How to make mystic topaz. Topaz and mystic quartz: properties of rainbow stones. Healing and mystical properties of mystic topaz

Rainbow mystic topaz got its name due to the iridescence of various colors. Its unusual appearance attracts the eye and leaves few people indifferent. This amazing color is obtained as a result of special processing, which is done using American technology.

Despite the fact that the stone receives its color as a result of a special procedure, mystical topaz still remains natural. This type of stone is quite young; its processing process was patented only in 1993.

Production technology

The basis for this product is the original one, which is polished and cut. After this, titanium or gold coating is applied to its surface. It is this layer that transforms the natural color of topaz into a mystical one, adding shimmer. Next, the product is exposed to particularly low temperatures, which makes it stronger.

Depending on the intensity of the spraying, as well as the initial characteristics of the specimen, the mystic topaz stone can acquire one color with tints.

Additional colors may also appear, giving the mineral iridescent tints.

Jewelry with mystic topaz

A stone with a mystical name is a fairly common material for jewelry. It can be purchased at any jewelry store. This mineral adorns rings, pendants, bracelets, earrings and necklaces.

The colors of such jewelry fill the image of the woman wearing it with magic and a certain fairy-tale quality; mystery and mystery are hidden in its tints. Most often, these minerals are framed in silver; less often, mystical topaz is placed in gold. Sometimes the setting for a gem is non-precious alloys.

Jewelry with rainbow-colored topaz is available to almost anyone. The price for them is not very high, because the coating that is applied to the minerals does not last long. If a product of this type is handled incorrectly and you do not know some of the rules for caring for it, then the gold plating will gradually wear off. Also, colors may gradually lose their saturation and fade.

Medicinal properties

Mystic topaz does not lose its healing properties even after processing. They are very helpful for blood diseases and anemia. If a person has a hemoglobin deficiency, a gem worn regularly will help normalize its level.

For women who are unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant, mystical topaz helps normalize energy flows and stabilize the reproductive system. Its influence also extends to the elimination of gynecological diseases.

Mystic topaz is a good sedative: when placed on the wrist or index finger of the right hand, the stone relieves symptoms of stress, copes with depression and improves mood.

In general, topaz has a beneficial effect on human health. People who have trouble sleeping may benefit from wearing this stone at night. Gradually, sleep will return to normal, and a person will be able to do without mystical topaz.

Magic properties

A gem with rainbow colors has a fairly extensive list of magical properties. First of all, it can be used as a talisman. It reflects negative energy, prevents damage and the evil eye, and prevents people from draining energy from its owner. From an esoteric point of view, the stone has a unique and very powerful energy that can create a protective aura around its owner.

Topaz mystic helps a person to be filled with wisdom and gradually leads him to the development of his own personality. Therefore, it will not hurt to wear it for people who occupy positions related to mental work.

There is another amazing ability: the stone adds attractiveness and attractiveness to women. On a subtle level, a woman who possesses this gem radiates sexual energy.

If you wear the stone on your body for a long time, it gradually begins to develop intuition and focuses a person’s attention on the signs that surround him. This fact makes it possible to look at your life differently and, perhaps, change it for the better.

The most amazing effect is the ability to endow a person with those character traits that he lacks.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

Before buying a product, you need to know who the gem that adorns it is suitable for. Mystical topaz is suitable for almost all zodiac signs; it has the ability to compensate for the shortcomings of a person’s natural characteristics.

But there are still signs for whom this stone is completely unsuitable. For example, this mineral is capable of disrupting relationships in the Taurus family. The magic of the stone can ruin the advancement of this sign along the career ladder. A gem can attract unpredictable, unpleasant events into life.

This mineral will have the strongest connection with Gemini and Scorpio. The diversity of Gemini is very similar to the diversity in the colors of these stones. The stone protects representatives of these zodiac signs, balances all internal flows, bringing their state to harmony.

Geminis and Scorpios, who possess mystical topaz, become calmer, more reasonable, and their nervous system works more stably. The gem activates their inner sense, which will provide answers to controversial issues and help them better understand people and interact with them.

