Nervousness and irritability causes. Male irritability syndrome

Normally, irritability and some anger should not harm others and should remain only your personal emotions. But when it is accompanied by outbursts of rage or even aggression, this may indicate a pathology caused by a somatic or psychological illness. Under such conditions, it is recommended to take anti-irritability pills.

Causes of increased irritability and anxiety

Since increased irritability is far from the norm for a healthy person, it is worth considering whether your negative emotions correspond to the fact that caused them. For example, if a person’s car breaks down at an inopportune time, it is normal to complain, get slightly angry and begin to take action to solve the problem. A person who has problems with irritability will not behave quite adequately - he will begin to swear loudly, use obscene language, hit surrounding objects with his hands and feet, and take out his anger on others. If this behavior is typical for you, then this is a reason to consult a doctor and start taking pills for irritability.

Causes of increased irritability:

  1. Mental illness
  2. Hormonal imbalances
  3. Heredity
  4. Features of mentality
  5. Stress
  6. Violation of the body's metabolic processes
  7. Infectious diseases

Severe irritability can be a feature of a person’s character or become a manifestation of one or another state of the body. Also, increased irritability differs by “gender” - women and men may have different reasons for this condition.

Severe irritability in men

According to statistics, stress is the main cause of severe irritability in both men and women. The constant pursuit of success, the constantly accelerating pace of life, lack of funds - all this leads to stress. Men have it more difficult in this regard than women, since they bear the main responsibility for the well-being of the family.

Another reason when men experience severe irritability is hormonal imbalance. As men age, they stop producing the male hormone, testosterone. A state of so-called male menopause occurs. During menopause, a man experiences: weakness, irritability, emotional outbursts. The condition can be aggravated by depression, drowsiness and male impotence.

To support men's health during this difficult period, you need to see a doctor and undergo a full medical examination. Based on the results of the examination and tests, the doctor will prescribe pills for irritability. Many men do not like to go to doctors and prefer to endure it. Lack of treatment during such a period, according to statistics, leads to early heart attacks and strokes.

Headache and irritability in women

Women are considered to be the weaker sex. On the one hand, of course, this is true - women are physically weaker than men due to less muscle mass. But on the other hand, the “weaker sex” withstands a burden that is unbearable for men.

It so happens genetically that women have many responsibilities. Today, the average woman juggles an incredible number of responsibilities. So, according to society, a woman should:

  • Work
  • Having children and raising them
  • Do work for the family: cook, manager, cleaner, laundress, dishwasher, tutor, etc.
  • At the same time, a woman must remain attractive and take care of her appearance

Many men are psychologically unable to combine so many responsibilities. This is why women are more prone to increased irritability.

Female physiology assumes constant hormonal surges, this determines reproductive function during these periods and usually causes severe headaches.

Causes of irritability due to hormonal surges:

  • Pregnancy - after conception and in the first trimester of pregnancy, hubbub is actively restructured. As a result, the nervous system experiences increased stress, headaches, irritability, fatigue, and sudden mood swings appear. For some women, this condition lasts throughout the entire period of pregnancy; for others, the hormonal levels calm down already in the second trimester. In the period before childbirth, women are accompanied by constant irritability, the reasons for which are quite understandable - these are worries about the birth itself and the health of the unborn child.
  • Postpartum period - during childbirth, the female body expends all its resources for a successful resolution of the burden. This is accompanied by a sharp hormonal surge and increased secretion of the hormones prolactin and oxytacin. Maternal instinct forces a woman to take care of a newborn, while those around her get constant irritability. If a young mother is breastfeeding, she should not take pills for irritability; they can negatively affect the baby’s health. In such cases, doctors recommend relieving headaches and irritability with rest or physical therapy treatments such as acupuncture.
  • PMS - during the menstrual cycle, the hormone progesterone is produced, an increased concentration of which is observed several days before menstruation. It is he who becomes the reason that everything gets on a woman’s nerves, irritability reaches the point of aggression, which is unusual in a normal state.
  • Menopause - with age, hormones responsible for reproductive function cease to be produced, and menopause occurs. It is accompanied by symptoms such as weakness, irritability, fatigue, nervousness, etc. During this period, a woman experiences great psychological and physiological stress, so she is often accompanied by constant irritability.

Problems associated with increased irritability in women, left without proper attention, can lead to serious chronic diseases of both a somatic and psychological nature.

Constant irritability: causes of occurrence in childhood

Childhood is usually accompanied by increased irritability, the causes of which are varied. Irritability often manifests itself in the form of:

  1. Crying
  2. Hysterics
  3. emotionality
  4. scream

Severe irritability that occurs from time to time is normal for children. But when severe irritability appears constantly, this is a symptom telling parents that the child has problems with physiological or mental health.

According to statistics, weakness, irritability, fatigue, etc. factors arise due to diseases such as:

  1. allergy
  2. ARVI and acute respiratory infections
  3. Brain damage during childbirth
  4. Leukemia
  5. encephalitis
  6. mental illness
  7. neurological diseases

By consulting a doctor in time, you can avoid further development of diseases, as well as completely get rid of them.

Causes accompanying increased irritability and weakness

Diseases characterized by constant irritability are divided into two types:

  • physiological
  • mental

Diseases associated with physiology must be identified at the initial stage of development. If a person experiences severe irritability often and often reaches an aggressive state, it is necessary to urgently seek help from a doctor.

Physiological diseases in which constant irritability is observed:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • oncological diseases
  • pain of various etiologies
  • infectious diseases
  • poisoning
  • tuberculosis
  • asthma
  • Drug addiction
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Hormonal imbalances

Psychiatric illnesses accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, weakness:

  • Post-traumatic syndrome - fatigue, irritability, tearfulness
  • Depression - insomnia, weakness, irritability
  • Mania - constantly excited nerves, irritability
  • Neurosis - anxiety, irritability, insomnia
  • Schizophrenia - suspiciousness, anxiety, irritability, mood swings

Methods for treating weakness and constant irritability

If you experience weakness, irritability, or fatigue not related to illness, you can eliminate them yourself.

Autotraining method.

A person must understand and be adequately aware of his constant irritability. This is the first step towards self-medication. It is necessary to meaningfully understand what irritates you in a given situation, person, conversation - having found the cause of irritation, it should be avoided in the future. Because if constant irritability is one of the character traits, then there is no escape from it. Take care of your nerves and irritability will go away.

The auto-training method will help those who cannot leave or get rid of what annoys them.

  • Mentally imagine the factor or reason why anxiety and irritability arise.
  • Objectively evaluate it from all sides
  • Understand that the cause of irritation in itself is not worth reacting to it like that.
  • When presenting the cause of negative emotions, repeat the phrase “I am calm, I like what I see, I am objective in my assessment” or another similar phrase, but only one that does not contain words with a negative connotation.
  • Carry out auto-training several times a day alone with yourself, this will help protect your nerves and irritability will go away.
  • During training, breathing should be smooth and calm, muscles should be relaxed.
  • Constant use of the auto-training method gradually reduces severe irritability, the causes of nervous tension and fatigue.

