How to make chamomile oil at home. Chamomile oil: general information, properties and effect of the plant on the skin. Respiratory inhalations

The use of plants is widespread in both medicine and cosmetology. One such natural gift is chamomile. It is no secret that this flower has been known since time immemorial, and its beneficial properties were discovered by ancient doctors.

The miraculous plant is used in different ways, preparing decoctions, elixirs and infusions from it. But the best option is to purchase chamomile oil, a leader in healing qualities.

Essential oil is a fluid, oily substance with a strong aroma. It has been known since the times of Ancient Egypt, where it was widely used in medicine and daily care.

Chamomile essential oil is obtained by distilling the flowers. This substance is prepared from different varieties of chamomile, each of which has unique properties. The product is used widely - from cosmetic procedures to adding to the bath, aromatherapy and inhalations.

Chamomile cosmetic oil is a real find for women of all ages. Being less volatile than the essential one, the substance nevertheless retained all its beneficial qualities. It copes well with all types of skin diseases, exfoliates and rejuvenates it perfectly. In addition, the product helps whiten the skin, protect it from ultraviolet radiation and get rid of age spots and redness. High-quality cosmetic oil is often used in its pure form, in lotions, tonics and creams.

Chamomile oil extract is obtained by extracting the flowers of the plant. The basis for the product is premium vegetable oil. Possessing an interesting green tint, the oil extract contains a lot of useful vitamins and flavonoids.

This product can also be used either in pure form or in a combination of creams or essential oils. It has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face and hands, preventing such hated problems as dandruff and hair fragility.


Chamomile essential oil is prepared directly from the flowers of the plant. The color of the resulting consistency from the Matricaria chamomilla plant varies - from blue to brown, but most often it is a deep blue color.

The dark blue color is due to the presence of azulene, an isomer of naphthalene, which is characterized by anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic and even antiallergic properties.

The structure of the oil is very viscous, and it can be stored for over five years. The aroma of the mixture is very thick, sweet-herbal, with pronounced bitter notes. It is extremely difficult to find anything similar to this smell, since it absorbs not only the aroma of chamomile, but also fresh hay, herbs, and spices.

Chamomile oil is an ideal remedy for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

  • It has a beneficial effect on the skin, healing minor cuts, wounds and scratches.
  • In cosmetology, it is used to rejuvenate and moisturize the skin of the face and hands, combat acne and dermatitis.
  • It also helps to cope with pain, especially muscle, headache and dental pain.
  • Women are advised to use the oil to restore the menstrual cycle and get rid of the negative effects of PMS.
  • This wonderful mixture also helps those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. Chamomile successfully neutralizes all disorders and starts intestinal function.
  • It is also an excellent remedy for nausea, liver and kidney diseases.
  • It also increases immunity and allows all organs to act harmoniously, preventing the penetration of viral infections.
  • It can help with weight loss - chamomile removes excess fluid well and adjusts metabolism.

In addition to its medicinal qualities, chamomile oil has other characteristics.

This is a great option for aromatherapy: oil vapors calm, put you in a positive mood, and bring harmony. They quickly help overcome irritation, anxiety, insomnia, and anger.

Aromatherapists advise those who want to get rid of aggression and conflicts in the family and at work to inhale chamomile vapors more often.

What varieties of chamomile are used to make oil?

Many varieties of this plant are used to prepare chamomile oil, but only a few of them have special medicinal qualities:

  • Blue daisy- an annual flower with a low branched bush and an abundance of small inflorescences. It is grown for both decorative and medicinal purposes. The plant has a unique feature - the presence of chamazulene, which gives the mixture a rich purple hue. The aroma of the substance is remembered from the first time - deep and bitter, with notes of fresh grass, tobacco and fruit.

  • Roman chamomile- a low perennial, very different from the pharmacy varieties with which we are accustomed to dealing. The plant is interesting because it has a pronounced apple scent. Extracted from the flowers, the oil is typically yellow in color, with a warm, spicy aroma and autumnal notes. Roman chamomile has excellent calming properties. Its delicate aroma allows you to shade and feel almost all other types of essential oils.

  • Moroccan chamomile widespread in Spain and Israel, but most of all, of course, in Morocco. This is a relatively young oil whose properties have not yet been fully studied. The aroma is warm, spicy and herbaceous, with a slight hint of camphor. The color generally ranges from light yellow to yellow-brown. Moroccan chamomile oil is used for therapeutic and relaxing procedures.

Methods of application

Chamomile oil has a fairly wide range of uses, and this is especially true for cosmetology.

For hair

This product is often used for hair, because chamomile miraculously strengthens it and helps it grow faster. The product also gives shine to hair, smoothes it, and restores damaged areas.