But this rainbow gem will also help in life with another sign:

  • Cancers They will be able to use it to avoid unpleasant situations, since their intuition will be more developed.
  • A multi-colored stone is also favorable for Leo. He will be able to improve his financial condition, his career will go uphill, and all matters related to money will be successful.
  • This gem also has a beneficial effect on Dev, it will help you relax and look at life more positively. With the help of this decoration they will be able to let go of the past.
  • Capricorns the mineral will help in family matters, strengthen the relationship between husband and wife and resolve intra-family conflicts.

Caring for a Mystical Gem

There are several rules that must be followed from the first days of purchase. To preserve the original appearance of the stone for as long as possible, you need to handle it carefully.

Owners need to know that such decorations, under prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, immediately lose their color saturation. It is better to wear it in the evening and store it in a closed, dark place.

During water procedures, it is better to remove jewelry with this mineral. Also, mystic topaz does not like temperature changes; they can spoil the original characteristics of the product.

To clean the stone from dirt and dust, you need to carefully wash it under a thin stream of running water. No detergents should be used. You need to dry the product naturally; you can only blot it lightly with a paper napkin.

If you follow a number of these simple rules, you will get high-quality and beautiful jewelry that will last for a long time.

Mystic Topaz is an amazing stone that is associated with magic or magic. Jewelry sets made from this material can decorate any representative of the fair sex. It also has a number of useful and medicinal properties. Many scientists have tried to conduct research to find out what the magic of such jewelry is.

Topaz meaning

The mystic topaz stone signifies goodness, balance and peace. It is chosen by optimists who are distinguished by wisdom and decency. This quartz symbolizes inner enlightenment, which contributes to a person’s complacent and joyful mood. Topaz is able to protect its owner from bad looks and black magic. The stone is of particular importance for women who believe that the crystal preserves their attractiveness and maintains peace in the family.

The mineral is not suitable for everyone. Before you buy such jewelry, you need to know that not all zodiac signs are able to wear such headsets. If you do not take this fact into account, then quartz can only do harm. According to astrologers, mystical topaz is a November birthstone, making it ideal for Scorpios. This is explained by the fact that people born under this sign often go to extremes, so they need to achieve balance and make the right decision in extreme situations.

Most often, young Scorpios lack prudence, so topaz is perfect as a gift for girls who were born under this sign. If the jewelry is chosen for mature and creative people, then experts recommend setting the stone in gold. This mineral can encourage creative realization and the manifestation of hidden talents. But not every person can wear magic topaz, since the owner needs to get used to the jewelry. There have even been cases when stones changed color after several months of wear. This means that the crystal has become accustomed to its owner and has truly become “his.”

Production and properties of stone

To obtain such a bright stone, it must be cut and polished, and then plated with titanium or gold. The top layer must be wear-resistant, for which it is exposed to low temperatures. A similar technology is used to process cubic zirconia and colorless quartz. But of this line, mystical topazes are the most prized. At the final stage of processing, overflows are added to the mineral. This quartz may have a pale tint, in which case the traditional irradiation method is used, with the help of which it obtains a blue color.

Mystic topaz in silver is used for jewelry only after polishing, cutting and plating. With the help of various technologies, the mineral receives 2-3 unique shades, thanks to which an unusually beautiful rainbow iridescence is achieved.

Mystic Quartz has many amazing properties. It gives owners optimism, beauty and wisdom. This stone pacifies anger and becomes a real talisman capable of developing creative thinking and intuition. Rainbow topaz also has the following properties:

  • protects from the evil eye and bad influence;
  • helps infertile people become parents;
  • treats brain diseases;
  • relieves depression;
  • strengthens the immune system.

The main color of quartz is blue, but it can shimmer from green to purple. The properties of topaz stone have been known since ancient times. It was worn to protect wearers from poisoning. If there was poison in the food or drink, the stone changed its color. That is why this topaz was used to decorate royal cups. If you wear mystic quartz, you can be cured of sore throat and bone diseases. Also, this decoration can cope with ailments of the endocrine system, strokes, heart attacks, problems with the spleen, liver and gall bladder. This topaz helps get rid of arthritis, rheumatism, gout and eye diseases.

The stone fights insomnia and nightmares. If you regularly wear magic topaz, it can even serve as a prevention of bronchial asthma.