Self-control method

  • If a person is constantly tormented by severe irritability, you can resort to the method of self-control. Try to avoid stressful situations, take care of your nerves and irritability will subside.
  • If at the time of communication or work you begin to be overcome by severe irritability, put off work or conversation for a while. During this time, calmly think about the problem and find an objective solution.
  • Greet each morning with a smile and, looking in the mirror, say to yourself, “I’m taking care of my nerves, irritability passes me by.”
  • When you feel strong irritability coming on, mentally imagine yourself in a place that evokes only positive emotions in you. Anxiety and irritability should go away
  • You can also practice dialogues with yourself - ask yourself and answer questions about how interested you are in a person, job or situation.
  • Attitudinal phrases will also help - “I feel good”, “I love my job”, “I like this person”, etc.

Having gained control, frayed nerves, irritability, and anxiety will give way to positive emotions.

Treatment of fatigue and nerves with herbs

Sustained nervous tension, which results in anxiety, irritability, and headache, can be relieved with medicinal plants.

  • Chamomile - calms, relieves conditions such as stress, anxiety, irritability, fatigue.
  • Motherwort - helps with insomnia, which is often caused by frayed nerves and irritability.
  • Valerian officinalis root has a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to combat symptoms such as weakness, irritability, and anxiety.

Medicinal herbs are used in the form of infusions, decoctions, lotions, and pharmacies also sell tablets for irritability based on substances of plant origin.

Bath procedures for irritability

In Russia, all ailments have long been treated in the bathhouse. Hot steam relaxes muscles, improves cerebral circulation and relieves symptoms of stress such as anxiety, irritability, headaches.

In order for bath procedures to effectively help relieve irritability, you must follow some rules:

  1. Steam for no more than 15 minutes at a time
  2. In between visits, use the services of a massage therapist
  3. It is necessary to douse yourself with cold water - the temperature difference strengthens the body’s immune and nervous systems
  4. Do not drink alcohol in the bath and after it
  5. You can only drink teas based on medicinal herbs or kvass

What pills can relieve headaches and irritability?

Anti-irritability pills often have many side effects, so the use and dosage should be prescribed by a doctor.

For depression, antidepressants will help relieve conditions such as fatigue and irritability:

  • Metrobamate
  • Prozac
  • Fluoxetine

A course of treatment with antidepressants is carried out for one to two months.

Fatigue and irritability can result from insomnia. By normalizing sleep, unpleasant symptoms will go away.

Prescription sleeping pills:

  • Pipolfren
  • Phenazepam
  • Diphenhydramine
  • Zolpidem
  • Somnol

Over-the-counter medications that help eliminate insomnia, which is accompanied by headaches and irritability:

  • Tanakan
  • Melatonex
  • Memoplant
  • Melatonin
  • Corvalol
  • Valocardine

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe medications that control irritability and the causes of its occurrence:

  • Mezapam
  • Rudotel

You can independently use pills for irritability and the causes of its occurrence, such as:

  • Novo-passit
  • Notta
  • Adaptol

Whatever the causes of irritability, she needs to be treated, take pills for irritability as a course of treatment, and additionally carry out auto-training and self-hypnosis. Using comprehensive treatment, headaches and irritability will become a thing of the past. And every new day will bring joy and positive emotions.

Getting rid of the feeling of irritation

Feeling irritated. The main causes of irritation, what interferes and how to get rid of irritation.

Greetings dear readers!

The feeling of irritation is still the same emotion and, like any emotion, it arises in response to some circumstances that provoke us. And how we evaluate these circumstances for ourselves, that is, how we relate to them and what emotions they cause, be it anger, irritation, fear, sadness, resentment, guilt, etc., depends on our perception. And each person has a different perception of certain things and situations.

For example, the same situation can make someone angry, sad or irritated, a second will cause fear, and a third will not have any emotions at all or will even make them happy and amused.

Someone may be annoyed by someone's stupidity, someone's rudeness or boasting, someone's sloppiness, someone's excessive slowness, rudeness, or even loud laughter and joy.

That is, the feeling of irritation is individual for everyone and it all depends on how we ourselves relate to and perceive certain situations, facts and the people themselves.

Let's consider some of the main, deep reasons for our irritation.

Why does it happen that we get irritated precisely by these, and not by some other facts and circumstances, and why do phenomena that are the same for different people cause different reactions in them?

A rude and unpleasant person is not irritated by his own rudeness. And no one is annoyed by their own slowness, indecisiveness or boringness, although sometimes we can do this.

I already said at the beginning that everything depends on perception, the essence of which is “non-acceptance” or “acceptance”.

For example, we may be irritated by what we cannot accept in other people. What goes against our principles and beliefs. This is how we are and believe that we are definitely right, we think and act correctly, which means others should listen to us and do as we advise them, if they themselves act somehow wrong.

And many simply cannot come to terms with what is manifested in the behavior and actions of other people.

Here I would like to immediately say that it is still unknown how right and who is right here, life is a tricky thing, but the truth is relative!

And if something pisses you off, it means that something owns you, you are not able to treat it calmly, and this means that you are no longer free! But nature and our entire world are multifaceted and perfect, and perfection lies in diversity, both in the bad, in our opinion, and in the good.

Therefore, you need to accept, let go and give everyone the right to believe or not believe in what they want. Everyone creates their own world and everyone copes with their problems in their own way, some run away from them in their own way, and some live without avoiding difficulties and responsibilities. And that's their right!

The main indicator in the end will be who mentally feels more harmonious and happier, who knows how to live and enjoy life for nothing.

Those who run away from difficulties can hardly be called happy, because killing moments of your life in meaningless actions, alcohol and drugs means running away from yourself and from your capabilities. Such people lose the value of life, they live all the time in anticipation of oblivion or something that can distract themselves from thoughts, just so as not to think and feel painfully; they have not learned to live in harmony with themselves. But again, it's their choice!

And if a loved one disappoints you so much, you tried for a long time and could not do anything with him, leave him alone, let him live as he wants, and start a new life with a person who is suitable for your views and life principles. It is clear that the unknown of change will be scary, but it is better to start from scratch than to live with disappointment without even trying.

And be that as it may, with your irritation you will still achieve little from people and prove nothing to them. Irritation causes only reactive, active or hidden, aggression in a person and nothing more. He will still remain his own!

So why get irritated, fray your nerves, spoil YOURSELF’s mood and health, and waste precious time on something that we cannot influence?

I would immediately answer myself like this: “Well, why the hell am I going to sweat and torture myself if I’m still not able to change anything here.”