If you want your hair to always have a healthy shine, you can try several proven recipes:

  1. The easiest method to perform is adding chamomile oil to your regular shampoo. A few drops will be enough to achieve the desired result.
  2. A nourishing mask will also help to improve your scalp health. Mix 2 drops of chamomile oil with burdock oil. Apply the mixture to your head, wrap and hold for about an hour, then rinse with shampoo.
  3. A strengthening mixture of egg yolk, a tablespoon of olive oil and a few drops of chamomile gives good results. Apply the resulting product to your hair and leave for half an hour, then wash your hair.
  4. If you have fair, healthy hair, then prevention won’t hurt either. Brew a tablespoon of dry chamomile in boiling water, let it brew for about 15 minutes and add a couple of drops of chamomile essential oil. Rinse your hair with this solution after each wash, and it will always be healthy and shiny.

For face

In cosmetology, the use of chamomile oil for the face is very well known. And this is absolutely true, because you can’t think of another such powerful remedy. You can often buy ready-made creams and cleansers with chamomile oil. But if you don’t have anything like that at hand, then it’s quite possible to prepare the mixture yourself:

  • A simple application of a cotton swab dipped in oil will help with acne. It is recommended to apply for 20-30 minutes, and regular procedures will quickly get rid of acne and demodicosis.
  • You can add a few drops of oil to warm water and wash your face - the skin will cleanse and look healthier and more well-groomed.
  • To brighten your face and give it a glowing look, try mixing 4 drops of oil with grated cucumber. You need to keep the mask for about 20 minutes, and then simply rinse with water.

In alternative medicine

Chamomile oil is also widely used in alternative medicine, for example, for varicose veins. It helps relieve pain, restore blood circulation, and prevents blood stagnation. The simplest recipe: pour boiling water over 2 teaspoons of dry chamomile, leave and add a few drops of oil. This mixture can be used for compresses. Rubbing with chamomile oil also helps a lot.

Those who suffer diseases of the stomach and intestinal tract, can take the drug internally. There will be no harm to the body, only benefit. Mix a couple of drops with a teaspoon of honey and drink the mixture with milk or tea. One drop can be consumed together with dried apricots or raisins, which will soften the taste.

Such folk remedies work well and with increased immunity.

Popular manufacturers

Currently, you can find ready-made products from various manufacturers on store shelves.

  • Trademark "Lecus"- one of the most famous Russian manufacturers. Here you can find any essential oils, oil extracts, all kinds of balms, shampoos, bath cosmetics. The company has long occupied a strong niche among its competitors and has been pleasing its customers with natural products for many years.
  • "Rainbow of Flavors" is a permanent collection of almost all types of essential and cosmetic oils, each of which has healing properties. It is possible to order a whole fragrant set.
  • "Pellesana"- a true combination of the healing properties of wild nature and technological progress. The best resources and bases are used to make oils. Each product has a quality certificate that confirms the absence of additives, harmful chemicals and dyes. The company's assortment includes hundreds of products that provide beauty and youth. It’s also nice that the prices here are very reasonable.
  • "The body shop"- a manufacturer that began its activities back in 1976. Much time has passed since then, and a small business has turned into a huge business. Thanks to the tireless search for new ingredients, the refusal to test cosmetics on animals and the high professionalism of its employees, the company has received high awards several times. The range includes a huge number of oils, facial cleansers, oil extracts, masks and hair shampoos.
  • How to do it at home?

    Chamomile oil has many beneficial qualities, and you don’t have to go to the pharmacy to buy a miracle cure. Today you can successfully do it at home. To do this, you only need chamomile flowers and good vegetable or olive oil.

    To ensure that the product pleases you with its quality, it is recommended to use fresh chamomile flowers. It is best to collect them early in the morning, before the heat sets in. Choose an area outside the city; fields and country roads are good options, where the air is not polluted by the exhaust of a large number of cars.

    As for oil, choose olive oil - it has all the necessary elements. However, sunflower will be an acceptable option.

    There are two ways to make chamomile oil at home - cold and hot.

    In any of them, you must maintain the ratio - 1 part chamomile and 2 parts oil. For example, it could be 1 cup of flowers and 2 cups of oil.

    Cold method

    1. Fill the flowers with oil and close tightly to prevent air from getting inside.
    2. The mixture needs to infuse for about 15 days, while the place should be cool and dark. During this time, the container with the contents must be shaken several times. An indicator of the oil’s readiness will be flowers that have fallen in an even layer to the bottom of the container.
    3. After two weeks, open the lid and strain the oil.
    4. Then pour the resulting liquid into a small bottle and leave it in a place protected from light. The oil will be stored for a year, or even more.