This stone has a long service life if you care for it properly. It is necessary to systematically clean your jewelry by taking it to a jewelry workshop. You should not wear topaz to the beach, bathhouse or pool. Do not expose earrings or rings to sudden temperature changes. By following all the tips, you don’t have to worry about the attractive appearance of quartz.

Such a stunning stone will be a wonderful gift for loved ones. It will help cope with many diseases and will keep a person in excellent tone and in a good mood.

Rainbow quartz and mystic topaz stones are distinguished by their unusual color and holographic shine. Spectacular and bright gems owe their characteristics to nature and human hands. But, despite the fact that the stones undergo special processing, they are based on minerals of natural origin. Their structure remains the same during exposure to chemicals, only the color scheme changes. In this article, we will consider in turn two types of mystical stone, their properties and characteristics.

Mystical topazes

Distinctive features

Topaz is an aluminum silicate containing silicon. Its chemical formula is Al 2 (F,OH) 2. Mystical Topaz has been produced since 1993. The author of the development is the coating production company Azotic Coating Technology Inc. For their work, specialists use colorless specimens that do not have a high value on the jewelry market. In addition, topazes grown in laboratory conditions are also used as a basis.

Mystic stones shimmer in green, blue and violet shades, have a mirror shine and holographic play of colors.

The technology for transforming a colorless stone into a multi-colored one involves applying a special composition that lies on the surface in the form of a film. The shade range of finished stones is wide: from green to purple. The coating composition for mystical topaz includes titanium and gold. The company does not disclose other details about its invention.

Properties and characteristics

After applying the composition, the mystic stone does not change the formula, but acquires new properties. In its original form, topaz is not destroyed even under the influence of hydrochloric acid. Upon contact with the reagent, the surface of the mystic stone completely dissolves. Damage can also be mechanical in nature. In this regard, jewelry with a rainbow gem is not recommended to be worn daily.

Like regular topaz, rainbow topaz is also electrified. Its hardness is 8 Mohs units. When the stone is heated for a long time, hydrogen fluoride is released. It is a toxic gas that has a foul smell like rotten eggs. Emissions from the stone will not cause harm to health, since the volume of gas in the spray composition is minimal.

Despite the fact that quartz is unpretentious in everyday life, it is worth approaching the issue of care and storage seriously. Otherwise, the product will quickly lose its presentation. Stones need a separate place for storage. Frequent wear causes the surface to become scratched. Therefore, keep your jewelry in a box lined with velvet on the inside.

Do not wear the product to the beach, pool, or gym. Do not engage in physical labor in them, protect them from chemical compounds, including detergents.

It is not recommended to clean jewelry with mystic on your own. It is better to entrust this to a jeweler. All that can be done at home is to rinse the pebble under running water and wipe with a cloth.

Difficulty of verification

Due to the fact that mystic topaz is subjected to external processing, it is difficult to distinguish a natural stone from a cheap fake glass behind the film. The only distinguishing feature of the original is the density of the natural gem. Mystic topaz stones are characterized by a density of more than 4 g/cm³, which is one and a half to two times more than that of glass and plastic.

If the weight of the crystal is too small, it is probably not real. In front of you is plastic. Another indicator of simulation is the speed of heat absorption. A real mineral takes a long time to warm up in the palm of your hand.

In addition, mystical topaz may not be of natural origin. Today, these stones are synthesized in laboratory conditions. Aluminum oxide and silicon are used as feedstock. A jeweler can distinguish synthetic topaz from natural one by conducting a gemological examination.

This includes instrumental diagnostics, determination of chemical characteristics with subsequent prediction of the cost of the stone being examined. The origin of the mineral is determined (natural or laboratory), and it is also determined whether the stone has been artificially refined.

Magical and healing properties

If rainbow topaz is created by nature itself, its magical properties are fully manifested. The synthetic stone does not carry energy and is neutral towards its owner.

Esotericists and bioenergeticists claim that some magical abilities of the stone disappear after irradiation, while others remain and even intensify. In particular, this is due to changes in the color spectrum. Violet, blue and green shades have an influence. In addition, rainbow quartz is believed to grant wishes.

Among other abilities of the mineral:

  • protection from negative external influences (evil eye, damage, curses);
  • protection from illnesses and accidents;
  • assistance in learning and acquiring knowledge.

