his purposeful action may turn out to be incorrect for a number of reasons. First of all, the child does not know what can be done and what cannot be done, what is harmful for the animal and what is beneficial. In addition, in close contact with an animal, the baby will definitely want to satisfy his curiosity and involve him in his play. Without adult supervision and guidance, such communication can be harmful and even dangerous for both the animal and the child. Project goal:  Creating conditions for expanding and enriching children's knowledge about domestic animals;  Caring attitude and development of interest in the surrounding world;  Foster caring attitude and love for animals.  Teach children how to properly communicate with pets. Objectives:  To give an idea of ​​the needs of domestic animals (what they say they eat, body parts);  Learn to recognize animals and their young living near humans;  Form the concepts of domestic animals, introduce nouns into the active dictionary: animals, beasts;  Learn to talk about familiar animals;  Develop cognitive activity, thinking, imagination, communication skills;  Develop children’s productive activities, improve skills in drawing, modeling, appliqué; develop creative abilities;  Foster kind feelings and humane attitude towards animals; Expected result:     Children’s knowledge of domestic animals and their cubs. Habitat definition. Children will learn how to care for pets; Children should be able to use the names of pets in speech and solve riddles;  Instilling in children love and respect for animals. Problem: The need to develop students' knowledge about domestic animals. Develop a stable cognitive interest in pets as living beings. Scenario of joint activity to solve problems: Stages Preparatory Forms of interaction Teacher’s activities Content of the activity - Study of literature Responsible Teachers of the group - Drawing up a plan - Organization of a subject-development environment. - Select didactic material, visual aids (albums for viewing, paintings, board games) Teacher - children - Conversation of an educational nature Group teacher - Examination of illustrations - Selection of children's fiction for reading to children. -Making didactic games Teacher - parents Parent meeting on the topic: “Cultivating love for pets.” Main Teacher - children - Reading fiction - Guessing riddles - Learning and reciting proverbs and nursery rhymes. - Didactic games. - GCD - Final conversation - Puppet theater show - Outdoor games, physical exercises. Group teacher Group teacher - Examination of illustrations Teacher - parents - List of recommended literature for children's reading about pets. Group teacher - Folder moving “Why children need contact with animals” - Consultations “Introducing a child to pets.” -Consultation for parents: “Communication of children with pets” Final - Making attributes for outdoor games Teacher - parents - Creating a wall newspaper “Our Little Friends” Teacher’s activities - Presentation of the project Group teacher Group teacher Technological map of the project: Educational activity Cognitive development Type of activity Content of the activity Cognitive Social and communicative development Game, cognitive, communication - Examination of the painting “Cat with Kittens”, “Pets”. - Examination of illustrations “Who lives in the house” - Conversation comparing domestic animals with each other Conversations “Pets and their babies”, “Cats and dogs are our faithful friends”, “The importance of animals in human life”. - D/i: “Whose baby”, “Who eats what?”, “Who lives in the barn”, cut lotto, “Make it up from cubes”, “Animals”. - Insert game “Pets”, “Kittens”, “Farm”. - Storytelling on the topic: “My favorite animal”, “Description of a cat” (toy), Speech development Communication - Reading art. Literature: A. Barto “I have a little goat…”, “I love my horse”, “The bull is swinging”, “Turnip”, - Learning nursery rhymes, pure sayings: “Pussy scat...”, “Little pussy cat”, “How at our cat”, “The cat is walking on the bench”, “Stubborn goats” - Riddles about animals. Artistic and aesthetic development Creative - Drawing: “Draw a tail for the horse”, “Let’s treat the kid with grass” - Modeling: “Fence for the cow”. - Coloring pages: “Moms and babies”, “Pets”. - Construction: “House for a dog.” - Learning songs: “In the meadow...”, “My horse”, “Cow”. - Table theater "Turnip". Physical development Motor - Outdoor games: “Sparrows and the cat”, “Cat and mice”, “You, little dog, don’t bark!”, “Merry Murka”. - Phys. minutes: “Calf”, “Horse”

Project for the junior group of the preschool educational institution “Pets”

Olga Aleksandrovna Frantsuzova, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 2, Novozavidovsky settlement, Konakovsky district, Tver region.

2. Project goal
3.Project objectives
4.Expected results
5. Project participants
6. Project implementation timeline
7.Project stages and expected results
8.Project implementation plan
Currently, not everyone has the opportunity to keep pets in the house. And love for animals should be fostered in children from an early age. Therefore, the project allows children to expand their knowledge about animals kept at home and their maintenance. Environmental education shapes children's behavior and responsibility for nature. And animals are the first source of knowledge about nature. Based on ideas about animals, the child learns to see relationships in nature and act accordingly.
2. Project goal
Formation of first ideas about environmental education in younger preschoolers.
3.Project objectives
-enrich and deepen knowledge about domestic animals;
-instill responsibility for your pet;
- consolidate knowledge about domestic animals;
- to cultivate a love for animals, to evoke a desire to take care of them;
-enrich vocabulary;
-develop speech, thinking, imagination and emotional responsiveness;
- to cultivate in children curiosity and a sense of empathy for living beings;
-develop the skill of acting together, the ability to play in a team;
- to intensify the cognitive and research activities of children, parents and teachers;
- formation in parents of the right attitude towards the development of their child.
4.Expected results
Enrich and deepen knowledge about domestic animals; instill responsibility for your pet; consolidate knowledge about pets; develop a love for animals; enrich your vocabulary; develop speech, thinking, imagination and emotional responsiveness; cultivate curiosity; develop the skill to act together; involve children, parents and teachers in active work; to form in parents the right attitude towards the development of their child.
5. Project participants
Participants: group teacher, pupils of the second junior group, parents of pupils.
6. Project implementation timeframe.
September – December.
7. Project stages and planned results.
Stage 1 – preparatory

Contents of the activity
Children's survey "Pets - what are they like"?
Questioning parents
Parent survey
Study and selection of scientific literature
Selection of finger, didactic and outdoor games for children and parents.
Expected result: Create positive cooperation and interaction with parents and their children.
Stage 2 – main

Contents of the activity
Working with parents:
Consultations for parents
Folders - moving

Work with children:
Creation of the album “My Favorite”
Methodological developments on cognitive development
Observations on a walk.
Riddles about animals
Learning and reading poems about animals.
Making a story from photographs
Physical education minutes
Fun with parents
Expected result: Establishing a strong relationship with the parents of students, developing skills to act together; involvement of parents in active work; Forming in parents the right attitude towards the development of their child.
Enrichment and deepening of knowledge about domestic animals; instilling responsibility for a pet; consolidation of knowledge about domestic animals; fostering a love for animals and a desire to care for them; vocabulary enrichment; development of children's speech, thinking, imagination and emotional responsiveness; nurturing in children curiosity and a sense of empathy for living beings; developing skills to act together, the ability to play in a team.
Stage 3 – project implementation

Contents of the activity
Photo exhibition

Photo report on the work done
Parent meeting
Project presentation
Expected result: Familiarization with the difficulties and problems caused by the assimilation of new materials. Resolving problems and misunderstandings. Forming in parents the right attitude towards the development of their child. Improving the effectiveness of working with families.

Project implementation plan.
Stage 1. Preparatory.

Children's survey "Pets - what are they like"?
Questioning parents “Are animals needed in the house?”
Parent survey: “Does your family have pets? Which?"
Creation of a card index of outdoor games.
Stage 2. Basic.