    Straining is a mandatory step; without it, the oil will quickly deteriorate and become unusable.

    Hot method

    1. Fill the chamomile with oil in the required ratio and cover with a loose lid or gauze.
    2. Place the container in a water bath; the heat should be very low so that the liquid does not boil.
    3. Heat the oil in this way for about 20 minutes, and then let it cool without removing it from the bath.
    4. After the time has passed, close the container tightly and leave the product for 15 days in a dark place.
    5. When the infusion period comes to an end, strain the liquid and pour into a bottle or bottle.

    A perennial plant, chamomile has a branched stem, green leaves, white, yellow, and blue flowers. Decorative and medicinal types of flowers are found in nature. From May to September, during the flowering period, the plant is harvested. After this, the chamomile is dried, and infusions, oils, lotions, and decoctions are prepared from it.


    Chamomile oil for the face is considered a very valuable product, because 200 kg of flowers are required to obtain a kilogram of the product. The most common is an extract from pharmaceutical chamomile. This product goes very well with esters of jasmine, marjoram, patchouli, geranium, ylang-ylang, lemon, and rose. The product contains bisabolol, chamazulene, cadinenes, caprylic and nonylic acids.

    These components have a moderating, anti-inflammatory, relaxing effect.

    Beneficial properties of chamomile:

    • regenerating;
    • cleansing;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • calming;
    • wound healing;
    • expectorants;
    • prevents age-related skin changes;
    • immunomodulatory.

    In cosmetology, cosmetic and essential oils are used to treat pimples, pustules, acne, and other skin inflammations. Chamomile essential oil:

    1. Stimulates cell renewal, improves metabolic processes, saturates the skin with oxygen, narrows dilated blood vessels.
    2. Creates a protective barrier on the skin from ultraviolet radiation, negative environmental influences, and has antiseptic properties.
    3. Thanks to its antioxidant effect, it eliminates free radicals and accelerates regeneration processes.
    4. Anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic properties allow the extractor to be used to care for sensitive skin.
    5. Thanks to the properties of chamomile to strengthen the lipid layer, it helps to moisturize the face.
    6. Cleanses the skin, removes blackheads, makes the skin smooth.
    7. Has a whitening effect.

    Uses of chamomile oil

    It is necessary to adhere to certain rules for the use of essential and cosmetic oils. They are the following:

    1. The basic proportion when making compositions, unless otherwise indicated in the recipe, is 4 drops of oil per tablespoon of the remaining ingredients. Important: in its pure form, ether is used only for spot application due to the risk of burns.
    2. Any cosmetic product must be prepared immediately before application to the skin.
    3. For mixing, use only glass or ceramic containers.
    4. Any product must be applied along massage lines (expression wrinkles). Start moving from the bridge of the nose, move to the cheekbones, then to the temples, from the middle of the forehead and chin to the sides.
    5. To maximize the benefits of a mask or scrub, you must first cleanse and steam your face.
    6. Positive changes are noticeable after a couple of sessions, but for maximum effect it is necessary to use chamomile-based cosmetics for one and a half months, at least once a week.


    Chamomile cosmetic oil is used in many recipes. For example:

    1. Balm for adding softness from a mixture of chamomile extract, lime, juniper, almond esters. The main substance should be taken in an amount of 15 g, the rest - three drops each. Apply the product to the skin. After 10-15 minutes, blot off the residue with a napkin.
    2. To combat acne and rashes, a composition of geranium, chamomile, and eucalyptus oils is used. Mix all ingredients in equal quantities, apply the composition to the dermis using a cotton pad for 20 minutes.
    3. To reduce dryness, you can prepare a cream from chamomile oil, jojoba and rose. Take two drops of all ingredients.
    4. To combat fine wrinkles under the eyes, it is recommended to use a mixture of chamomile and jojoba extracts. Mix the components in equal quantities.
    5. To prepare a scrub, you can use fine granulated sugar, extracts of chamomile, wheat, and lavender. Method of application is the same as for regular scrubbing.
    6. For everyday use, you can add a couple of drops of oil to your face cream.

    Chamomile essential oil is often used in recipes for masks, scrubs, and face creams. The options are:

    1. To remove pigmentation and freckles, use 0.5 teaspoon of salt, wheat, lemon, and chamomile esters. All ingredients need to be taken in five drops. An applicator is used to apply to problem areas.
    2. To soften your facial skin, you can use a mixture of cottage cheese, honey and 4 drops of chamomile essential oil. Apply the paste for 30 minutes. Rinse with moderate temperature water.
    3. Ice, which can be prepared from 100 ml of distilled water and a couple of drops of chamomile ether, tones the facial skin.
    4. Against acne, an application of geranium, chamomile and clove esters is recommended. You will need two drops of geranium oil, the rest - one at a time.
    5. To relieve fatigue from the face, you can replace your everyday cream with a mixture of two drops of chamomile essential oil, one drop each of patchouli and leuzea.
    6. A mixture of floral ether, lemon and pine oils (one drop each) helps to narrow pores.
    7. For severe dehydration, a combination of orange, chamomile, and rosewood oils is used.
    8. In undiluted form, the ether is used locally to treat herpes, acne, and relieve pain symptoms.