But this is only one of the main reasons, we are also often annoyed by the fact that finds some response within ourselves. And usually this is due to what we really want to get rid of and what we don’t like about ourselves .

What could it be? We have conscious principles, beliefs, deepest desires and life experiences, but we forget that each of us also has innate qualities, both good, from the point of view of our morality, and “bad” ones that represent our dark or weak side . By bad we can imagine, for example, anger, cruelty, greed, cowardice, depravity, selfishness, arrogance, lies, hypocrisy, etc.

And if we notice something in ourselves that goes against our conscious beliefs, we immediately try to get rid of it, brush it off or justify ourselves, in short, we begin to struggle and engage in self-improvement, which in general is good, if we take our time, carefully and That’s right, we all want and strive to become better.

But there are things that we cannot cope with, these are our subconscious, animal instincts and innate qualities given to us by nature.

You cannot completely tear out of yourself what we originally are. And trying to get rid of something like that, we are fighting with a part of ourselves!

This, by the way, is the main cause of various human mental disorders, when there is an internal conflict (struggle) between conscious principles and attitudes, with subconscious instincts and innate qualities that a person refuses to accept. And this is also one of the factors and indicators of our irritation.

What irritates us in other people is precisely what we have in ourselves and what we sincerely hate.

That is, if we, for example, by nature aggressive or greedy, but according to some moral principles we want to be kind, good and with an open, generous soul, then we will often be irritated by those qualities in a person that we suppress in ourselves, but notice them in others.

This is what we hid and are hiding from everyone, including ourselves, which involuntarily reminds us of our own “inner sins” that we cannot accept in ourselves.

And it’s very important to be here be honest with yourself to become able to understand yourself and understand what is happening inside. And then accept reality, whatever it may be, and calm down, thereby saving yourself from constant struggle and.

Then the irritation arising for this reason would first diminish, and then completely go away on its own.

So it’s better to immediately tell yourself: “ Yes, I'm not as good as I thought. Yes, I’m so bad, but I also have strong, good sides. But now I am honest with myself, I sincerely accept all the good and bad in myself. And I don’t owe anyone anything, just the way I am.”.

And then, if you have such a desire, you can engage in your own development and correct some weaknesses in yourself, that is, become not ideal, who we imagine ourselves to be inside, but simply gradually become better and better, stronger, calmer, independent, etc., but this does not mean get rid of it completely from a part of yourself, whatever that part may be.

In general, take a closer look at yourself and pay attention to this.

Now let’s move on specifically to the details of how to get rid of your irritability.

Here it must be said that the feeling of irritation is a natural, natural reaction, just like anger or sadness.

If some Alibabaevich, this bad person, drops a battery on your leg, then you are unlikely to experience a feeling of joy. And if you are a well-mannered person, with good manners and “correct”, respectable principles, then it is stupid to deny that this will not cause you any obscene, negative emotions.

Feelings of anger and irritation will be justified here, to say the least. That is, it is clear that you will be angry and irritated, and maybe some “bad” desire will appear.

With this example, I wanted to show that all our feelings have natural roots, and therefore have the right to be!

And if someone did something bad to us, it will be evil for us and we have the right to express it at least with our emotions, for example, the same irritation.

Moreover, if we often or always restrain and suppress our irritation or other natural, albeit negative ones, then we will of course show our integrity and willpower, but this will only be our external reaction, we will simply put on a mask of restraint, and the energy of this negative emotion will not disappear, but will intensify and be directed inward, which will lead to even greater psycho-emotional discomfort.

And over time, this can lead to a depressed state, decreased energy, some kind of mental disorder and even physical illness.

As a result, it turns out that you need not to restrain yourself and not be afraid to express your emotions if they arise for a well-founded reason. All this is true, but only on one side.

The fact is that if we often show our irritability for any reason and throw it out, then the irritability will only progress. We will gradually become nervous, no longer completely in control of our emotions; secondly, it is unlikely that we will have good relationships with people, relationships in the family and at work. This behavior can easily lead to failure and loneliness.

What to do then? It is impossible to restrain negative, natural emotions, and expressing them will also be of little good.

When you begin to feel the first signs of irritation, and this is easy to notice if you listen and observe yourself, then immediately try to “slow down time”, look at everything, at any little things that surround you, and at people with deep, slow attention ; do not make sudden movements so as not to break wood; Do not make rash, emotional decisions at this moment. As a rule, they are the ones that lead to wrong actions and often irreversible consequences, which we later regret. And do not take out your irritation and negative thoughts on others. After all, first of all, you yourself need this.

In order to remain calm, not get irritated and be able to stop your emotions without suppressing yourself and not harming your health, your psyche, it is important conscious reinforcement to your action, that is, to do it fully aware of why and for whom you are doing it, to be aware of the reason.

And for this you need to clearly and clearly () for yourself why it is so important for me to keep my irritability within limits.

Then we not only consciously, but more importantly, subconsciously accept this restraint as a necessary and important reaction for us.

And now, when we restrain our negative emotion IN BEHAVIOR, such a strong internal conflict and suppression will not be created, it will not just be an action on willpower and patience alone, but will become a conscious and healthy act, at which, positive the stimulus will help neutralize the flared energy.

You will need to find time so that no one bothers you and calmly explain to yourself why what and how.

To do this, answer yourself two main questions: “Why shouldn’t I be irritated?” and “Who needs this most of all?” This will be your first step that will push you and your inner perception towards change.

We answer the questions - “Why is it better for us not to get irritated?”. Some answers:

I can’t get irritated because this will not solve, but will only aggravate the situation;

I won’t prove anything to anyone with my irritation, because they simply won’t hear me;

Irritation spoils my mood, physical well-being and often leads to stupid actions;

With this behavior I worsen relationships with loved ones;

By being irritated often, I can ruin my career (relationships with my superiors);

An irritated, unrestrained person is unpleasant to communicate with and;

Problems are not solved by irritation;

By being irritated, I can lose a loved one;

When irritated, unpleasant symptoms always appear in the body in the form of sensations (heartbeat, blood pressure, internal tension increase, stress hormones are released - cortisol, etc., and a headache often begins). And over time it can lead to the formation.

And let’s immediately answer the second question: “Who needs this?” The answer here should be clear as day, of course, you need it first of all, and also our loved ones and relatives, since they also suffer because of our irritability and nervousness.

When analyzing and answering these questions, you can remember your personal situations in life, look and answer for yourself whether your incontinence helped or harmed you.

When you understand all this for yourself, you will automatically, subconsciously begin to relate to irritating factors somewhat calmer.

How to get rid of irritation - practical steps and recommendations.

In addition to perception, our irritation, like other emotions, if we we experience this feeling repeatedly and often becomes our habit. That is, we begin to react more and more often to situations that do not suit us in some way and, out of habit, we immediately become irritated.

In many cases, we become habitually irritated by certain factors and certain people.

