Nazol baby drops instructions for use. Nazol baby - instructions for use. Possible side effects

When treating young children, any medications are prescribed with great caution. This is explained by the fact that the internal organs and immunity of babies are not yet fully developed, so there is a high risk of side effects. Young children often suffer from respiratory infections, which are accompanied by a runny nose.. To eliminate this unpleasant symptom, pediatricians can prescribe a safe drug, Nazol Baby, which has a low price. Before starting treatment, the instructions for use of Nazol Baby for children should be carefully studied.

Description of the drug

Nazol Baby is a nasal drop for children that has a vasoconstrictor effect. They are used in ENT practice for the treatment of pathologies of the upper respiratory tract, as well as in complex therapy for the treatment of otitis media and other ear diseases.

The active substance of the drug is phenylephrine hydrochloride. In addition, the composition contains several additional components - benzalkonium chloride, magrogol, glycerol and others. Nasal drops can be completely colorless or with a slightly yellowish tint; this drug has no odor.

Nazol Baby eliminates swelling of the nasal mucosa and relieves inflammation; thanks to these properties, breathing through the nose is normalized. When applied topically, the drug is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream and has no harmful effect on organs and systems.

Nazol Baby drops are produced in polyethylene bottles of various sizes.. Each bottle is packed in a cardboard box with an accompanying annotation.

You need to carefully study the instructions if Nazol is prescribed for the treatment of young children.

Indications for use

Nazol Baby is prescribed for the treatment of young children aged 2 months to 6 years
. The drug is used for the following diseases:

  • rhinitis, in acute and chronic form;
  • sinusitis, both acute and chronic;
  • acute otitis, as an adjuvant therapy.

Nasal drops can also be prescribed for the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia if they are complicated by a runny nose.

For children under 2 months of age, the drug can be prescribed only in exceptional cases when the expected benefit outweighs the possible harm.

How to use Nazol correctly for children

Nazol for children is prescribed in a dose that completely depends on the age of the small patient:

  • Babies from 2 months to a year are prescribed 1 drop in each nasal passage, no more than four times a day.
  • Children from 1 to 2 years old are prescribed 1-2 drops in each nasal passage, up to 4 times a day.
  • Children from 2 to 6 years old are prescribed 2-3 drops of the drug in each nasal passage, 3 times a day.

It is very important to follow the correct dosage so that the risk of side effects is minimal..

It must be remembered that the interval between nasal instillations should be at least 4 hours.


Before you start using Nazol Baby for children, you should carefully study the list of contraindications, which include the following conditions:

  • Particular sensitivity to the components included in the drug, which is manifested by allergic reactions.
  • Unstable blood pressure in a child.
  • Some heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Heart failure.
  • Impaired cardiac conduction.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Pancreatitis in the acute stage.
  • Hepatitis, both acute and chronic.
  • Atrophic rhinitis.

In addition, it is not recommended to use Nazol for children if the child is undergoing treatment with MAO inhibitors or if 2 weeks have not yet passed since the end of such therapy.

If Nazol nasal drops cannot be used, the doctor selects a similar drug for treatment.

Possible side effects

In most cases, nasal drops are well tolerated by young patients and only sometimes side effects may occur, which manifest themselves as follows:

  • in the nasal passages, after instillation, there is a tingling and burning sensation;
  • there may be a feeling of a rush of blood to the face;
  • the heart rhythm may be slightly disturbed;
  • blood pressure increases, which is accompanied by dizziness;
  • an unmotivated feeling of fear arises.

Most often, side effects occur in children who are prone to allergic reactions. or have chronic heart or kidney disease.

If an undesirable reaction of the body to the drops occurs, stop treatment and contact your doctor.


When applied topically in recommended doses, overdose is practically excluded. But if treatment without a doctor’s prescription is too long, all side effects may increase significantly, and unpleasant symptoms of overdose may occur:

  • disruption of the heart;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • atypical excitability and restlessness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • difficulty urinating, which is associated with impaired renal function;
  • feeling of extreme cold in the extremities.

In case of accidental overdose, symptomatic treatment is used, which is aimed at eliminating the main symptoms.

Children under 3 years of age are treated for drug overdose only in a hospital setting.

special instructions

For treatment with Nazol Baby to be effective, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Before instillation, the child’s head is tilted back, and then a bottle of medicine is brought in and instilled into the nasal passages. There is no need to press on the container; when you turn it over, the medicine drips out randomly.
  2. After instillation of the nasal passages, the child’s head should be tilted for another 20 seconds.
  3. It is impossible for several patients to use the same bottle, as this contributes to the spread of infection.
  4. If after 3 days of treatment the patient does not experience relief, then one may think that the nasal septum is deviated or the disease is complicated by a bacterial infection.
  5. Use nasal drops with caution to treat children who have diabetes, thyroid disease, or serious heart pathologies.