    Masks using essential cosmetic oils help fight acne, age-related changes, smooth out wrinkles, and prevent their premature appearance. They are mainly used for dry facial skin. The result after using such compositions will be noticeable after a couple of weeks: the skin will become elastic, smooth and soft. To prepare a nourishing mask, you need:

    1. Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil, pomegranate juice, soft cottage cheese, and oatmeal.
    2. Add two drops of chamomile ether, one drop of rose extract.
    3. Beat all ingredients a little.
    4. Apply the mask in a thick layer to the steamed face.
    5. Leave for half an hour.
    6. Rinse off with warm water.
    7. Apply moisturizer or wipe your face with cosmetic ice.

    An anti-acne mask will dry out inflammation and kill bacteria that cause the rash.

    After regular use of the product for several weeks, you can get rid of acne and post-acne.

    The method of preparation and use is as follows:

    1. Mix 2 drops of chamomile and geranium ether.
    2. Add a teaspoon of sour cream, lemon juice, almond oil. Important: almond oil must first be slightly heated in a water bath. Sour cream should have at least 20 percent fat content.
    3. Mix all ingredients.
    4. Apply the mixture to the skin and leave for 25-30 minutes.
    5. After washing with warm water, you must additionally apply a moisturizer to the skin.

    To give the face a pleasant, healthy color, use a mask of cucumber and chamomile. This composition is used when intensive skin hydration is needed. Method of preparation and use:

    1. Chop one cucumber or grate it.
    2. Add 4 drops of oil to the paste.
    3. Apply to skin, leave for 15-20 minutes.
    4. Remove with warm water.

    A mask made from cottage cheese, honey and butter will help rejuvenate your face, saturate it with essential vitamins, soften and even out the color. The preparation and application process is as follows:

    1. Mix a tablespoon of village cottage cheese (any fat content) and high-quality honey.
    2. Add 4 drops of cosmetic oil.
    3. Apply to skin and leave for 15-20 minutes.
    4. Rinse off with warm water.
    5. If necessary, apply daily face cream.

    If the skin is very chapped, a mask of cabbage, olive and chamomile oils will help to visibly moisturize and soften it. The method of preparation and use is as follows:

    1. Chop fresh cabbage.
    2. Add four drops of chamomile oil to it.
    3. Steam your face and lubricate it with olive oil.
    4. Apply cabbage mask on top.
    5. Leave for 20-25 minutes.
    6. Remove with warm water.

    Anti-aging homemade cream

    To actively combat age-related changes, use a mask with the addition of beeswax.

    You can use it daily before bed. The minimum duration of use of anti-aging home cream is 1 month. The method of preparation and use is as follows:

    1. Melt beeswax (60 grams) in a water bath.
    2. Add the following ingredients to it:
    • lavender – one drop;
    • chamomile – 6 drops;
    • borax – 5 grams;
    • filtered water – 100 milliliters.
    1. Stirring, heat this mixture for 2 minutes.
    2. Beat the mixture with a whisk.
    3. Leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
    4. Apply to face and décolleté along massage lines.
    5. Exposure time is a quarter of an hour.
    6. If the product is not completely absorbed, the residue can be removed with a napkin.

    Scrub mask

    A scrub mask will help cleanse, moisturize and nourish the skin. The peculiarity is that it penetrates deeply into the dermis, launching restoration processes there that help cope with wrinkles. Please note: this cleaning method is considered stressful for the epidermis, so it is recommended to use it no more than 2 times a month. The method of preparation and use is as follows:

    1. Heat two teaspoons of vegetable or wheat oil in a water bath.
    2. Add 15 grams of honey, one drop each of chamomile and lavender esters.
    3. To stir thoroughly.
    4. Apply to face and décolleté area.
    5. For 3-5 minutes, drive the composition into the epidermis with your fingertips. You need to move in the direction of the massage lines.
    6. Rinse off with warm or cool water.
    7. Be sure to apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.