And if we have developed some kind of habitual reaction to a situation or some person, then whether we like it or not, this reaction will be flash automatically whenever a certain stimulus arises.

So we're just getting used to it react unconsciously in this way.

A dynamic stereotype is a built-in habit that is a very serious reason that prevents us from coping with our negative emotions.

Where are all our beliefs, attitudes, principles, bad and good habits based?

They are born in consciousness, but are deposited much deeper, in our subcortex of the brain (). That is why we cannot consciously and easily give up something like this, although mentally we could have long ago changed our minds more than once, changed our minds, but at first this is of little use.

And this will continue until we change something within ourselves, change some of our habits at a level deeper than our consciousness.

To do this, we need not only to clearly understand why we are getting rid of some negative emotions, but also to change the habitual reaction itself, get irritated. Replace it with a new, more effective one, which in turn will gradually develop and become our already useful habit.

The second step in getting rid of irritation.

As soon as you notice the first signs of irritation, we begin consciously observe behind this feeling as inner feeling. In general, it is advisable to do this whenever you experience any emotions, this way you do not fight them, do not suppress them, but only track and observe, study yourself and accept them as a normal reaction to some situation.

We direct our attention from the object of irritation to this emotion itself, which is now burning inside you. Observe how it affects you, how you feel, is there anything unpleasant in the body and where?

Just look at this feeling without suppressing the feeling; there is no point in resisting what already exists. After all, irritation is a natural emotion and there may be a good reason for its appearance. You can get rid of irritation only when you deeply realize that it is useless and that you are able to control it.

That's why we don't suppress, but we take it for granted. At this moment, it would be good to say a short phrase to yourself: “ I'm irritated now, I feel irritated inside". This makes it easier to accept this emotion and disidentify ourselves with it, but at the same time we try not to throw everything out on others.

You will see that irritation, if you begin to observe and study it, gradually ceases to flare up. This happens because you, being in a state of conscious observer, notice that this feeling brings physical and mental pain, and when you realize this, you no longer want to intensify this pain.

You need to experience all this in practice to understand how it happens, but once you realize and try, over time you will begin to get better at it.

Let's conclude:

We focus our attention on the irritation itself, as an internal sensation, and not on the object of irritation;

We don’t fight, we don’t suppress this feeling, we simply observe it, see how it affects our general condition.

The thing is that when we experience something strongly and identify ourselves with this experience, we identify - this means that at this moment there is a feeling as if the experience itself is the “I”, we almost stop consciously thinking, the emotion has suppressed us and we no longer notice what is actually happening around us, the emotion is simply controls us.

Therefore, we need to consciously focus all our attention on the irritation that has arisen and study it from the inside.

When you notice that you are irritated with someone, you can at such moments put on your face a light, relaxed smile aimed not at the object of irritation, but inside yourself. You have to kind of feel it.

Such a smile helps you look at the situation and perceive it easier. Just don’t overdo it with this smile; if you hold it for a long time and feel tension, let it go.

And even with such thorough techniques, it will not be easy at first until your new reaction strengthens and becomes habitual. But by practicing regularly, everything will work out.

It is only important to return less often to the old habit of being uncontrollably irritated. Otherwise, today I did this, and tomorrow I went back to the same way again. If you couldn’t restrain yourself somewhere, it’s okay, come to terms with it and just skip this moment and continue to train yourself.

Another important point:

When you learn to cope with irritation and it ceases to be your weakness, after unpleasant situations there will still be a residual effect of this emotion and here it is best to do the following.

Let's go to the gym or even at home you can angrily hit a pillow or something like that. It would be great to just do sports exercises.

If any of you have gone to the gym, then you know that after working out well, you feel renewed, relaxed and calm; all the negativity that remained inside splashed out in physical activity. Reasonable (non-professional) sport is very useful and necessary, both from the physical and psychological sides.

This way, nothing will accumulate inside you, and when annoying situations arise, you will approach them much calmer.

In general, about the causes of irritation.

A person can be irritated for various reasons; on the one hand, it’s just a habit of being irritated at everything, but on the other hand, people and situations that cause irritation in us for good reasons. And here we need to take a closer look at what this feeling indicates to us, what exactly causes anger, resentment or feelings of disgust, guilt, etc. in us.

It often happens that irritation and dissatisfaction are a consequence of some unresolved problem, for example, if you are not at all satisfied with your work or are not satisfied with your personal relationships, or perhaps someone always causes you mental pain - insults you, constantly ignores your opinion, and in general doesn't listen to your wishes. You sincerely try for a person, try to please him, and in return you receive indifference or even aggression.

In this case, you need to take a closer look at this feeling, find the reason and see how best to solve this life situation.

Just as often, irritation is a sign of psycho-emotional fatigue and, and maybe.

The cause of constant irritation can be increased (constant) anxiety, chronic fatigue, dissatisfaction with oneself and life in general. In this case, you need to fight not with irritation, but gradually eliminate the cause of anxiety, fatigue and negative attitude towards yourself.

How to get rid of feelings of irritation - important points:

1). From my experience, I can say that it is best to catch any of your emotions, no matter whether they are positive or negative, in order to make it easier to cope with in the very beginning, when you just begin to feel their appearance.

And in order to do this most effectively, you need to gradually learn to observe your condition, this is what is called the beginning conscious life, when a person begins to manage his life himself, and does not give everything up to the will of internal elements in the form of emotions and thoughts.

Therefore, be sure to try, without tension, to gently trace your thoughts, emotions and feelings that arise. You will quickly begin to understand where, what comes from, and who is the boss in the “house” (within you), you or your thoughts and feelings.

2) When you have some negative emotions, try to do a little opposite what they provoke you to do.
For example, if you are angry with a person, try to smile and tell him something pleasant, which he may not be expecting at all. By the way, this can sometimes give an amazing and wonderful result.

If it is not possible to do the opposite, then simply ignore the irritating factor and see yourself as described above.

Such opposite actions will be good exercises and as you practice them, you will learn to observe and control your emotions, this will help you quickly get rid of irritation.

3) When putting into practice everything that was discussed here, remember that you cannot force yourself, do everything without undue effort, and do not bring yourself to overwork. Any change takes time, and excessive zeal leads to...

4) Remember that by being annoyed, you will never prove anything to anyone. And even if someone agrees with your arguments, it is only because you frightened him with your aggression, but inside himself he will still remain with his opinion.

5) There may be some isolated, rare exceptions in life when you should express your negative emotions, as in the case of Alibabaevich or when some impudent “goat” jumps in line. The emergence of irritation and even anger in this case is natural and justified. Therefore, if you have lost your temper somewhere, then so be it, don’t be angry with yourself, don’t blame yourself, sometimes you even need to be a little angry.

In general, more often just try to think about what is pleasant and not annoying, smile sincerely more often and focus on what is truly useful and necessary for you.