Nazol Baby does not affect reaction speed and memory when treating children of different ages.

Interaction with other drugs

Nasal drops for children should not be used in combination with other vasoconstrictor drugs.. In addition, it is not recommended to prescribe this drug if the child is being treated with atropine, thyroid hormones or cardiac glycosides.

If the patient simultaneously takes other medications that contain phenylephrine, there may be increased nervousness, irritability and insomnia. With a large dose of phenylephrine, there is a greater likelihood of seizures.

What to pay attention to

To ensure that the use of Nazol Baby nasal drops is safe and at the same time effective, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. The medicinal product is stored in a cool, dark place, in the original packaging and together with the attached instructions.
  2. Before use, the bottle is heated in your hand for several minutes.
  3. Using expired nasal drops is strictly prohibited.
  4. Do not use the medicine if the integrity of the cardboard packaging or bottle is damaged.

Nazol Baby is an effective and safe drug for the treatment of children, which is low in cost. If the drug is used correctly, the result will be noticeable within a few days. If there is no effect from treatment within 3 days, you should consult a doctor..

Vasoconstrictor drug for local use in ENT practice

Active substance

Phenylephrine hydrochloride (phenylephrine)

Release form, composition and packaging

Nasal drops 0.125% in the form of a clear solution, colorless to light yellow, odorless.

- hypertensive crisis;

- thyrotoxicosis;

- diabetes;

- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

WITH caution The drug is used in children under 6 years of age.


The drug is used intranasally. The duration of treatment is no more than 3 days.

For children under 1 year of age single dose - 1 drop no more often than every 6 hours.

For children aged 1 to 6 years a single dose is 1-2 drops.

For children over 6 years old And adults a single dose is 3-4 drops.

To instill, you need to slightly squeeze the bottle, holding it upside down. After use, wipe the pipette on the bottle dry.

Side effects

special instructions

In children under 1 year of age, the drug should be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor and no more often than every 6 hours. In children, the systemic absorption of phenylephrine and the associated risk of side effects is higher than in adults.

Nazol Baby- a drug for local use with pronounced adrenomimetic activity. The active component of the drug Nazol Baby is phenylephrine hydrochloride, a synthetic drug substance of the alpha1-adrenergic agonist group. The drug has a vasoconstrictor effect, facilitates nasal breathing, eliminates swelling of the nasal mucosa, paranasal sinuses and eustachian tube. Phenylephrine hydrochloride, being a selective alpha1-adrenergic agonist, helps eliminate congestion in the nasal mucosa without disrupting its function. In addition, the drug has a softening and moisturizing effect on the nasal mucosa; this effect is due to the properties of glycerin, which is included in composition of the drug Nazol Baby.

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the ability of phenylephrine hydrochloride to stimulate alpha1-adrenergic receptors located in the smooth muscle layer of the vessels of the nasal mucosa, resulting in vasoconstriction. Due to local vasoconstriction, swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membrane are reduced, nasal secretion and aeration of the middle ear are normalized, and drainage of the paranasal sinuses is enhanced.
When applied topically, phenylephrine hydrochloride is practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation and has no systemic effect. The therapeutic effect of the drug is observed 3-6 minutes after use and lasts about 6 hours. Typically, complete disappearance of rhinitis symptoms is observed 3-5 days after the start of drug therapy Nazol Baby.

Indications for use

The drug is used as a monotherapy or in complex treatment of patients suffering from acute rhinitis of any etiology (including allergic rhinitis). Drug Nazol Baby used for acute rhinitis, which is accompanied by influenza, acute respiratory viral diseases, sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis.
Nazol Baby can be used in complex therapy of patients suffering from acute otitis media.
In addition, the drug is used to prevent and relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa during surgical interventions and diagnostic procedures in the nasal area. The drug is also indicated for patients who have undergone surgery in the nasal area to prevent and relieve swelling of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses and nose.

Mode of application

The drug is used intranasally. Before using the drug, it is recommended to clean the nasal passages. When using the drug, it is necessary to tilt the patient's head back and hold the bottle over the nasal passage with the dropper down. The duration of the course of treatment and the dose of the drug are determined by the attending physician individually for each patient.
Children aged 2 months to 1 year are usually prescribed 1 drop of the drug in each nasal passage no more than 4 times a day. It is recommended to maintain an interval of at least 6 hours between uses. The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 3 days, unless the attending physician prescribes otherwise.
Children aged 1 to 2 years are usually prescribed 1-2 drops of the drug in each nasal passage no more than 4 times a day. It is recommended to maintain an interval of at least 6 hours between uses. The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 3 days, unless the attending physician prescribes otherwise.