Working with parents:
Consultations for parents “Communication with a pet”, “Animals are the best therapists for you and your children”
Moving folders: “Contact: children-animals”, “Harm or benefit”?
Recommendations: “We read to children at home about animals” (list of literature)
-RNS: “A cockerel, a golden comb,” “A goat and seven kids,” “Like a wolf was a mother to a calf,” “A cat with a gray forehead, a goat and a ram.”
- S. Marshak “Mustachioed – Striped”
-A.Barto “Horse”, “Dog”, “Kid”
-IN. Berestov "Kitten", "Cow"
- E. Charushin “In our yard”, “Dog”, “Cow”
- V. Suteev “Who said meow”
-TO. Ushinsky “Cow”, “Horse”, “Two Goats”, “Goat”, “Two Little Goats”
- L. Tolstoy “Listen to me, my dog”
-IN. Zhukovsky "Cat and Goat"
Work with children:
Conversations: “Pets”, “About your pet”
Creation of the album “My Favorite”. Goal: to help children remember the appearance of animals, their names and the names of animals.
Methodological development on cognitive development “Pets. Animals." Goal: - consolidate ideas about some domestic animals (cow, goat, horse, pig).
Observations on a walk: “Cats”, “Dogs”, “Cow”, “Horse”
Riddles about pets.
Learning and reading poems about animals:
A. Barto “Kitten”, “Useful Goat”, “Savage”, “My Dog”, “Dog”
V. Berestov “Goat”, “Bull”,
E Blaginina “Kitten”,
B. Zakhoder “Harmful Cat”, “Kiskino Grief”, “Barbosy”, “Song of Stray Dogs”
K. Chukovsky “Piglet”, “Pigs”
S. Marshak “Kittens”, “Baxa Blot”, “Dingo the Dog”
Sasha Cherny “Foal”, “Piggy”
Compiling a descriptive story based on the photograph “My Favorite”
Finger: “Bull”, “Cat and Mouse”, “Piglets”, “Two Little Goats”
Didactic: “Who says what”, “Who eats what”, “The third wheel”, “Favorite children”
Movable: “Cat and Mice”, “Sparrows and Cat”, “Hen and Chicks”, “Hen and Chicks”, “Chickens in the Garden”, “Horses”, Horsemen”
Physical education lessons: “Cat”, “Cat”, “Goat”, “Cow”
Entertainment together with parents “Travel to Prostokvashino”
Stage 3 – project implementation

Photo exhibition “My Pets”
Exhibition of drawings “Pet”
Children's survey "Pets"
Photo report on the work done “Pets”
Parent meeting “Let’s sum it up”
Presentation of the project “How I Love My Pet” Justification for choosing the topic.

A child’s environmental education must begin with familiarization with the natural objects of the immediate environment that the child encounters every day.

One of the tasks before the teacher is to lay the first guidelines in the world of animals as living beings, to ensure an understanding of their initial connections in nature.

The animal world is incredibly diverse and attractive to children.

Even in very early childhood, many of the children have the necessary opportunity to contact domestic animals - cats, dogs.

Animals become as integral a part of childhood as your favorite toys.

Various situations of communication with pets provide a large stock of ideas about their characteristics and habits, awaken interest and curiosity, and develop the skill of interacting with them.

That is why the project “Animal World” (educational, thematic) was compiled.

Problem: Who are these pets?

Objective of the project: introduce children to domestic animals, their connection with their habitat, and a conscious and correct attitude towards representatives of the animal world.

Project objectives:

    Expand children's knowledge about pets.

Develop children's search activity with the help of parents:

contribute to the definition of tasks based on the problem posed

the ability to plan the stages of your actions,

justify your choice.

    Develop coherent speech, enrich children's vocabulary.

Project participants: children of the second junior group, teachers, music director, parents.

Project implementation

Fundamental Question

Main stage.

Cognitive development.

Cognitive activities:

    "Cat with kittens"


Game activity.

Role-playing game: “In the village”

Didactic games:

"Whose house"


"Big and Small"

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the lifestyle of animals that live in the house (their food, housing).

Cultivate interest and love for them.

Educational board games

Goal: to teach children to distinguish between types of animals, to develop logical and artistic thinking, attention, accuracy and perseverance.

Speech and verbal communication:

    Creation of baby books with pictures and stories about animals, together with parents.

    Reading works of fiction that mention pets, looking at illustrations of them.

    Reading encyclopedic literature about pets, together with parents.

    Making riddles about animals, learning poems.

    Preparing for the demonstration of the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Productive activity.

Collective and individual.

    Drawing pets using a stencil

    Drawing according to the plan “My favorite animal”

    Gluing ready-made forms “Pets”

    Modeling figurines of pets from plasticine.

    Making a "Farm" model.

    Coloring pets.

Musical and theatrical activities:

    Listening to “Vaska the Cat” (music by G. Lobachev), “My Horse” (music by A. Grechaninov)

Goal: development of emotional responsiveness

“Grey Kitty” (music by V. Weilin, lyrics by N. Naydenova), “Dog” (music by M. Rauchwerger, lyrics by N. Komissarova)

    Singing: “Vaska the Cat” (music by G. Lobachev, folk lyrics), “Kitty” (music by I. Lukonina, lyrics by L. Chadova)

    Musical and didactic games “Cat and Dog”, “Moms and Babies”

    Improvisation of animal movements.

    Making animal masks from paper

    Making animal figurines on a cone to dramatize fairy tales.

    Demonstration of the fairy tale-dramatization “Turnip”.

Physical development:

Outdoor games:

    with running: “Cat and Mice”, “Birds and Cat”, “Shaggy Dog”;

    with jumping: “Sparrows and the cat”, “Kittens and puppies”,

    with climbing: “Rabbits”

Goal: to learn games whose heroes are animals.

The final stage. Results


    Creation of exhibitions of children's works;

    Demonstration of the fairy tale-dramatization “Turnip”;

Working with parents.

    Involvement in providing assistance in collecting illustrative material and coloring books.

    Consultations on the following topics:

"Pets in a child's life"

“Our little brothers: choosing a pet for a child”

    Making baby books.

Statement of a new problem:

Who are these wild animals?


The “World of Pets” project was aimed at introducing children to domestic animals, their connection with their environment, and a conscious and correct attitude towards representatives of the animal world.

As a result of the work, preschoolers understand and know:

that pets play an important role in human life.

    How to care for pets, where they live, what they eat. Instilling in children a sense of love and respect for animals.

    Parents' desire to have a pet.

As a result of the work carried out, it was noted:

Development in children of a sustainable interest in representatives of the animal world - domestic animals.

Active inclusion of parents in the pedagogical process of the preschool educational institution, strengthening interest in cooperation with the kindergarten.

It can be concluded that thanks to the classes, conversations,

gaming activity, knowledge was consolidated and improved

children on this topic.


1. Program of education and training in kindergarten / ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V Gerbovaya, T.S. Komarova. - 4th ed., rev. and additional - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2007.

2. Education and training of children in the 2nd junior group of kindergarten / ed. V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2007.

3. Dybina O.B. Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the younger group of kindergarten. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2010.

4. Solomennikova O.A. Classes on the formation of elementary environmental concepts in the younger group of kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010.

5. Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2007.

7. Korotkova E.P. Teaching preschool children storytelling. - M.: Education, 1982.

8. Gerbova V.V. Introducing children to fiction. Program and methodological recommendations. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2006.

9. Komarova T.S. Visual arts classes in the junior group of kindergarten. Lesson notes. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2007.