People are different, there are plenty of scumbags, those who deliberately go into conflict and those who are completely irresponsible. There is a lot of injustice in the world in general.

Think and answer yourself - is there any point in being indignant about those situations and those people that you cannot influence or change at least something?

It becomes pointless to get upset and torment yourself. By getting irritated, we often provoke feelings of guilt and increase the feeling of resentment, and this is also direct aggression against oneself. Your health and good mood are much, much more important. Just as it is and everything that is in it, without trying to adjust the outside world to suit you (your views and beliefs). You won't change people if they don't want to.

Change your prejudiced attitude towards yourself, towards people and towards the world to a softer and calmer one, then there will be no reason for irritation, it will simply flare up in you less often.

Also remember, when you get irritated, you lose control of the situation and give this control to someone else who is more cunning, insightful and able to use your irritation for their own purposes.

Become a conscious observer of the irritation, rather than the irritation itself. Make a deep, inner choice for yourself: do you even need to follow this oppressive, burning and restless feeling? What is more important for you - to experience all its negativity on yourself or do you need peace of mind, normal relationships with people and health?

Having realized for yourself what is best for you (the choice here is obvious), over time you will be able to internally almost abandon this emotion.

And in order to make it easier and calmer to experience unpleasant situations, always try to breathe correctly, breathing is one of the most important components of our well-being, I wrote about this. Good luck!

Best regards, Andrey Russkikh

Today, for many people, nervousness and irritability have become constant companions of life. The ever-increasing pace of life, the pursuit of success, disrupted sleep and rest patterns, overwork and chronic diseases lead to the appearance of symptoms such as nervousness and irritability. Doctors recommend finding something you enjoy that will distract you. Many people, for example, are distracted

What causes nervousness and irritability?

Unpleasant conditions that color life black can be caused by various reasons, such as:

  1. mental state
  2. physiological diseases
  3. hereditary predisposition
  4. pain and injuries

Psychological causes of nervousness and irritability

The human psyche is a finely tuned mechanism for processing and receiving information, and its subsequent release both in behavioral patterns and in the ability of rational thinking. Therefore, the suppression of a favorable psychological state is influenced by such factors as:

  • insomnia - due to disruption of the sleep structure during the transition from receiving subconscious information to consciousness, serious psychological problems appear, which may be accompanied by symptoms such as aggression and irritability
  • fatigue - it is with this that anger and irritability are often associated, due to exhaustion of the nervous system
  • anxiety and fear - they cause such defensive reactions of the psyche as aggression and irritability
  • Withdrawal is a psychological dependence on obtaining pleasure through the use of narcotic substances and alcohol; withdrawal is necessarily accompanied by aggression and irritability, as well as anger.

Stress is the main reason that a person is subject to such negative emotions as anger and irritability. Constantly being in a borderline state between the norm and deviation, a person under stress can commit rather rash actions. Which he may not remember later, and even if he remembers, he will not be able to explain what caused the anger. This behavior is called inappropriate

Inappropriate behavior is when a person is under psychological pressure from any situation or drugs. For example, inadequacy may appear in a person from euphoria - extreme excitement of positive emotions. Or appear as a result of an extreme degree of negativity (threat, bullying, etc.), this is where emotions such as anger and irritability appear in a person. There is another third option for the occurrence of this condition - this is the use of psychotropic substances that also have a depressant effect on the nervous system and psyche; in this case, aggression and irritability are not uncommon.

Physiological diseases causing nervousness and irritability

Somatic diseases often cause nervousness and irritability due to negative effects on the brain and nervous system.

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Diseases of the female genitourinary system
  • Male diseases
  • Infections

Symptoms such as nervousness and irritability are constant companions of all chronic diseases.

Hereditary predisposition to aggression and irritability

Often anger and irritability can be explained by heredity. But genetic disposition is not an independent cause. Of course, some aggressive behavior may be due to a character trait that is passed down from generation to generation in the same family. But it’s still worth getting to the bottom of the truth, because often relatives of one branch may suffer from hidden diseases or dysfunction of organs or body systems.

To be completely sure that anger and irritability are character traits, it is worth conducting a full examination of at least one family member. If a cause of anger other than character is identified, then most likely it will be found in other close relatives with a similar symptom.

If an examination is impossible for some reason, it is worth using another method to identify the cause of anger. To do this, several family members, close relatives of different ages, should keep a health diary for several months, two is enough. It must display all the symptoms, time of occurrence, daily routine, sleep and rest, as well as the daily menu. If there is a hidden reason for anger, then most likely it will be found by analyzing the diaries and looking for matches for each subject.

Pain and injury as a cause of nervousness

Constantly arising discomfort or pain keeps the body's nervous system in tension. A person becomes irritable, and along with pain, as a result, he begins to be bothered by anxiety and fear. Especially if a person does not know why something hurts.

Causes nervousness and irritability:

  • Headache
  • Toothache
  • Pain at the site of injury
  • There is also psychosomatic pain at the site of a removed organ or limb - phantom pain

Agree, if you constantly have pain somewhere, itching and itching, you don’t want to smile at all.

Causes of anger and irritation in women

Women's anger and irritability are associated with the peculiarities of the reproductive and hormonal systems. Constant surges of hormones entail changes in the nervous system, the quality and structure of sleep, and the production of endorphin (the hormone of joy). All this happens during important periods for a woman.

  1. Menstruation
  2. Pregnancy
  3. Postpartum period
  4. Climax


About a couple of days before the start of menstruation, a woman begins to actively produce the hormone progesterone. The hormone is responsible for the formation of eggs. When its level begins to exceed normal, a woman during this period feels:

  • Anger and irritability
  • Nervousness
  • Weakness
  • Drowsiness
  • Lack of or increased appetite
  • Sometimes increased sexual desire

In order to alleviate symptoms during this period, you can take sedatives of plant origin, herbal soothing decoctions and infusions, and procedures.

Warm baths have a calming effect, but you can take them no more than 15 minutes a day. Massage in the abdomen and groin area also helps. If there is sexual dissatisfaction, there is no indication for stopping sex during menstruation. If this allows you to relieve symptoms such as aggression and irritability, then it is best not to deny yourself this desire.


In the first trimester of pregnancy, immediately after conception, hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body. Some hormones are replaced by others, and as a result, a woman often experiences insomnia during this period, causing nervousness and irritability.

Causes of insomnia:

  • Failure in the production of the sleep hormone - melanin
  • Concerns about future motherhood and the health of the child
  • Nightmares
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet
  • Heartburn
  • Toxicosis

During this period, a woman needs the care and attention of loved ones. In order to be sure of the normal course of pregnancy, you need to register with the antenatal clinic. Where the obstetrician-gynecologist will conduct all the necessary tests and examinations and tell you in detail how the pregnancy is going. The doctor will also give advice on insomnia and nervousness.