Children aged 2 to 6 years are usually prescribed 2-3 drops of the drug in each nasal passage no more than 4 times a day. It is recommended to maintain an interval of at least 6 hours between uses. The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 3 days, unless the attending physician prescribes otherwise.
For the treatment of acute rhinitis in children over 6 years of age, it is recommended to use the drug Nazol Kids.
It is recommended to use the bottle individually, as using one bottle to treat several patients may spread the infection.

Side effects

The drug is usually well tolerated by patients; in isolated cases, the development of such side effects as a burning sensation and tingling sensation in the nasal mucosa, facial flushing, arrhythmia, arterial hypertension, dizziness, and a feeling of unreasonable fear was noted. It should be noted that these side effects developed mainly with frequent and long-term use of the drug, as well as with the use of doses exceeding the recommended ones.


- Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
- the drug is contraindicated for patients suffering from thyroid diseases, hyperthyroidism and diabetes mellitus;
- the drug is not prescribed to patients with arrhythmia and high blood pressure.

Interaction with other drugs

A drug Nazol Baby Do not use simultaneously with other drugs that have a vasoconstrictor effect.
The drug is not recommended for use in patients receiving therapy with drugs of the monoamine oxidase inhibitor group. The drug can be used no earlier than 14 days after stopping taking drugs from the monoamine oxidase inhibitor group.


When using the drug according to the instructions, an overdose is impossible. With frequent use of high doses of the drug, patients experience the development of increased excitability and increased blood pressure.
In case of drug overdose, it is recommended to stop drug therapy and consult your doctor.

Release form

Nasal drops, 15 ml in plastic bottles with a conical dispenser, 1 bottle in a cardboard package.

Storage conditions

It is recommended to store the drug in a dry place away from direct sunlight at a temperature of 15 to 30 degrees Celsius.
Shelf life - 2 years.


1ml nasal drops contains:
Phenylephrine hydrochloride - 1.25 mg;
Excipients, including glycerin.

Main settings


In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Nazol. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Nazol in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Nazol in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of a runny nose and relief of nasal breathing during sinusitis, influenza and other colds in adults, children (including infants and newborns), as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition of the drug.

Nazol- a vasoconstrictor drug for local use in ENT practice.

Oxymetazoline (the active ingredient of the drug Nazol) belongs to the group of alpha-adrenergic agonists for topical use. Has a vasoconstrictor effect. When administered intranasally, it reduces swelling of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, which leads to easier nasal breathing and the opening of the mouths of the paranasal sinuses and eustachian tubes. The effect of the drug appears 10-15 minutes after application and continues for 10-12 hours.


Oxymetazoline hydrochloride + excipients (Advance).

Phenylephrine hydrochloride + excipients (Baby and Kids).


When the drug is applied topically, systemic absorption is low.


To facilitate nasal breathing with:

  • colds and viral infections of the upper respiratory tract;
  • sinusitis and rhinitis of any etiology.

Release forms

Nasal spray 0.05% (Nazol and Nazol Advance), 0.125% (Baby), 0.25% (Kids).

There are no other dosage forms, be it nasal drops, registered.

Instructions for use and method of use

Spray Nazol and Nazol Advance

Intranasally. Adults and children over 12 years old - 2-3 injections into each nasal passage 2 times a day.

Children from 6 to 12 years old - 1 injection into each nasal passage 2 times a day.

The drug should not be used more than 2 times a day. Duration of treatment: it is not recommended to use the drug for more than 3 days.

With frequent or prolonged use of the drug, the feeling of difficulty in nasal breathing may reappear or worsen. If these symptoms appear, you should stop treatment and consult a doctor.

When spraying, do not tilt your head back and do not spray while lying down.


Children aged 6 to 12 years are prescribed 2-3 injections into each nasal passage, no more than every 4 hours.


The drug is used intranasally. The duration of treatment is no more than 3 days.

For children under 1 year of age, a single dose is 1 drop no more often than every 6 hours.

For children aged 1 to 6 years, a single dose is 1-2 drops.

For children over 6 years of age and adults, a single dose is 3-4 drops.

To instill, you need to slightly squeeze the bottle, holding it upside down. After use, wipe the pipette on the bottle dry.

Side effect

  • burning or dryness of the nasal membranes;
  • dry mouth and throat;
  • sneeze;
  • an increase in the volume of secretions released from the nose;
  • after the effect of using the drug wears off, a strong feeling of “stuffiness” in the nose (reactive hyperemia);
  • increased blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • heartbeat;
  • increased anxiety;
  • nausea;
  • insomnia;
  • reactive hyperemia of the nasal mucosa;
  • atrophy of the nasal mucosa;
  • tachyphylaxis (rapid decrease in therapeutic effect with repeated use).


  • hypersensitivity to the drug or its components;
  • arterial hypertension (Kids and Baby);
  • thyrotoxicosis (Kids and Baby);
  • diabetes mellitus (Kids and Baby);
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • children up to 6 years old (Advance), up to 4 years old (Kids);
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is only possible if the intended benefit to the mother outweighs the possible risk to the fetus or infant.