10. L.S. Kiseleva, T.A. Danilina. Project method in the activities of preschool educational institutions. ED. ARKTI M.:2011

11. N.F. Gubanov “Theatrical activities of preschool children.” M.: “Vako” 2007.

Explanatory note


Novelty of the project

Conceptuality of the project

Project implementation mechanism



Annex 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Illustrations for the project

  1. Explanatory note.

Introducing children to domestic animals and their cubs plays a huge role in a person’s life. And we, adults, must teach the child proper communication with animals.

To cultivate in a child gentleness, thrift, care, love for four-legged friends, to feel their condition, to take into account their desires. Our task is to convey to children what animals live with humans and what benefits they bring, how to care for them. To develop in children realistic knowledge and a humane attitude towards animals.

  • Relevance.

Fostering a caring and caring attitude towards animals is of great importance in a child’s life!

Animals in the house are an important factor in upbringing, and we want our children to grow up kind, sympathetic, and warm-hearted.

By involving the child in joint activities to care for pets, adults develop in their child sensitivity and the ability to understand the life of animals; encourage empathy; foster a willingness to help.

  • Novelty of the project consists in the integration of educational areas in the organization of the educational process; in applying the principles of a person-centered approach in organizing educational work; in creating conditions that promote the unity of all participants in educational processes: children, teachers, parents in the course of joint work to implement the project.

Design object: Acquaintance with domestic animals and their cubs.

Subject of design: Formation of love for pets, friendliness.

Problem: Young children have insufficiently developed knowledge about pets and how they live.

Hypothesis: Develop knowledge, skills in caring for pets, enrich interest in pets.

Project goal: To give children an idea of ​​domestic animals and their cubs, their appearance, habits, and the role of domestic animals in human life. Introduce children to the names of domestic animals and their cubs, and their places of residence. Cultivate love and care for pets.

Project objectives:

  • Expand and deepen young children’s understanding of domestic animals and their cubs, their characteristic features;
  • Teach children to care for domestic animals and their babies;
  • Foster love and a caring, caring attitude towards them;
  • Help parents develop in their children the need for safety and love for pets;
  • Develop children's productive activities, improve skills in drawing and modeling;
  • Strengthen the ability to answer questions and conduct dialogue.
  • Conceptuality of the project:

In order to develop children’s knowledge and skills in getting to know pets, it is necessary:

  • Provide basic knowledge about domestic animals;
  • Involve parents to help children have positive experiences with pets.

Type of project: Educational and gaming, short-term.

Project duration: one week.

Project participants: Teachers, children aged 2-3 years and parents of pupils.

Expected result:


  • acquire knowledge about the lifestyle of domestic animals, their appearance, behavior;
  • learn to correctly name animals and their babies;
  • learn what benefits pets bring to people;
  • Let’s consolidate the generalizing concepts of “pets”.


  • interest in cognitive and productive activities will increase, children’s horizons will expand;
  • there will be a desire to have a pet;
  • Close contact will be established between adults and children.
  1. Project implementation mechanism.

Preparatory stage:

  • Selection of methodological literature on the topic.
  • Preparation of didactic material, visual aids (paintings, albums for viewing, board games);
  • Definition of goals and objectives.
  • Preparation of material for working with parents on introducing pets in the form of reminders, consultations, questionnaires.
  • Drawing up a work plan.

Main stage:

  • Talking with children about pets;
  • Reading stories, fairy tales about pets;
  • Learning nursery rhymes and poems;
  • Examination of paintings and albums on the topic “Pets and their babies.”
  • Games - didactic, verbal, board, role-playing, active.
  • Practical activities to solve problems, planning joint activities, induce a positive attitude towards the implementation of practical skills in drawing and modeling.
  • Situational conversations with children about pets.
  • Creation of a developing subject-spatial environment.

The final stage:

  • Presentation “Domestic animals and their babies”;
  • Final organized educational activity “Mama’s Children”;
  • Increased knowledge about pets.

Project implementation plan:

Educational areas - types of activities.

Cognitive development: Formation of a holistic picture of the world “Who lives in the booth?”

Algorithms: “Whose tail?”, “Name the cubs”, “Name it affectionately”, “The most attentive”. The goal is to consolidate knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs. (see Appendix 1)

Artistic and aesthetic development: drawing “Kitty”, modeling “Pussy”. The goal is to consolidate knowledge about pets, the desire to create an image of a favorite animal, and consolidate the technique of modeling and drawing. (see Appendix 1)

Speech development:

Speech development - viewing and discussing the painting “Pets”. Game “Listen and name” (see Appendix 1)

Physical development: p/i “Sparrows and the Cat”, “Shaggy Dog”, “Cat and Mice”, “Horses”. The goal is to intensify the motor activity of children. (see Appendix 2)

d/i “Who lives in the house?”, “Whose children?”, “Guess who it is?”, “Who eats what?”, “Whose voice?”. The goal is to consolidate knowledge about domestic animals. (see Appendix 2)

Reading nursery rhymes about pets. (see Appendix 3)

Conversations “Pets. Cow.”, “Domestic animals and their young”, “How to treat domestic animals”, “About domestic animals”. (see Appendix 3)

Safety: “Pets in a child’s life.”

Working with parents.

Consultation "Pets".

Memo “Rules of safe behavior with animals.”

Questionnaire “My attitude towards pets.”

Goal: increasing parents’ knowledge about the life of pets, obtaining information on this topic in the form of visual information. (see Appendix 4)

Results achieved.

Children: with the help of adults, children developed an interest in pets; acquired skills and knowledge about caring for pets; developed creative thinking from various sources; accomplished the set goals and objectives.

Parents: Together with the children, we strengthened our knowledge about domestic animals; took an active interest in the life of children in kindergarten to familiarize themselves with pets; read the leaflets and consultations; conducted a survey; interacted between the kindergarten and the family.

Project implementation products:

  • Visual information for parents;
  • Card index of didactic games, outdoor games for getting to know pets;
  • Card file on artistic and verbal material on the education and development of speech about domestic animals;
  • Leisure "Mama's Children".
  • Presentation "Domestic animals and their babies."
  • Album "Pets".


We achieved our goals and objectives.

We consolidated the material covered through productive activities and reading fiction.

We can conclude that thanks to the work done, knowledge was consolidated and improved, and the children’s vocabulary on this topic of the “Pets” project was enriched.

Targeted focus of the experience:

This project “Pets” may be useful for preschool teachers and parents.


  1. Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva O.L., Sterkina R.B. “Safety” St. Petersburg: “Childhood-Press”, 2012
  2. Bondarenko A.K. "Didactic games in kindergarten." Moscow "Enlightenment", 1991
  3. Wenger L.A., Dyachenko O.M. “Guess what our names are?” Moscow "Enlightenment", 2012
  4. Golitsyna N.S. “Perspective planning in kindergarten. First junior group." Scriptorium, 2015
  5. Gubanova N.F. "Development of gaming activities." Moscow, Mosaic-Synthesis, 2014
  6. Approximate basic educational program for preschool education “From birth to school,” ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. Moscow, Mosaic-Synthesis, 2015

Annex 1

Organized educational activities

in the first junior group.

Abstract of the OOD on artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) “Kitty”.

Target: Getting to know a cat, teaching and recognizing it among toys, imitating its voice. Learn to decorate the silhouette of a cat with horizontal stripes, make “dot” eyes with a brush; develop a sense of kindness.

OOD progress.

Like our Cat,

the fur coat is very good!

Like a cat's mustache

Amazingly beautiful!

Bold eyes

The teeth are white.

The teacher shows an illustration of a striped cat. The children look at her.

Educator: Which kitten? (small, striped)

Educator: What stripes? (black)

Educator: In the picture, our Pussy is striped, but yours is “naked” and she asks us to help her.