It is almost impossible to avoid frequent urges to go to the toilet, because a heavier child puts pressure on the bladder, sharply reducing its volume. In this case, you can reduce the number of nightly visits to the toilet only by reducing the amount of liquid you drink at night. And to improve your sleep, you can drink a glass of warm milk at night; this proven remedy will help you fall asleep faster and sleep soundly throughout the night.

You can treat heartburn during pregnancy by taking calcium tablets or dairy products; the same glass of milk will help “put out the fire” in the stomach.

Toxicosis is a dangerous condition during pregnancy, which, in general, should not occur in women during pregnancy. But today toxicosis is considered almost the norm. You should not rely on these speculations; you need to consult a doctor and alleviate this condition. Since toxicosis seriously prevents the child from receiving the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Postpartum period

At the time of childbirth and after it, the female body undergoes another hormonal change. The maternal hormones oxytacin and prolactin, which are responsible for breastfeeding, begin to be actively produced. During this period, a woman may show emotions such as aggression and irritability towards others.

By directing all attention to the newborn, the maternal instinct is subconsciously activated, which considers everyone a potential danger to the baby. The woman does not realize this and acts, unconsciously taking out her anger on others.

Sleep disturbance adds additional fuel to the fire of irritation. In the first months, the little person does not sleep all night and wakes up every few hours to feed or because of dampness. Also, the baby may suffer from colic, and at night the mother becomes unable to sleep.

During this period, the woman needs to be supported by distributing responsibilities for feeding, changing diapers and rocking to sleep among all family members, so that the young mother can rest, sleep and come to her senses.


Over time, a woman's reproductive system weakens, progesterone levels drop and the woman enters menopause. This event is difficult both from a physiological and psychological point of view.

From the physiological side, a woman’s body is subjected to such tests as:

  1. hypertension
  2. tides
  3. sweating
  4. decreased physical activity
  5. insomnia
  6. fatigue
  7. weakness
  8. dryness of the vaginal mucosa
  9. occurrence of chronic diseases

The physiological components of menopause have a negative impact on a woman’s psyche, appearing:

  • mood swings
  • prostration

Taking sleeping pills, sedatives of herbal origin, and drugs that maintain hormone levels in the body can help cope with such conditions as nervousness and irritability.

Also, a woman during menopause should not be exposed to stress and negative emotions. Massage helps to relax and bring all systems back to normal. Several procedures per week will not only relieve the physiological symptoms of menopause, but will also have a beneficial effect on the psyche.

Nervousness and irritability in men

Men are more likely than others to suffer from nervousness because they are naturally designed to be more aggressive than women. Moreover, in addition to their natural inclination, men are more likely to experience stress and, as a result, aggression and irritability appear.

Stressful situations force a man to activate his natural instincts and show aggression for protection. As a result of stress, men experience complications such as depression, anger, and fussiness.

More recently, scientists have determined that the stronger half of humanity experiences the same menopause as women. Over time, the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for male reproductive function, ceases to be produced. A decrease in testosterone levels entails:

  • fatigue
  • emotionality
  • diseases
  • hypertension
  • impotence
  • insomnia

A man can be helped during menopause by taking medications that increase hormone levels in the body, sleeping pills, and sedatives. Physiotherapeutic treatment, going to the pool, and playing sports also worked well.

Aggression and irritability in children

Children often show aggression and irritability due to a lack of behavioral experience in communication. Everything new causes them fear and anxiety and, presumably, irritability. But at the same time, they adapt to changed conditions faster than adults and adapt to them more easily.

  • In the first year of life, irritability is often caused by a speech crisis. The baby begins to master the kingdom of sounds and this scares him a little. A simple show of attention to his efforts to pronounce the first word can help.
  • In the third year, the baby is already faced with self-awareness in the world around him. The “I myself” period begins, at this time it is necessary to support his desire for independence and not interfere with his development.
  • At seven years old it is time to go to school, the period of carefree childhood ends, the first responsibilities and mistakes appear, and this can lead to aggression and irritability. It is necessary to help the child during this period, but under no circumstances fulfill responsibilities for him in an attempt to prolong childhood.
  • The next crisis age occurs in a child during adolescence. Everything that is possible is collected here: hormonal changes in the body, opposition to society, first sexual experience, and growing up associated with all this.

The causes of aggression, anger and irritability are individual for everyone, but treatment must be carried out without leading to extreme mental changes. By correcting your behavior in time, you will avoid many negative consequences.

Nervousness is a state of strong excitability of the nervous system, leading to sharp and acute reactions to minor stimuli. Often this condition occurs along with irritability, anxiety, and restlessness. Nervousness manifests itself in various symptoms: headaches, insomnia, a tendency to depression, increased suspiciousness, lability of pulse and blood pressure, decreased performance. Depending on the cause, symptoms are combined to form symptom complexes.

Increased nervousness is perceived as imbalance, lack of restraint, therefore such people are often mistakenly perceived as ill-mannered, dissolute individuals. Therefore, it would be advisable to undergo an examination, determine the cause and begin treatment for irritability and nervousness.

Causes of nervousness

Nervousness always has a reason; a person doesn’t just become nervous if everything is fine. All reasons can be divided into physiological and psychological.

The most common physiological causes of nervousness are diseases of the endocrine system, digestive tract, lack of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and hormonal imbalances.

Among the psychological causes of nervousness: stressful situations, lack of sleep, fatigue,...

Sometimes ordinary situations that a person would not pay attention to in a calm situation also cause emotional outbursts, for example, the sound of a hammer, a scream, the weather, music.

Many people often admire people who know how to restrain their emotions and suppress nervous impulses, but they have no idea what it costs them, what the price of such endurance and willpower is. Suppressing emotions is extremely harmful to health. When a person does not give vent to his experiences, nervousness is formed, tension increases inside, “pressure” is formed and “steam” must come out somewhere, and in this case, it comes out in the form of painful symptoms.

In ancient times, such people were called “bilious people,” which is associated with diseases of the biliary tract that arose from increased nervousness. Irritability, which accumulates over a long period of time, breaks a person’s stable balance and leads to...

If you endure and endure everything within yourself all the time, then soon there comes a moment when restraint is lost and even the most innocent action can cause a nervous reaction. When a person is dissatisfied with himself, this only adds fuel to the fire, irritability becomes even greater. Then the neurotic state becomes stable, and it is very difficult to get rid of it.

The problem with such people is that they take on too much, consider it a weakness to express emotions and suppress irritability. Sometimes they simply don’t know how to correctly express emotions, how to deal with. And often they reach the point where they need treatment for irritability and nervousness. If this is not a very advanced case, then you just need to make a small correction of perception, change negative views to positive ones, change your attitude towards things that cause irritation.

Nervousness can be a consequence of a severe somatic illness, for example, in some forms of cancer.