Use in children

Contraindicated in children under 6 years of age (Nazol Advance), under 4 years of age (Nazol Kids). It is necessary to use a special form of Nazol Baby (use with caution and after consulting a doctor).

To avoid the spread of infection, it is necessary to use the drug individually.

Drug interactions

When used simultaneously with MAO inhibitors (including the period within 14 days after their discontinuation) and tricyclic antidepressants, an increase in blood pressure may be observed.

The drug slows down the absorption of local anesthetic drugs and prolongs their effect.

Thyroid hormones increase (mutually with systemic absorption of phenylephrine) the associated risk of coronary insufficiency (especially with coronary atherosclerosis).

Co-administration of other vasoconstrictor drugs increases the risk of side effects.

Analogues of the drug Nazol

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • 4 Wei;
  • Afrin;
  • Afrin moisturizing;
  • Vicks Active Synex;
  • Nazivin;
  • Nazol Advance;
  • Nazospray;
  • Nesopin;
  • Knoxprey;
  • Oxymetazoline;
  • Fasin;
  • Fervex spray for runny nose.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

on the use of a medicinal product for medical use

Registration number:

Trade name of the drug:

Nazol ® Baby

International nonproprietary name:


Chemical name:

(1R)-1-(3-Hydroxyphenyl)-2-(methylamino) ethanol hydrochloride

Dosage form:

nasal drops


100 ml contain:
active substance:
phenylephrine hydrochloride 0.125 g;
benzalkonium chloride 0.018 g, glycerol 5 g, macrogol 1500 1.5 g, sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate 0.226 g, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.101 g, disodium edetate dihydrate 0.02 g, purified water 94.76 g.

transparent solution from colorless to light yellow, odorless.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

anticongestive agent - alpha-adrenergic agonist.

CodeATX: 1101AA04.

pharmachologic effect

Phenylephrine hydrochloride is an alpha1-adrenergic receptor agonist (sympathomimetic), which has a vasoconstrictor effect by stimulating alpha1 receptors in the nasal mucosa, reduces swelling of the mucous membranes and tissue hyperemia, congestion in the nasal mucosa, and also improves the patency of the nasal airways.

When applied topically, systemic absorption is low.

Indications for use

To facilitate breathing through the nose during colds, flu, hay fever or other allergic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by acute rhinitis or sinusitis.


  • Increased individual sensitivity to the ingredients of the drug
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (including coronary sclerosis, angina pectoris)
  • hypertensive crisis
  • thyrotoxicosis
  • diabetes
  • simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors (as well as 2 weeks after their withdrawal)
Carefully: children under 6 years of age.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

There is no sufficient experience with the use of the drug during pregnancy. It can be used for the treatment of pregnant and nursing mothers as prescribed by the attending physician, if the expected therapeutic effect exceeds the risk of developing possible side effects.

Directions for use and doses

Intranasally. Squeeze the bottle slightly, holding it upside down.
For children aged 0 to 1 year, a single dose is 1 drop no more often than every 6 hours.
For children aged 1 to 6 years, a single dose is 1-2 drops.
For children over 6 years of age and adults, a single dose of 3-4 drops.
After use, wipe the pipette on the bottle dry.
The duration of treatment is no more than 3 days.

Side effect

Local reactions: sometimes a burning, tingling or tingling sensation in the nose.
Systemic effects: headache, dizziness, palpitations, arrhythmia, increased blood pressure, sweating, pallor, tremor, sleep disturbance.


There are no data on drug overdose.
Potentially possible symptoms (with systemic absorption): ventricular extrasystole, short paroxysms of ventricular tachycardia, a feeling of heaviness in the head and limbs, excessive increase in blood pressure, agitation.
Treatment: intravenous administration of short-acting alpha-blockers (phentolamine) and beta-blockers (for rhythm disturbances).

Interaction with other drugs
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (procarbazine, selegin), tricyclic antidepressants, maprotiline, guanedrel, guanethidine increase the pressor effect and arrhythmogenicity of phenylephrine (with systemic absorption).
Thyroid hormones increase (mutually with systemic absorption of phenylephrine) the associated risk of coronary insufficiency (especially with coronary atherosclerosis).

special instructions

For children from 0 to 1 year of age, use strictly as prescribed by a doctor and no more often than every 6 hours.
In children, the systemic absorption of phenylephrine and the associated risk of side effects is higher than in adults.
Phenylephrine should not be prescribed to patients within 2 weeks of discontinuation of monoamine oxidase inhibitors as they may potentiate the adrenergic effects of sympathomimetics and increase the risk of cardiovascular side effects.

Release form

Nasal drops 0.125%.