Let's dress our Pussy, guys! Let's draw stripes on her and she will be mustachioed and striped.

Watch how I will dress her. I take a brush in my hands, dip it in gouache, hold the piece of paper with my left hand and begin to draw a line from one wall of the silhouette to the other. I lead without lifting my hand with the whole hand. I dipped it into the gouache again, stepped back from the top strip down, and drew a line again. And my cat put on her fur coat.

Now let's dress your kitten too.

Educator: Well done! What beautiful kittens we have turned out to be.

Physical education minute.

The cat is very nice

Walks softly, slowly,

He sits down and washes himself,

He wipes himself with his paw.

Questions for children:

  • What did we draw?
  • What color are the stripes?
  • How were the lines drawn?

Exhibition of works.

Abstract of the OOD on artistic and aesthetic development (modeling) “Pussy”.

Target: Encourage sculpting a figurine of an animal, giving it a resemblance to life. Secure the rolling of the ball and oval, overlapping each other. Strengthen the pinching technique.

OOD progress.

Pussy, pussy, scat,

Don't sit on the path

And then the kids will go

They will fall through the pussy.

Educator: Look what a pussy we have (examining the toy). What's that in the pussy? (torso), What is it like? (oval), What is this? (head), What is she like? (round), What is there on your head? (ears, nose, eyes, mustache). We have one cat and she’s bored, there’s no one to play with. And she asks us to help her, to make her friends. Shall we help? (Yes).

The teacher shows the method of sculpting, after which the children begin to sculpt.

Physical education minute.

Pussy came to the kids,

Milk has forgiven

“Meow” said.

Now we have a lot of cats. Let's play with our toy.

Abstract of OOD on the formation of a holistic picture of the world.

Topic: “Who lives in the booth?”

Target: Strengthen ideas about domestic animals and their cubs. Practice using verbs: barks, bites, jumps, guards. Strengthen the ability to pronounce onomatopoeia with different pitches of voice; promote careful handling of unfamiliar animals.

Equipment: booth layout, “Dog” toy, bowl, bone.

OOD progress.

Here's a naughty puppy

He has a shaggy head.

Runs and barks

Playing in the yard.

Educator: Guys, what kind of house is this? (booth), Who lives in the booth? (dog) How does she bark? (Woof-woof), Is the dog big or small? (large). Who's the dog's kids? (puppies). Let us show you how a big dog and small puppies bark? (learning to convey the difference in voice pitch during onomatopoeia, fixing the verb “barks”)

Who wants to feed the dog and give it a bone?

What is the bowl for? (to drink water and eat food)

Physical education minute.

Here is the dog Zhuchka,

The tail is squiggle.

The teeth are sharp,

The fur is motley. Woof.

Educator: Well done! Well, you portrayed the dog Bug. But the trouble is, the puppies ran away from her and she cannot find them. Shall we help?

D/i “Find Mom”

The teacher gives the children baby pets and asks them to find puppies among them. In conclusion, the teacher reminds that animals should not be approached closely without the permission of adults.

Topic: “Domestic animals and their babies.”

Game “Listen and name.”

Target: Introducing children to domestic animals and their cubs; teach, name and compare them by size; develop memory, speech, attention, curiosity; enrich vocabulary; cultivate a love for animals.

Material: story pictures with domestic animals and their cubs.

The teacher asks riddles.

  • Is he friends with the owner, does he look after the house?

lives under the porch, tail in a ring? (dog) Show the picture.

  • The muzzle is mustachioed, the coat is striped.

He washes his face often, but doesn’t know how to use water,

Who is this? (cat) Show the picture.

  • She is motley, eats green grass,

Gives healthy milk. Who is this? (Cow) Show the picture.

  • Long mane, jumps zealously.

Hard hooves, give her some water to drink. Who is this? (horse) Show the picture.


The dog has a small….(puppy)

And the cat has a small... (kitten)

The cow has...(calf)

And the horse... (foal)

Look, the mother cat is big, but what about the kitten? (small)

The puppy is small, but what kind of dog is it? (large)

The horse is big, but what kind of foal? (small)

The calf is small, but what kind of cow is it? (large)

Physical education minute.

The cow has a baby

Kick-kick, hop-hop,

And his name is calf

Kick-kick, jump-kick.

Educator: Do you know how animals take care of their young? They feed them milk, clean their fur with their tongue, warm and protect them.

How do animals take care of their young? (children's answers)

Educator: What does the kitten like to eat? (milk, sour cream)

What does a puppy like to eat? (meat, bones)

What does a foal eat? (grass, bread)

What does a cow like? (Weed)

D/i “Listen and name.”

Summary of OOD on speech development in the first junior group.

Topic: "Mom's Children."

Target: introduce children to domestic animals and their cubs; Know the parts of the body, what movements they make and what they like to eat. Develop visual perception, attention, thinking, speech. Enrich children's vocabulary. Be able to form words with a diminutive meaning.

Dictionary: Fluffy, big, small, long, short, soft, rough.

Material: a house with grandparents and pets; a cat with a kitten, a dog with a puppy, a cow with a calf, a pig with a piglet, a horse with a foal.

Educator: Pets live in grandma and grandpa’s house. An adult animal and its baby. Listen to who I’m talking about: “Small paws, but scratchy paws.” Who is this? That's right, children. It's a cat.

Picture of a cat with a kitten.

  • “What kind of cat mom?” - “The cat is big, fluffy, meows loudly.”
  • “Which cub?” - “the kitten is small, fluffy, has a thin voice, meows quietly.” They love to eat fish, lap up milk, and can walk, run, jump, climb, and tumble. If you offend a cat, it scratches painfully and snorts; the cat has scratchy claws on its paws. The kitten has them too.

Educator: “The cat mother loves her kitten very much. She washes him in the morning, but not with water, but with her tongue. She licks them. Like this." (Shows imitative movements with his tongue: “The cat licks the kitten”) Children repeat after the teacher. The teacher points to parts of the kitten’s body and asks the children to call them affectionately (the kitten’s body parts are small) paw, ear, tail, back, tummy, nose. The cat washed the kitten, the cat is affectionate, caring, loves her kitten.

There is also a kennel in the yard and a dog and a puppy live there. The teacher says a riddle:

“If you stroke it, it caresses you, if you tease it, it bites you?” Who is this? That's right, dog.

Children's story about the appearance of the dog and puppy, how they talk, how they move, what they like to eat. (The dog is big, the puppy is small, the dog barks loudly “woof-woof-woof”, the puppy quietly yelps “woof-woof-woof”, they love bones, meat).

And in the barn there lives a cow and a calf.

“Moo-moo-moo, who wants milk?” Yes, it's a cow. Describe a cow and a calf with children (the cow is big, she has horns, a long tail, she butts, the calf has no horns, they have not grown or very small horns, he himself is small, quietly moos “moo-moo-moo”; the cow moos loudly , drawn-out “mm-u-u.” They love weed).

Reading the nursery rhyme “A red cow walks and wanders through the meadow.

She will give us some fresh milk in the evening.”

A pig and a piglet live next to a cow.

“There is a snout in the front, a hook in the back, a back in the middle, and a bristle on the back.”

Yes, it's a pig. Describe with children a pig and a piglet (the pig is large, it has bristles on its skin, it is rough; the pig looks like its mother, the tail is hooked, the nose is a snout, only small, it has soft fluff on its back; the pig grunts loudly “oink-oink-oink” , and the piglet squeals “i-i-i-i-i” and grunts quietly).

And here is my grandfather’s assistant - a horse with a foal.