Such an amulet adds natural charm, self-confidence to its owner, and enhances charisma. Among those who are suitable and favored by the talisman are travelers, truck drivers, and scientists. The amulet is suitable for children and teenagers, neutralizing the negativity that comes to them from the outside. The talisman treats nervous disorders, relieves insomnia and strengthens the immune system.

It is better to frame the stone with precious metals.

The effect of the mineral will be equally strong regardless of the type of product. The zodiac signs that astrologers recommend acquiring such talismans are Scorpio and Gemini.

Jewelry with topaz and cost

Mystic topaz in silver enhances its beneficial effects, so it can serve as a reliable amulet and talisman. Choose those that suit your taste. Topaz loves precious metals. In addition to silver, choose jewelry made of gold or platinum.

Topaz is one of the most expensive stones on the jewelry market. This is also true for mystic topaz, despite the fact that jewelers do not classify the transparent crystal as precious. The cost of such products varies widely. The price of the finished product depends on a number of factors:

  • size;
  • level of skill of the jeweler;
  • color saturation;
  • complexity of design.

Small diamond-cut inserts with a diameter of 1-2 mm cost from 1000 rubles. Earrings framed in silver will cost at least 7,000 rubles. The price of a gold ring with a mystical stone starts from 9,000 rubles.

Rainbow quartz

general characteristics

The quartz stone, reminiscent of the mystic topaz, is also of natural origin. Rainbow quartz has an iridescent iridescent sheen due to its structure. It contains bubbles of water and air, as well as numerous internal microcracks that refract light. You can learn more about quartz, as well as what its main characteristics are, from the article.

Mystical quartz is also obtained in laboratory conditions. To do this, the base is exposed to radiation, after which its surface is coated with silver, gold and titanium. As a result, mystic quartz takes on green, blue and purple hues.

The ancient Mayans believed that rainbow quartz was a gift from the Moon Goddess. The Scandinavians believed that they paved the bridge connecting the worlds of mortals and gods. The Celts looked for treasures hidden by the leprechaun at the location of the gem.

Healing and magical properties of rainbow quartz

Ancient healers ground rainbow quartz into powder and used it for poisoning. The ancients believed that wearing a talisman with a gem protected against evil forces. Modern bioenergetics experts claim that rainbow quartz actually has this property. The mineral renews cells, rejuvenates the body, adds vitality and has a beneficial effect on a person’s overall well-being.

As for artificially colored stones, magicians believe that their influence is not so effective and tangible.

It is believed that quartz of natural origin is a powerful amulet against negative influences. It gives its owner good luck in business, enhances natural magnetism and charisma, and attracts true love.

Since its appearance, the mystic topaz stone has immediately become a subject of controversy for jewelry lovers. Can it be considered natural or is it still high-quality jewelry? Some see it as a magical rainbow, while others see it as just gasoline stains in a puddle. Well, both opinions have a right to exist. One thing is clear: the mystic topaz does not cause indifference to anyone.

Mystic topaz is one of the ten most common minerals

Natural topaz is one of the ten most common minerals. The bowels of the earth are rich in it all over the world. There are transparent and colored topazes. It must be said that polychrome stones are very rare, and colorless stones make up 95% of the total reserves. Therefore, their prices differ significantly.

To count the deposits of colored topaz, the fingers of one hand are enough. The rarest ones, rubies, are mined in Brazil. Germany has unique topaz mines, and their pride is the famous royal pink, tea and green topazes. The earth's treasure trove of Eastern Siberia and the Ural Mountains is famous for its blue and yellow stones.

Mystic topaz was originally considered a stone of happiness and good mood

Definitely, the presence of color is the only advantage of this mineral. All other properties of the topaz stone do not increase its jewelry value. Aesthetic qualities of topaz:

  • high refractive indices (1.638);
  • almost diamond transparency;
  • glassy shine and shine.

Practical side:

  • the difference between high hardness (8) and low density (3.49) explains its brittleness;
  • The stone is capricious: it becomes cloudy when exposed to direct sunlight and temperature changes.

True connoisseurs of precious stones always strive to get their hands on unique specimens of topaz. And it doesn’t matter that the stone is fragile and difficult to process. If the topaz has a rare color, it will take its rightful place in a collector’s treasury.