    You need to take natural yogurt, which does not contain any additives or sugar. It should be thick, because liquid will stick very poorly to your face. Low-fat cottage cheese can replace such a product. Additionally, you will need orange zest and chamomile extract. The method of preparation and use is as follows:

    1. Grate the orange zest.
    2. Mix yogurt, chamomile, zest. Additionally, you can add crushed chamomile flowers.
    3. Apply the mixture to cleansed and steamed skin.
    4. Rub it into the dermis with massaging movements for 2-3 minutes.
    5. Leave for a couple of minutes.
    6. Rinse off with cool or slightly warm water.
    7. If necessary, apply moisturizer.


    Chamomile oil has many positive reviews, but it is not always beneficial. It is not recommended to use it in the following cases:

    • during pregnancy – ether causes contractions of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage;
    • when taking homeopathic remedies, it is important to consult a doctor first, because the oil suppresses the effect of the drug;
    • with individual intolerance.


    Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) is an annual plant of the Asteraceae family; its sunny flowers delight the eye with their tenderness and delicate scent. The extract of their chamomile inflorescences is called the elixir of youth and good mood. This is a unique essential oil with medicinal and cosmetic properties.

    Its deep, rich, warm, slightly sweet, soulful aroma with notes of slight bitterness excites the mind, bewitches, creates invisible protection and drives out bad thoughts.

    According to legend, aromatizing a room with chamomile ether makes people in it invulnerable to dark forces.

    Chamomile essential oil: properties

    Chamomile (essential oil) has the following therapeutic qualities:

    • bactericidal;
    • immunomodulatory;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • antipyretic;
    • painkiller;
    • hemostatic;
    • antispasmodic;
    • activating blood circulation;
    • expectorant;
    • antioxidant;
    • regenerating;
    • cleansing;
    • wound healing;
    • restorative;
    • calming.

    Chamomile essential oil: application

    Chamomile oil is used to treat many pathologies, including: acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, laryngitis, insomnia, neurosis, depression, stress, dermatological diseases (burns, rosacea, psoriasis, dermatitis, herpes, acne, allergic rashes, skin ulcers, long-term non-healing wounds, panaritium), periodontal disease, PMS, toxicosis during pregnancy, intestinal colic, scars.

    Thanks to its immediate anti-inflammatory effect, which is enhanced significantly by direct contact with mucous membranes, chamomile oil has gained popularity in the treatment of oral diseases, as well as when used in intimate hygiene products. Having a powerful absorbent and anti-edematous effect, applications with chamomile ether help speed up the treatment of bruises, bruises and scar tissue.

    Pure chamomile essential oil should not be applied to the skin, as this can cause a burn. It is added to home or store-bought formulations for face, body, nails and hair care, intimate hygiene products, mouth rinses, and is also used to scent rooms.

    1. Aroma makers. For every 15 sq. m of room, add 8-10 drops of chamomile oil to the water poured into the upper bowl of the aroma lamp. Under the influence of the flame of a tablet candle located under a glass or ceramic recess, the active components of the essential oil evaporate little by little, filling the room with volatile compounds and an indescribable aroma.

    2. Hot inhalations. Pour 1.5-2.5 liters of hot water into an enamel or glass pan, the temperature of which should not exceed 85°C (to prevent burns to the mucous membranes), add 3 drops of chamomile etherol, close your eyes, bend over the container, covering your head with a thick towel, and inhale healing fumes for 10 to 15 minutes.

    3. Cold inhalations. Apply 1 drop of chamomile to a paper napkin and inhale the fumes for 5-7 minutes. You can breathe in medicinal phytoncides directly from the bottle, placing it at least 5 cm away from your nose.

    4. Aroma pendants (aroma medallions). Clay or ceramic jewelry with a cavity intended to be worn on the chest is considered a type of cold inhalation. Add 1-2 drops of chamomile ether to the hole of the pendant. Wearing jewelry helps create invisible protection against viruses and bacteria. To enhance the effect, you can add 1 drop to chamomile.

    5. Enrichment of cosmetics. Chamomile oil is added to creams, shower gels, lotions, tonics, moisturizers for hair and skin, shampoos, conditioners, conditioners, liquid soap for intimate hygiene, styling products (foam, gel, hairspray), masks, basic vegetable oils at the rate of 5 drops per 5 ml (less than a teaspoon) of emulsifier.

    6. Baths. Add 6-7 drops of chamomile to a glass of sea salt, then dissolve it in warm water. Instead of salt, honey, cream, and bran (20-30 g) are used as an emulsifier. ()

    7. Applications for felon(acute purulent process of the nail bed). Mix St. John's wort base oil (5k) with the same amount of chamomile ether, soak a cotton pad in the mixture and apply to the problem nail for several hours.

    8. Mixture for lightening age spots. The prepared composition is applied pointwise to freckles and areas of skin with increased pigmentation using a cotton swab: mix 5 grams of “Extra” salt with (8k), chamomile ether (4k) and lime (3k).