“Who has a tail and a mane?” Yes, it's a horse. Describe the horse and the foal with the children (the horse is large, says “neighs” loudly; the foal is small, looks like its mother, says quietly “i-i-i-i-gogo”). They love weed.

Educator: “Guys, why are these animals called pets?”

Right. Because they live in humans. Listen to the poem by L. Paramonova:

We consider those as pets

With whom we live in close contact:

Cows and horses

We shelter them warm from the frost.

We feed and water them.

We stroke them tenderly and always take care of them.

They are attached to us, very obedient

They give us milk and sour cream,

Others take us everywhere tirelessly,

And others guard our house,

They save food from mice.

Appendix 2

Physical development:

P/i "Horses"

Goal: To strengthen the straight leg, orientation in space; imitation of a horse's voice.

P/i "Cat and Mice."

Goal: To teach children to run easily, on their toes, without bumping into each other; navigate in space, change movements at the teacher’s signal.

P/i "Sparrows and the cat."

Goal: to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other; be careful.

P\i "Shaggy dog."

Goal: Run in different directions without pushing each other; ability to pronounce text words:

“Here lies a shaggy dog,

lay down with his nose buried in his paws.

Quietly, peacefully he snores.

Maybe he's dozing, maybe he's sleeping.

Try it, thief,

In an instant he barks throughout the whole yard.”

Social and communicative development:

D/i “Guess who it is?”

Goal: find an animal by description.

D/i “Who eats what?”

Goal: To establish the name of food, drink and what he eats from.

D/i “Whose mother?”

Goal: Learn to find a mother and her baby; the ability to name them correctly.

D/i “Who lives in the house?”

Goal: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds; develop speech breathing in children.

D/i “Whose tail?”

Goal: Develop attention, memory, thinking; It is correct to name who has which tail.

Role-playing game: “In grandma’s yard.”

Goal: To activate and develop children’s speech; reveal the game plan, develop role-playing behavior skills; secure domestic animals and their babies.

Role-playing game: “The ball is at the doctor.”

Goal: To teach children how to care for sick animals and use medical instruments; to cultivate sensitivity in children, to expand their vocabulary: veterinary hospital, patient, treatment, medicine.

Appendix 3

Finger games:

  1. "Horned goat"

The horned goat is coming

For the little guys

Who doesn't eat porridge?

Doesn't drink milk

I’ll gore, I’ll gore!”

  1. “Put your palm up

I'll tell you about the cat

One two three four five

Here's a fist

And here is the palm.

A cat sat on your palm!

And sneaks away slowly...

Apparently a mouse lives there."

  1. “Who lives in the village?

Lazyboka is a red cat.

Little calf

Yellow chicken,

White sheep,

A mouse under the porch.

One two three four five.


Not a plowman, not a carpenter.

Not a blacksmith, not a carpenter.

And the first worker in the village. (horse)

Soft Paws,

And there are scratches in the paws. (cat)

He is friends with the owner.

The house is guarded.

Lives under the porch

And the tail is a ring. (dog)

I'm digging in the ground with my little snout,

I'll take a swim in a dirty puddle. (Pig)

He walks and walks, shaking his beard,

Travki asks: “Me-me-me,

Give me something tasty.” (goat)

Poems and nursery rhymes:


Where did you come from?

All day long I, little pussy,

She was tending goslings.

The horned goat is coming,

There's a butted goat coming,

Legs: top! Top!

With your eyes: clap! Clap.

Our hostess

She was smart.

Everyone has a job in the hut

For the holiday I gave:

The dog washes the cup with his tongue,

The mouse collects crumbs under the window,

The cat scratches the table with its paw.

The hen sweeps the doormat with a wreath.

There's a cat with a mustache

He wanders around the kindergarten.

And the goat is horned

Follows the cat;

And a cute cat

Lipstick your mouth;

And the goat is gray

Shaking his beard.

V. Zhukovsky

The bull goes and swings,

Sighs as he walks:

Oh, the board ends

Now I'm going to fall!

I love my horse

I'll comb her fur smoothly,

I'll comb my tail

And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

No. In vain we decided

Ride a cat in a car:

The cat is not used to riding -

The truck overturned.

"Kiskino grief"

Pussy crying in the hallway

She has great grief:

Evil people poor pussy

They don't let you steal sausages!

Tongue Twisters:

The puppies' cheeks were cleaned with brushes.

The piglets squealed a request for food.

At the edge of a hut

Old chattering ladies live.

Every old lady has a basket.

There's a cat in every basket.

Cats in baskets

They sew boots for old women.

I'm bringing SOUP SOUP!

And to whom? PSU-PSU!

Pussy drinks milk from a bowl.

The bowl is far from the pussy.

Pussy reaches for her bowl.

Pussy, drink from the bowl quickly!

Conversation in the younger group on the topic« Pets. Cow»

Target: Continue to introduce children to pets, develop a friendly attitude towards animals, desire to take care of them, consolidate knowledge about dairy products.

Progress of the conversation.

Educator: Guys, a guest came to visit us today, and you will find out who it is by guessing the riddle.

Eats grass, chews, moos...

He tells me to stroke

And he will give us fresh milk.

(this is Zorka the cow)

But as the cow is talking? What is the baby's name? cows?

("Moo" and the calf)

Educator: cow - pet!

In summer cow grazes in the meadow and eats fresh grass, and in winter cow eats dry grass and lives in a cowshed. Who can tell me what the dry grass is called? (hay). A person prepares it in the summer and feeds it in the winter cow.

Physical education moment « Cow»

I your cow

I'll milk it early in the morning.

I'll stroke her sides:

Give the kids milk.

Educator: And what kind of milk? (white, tasty, healthy). Why do we need to drink milk? (to be strong, fit, healthy)

Conversation “Domestic animals and their young”

Target: children's knowledge about the life of domestic animals and their cubs; develop children's imagination, curiosity, memory and thinking; cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

Educator: now I will show pictures, and you will name who it is.

Look who's drawn here? (cow)

And who is next to her? (calf)

How does he moo? (subtle “Mmu-u-u”)

Is the cow big? And the calf? (and the calf is small)

And who is this? (horse)

That's right, how does a horse neigh? (loudly “I-go-go”)

What is the baby horse's name? (foal)

Is the horse big? What kind of foal? (children's answers)

I’ll summarize the children’s answers: that’s right, guys, the horse is big. The foal is small.

Who is in the picture? (pig)

How does a pig grunt? (loudly “Oink-oink”)

Who is the pig's baby? (pig)

How does he grunt? (quietly “Oink-oink”)

Look, who is shown in this picture? (dog)

How does she bark? (loudly “Woof-woof”)

And who is next to her? (this is her cub - puppy)

How does a puppy yap? (quietly “yap-yap”)

Is the dog big? What puppy? (and the puppy is small)

And who is this? (cat)

How does a cat meow? (loudly “Meow-meow”)

What is the baby cat's name? (kitty)

How does a kitten meow? (quietly “Meow-meow”)

Well done guys, you told me everything correctly. We can now take care of pets.

Talking with children about pets

Target: Reinforce the concept of “pets”. Learn to write descriptive stories about pets using toys. Develop creative imagination. Learn to find signs of similarity between pets and objects located around them. Develop children's logical thinking, cultivate a kind and sensitive attitude towards animals.


Let's turn into grasshoppers.

Raise your shoulders

Jump grasshoppers.

Jump - jump, jump - jump,

We sat down. We ate some grass,

They listened to the silence.

Higher, higher, higher

Jump on your toes easily.

Turn around yourself

And turn into kids.