What mystic topaz looks like (video)

Mystic Brother

But what to do with the piles of colorless topaz that are literally lying under your feet? In 1993, enterprising Americans solved this problem. Under the motto “waste into income,” a special technology was patented, thanks to which the mystical topaz was born.

The essence of production is as follows:

  • a jewelry cut is applied to ordinary transparent topaz;
  • the resulting workpiece is polished;
  • A gold or titanium film is sprayed onto the prepared stone.

Gallery: mystic topaz stone (50 photos)

Of course, the process is actually not that simple, because the rainbow effect is not achieved immediately. After spraying, the stone is subjected to heat treatment, which is the secret of the technology. Under the influence of a temperature difference (from the lowest to the highest), an optical illusion of color depth occurs.

At first, in certain circles there was a stir around the mystic topaz: they tried to attach great significance and importance to its appearance.

In confirmation of this, the famous museum collection of Dresden jewelry was replenished with mystical stones. But the man-made jewel never achieved world fame.

Advantages and disadvantages

On the one hand, thanks to the processing, the fragile mineral became stronger. But the coating also has an expiration date and care features. The bright rainbow spectrum from green to violet greatly enlivened the colorless stone. But there was no natural nobility in this coloring. It’s not for nothing that it is compared to a children’s kaleidoscope and a rainbow on soap bubbles.

However, the financial success of the technology is undeniable. Thanks to heat treatment, the jewelry market has been replenished with affordable jewelry. To be fair, it should be said that mystic topaz in silver looks joyful and excellent. How else? The mineral was originally considered a stone of happiness and good mood. Human intervention simply highlighted his remarkable qualities.

Over time, spraying technology has spread throughout the world. It was developed and improved. As a result, mystical quartz, cubic zirconia and even rock crystal appeared on the jewelry market. Mystic quartz turned out to be close in its properties to topaz. Due to this similarity, people often try to pass off mystic quartz as topaz. But all other options in comparison with them look like cheap fakes.

In jewelry, rainbow topaz can be found in gold and silver. It is the silver shade that gives it a light and relaxed mood. With proper care, such a product can last a very long time. Things to remember:

  1. The stone should not take part in water procedures. The impact of soap solutions is detrimental to it.
  2. It must be stored away from direct sunlight.
  3. The fragility of the mineral must always be taken into account.
  4. Do not expose it to sudden changes in temperature.
  5. Avoid friction, because the magical rainbow effect is just a film that cannot withstand mechanical stress.

Perhaps due to their color, mystical quartz and topaz are considered autumn stones. According to the horoscope, he is most suitable for Scorpios. Astrologers believe that with the help of this mineral, explosive zodiac signs can build a bridge to the outside world and find harmony within themselves.

How to distinguish natural stones from fakes and imitations (video)

Crystal, at the same time fragile and strong, beautiful and so defenseless, carries the feminine essence. This stone will protect any representative of the fair sex in a difficult life situation.

Attention, TODAY only!

In Russian there is a saying with a strong word. You can skip it. The phrase is recognizable even without it: - “Make from …”.

The saying means that you can benefit from inconspicuous and low-value things if you approach their design creatively.

This is what the specialists at Azotic Coating Technology lnk did. This is an American company engaged in the development of various coatings.

They came up with their own for . We took the colorless ones. They have no jewelry value. They are only in demand.

But as soon as the masters of Azotic Coating Technology lnk covered them with a special film, they began to shine with all the rainbows and gained popularity and the name “Mystic”.

What is mystic topaz?

First, let's find out what a regular one is. It is an island silicate. Accordingly, the formula of the stone contains oxide and aluminum.

The “island” characteristic indicates the structure of the crystal lattice. It is composed of isolated tetrahedrons, that is, three-dimensional triangles with 4 faces.

In the form of chemical notation it looks like this: - Al 2 SiO 4 (F, OH). The formula is the same for all topazes. The most common - .

In fact, they are known as topazes. For most minerals, the color is due to the presence of foreign impurities. So, it gives lilac tones, as a rule, and brown.

However, topaz is not associated with impurities, but with structural defects. Deviations in the atomic lattice make not only blue, green, etc.