Increased nervousness occurs in pathological conditions of the central nervous system of the human psyche. Pathologies are organic - post-traumatic encephalopathy and functional - vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Nervousness can be a consequence of mental illnesses such as depression, epilepsy,. This condition may be accompanied by addiction (alcoholism, smoking, and others). The nervous system is closely related to the endocrine system, representing a single neuroendocrine system.

Nervousness manifests itself as a result of hormonal disorders - thyrotoxicosis, male and female menopause, premenstrual syndrome.

Increased fatigue and depression, together with nervousness, make up a symptom complex called “minor signs of stomach cancer.” The manifestation of such symptoms is very important in diagnosing the early stages of the disease.

Headaches, nervousness, insomnia - this is familiar to many, especially women. According to statistics, they are irritable more often than men. It is necessary to understand what exactly causes nervousness in women. The most common reason is workload. When there are a lot of urgent matters around and there is no one with whom to share responsibilities, a woman has to take on everything, responsibility for the family, home, work.

If a woman were to create a routine for her day, to list all her responsibilities minute by minute, then there would be a long list of various tasks that require her attention. Every morning starts the same way - getting up early in order to have time to prepare breakfast for everyone and gather all family members, and have time to get ready, send the children to school, prepare lunch for my husband, and at the same time show up at work on time. And at work throughout the day, the pace also does not slow down; timely fulfillment of professional duties is required. Upon returning home, the momentum does not slow down, household chores continue: cooking dinner, washing dishes, preparing for tomorrow's work day, as a result of which there is no time left for personal matters, because you still need to have time to sleep. In this case, responsibilities should be distributed among all family members so that everyone has a chance to relax and not shift things to another, thus everyone will appreciate each other more, and the woman will feel much better, the number of reasons for irritability and nervousness will decrease .

Women's nervousness is most provoked by hormonal imbalances - premenstrual syndrome, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause. During these periods, a woman’s perception is heightened, she becomes too sensitive and any slight discomfort can cause a negative reaction. If nervousness and irritability appear in women, treatment should occur, the sooner the better, because they spend a lot of their energy and nerves on unnecessary things.

Nervousness can be caused by rejection of generally accepted norms of behavior. When a person’s principles diverge from these norms, if he does not agree to live and work as society dictates, if he does not want to meet their requirements, this naturally leads to irritability.

Symptoms of nervousness

Bad mood, headaches, nervousness, insomnia, general weakness, fatigue - this is an incomplete list of the symptoms that plague an irritated and unbalanced person. Unmotivated aggression, feelings of anxiety, tearfulness, etc. are also added to this list.

These symptoms are numerous and can often mean something other than nervousness. Such symptoms can be grouped into various syndromes. But we can identify the most characteristic signs of nervousness: neurosis-like states, neuroses and neurotic reactions.

Characteristic symptoms also include repetitive actions of the same type, such as swinging a leg, tapping fingers, nervously walking from one place to another. There may also be sudden active movements, a shrill and loud voice. By raising his voice, a person gets rid of emotional stress, gains peace of mind, he shouts out the tension that is pressing him from within. In this condition, sexual activity and libido decrease, the desire for a partner and interest in favorite activities disappear.

Increased nervousness develops on the basis of a stable experience of severe stress, as well as physical and mental stress. As a result, social relations with society deteriorate.

- one of the most characteristic signs of nervousness, it manifests itself in the fact that too much anxiety and excitement of the nervous system do not allow a person to fall asleep for three or four hours. Therefore, almost all people in a state of nervousness do not observe a day-night routine; they can sleep soundly during the day and wake up several times at night. Since the symptoms of nervousness are varied, it would be wise to see a doctor to get an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment of nervousness

Treatment of nervousness, which is caused by various diseases, should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, since self-medication can cause even more harm. If nervousness is a symptom of some pathology, then it is necessary to treat, first of all, the cause, that is, to investigate the peculiarities of the course of the disease. General principles also apply in the treatment of symptoms and causes of nervousness, which can be used in complex therapy.

These principles involve the following actions: normalization and stabilization of the day and night regime, elimination of the most destabilizing factors that increase the excitability of the central nervous system. You should review your diet, avoid drinks containing caffeine, guarana and other stimulating ingredients (coffee, strong tea, cola), limit or eliminate alcohol from your diet. Fruits and fresh vegetables should predominate in the diet; food should be balanced and light, not heavy.

If you have a smoking habit, you also need to get rid of it. There is a myth that nicotine calms a person; it is just a short-term illusory effect. Smoking has a toxic effect on the brain, which further intensifies the nervous state.

You can reduce nervousness with moderate physical activity, preferably in the fresh air. If there is increased nervousness, a course of psychotherapy, reflexology, dance classes, or yoga is prescribed.

If a person suffers from insomnia, which very often happens in people with this condition, then he needs to direct efforts to eliminate it. Because the more a person does not sleep, the more nervous he behaves during the day, when he wants to fall asleep, but cannot, because the nervous processes are irritated, and thus a vicious circle turns out and this cyclicality needs to be destroyed. To do this, you should follow several rules. You need to go to bed earlier than before midnight, because at this time rest is of greatest value to the nervous system. To do this, you need to move your usual bedtime 10-15 minutes back every day. An hour or two before the lights out, you need to exclude factors that irritate the psyche, for example, watching TV, communicating on social networks, playing games, eating food and drinks. Evening walks, warm baths, aromatherapy, and relaxing yoga help promote better sleep.

When a person feels unwell, depressed, nervous and anxious, treatment should be with tranquilizers that eliminate anxiety. Such drugs have a beneficial effect on falling asleep, reduce anxiety, etc. All sedatives, if necessary, are prescribed by a doctor. Habitual tea and coffee should be replaced by brewing soothing herbal infusions (motherwort, mint, valerian, lemon balm).

Increased nervousness and irritability in women, treatment of this condition requires medications. The peculiarity of the treatment of female nervousness lies in the complexity of the female body, so women are prescribed a full examination and consultation with a number of specialists - a psychologist, therapist, neurologist, gynecologist, sex therapist, endocrinologist. If the case is very severe, the woman is hospitalized in a hospital.

Treatment of irritability and nervousness is often carried out by the person himself without the supervision of a specialist. The treatment methods that a person uses are often unique. Many people, in order to relax and get away from the external “irritable” world, drink alcohol in large quantities. Someone listens to the recommendations of friends who, who are not doctors, advise using potent drugs (Valocordin, Phenazepam), which cause addiction and other side effects if they are not suitable for a particular person.

Nervousness and anxiety treatment occurs under when a person has severe mood swings. These conditions may be primarily caused by emotional disorders. During the consultation, the psychotherapist conducts psychodiagnostics, understands what can cause nervousness in a person and why he has increased anxiety. Next, the specialist creates an individual consulting program, a course of psychotherapy, during which a person will be able to figure out what and why causes anxiety attacks in him, learn to better understand himself and change his attitude towards various events, and will be able to learn adequate types of response to various potentially irritating factors. He will also learn relaxation and meditation techniques, which he can then independently apply in situations of anxiety and irritability.