Educator: Guys, please look at these pictures and find what the cat has in common with these objects. (The needle is sharp and the cat’s claws are sharp. The table has 4 legs, and the cat has 4 paws. The dog is a pet, and the cat is a pet. The scarf is soft, and the cat is also soft. The boy washes himself, and the cat also likes to wash himself. The fur coat is warm, and the cat’s fur coat is also warm.) Then the teacher asks the children riddles about pets.

Comparing pets with objects.

Game-conversation “How to treat pets”

Goals: consolidate the characteristics of domestic animals; cultivate a caring attitude towards animals, teach how to handle them carefully;

Educator: Guys, what kind of pets that live with us do you know? (Cow, horse, goat.)

Educator: Where do pets live? (Next to the person.)

Educator: What kind of houses do they have? (Barns, cowsheds, pigsties, stables.)

Educator: What animals can you keep at home?

I can wash myself clean -

Not with water, but with a tongue.

Meow! How often do I dream

Saucer with warm milk! (Cat.)

You stroke it, it caresses you,

You tease and he bites. (Dog.)

Who has a cat at home? What is her name? What is she like?

Who has a dog at home? What is her name? What is she like?

Educator: And if an animal lives in our home, who should look after it? (People, children.)

Educator: How does the kitten ask for food? (Meow meow.)

Educator: How does the puppy ask for food? (Bow-wow.)

Educator: There are a lot of strange dogs and cats on the street who live in hallways and basements. They are dirty. Dirt can make children sick and end up in the hospital. Do not touch other people's dogs and cats because they may scratch or bite.

Appendix 4



  1. What kind of pets do you have at home?
  1. Have you often brought new animals into your home?
  1. At whose request did animals appear in the house?
  1. If you had a choice and the opportunity to keep your home

animal, which one would you prefer: dog, cat, fish,

birds, exotic animals?

  1. Who is more suitable for you as a friend: a person or a pet?


  1. Which event is more difficult for you to survive:
  • death of a pet
  • loss of a large amount of money;
  • discord with a good person?
  1. If you had no money at all, what would you sell:
  • the only festive dress;
  • pet?
  1. Would you punish (scold) your child if you saw that he:
  • tears off the fly's legs;
  • pulls the cat's tail;
  • throws stones at the dog;
  • stains clothes you just put on?
  1. If your child asked for a pet, you:
  • would buy what he asks;
  • they would say that there is no money for this;
  • Would you buy the one you want yourself?
  1. By getting a pet, you expect:
  • find a friend in him;
  • improve your financial situation by selling puppies or kittens;
  • gain new experience in communication?
  1. If you had a choice, what gender would you choose:
  • male;
  • female?
  1. If a wizard turned your animal into a human, what would it become:
  • friend (girlfriend);
  • father (mother);
  • child;
  • husband (wife)?

A loving parent who sympathizes with animals will raise a child like themselves. ALL THE BEST!

Consultation "Pets"

A child who learns to care for his animal will be kind and patient with him, will gain invaluable experience and will learn to treat people in the same way. Irresponsible treatment of an animal will harm both the child and the animal. Caring for an animal helps a child develop communication skills. However, the basic principles state:

Young children (under 3-4 years old) cannot control their aggression and anger, so they must be supervised by their parents when interacting with animals.

Parents must supervise the care of the animal, even if they believe that their child is old enough to care for the pet. If a child has become irresponsible towards an animal, parents will have to take care of it themselves.

The child needs to be reminded calmly, without scolding him, that animals, like people, need food and water.

Parents provide a role model of behavior for their child, so the child learns responsibility for a pet by watching his parents.

What does a pet give a child? Children who grow up with a pet have many benefits. Establishing a good relationship with an animal increases a child’s self-esteem and self-confidence, and also helps in establishing trusting relationships with people. A good relationship with an animal develops non-verbal communication, a sense of belonging and compassion. Animals teach children lessons about life, birth, illness, accidents, death and bereavement.

They develop a responsible attitude in the children who care for them. They establish a child's connection with nature. They teach you to respect others.

Pets in a child's life.

There comes a time in the life of every parent when his child asks to buy a pet, usually cats or dogs... of course, adults have many excuses not to have a pet: it is necessary to get vaccinations, a lot of fur, germs, walk the pet, parents it is possible to understand, but it is necessary to understand a child, but it is worth thinking about whether this is so bad if the baby is already ready to take care of someone else, the child is growing up, wants his life to be filled with something important, strives to help, be useful, positive qualities are formed in his character sides, for example, qualities such as empathy, compassion and love, devotion, care, responsibility. Communication with an animal will also affect character traits - it can become more open, attentive and friendly, feeling more significant in the pet’s life by showing care.

Currently, there are many different hobbies, but it can also be noted that children spend little time in the fresh air, spending most of their time playing computer games, but after weighing the pros and cons, a pet can also become a good friend.

You need to find out from the child how strong his desires are, talk about the responsibility that lies ahead, and explain the disadvantages. And try to understand the motives, how great your baby’s desire is, talk to the child honestly, explain your doubts, your desires and reluctances, and let him make decisions himself, after discussing, you can come to some kind of joint decision, thereby you will get away from his whims because if you tell unequivocal - “no!” the child will not understand you, stubbornness and whims will follow, conflict can always be avoided if you find the right way out, thereby maintaining a trusting relationship between you, learn to explain correctly, talk more with the child, thereby teaching him to reason, because there are many different situations in life.

As scientists have noted, the choice of animal depends on the type of person’s temperament, on his specific needs, for example, cats help compensate a person’s need for physical contact, calmness and independence, dogs are the embodiment of live emotional contact, sociability, and a wonderful example of self-control. Therefore, it’s worth thinking about whether it’s so bad if you have a pet at home who will bring joy to your home and add a fresh direction in raising a child, for example, bring you closer to your baby, he will trust you more.

An animal in the house is not just a toy, but also a teacher, so if a child grows up with an animal, he gains invaluable experience of communicating with them and with others.

Children are sincerely and directly drawn to animals, and if you have noticed, this is mutual: cats and dogs are much more tolerant of children than adults. Unfortunately, it is not the children who decide whether to have pets or not, so not every boy and not every girl has their own pet.

Project topic:
Sysolyatin V.S.
g.o. Tolyatti
Topic: "Pets"
Relevance of the project.
The animal world is incredibly diverse and attractive to children. Animals become as integral a part of childhood as your favorite toys.
In early preschool age, it is important to enrich and stimulate emotional responsiveness and various experiences in the process of communicating with animals: empathy, compassion, goodwill, curiosity, surprise.
Violence on TV screens and violent computer games affect children's sensitivity to other people's pain and compassion for others.
Animals in the house are an important factor in education. This is not surprising, because every mother and every father wants their children to be kind, warm-hearted, and responsive.
Problem. Children do not have sufficient knowledge about domestic animals and their young in urban environments.
Hypothesis. If in kindergarten conditions are created for the development of cognitive interest and caring attitude towards animals in children, and parents involve the child in joint activities to care for pets, children will expand and enrich their knowledge about “our little brothers”, thereby adults will develop In children, sensitivity, the ability to understand another life, encourage sympathy, cultivate a willingness to help with deeds and will eliminate cruelty to animals in the future.
Goal: Formation of children's ideas about pets.
Objectives: 1. Expand and enrich children's knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs.
2. Introduce children to the characteristic features of domestic animals and their young: what they eat, where they live, what benefits they bring to people.
3. Foster love and respect for pets, a desire to care for them.
4.Develop speech, enrich the vocabulary on this topic.
5. Involve parents in joint activities with children.
6. Develop the ability to perform imitative movements, imitate the movements of animals.
7.Cultivate interest in the dramatization game.
8.Development of theatrical abilities.
Project participants: 1. Children of the 1st junior group No. 41 “Crumbs”.
2. Group teachers.
Project implementation stages.
Stage 1 – preparatory.