So, from a structural point of view, colorless topazes are ideal. However, they are not as sparkling as, and therefore are not valued.

Mystic Topaz acquires a coating containing or. The nuances of the film's composition are not disclosed.

Azotic Coating Technology lnk defends a patent received in 1993. Shimmers cover the entire spectrum from green to green. Moreover, in terms of reflective force mystic topaz stone almost equal.

Properties of mystic topaz

Mystic topaz properties acquires new ones than an ordinary gem. The sprayed surface is vulnerable to chemical reagents and household chemicals.

In its normal state, even hydrochloric acid does not dissolve topaz. However, the mystical crystal reagent will quickly lead to the normal state.

That's why, jewelry with mystic topaz It is not customary to wear it all the time. Dress for the occasion and require careful care.

Self-cleaning is not acceptable, only in a jewelry workshop. At home, you can only gently wash with clean, lukewarm water and blot with a napkin. If you do this after every wear, you won't need to clean it.

Shine on photo mystic topaz, the same will happen only at moderate temperatures. Thermal changes reduce the iridescence to nothing.

Prolonged heating also leads to the release of hydrogen fluoride. It is poisonous with an unpleasant smell of rotten eggs. It is released from topaz in minimal quantities. However, it is better not to experiment.

The presence of a film on the surface of the stone makes it difficult to confirm its naturalness. So, ordinary topazes are electrified. The mystical variety does this too.

However, to electrify you need to rub the crystal, and this destroys the rainbow. Checking an 8-point score, which is only a couple of units inferior, is also problematic.

Spraying is softer, and you don’t want to scratch it. All this leads to suspicions that in some cases, under a film like Azotic Coating Technology lnk, other colorless and even .

Who will undertake to spoil earrings with mystic topaz, rings, or others to verify their authenticity?

The only marker applicable to the Mystic Topaz test is its density. It is higher than most minerals, equal to almost 4 grams per cubic centimeter.

In Rus', the mineral was called heavyweight. Therefore, true topazes cannot be “fluffy”, like .

However, the naturalness of the stone does not indicate its extraction in nature. Laboratory synthesis of topazes has been developed. We'll talk about it in the next chapter.

Mining and deposits of mystic topaz

The basis for mystic topaz is oxides and silicon. They are mixed, heated and gem crystals are grown.

They are prismatic and shortened in topaz. Along with colorless ones, you can also get colorful ones. Scarlet crystals, for example, are formed by irradiating a mineral.

The photo shows a white gold ring with mystic topaz

In nature, crimson topazes are rare; they are not found in every deposit, but they do exist. Domestic crystals are mined in the Urals.

There are also colorless topaz. They, like laboratory ones, can serve as the basis for mystical inserts.

In the USA they take it from deposits in the states of Utah and Colorado. Americans call colorless topazes diamonds, comparing them to diamonds.

Uses of mystic topaz

The decorative nature of the hero of the article implies jewelry use. You can meet rings with mystic topaz, , , .

Mystical in just colors. The rainbow tints of the stone are associated with fairy tales and magic. However, crystals do not have magical properties. Their spells are blocked by the coating.

If we talk about pure topaz, they relieve their owners from obsessive states, various fears and manias. Esotericists call the gem a stone of inner enlightenment.

In the photo there are earrings with mystic topaz

The mood becomes positive, clarity of thinking and anticipation of future events and options for their development appear. Mystic topaz in gold or a titan is not capable of this.

Earrings, ring, or pendant with mystic topaz can also lift your mood, but only through color therapy.

Psychologists claim that each color evokes certain thoughts, associations and sensations. The combination of all colors allows you to achieve harmony and comprehend the fullness of the world and its beauty.

Price of mystic topaz

Buy mystic topaz possible not only in, but also in the form of separate inserts. Since 1993, many have come up with their own options for processing gemstones, which has reduced the cost of already budget ones.

As a result, round inserts 2 by 2 by 1 centimeter with

This is due to the fragility of the coating. Not everyone handles it correctly and, in general, knows what they are dealing with.

If a rainbow stone fades in , it causes outrage, because, as they say, it is taken for centuries. However, the fading beauty of topazes is taken for granted.