Each of us has at least once met people who react too strongly to ordinary everyday troubles. And sometimes we ourselves throw out a bunch of negative emotions over some minor issue. Then we say to ourselves: “I’m irritated,” “I’m nervous.” We call people who are often in such a state of mind “nervous”, “crazy”. At the same time, sometimes such impartial epithets are not far from the truth - after all, increased irritability is often a sign of many mental disorders.

Causes of irritability

Irritability as a symptom of a disease is an increased excitability of the patient with a tendency to express negative emotions, while the strength of the emotions significantly exceeds the strength of the factor that caused them (i.e., a minor nuisance causes an abundant flow of negative experiences). Every person has been in this state more than once, even the most mentally healthy person has moments of fatigue, poor physical well-being, periods of “dark streak” in life - all this contributes to increased irritability. But we must not forget that this condition occurs in many mental illnesses.

The causes of irritability from a physiological point of view are the increased reactivity of the central nervous system, which develops under the influence of various factors: hereditary (character traits), internal (hormonal imbalances, metabolic disorders, mental illness), external (stress, infections).

It is hormonal changes that cause increased irritability during pregnancy and after childbirth, as well as during menstruation and menopause.

Diseases in which there is increased irritability

The most common symptom of irritability occurs in mental illnesses such as depression, neuroses, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychopathy, alcoholism and drug addiction, schizophrenia, dementia.

At depression irritability is combined with a persistently depressed mood, some “slowness” of thinking, and insomnia. There is a condition opposite to depression - in psychiatry it is called mania. In this condition, it is also possible to have increased irritability, even anger, in combination with inappropriately elevated mood, accelerated thinking to the point of disorder. In both depression and mania, sleep is often disturbed, which can cause irritability.

At neuroses irritability is quite often combined with anxiety, symptoms of depression, and increased fatigue. And in this case, irritability may be a consequence of insomnia, which is not uncommon in neuroses.

Post-traumatic stress disorder occurs in a person who has experienced a strong shock. In this condition, irritability is observed in combination with anxiety, insomnia or nightmares, and obsessive unpleasant thoughts.

People who are sick alcoholism or drug addiction are especially susceptible to irritability during withdrawal symptoms. This is often the cause of crimes, and always complicates the life of the patient’s relatives.

With such a serious illness as schizophrenia irritability can be a harbinger of an approaching psychotic state, but can be observed both in remission and in the prodromal period of the disease. Often with schizophrenia, irritability is combined with suspicion, isolation, increased sensitivity, and mood swings.

And finally, increased irritability is often observed in patients dementia- or acquired dementia. As a rule, these are elderly people whose dementia resulted from a stroke or age-related changes. In younger patients, dementia may occur as a result of severe traumatic brain injury, infections, or alcohol and drug abuse. In any case, people with dementia are prone to irritability, increased fatigue, and tearfulness.

Concerning psychopathy, then not all doctors consider it a disease. Many experts consider manifestations of psychopathy to be innate character traits. One way or another, irritability is definitely inherent in such people, especially with decompensation - i.e. during the period of exacerbation of symptoms.

Almost every disease of internal organs can be accompanied by increased irritability. But this symptom is especially characteristic of thyroid diseases, menopausal changes in a woman’s body, neurological problems.

Evaluation of a patient with irritability

Such a variety of diseases accompanied by irritability makes self-diagnosis impossible. Moreover, it is sometimes difficult for specialists to determine the cause of increased irritability, so a comprehensive examination of the body is necessary to clarify the diagnosis. It usually includes blood and urine tests, ECG, and ultrasound to identify possible pathologies of internal organs. If no pathology is found during a therapeutic examination, the patient may be referred to a neurologist, who may prescribe an electroencephalogram or MRI. These methods allow us to determine the state of the brain.

Patients with increased irritability usually come to a psychiatrist if a polyclinic examination does not reveal serious deviations in health, and irritability reaches such a degree that it interferes with the daily life of both the patient and his relatives. The psychiatrist evaluates the patient’s examination data by clinic specialists and, if necessary, can prescribe psychological testing to identify the characteristics of the patient’s temperament, the state of his memory and thinking.

How to get rid of irritability

Drug treatment for excessive irritability is prescribed by a specialist. If irritability is one of the symptoms of a mental illness, then the emphasis is on treating the underlying illness. For example, for depression, antidepressants are used (amitriptyline, Prozac, fluoxetine, etc.), which improve mood, and with a rise in mood, increased irritability goes away.

The doctor pays special attention to the patient’s sleep, because insomnia is the most likely cause of irritability. To normalize night rest, the doctor will prescribe sleeping pills (for example, Sanval) or tranquilizers (for example, phenazepam). For anxiety, “daytime tranquilizers” are used - medications that do not cause drowsiness (for example, rudotel).

If it is not possible to identify a significant mental pathology, but there is increased irritability that complicates the patient’s life, mild medications are used to help the body resist stressful situations. These are adaptol, notta, novopassit.

In addition to medications, various psychotherapeutic techniques aimed at relaxation (auto-training, breathing practices, etc.) or influencing human behavior in various life situations (cognitive therapy) are successfully used.

In folk medicine you can find a good range of remedies to combat irritability. These are decoctions and tinctures from medicinal plants (coriander, fennel, valerian, borage, motherwort, etc.), spices (cloves, cardamom, cumin), and some food products are also used (honey, prunes, lemons, walnuts, almonds). Traditional healers often advise taking baths with yarrow, motherwort, and valerian. If irritability is caused by overload at work, troubles in personal life, pregnancy, menstruation or menopause and the person does not have a mental illness, then the use of traditional medicine can give good results.

In the case of mental pathology, treatment with folk remedies can be carried out with the permission of a psychiatrist, otherwise you can get the opposite result, for example, an exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease when taking hot baths.

An effective treatment for increased irritability without medications is yoga. They will help you better control your emotions and remain calm even in an emergency, not to mention everyday troubles.

Irritability cannot be ignored and attributed to difficult living conditions. Prolonged stay in a state of irritation depletes the nervous system and often leads to neuroses, depression, and aggravates problems in a person’s personal life and work. There is a danger of abusing alcohol to relieve irritability; sometimes patients become overly addicted to unhealthy foods, and these addictions, although they bring a false sense of relaxation, ultimately only aggravate the problem. You should definitely seek the help of a doctor if increased irritability has no obvious cause and lasts more than a week. If it is accompanied by anxiety, insomnia, low mood or strange behavior, you should consult a doctor immediately! Timely assistance from a specialist will help you avoid serious problems in the future.

Psychiatrist Bochkareva O.S.