Execution steps
Project stages Objectives Activities Mechanisms Expected results in general
Preparatory 1. Determine the topic and goals of the project.
2.Study material on the topic.
3.Choose methods and techniques of work.
4. Select a group of active parents who want to participate in the project.
5.Determine the form of presentation of the project.
1.Information sheet for parents about the start of the project.
2. Create a creative group.
3.Together with parents, replenish the group with books, coloring books, and figurines of pets.
3. Joint creation with parents of the photo newspaper “Favorite Animals”.
4. Selection of illustrated material, audio material, outdoor, didactic and speech games.
5. Selection of notes for thematic classes.
6.Preparing a dramatization of the Russian folk song “The chicken went out for a walk.”
7.Making costumes and scenery. 1. Select tools for implementing activities to solve the assigned tasks, familiarize the necessary participants in educational activities with the content of the project.
mobile and
educational games,
going to the zoo,
dramatization game.
Creation of photo newspapers and crafts.
3 Visual: demonstration of illustrations depicting pets.
4. Verbal: conversations, listening. 1.Increasing speech activity, activating the dictionary on the topic “Pets.”
2. A subject-specific developmental environment will be created.
3. Joint activities with parents.
Main 1.Give children knowledge about domestic animals and their children.
2. Determine the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance, fill in the gaps through individual work.”
3. Strengthen the ability to recognize animals, vegetables and fruits by touch.
4. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.
5.Create conditions for activating the dictionary.
6.Develop the ability to form possessive adjectives.
7.Develop the ability to analyze, consolidate the ability to distinguish and name animals.
8. Give children knowledge about who eats what.
9. Introduce children to the concept of quantity.
10.Develop attention, logical thinking and perseverance.
11.Develop children's memory and imagination.12. Strengthen the eye muscles.
13. Develop creative inclinations.
14. Organize a developmental environment for independent study of the topic.
15.Secure the names of shapes and colors.
16. Work with parents. 1. Didactic games.
2. Conversations.
3. Examination of paintings and illustrations on the topic.
4. Outdoor games, simulation games.
5.Working with parents.
6. Finger gymnastics.
7. Gymnastics for the eyes.
8. Drawing, coloring.
9. Application.
11. Games with transformation.
13.Drawing on the ground with sticks.
14. Planting a vegetable garden and caring for a vegetable garden.
15. Visit to the theater..1.
- "Magic bag"
- “Whose tail?”
- “Paired pictures”,
- “Who loves what?”
- “Recognize by silhouette”,
- “Whose house?”
- “One-many”,
-"Puzzles 3-4 parts"
- “Whose baby?”
. - “New toys”,
-"My favorite toy",
-"Favorite animal",
- "At Grandma's in the village"
- “What Do Pets Eat”
- “Moms and Children”...
-"Guess who?",
- "Shaggy Dog"
- "Vaska the Cat"
- “Horses”...
-Drawing, coloring, sculpting, designing.
-Collecting photographs for the photo exhibition “Favorite Animals”,
-Making costumes and scenery for the staging of the Russian folk song “The chicken went out for a walk.”
-Distribution of roles and rehearsals.
- “Cat”, “Horse”.
- “Color the animal”, “Coloring in coloring books”
- Application “Balls for puppies”.
- “Houses for animals.”
- “Cat, dog and cow.”
- “Balls for kittens.”, “Carrot for a rabbit,” “Bone for a dog.”
1. Expanding and generalizing children’s knowledge about domestic animals.
2. Fostering in children kindness, compassion and a desire to take care of “our little brothers.”
3.Development of children's interest in theatrical activities.
4. Involving parents in joint activities with children.
Final Organize a photo exhibition and performance. Presentation of the project “Pets” -Photo exhibition “Pets”,
-Staging of the Russian folk song “The chicken went out for a walk.” 1.Children will develop an interest in pets.
2.Children learn the names of pets.
3. Will have basic ideas about appearance, lifestyle, and nutritional habits.
4. Interaction with parents will expand.
5.The subject-developmental environment of the group will be enriched, didactic games will be created on the topic “Pets”
Prospects for implementation
Upon completion of the project, a methodological base will be created (literature, plans and developments of activities, lesson notes, educational activities with children, etc.), and new experience will be gained in organizing educational activities for children. All this will be presented by a photo exhibition on the theme “Pets” and a staging of the Russian folk song “The chicken went out for a walk.”
1 Week.
1. Conversations: “Pets”, “New toys”, “My favorite toy is homemade”, “At my grandmother’s in the village”.
Target. To promote the development of speech as a means of communication, the formation of ideas about domestic animals.
2. Didactic games: “Assemble the animal (puzzles 3-4 parts)”, “Recognize by silhouette”, “Paired pictures”, “Recognize the animal by description”. (visual aids are used - a poster and a lapbook “Pets”, plastic and soft figurines of pets).
Goal: to develop logic, thinking, cognitive interest.
3. Finger gymnastics: “Piglets”, “Cow”.
Goal: to develop children's memory, imagination, and fine motor skills.
4.Drawing: “Color the animal”, “Coloring in coloring books on the theme “Pets”.
Goal: to develop the child’s creative abilities, instill artistic taste, and give the child the opportunity to get acquainted with different colors. Also develop perseverance, diligence, and develop skills in using pencils and paints. It is also very important that during coloring the motor skills of the hands and fingers develop.
5.Reading Russian folk tales “The cat is a gray forehead, a goat and a ram”, “The Rooster and the Fox”, “The Ryaba Hen”,
- Reading by V. Suteev “Three Kittens”, “Who Said Meow?”
Goal: to introduce children to works about pets.
6. Gymnastics for the eyes: “Cat”, “Horse”.
Goal: strengthen the eye muscles.
7. Outdoor games: “Shaggy Dog”, “Geese-geese”.
Goal: to develop the ability to act on a verbal signal, to combine words with actions. Develop the ability to depict certain actions.
8.Planting a vegetable garden.
9.. Presentation “Pets”.

Week 2.
"Pets and their children."
1. Conversation: “Moms and their children.”
Goal: Continue to introduce children to pets and their children.
2. Didactic games: “Whose baby is it?”, “Find out by silhouette”
Goal: to develop the ability to analyze and consolidate the ability to distinguish and name baby animals.
3. Finger gymnastics: “Bull”, “Two Rabbits”.

4. Application “Balls for puppies”.
Goal: carefully paste the image onto a given plane of the sheet, placing it along the entire plane, ability to navigate in space. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Fix the name of the shapes and colors. To develop the ability to understand and complete a learning task.
5. Modeling “Balls for kittens”.
Goal: develop fine motor skills and responsiveness.
6. Reading fiction: S. Marshak “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, S. Mikhalkov “Puppy”, R. Selyanin “Our Kitten”.
Goal: to continue to introduce children to works about animals.
7. Outdoor games: “Vaska the Cat”, “Horses”.
Goal: to develop children's balance in movement, running skills, and increase emotional tone.
8. Drawing on the ground with sticks.
Target. Promote the development of fine motor skills, therefore, speech and mental abilities, intelligence. Develop hand coordination. Learn to distinguish between sensations from surrounding objects and their physical properties.
8. Presentation “Moms with Babies.”