    Chamomile oil has gained the greatest popularity in cosmetology. According to reviews from aromatherapists and cosmetologists, procedures using ether whiten, soothe, renew, smooth, cleanse and accelerate epithelization of all skin types. It is especially useful to apply cosmetics and home care products with chamomile to dry, thin, tired skin that has lost turgor.

    Essential oil is also useful for problem skin prone to rashes, as it helps relieve inflammation in the deep layers by inhibiting pathogenic microbes and bacteria. In addition, chamomile tightens pores, relieves redness, evens out tone, smoothes out unevenness, dissolves blackheads and improves complexion.

    Enriching hair care products with chamomile essential oil not only gives the curls shine, a lighter shade (by 1-2 tones) and silkiness, but also thickens the hair shafts, making them stronger, more elastic, healthy and protected. With the systematic use of chamomile oil in shampoos, masks, and rinses, hair becomes thicker and its growth noticeably accelerates.


    Like any essential oil, chamomile can cause individual intolerance. Homeopaths do not recommend using procedures with chamomile oil simultaneously with taking homeopathic remedies, since the active components of the ether neutralize their effect.

    Before using any recipes with chamomile oil, it is advisable to do a skin allergy test.

    Chamomile is one of the most famous and widespread plants, actively used in traditional and folk medicine. Chamomile oil is an excellent antiseptic and a source of vitamins, organic acids and flavonoids for the face, hair and the body as a whole.

    Chamomile essential oil perfectly helps get rid of insomnia, relieve tension, stabilize the psychological state: relieves worries, fears and increased irritability. It will come to the rescue before an important meeting - the ether will improve brain performance, activate memory cells, relieve nagging headaches and tension.

    The healing properties of chamomile oil

    What are the benefits of chamomile oil?

    Medicinal chamomile oil is a well-known auxiliary remedy for various diseases:

    • angina;
    • cover bronchitis;
    • laryngitis and prolonged pneumonia;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • conjunctivitis;
    • baldness;
    • ARVI, cold.

    Due to its bactericidal, tonic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and excellent analgesic properties, the oil has the following effects:

    • restores the immune system;
    • lowers temperature during fever;
    • destroys pathogens;
    • helps improve appetite;
    • helps with menstrual irregularities and menopause.

    The oil is useful for sunburn, insect bites and poorly healing wounds on the skin.

    The benefits of chamomile oil are also noticeable for hair:

    • accelerates their growth;
    • adds strength and natural shine;
    • restores, nourishes;
    • eliminates dandruff.

    For sensitive, dry skin prone to irritation, the product will help smooth out fine wrinkles, relieve itching, inflammation, eliminate rashes or acne, and whiten the epidermis.

    Chamomile oil has unique properties and its prolonged use will not only have a rejuvenating effect, but will help eliminate allergies and restore and strengthen blood vessels. In case of ingrown nails, the ether will reduce the likelihood of infection and will help restore the damaged cuticle.

    Facial and hair care at home

    Essential oil is effectively used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. There are several magical recipes that can restore hair structure and skin, with systematic use over a course.

    Chamomile oil for skin is an effective soothing agent for dry, sensitive, inflammation-prone dermis: quickly eliminates rashes, itching, allergic reactions, intensively nourishes the epidermis, prevents peeling and dehydration.

    Cosmetic ester is used for problem skin; it is effective for purulent rashes, dermatitis, rosacea. The healing agent can rejuvenate the epidermis, giving it radiance and smoothness.

    Recipes for systematic facial care:

    • Applications for the eyes. Chamomile and jojoba oil, mix in a 1:1 ratio, heat, apply to the skin. Applications tighten and moisturize the epidermis well.
    • A mixture of cosmetic oils for facial skin prone to dryness. Mix equal proportions of jojoba, roses and chamomile, apply to clean skin.
    • Peeling for dry skin. Honey - st. spoon, wheat oil - 2 drops, chamomile and lavender - mix thoroughly. Apply the scrub for 10 minutes, wash.

    Chamomile oil for the face is effective in treating acne and colds. The product is applied pointwise to problem areas. With systematic use, you can forget about the problem forever.

    Masks with chamomile oil for hair, recipes

    This healing remedy is perfect for regular use. If chamomile oil is regularly used for hair care, you can significantly lighten the strands and restore their structure.

    Recipes for home care:

    Hair type/problem Mask recipe
    For normal curls
    • jojoba, almond oil, medicinal chamomile – 10 drops each;
    • Olive oil or melted honey – a teaspoon is suitable as the main component;
    • mix, apply to damp curls, wrap, leave for half an hour.

    Rinse your hair under running water.

    For dry and split ends
    • chamomile – 5 drops, lavender – 15 drops;
    • base – olive oil, capsule with vitamin E.

    You can use burdock or castor oil as the main ingredient. It is recommended to warm the mixture before applying it to your hair.

    Treatment of seborrhea, oily dandruff
    • lemon, medicinal chamomile, rosemary or geranium;
    • Squeeze juice from citrus, add chamomile oil - 5 drops, geranium oil - 10 drops;
    • rub into hair roots, wrap, leave to act for half an hour.

    Rinse your hair well; instead of a rinse aid, it is better to use a decoction of nettle or burdock.

    To accelerate growth
    • Dilute 7 drops of chamomile into 2 liters of plain water;
    • Rinse strands after washing.

    The product will strengthen curls well, accelerate their regeneration, and give an attractive appearance and natural shine.

    For oily scalp
    • olive, chamomile – 25 drops;
    • cedar, healthy rosemary - about 15 drops each.

    Apply the mixture to the comb and distribute it over the entire length. Use before washing your hair.

    Essential oil is an ideal hair care product; it gives it vitality, natural shine, and restores damaged areas.

    Use in everyday life and cosmetology

    Chamomile cosmetic oil is a staple for regular skin care that is prone to damage. Thanks to the calming effect it has on the epidermis, irritation, flaking and unpleasant itching quickly disappear. The skin becomes elastic, elastic, and takes on a radiant appearance.

    With systematic use, it constricts blood vessels, but the capillary network begins to disappear only after two months.

    In cosmetology, the oil is widely used to eliminate manifestations of dermatitis, allergies, in the treatment of eczema, urticaria, various skin diseases, acne or pustular rashes.

    Despite its softness, chamomile has an excellent deodorizing effect. In everyday life, the oil is used to repel harmful insects and care for the skin of babies after taking a bath, walking in the sun, and as a sedative.

    Chamomile oil contraindications

    Chamomile essential oil has a number of restrictions on its use. Basic precautions are associated with its use during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester.

    The product is not compatible with homeopathy, so their simultaneous use is not permissible. The irritant effect of chamomile on the skin has not been established. This is one of the products that can be applied in its pure form to the problem area.

    Sunny chamomile, growing in fields and meadows almost everywhere, gives us its amazing healing properties.
    One of the most effective compositions from chamomile is oil.

    Under the phrase "chamomile oil" hides two healing products - pure essential oil and an oil infusion on flower baskets - macerate.

    Let's figure out what the differences are between these products, how they are obtained, what are the medicinal characteristics and practical methods of use. Both elixirs have a powerful therapeutic effect on the body and are successfully used in cosmetology, aromatherapy, folk medicine, and perfumery.

    Naturally, chamomile ether has the maximum concentration of biologically active compounds of the plant and therefore has more powerful healing characteristics. Used in medical practice and aromatherapy. In addition, by adding ether to basic vegetable oils, you can get a product that has amazing properties for caring for the face, body, and skin appendages.

    Oil infusion is prepared both industrially and at home. Vegetable oil infused in a certain way is saturated with valuable phytonutrients from chamomile and acquires additional medicinal properties. Chamomile macerate is significantly weaker than pure ether, and is used mainly as a home cosmetic product.

    Pure ether is obtained by industrial steam distillation from fresh chamomile flowers. The product has a fluid consistency, a bluish transparent tint, a light aroma of meadow grass, hay, spices, floral honey interspersed with tobacco notes. To obtain 1 kg of finished elixir, 2 quintals of plant materials are required. Essential oil is a concentrated extract that contains the very essence of a medicinal plant.

    Properties of chamomile essential oil

    Ether has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person, exhibiting calming, relaxing, sedative qualities. By inhaling phytoncides, chamomile relieves insomnia, irritation, neurosis, the effects of stress, irritability, anger and envy.

    According to reviews of esotericists and psychologists, chamomile carries a positive charge that gives an impetus to a person in optimizing a particular area of ​​activity. The use of chamomile essential oil helps in finding answers to complex questions and promotes a constructive approach to conflict resolution.

    Medicinal properties of chamomile ether:

    • antispasmodic;
    • antioxidant;
    • choleretic;
    • diaphoretic;
    • antiseptic;
    • regenerating;
    • wound healing;
    • cleansing;
    • soothing;
    • immunomodulatory;
    • tonic;
    • restorative;
    • pain reliever;
    • antipyretic;
    • deodorizing;
    • antihistamine;
    • bactericidal;
    • antimicrobial;
    • anthelmintic.