Week 3.
Who loves what. Who lives where.
1. Conversations: “Who eats what”, “Who lives where.”
Goal: to continue to introduce children to the life of pets.
2. Didactic games: “Whose tail”, “Who loves what?”, “Whose house?”
Goal: Consolidate children's knowledge about domestic animals, their cubs, housing and food. The ability to distinguish and find the desired animal, its baby, food and home.
3. Finger gymnastics: “Nest”, “Masha cooked porridge”, We are cabbage...”.
Goal: develop fine motor skills and speech.
4.Construction: “Houses for animals.”
Goal: To learn how to create buildings according to a model. Name the geometric shapes that are used to build a house. To develop children's cognitive activity, attention, ability to hear and perform tasks correctly.
5.Sculpting. "Carrot for the rabbit."

6.Sculpting. "A bone for the dog."
Target. Develop fine motor skills, imagination and responsiveness.
7.Reading fiction: T. Koval “Pets”, S. Mikhalkov “Counting table”, I. Ishchuk “Riddles for little ones”.
Target. Introducing children to domestic animals and their cubs, their distinctive features, the fact that they live in the village, the owner loves them, takes care of them (feeds, waters, grazes in the meadow in the summer where they eat green grass), tells children about the role pets in human life.
8. Outdoor games: “The Herd”, “Cat and Mice”.
Target. Learn to move according to a signal, to run without colliding.
9. Games with transformation: “Cat, dog and cow.”
Target. Development of creative abilities, maintaining a good mood.
10. Vegetable garden on the window. Theme "Animal food"
Target. Involving children in practical activities of growing cultural and ornamental plants, developing interest in experimental and research work. Developing a child’s interest in research and discovery, creating the necessary conditions for this.
The story with seeds seems the most magical to a child in spring. Here is a small seed, so tiny that it can barely be seen on the palm of your hand. And suddenly, once - and it sprouts, a green sprout appears, and then a whole large stem! And here’s what’s interesting: all this happens with any seed: yellow and flat of a cucumber, round orange of a tomato or black cabbage.

4 week
Pets. A dramatization of the Russian folk song “The chicken went out for a walk.”
1. Presentation “Pets”.
2. Getting to know and learning the Russian folk song “The chicken went out for a walk.”
The chicken went out for a walk
Pinch some fresh grass,
And behind her the boys -
Yellow chickens!
Co-co-co, co-co-co,
Don't go far
Row your paws,
Look for the grains!
Ate a fat beetle
We drank some water
A complete mess!
Chicks walk around all day
They are not too lazy to bend over
No worms visible
It's a shame for the kids.
Target. Folk art is a rich source of children’s cognitive and moral development and instills a love for the history and culture of our Motherland. Introducing children to folk culture is a means of forming their patriotic feelings and developing spirituality.
2. Visit to the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” performed by the Samara Philharmonic.
Target. To provide children with the opportunity not only to study and understand the world around them through comprehension of fairy tales, but to live in harmony with it and receive satisfaction from watching a fairy tale.
From this point of view, organization and space for theatrical activity are of great importance.
3.Staging a song.
Target. Arouse interest in theatrical activities, develop emotionality
4. Joint design of the wall newspaper “Our Pets”.
Target. Involve parents in joint activities with children and teachers. Arouse interest in joint activities.


The Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education is aimed at the main result - the socialization of the child, the need for creativity, curiosity, and cognitive motivation. Conversations with children showed that the children in our group do not have sufficient knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs. Children do not always correctly name young domestic animals, but at the same time they show interest in them. Caring for pets has a positive effect on the development of the child’s emotional sphere and on his caring attitude towards the world around him.



Municipal state preschool educational institution
Buturlinovsky kindergarten No. 10 general developmental type
Buturlinovsky municipal district
Voronezh region

Project in the second junior group


Educator I KK



The Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education is aimed at the main result - the socialization of the child, the need for creativity, curiosity, and cognitive motivation. Conversations with children showed that the children in our group do not have sufficient knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs. Children do not always correctly name young domestic animals, but at the same time they show interest in them. Caring for pets has a positive effect on the development of the child’s emotional sphere and on his caring attitude towards the world around him.

Problem : children do not have sufficient knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs

Project duration: short

Project type: creative, educational and research.

Project participants:teachers and children of the second younger group, parents

Children's age: 3 – 4 years

Target: enriching and deepening children's ideas about pets, methods of care and rules of communication with them


Develop basic ideas about domestic animals (they live next to people, people take care of animals, animals benefit people.);

To help clarify and enrich children's ideas about domestic animals and their cubs (cat-cat-kitten, dog-dog-puppy, bull-cow-calf, goat-goat-kid, horse-horse-foal, etc.);

Encourage and support independent observations of animals;

Cultivate an interest in animal life and a caring attitude;

Learn to establish the simplest family relationships between adult animals and their young;

Develop the ability to answer questions and conduct dialogue; the ability to communicate with peers during gaming activities;

Develop cognitive activity, thinking, imagination, communication skills; develop creative abilities;

Foster love and caring attitude towards pets.

Forms of work on the project:gaming activities, conversations, memorizing poems, watching presentations, productive activities

Expected Result:

As a result of working on the project, students will learn to distinguish domestic animals by appearance, correctly name their cubs (calves, foals, lambs, piglets), and know their place of residence (kennel, pigsty, barn).

Project stages:

  1. Preparatory stage

Identifying a problem, setting a goal, defining tasks;

Selection of methodological and fiction literature on the topic;

Selection of didactic material, visual aids (albums for viewing, paintings, board games), material for gaming activities;

Project development, search for solutions to project problems.

  1. Main stage

Practical activities to solve problems, planning joint activities.

  1. The final stage


Productivity Exhibition;

Presentation of the project on the preschool educational institution website.

Project implementation

Cognitive development

GCD "Cat and Kitten"

Observing pets outdoors while walking

View the presentation "Pets"

Game exercise “Count the animals”

Safety conversations: “Do not touch unfamiliar animals!”, “Wash your hands after caring for animals!”, “Don’t hurt animals!”

Social and communicative development

Didactic games: “Name the animal”, “Name the baby”, “Who lives and where?”, “Who is the odd one out?”, “Who eats what?”, “Who screams what?”

Board games: “Cubes”, “Cut pictures”, inserts.

Role-playing games: “Family”, plot: “Our pet”, “Farm”, plot: “Taking care of animals”

Speech development

Looking at the painting “Cat with Kittens”

Word games: “Who has who?”, “Name it affectionately”

Conversations about the appearance, nutrition, accommodation, care of the house animals.

Looking at illustrations and photographs of pets.

A story from personal experience “Our family pet”

Reading fiction

V. Suteev “Who said “meow”?”

Memorizing poems and nursery rhymes.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Drawing “Balls for kittens”

Modeling “Gift for a beloved puppy (kitten)”

Non-traditional drawing circle “My favorite kitten” (poke with a hard semi-dry brush)

Coloring pages and stencils with pets

Watching cartoons “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “A Kitten Named Woof”

Physical development

Outdoor games: “Cat and Mice”, “Shaggy Dog”

Imitation game “Cat with kittens”

Constructive activity

Playing with the floor constructor “Horse Corral”

Working with family: looking at illustrations, reading books, creative work with parents, designing “My Little Friend” albums

Project outcome

Thanks to the development and implementation of the project, preschoolers have expanded their understanding of domestic animals and their cubs.

As a result of the work done, it was noted:

Development in children of a sustainable interest in representatives of the animal world - domestic animals.

Inclusion of parents in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions.

In conclusion, we can conclude that thanks to the classes, conversations, and play activities, children’s knowledge on this topic was consolidated and improved.