    Aromatherapists and traditional healers recommend using chamomile oil for the following pathologies: acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, arthritis, arthrosis, burns and skin damage, acne, long-term non-healing wounds, insect bites, migraine , insomnia, pain of various origins, neuralgia, mennorrhagia (heavy bleeding during menstruation), menopausal disorders, allergic reactions.

    Ways to use chamomile essential oil:

    1. Aroma makers: 8k. for 15 sq. m of the room add to aroma lamps.
    2. Aroma pendants/aroma medallions: 2k. into the cavity of the decoration.
    3. Hot inhalations: add 2k to 1.5 liters of water (85°C). ether, cover your head with a towel and inhale the fumes, closing your eyes, for 10 minutes.
    4. Rinse: 3k. add ether to 1 teaspoon of salt, dissolve in a glass of warm boiled water, use for gargling for sore throat, stomatitis, toothache and inflammation of the oral mucosa.
    5. Nasal drops: dilute 4k sea buckthorn, St. John's wort or rosehip vegetable oil in a dessert spoon. chamomile ether. The product is administered in 2k doses. in each nasal passage for adults and 1k. children.
    6. Aroma baths: 5k. for 30 grams of base (honey, bran, salt, cream, sour cream, bath foam).
    7. Enrichment of cosmetics: 3-5k. per 15 ml of emulsifier (cream, lotion, moisturizer, shower gel, liquid soap, shampoo, conditioner, balm, ready-made masks for hair and face, etc.).
    8. Massage Oil: 6-7k. per 20 ml of base oil or a mixture of vegetable oils (olive, almond, apricot, peach, grape seeds, pumpkin seeds, wheat germ, jojoba, avocado, walnut, etc.).
    9. Applications and compresses: 2-3k. per 5-7 ml of the base composition, which is soaked into gauze and applied to the affected areas of the body.

    Chamomile essential oil for skin

    The product is used to care for problematic, dry, aging, sagging skin. Compositions with chamomile ether relieve swelling, smooth out scar tissue, treat rosacea (vascular network and asterisks), and youthful acne. It is best to use jojoba, macadamia, and almond as a transport oil. To increase the effectiveness of finished neutral cosmetics (night or day cream), ether is added to a single portion of the product, according to the dosage.

    Recipes for using chamomile essential oil
    1. For acne: Add pure essential oils to 10 ml of grape seed or jojoba oil: chamomile - 2k, geranium - 2k, clove - 1k.
    2. For aging, thinning and dry skin: in 10 ml of cocoa butter (dissolve the butter in a water sauna) add 2k. essential oils of rosewood, chamomile and sandalwood.
    Oil infusion of chamomile flowers

    Chamomile macerate can be purchased at the pharmacy chain or prepared yourself. Read the product label carefully to determine whether you are looking at a pure essential oil or an oil concentrate.

    The use of chamomile macerate in cosmetology
    • eliminates irritation, peeling, inflammation of the skin;
    • treats purulent pimples, boils, rashes, abscesses, abscesses;
    • added to home skin and hair care products;
    • heals jams;
    • heals diaper rash, prickly heat, excessive sweating;
    • helps against fungi of the skin and nail plates;
    • saturates the hair shafts with nourishing and moisturizing components;
    • relieves stretch marks (striae);
    • smoothes wrinkles, softens the epidermis, moisturizes and regenerates the skin.

    Chamomile oil is used as a separate remedy or in combination with other herbal elixirs. The product is included in homemade masks, creams, handmade soaps, ointments, rubs, toothpastes, and massage compositions.

    How to make chamomile oil at home?

    The best raw materials for oil extraction are freshly harvested. It should be understood that plants need to be collected in an ecologically safe area, away from highways and highways, industrial enterprises and city limits.

    Cold prepared butter

    Fill a liter jar halfway with chamomile inflorescences, fill it to the top with rustic sunflower oil (unrefined, cold pressed) or high-quality olive oil, seal the container tightly, and place in a shaded place for 15 days. The product must be shaken periodically. The finished oil is filtered through several layers of gauze, and the flowers are squeezed out thoroughly. Chamomile oil can be stored for up to 1 year in a cool, dark place.

    Hot oil

    The first stage is as in the previous recipe. Cover the jar with color and oil with a tin or glass lid (not tightly), place it in a water sauna for 20 minutes, cool without removing it from the water, and leave for 12-14 days in a dark place.

    Chamomile oil contraindications

    Like any herbal medicine, chamomile macerate and etherol have a number of contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy (the product stimulates uterine contractions, which can lead to involuntary miscarriage), taking homeopathic medicines (in this case, chamomile oil neutralizes the effect of many components).

    Buy pure chamomile essential oil or prepare a macerate from the inflorescences at home, and enjoy the gifts of nature, complete skin care, excellent health and radiant beauty!