Fluconazole for men against thrush. Candidal balanoposthitis and urethritis in men Causes of male thrush

One of the most common diseases in men is an inflammatory disease localized in the area of ​​the glans penis and affecting the inner layer of the foreskin. The causes of balanoposthitis, as well as the degree of neglect and severity of the disease, may be different. Often, only hygiene procedures, lotions and baths are enough.

For more severe disease, depending on its cause, treatment with antibiotics, antifungals, immunomodulators, and sometimes antiallergic agents in the form of ointments, creams, solutions, tablets, and injections is indicated.

Treatment of balanoposthitis in men with antibiotics effectively eliminates bacterial infection, relieves inflammation, and destroys pathogenic microflora:

  • staphylococcus and streptococcus;
  • E. coli;
  • Proteus and prevents secondary infection.

Usually tablet forms of drugs are used. In more severe forms of the disease, intramuscular administration of antibiotics is indicated for balanoposthitis in men.


Antibiotics are used for bacterial forms of the disease; they are not prescribed for fungal and viral infections or allergic reactions.

Should I take antibiotics as a prophylaxis against balanoposthitis?


Consider the following remedies for balanoposthitis in men:

  • Ciprofloxacin. An effective antibiotic that has many foreign analogues (Tsiprolet, Tsifran, Tsiprobay, etc.). Take 500 mg twice a day for 10-15 days. Costs from 22 to 43 rubles.
  • Suprax. Prescribed for the treatment of sexually transmitted infections. The drug is resistant to enzymes that destroy antibiotics and is well tolerated. The daily dose is 1 capsule, the duration of treatment is determined individually. Costs from 694 to 816 rubles.
  • Levomycetin. Effective against most pathogens. The advantage is the slow adaptation of microorganisms. Suppresses the vital activity of pathogenic flora and kills existing ones. Used as prescribed by a doctor. Costs about 115 rubles.
  • Doxycycline. The tablets are suitable for the treatment of most types of balanoposthitis and have a minimal number of contraindications. Costs from 20 to 32 rubles.
  • Azithromycin. Antibiotic effective against venereal, diabetic, non-infectious balanoposthitis. The dosage and course depend on the type of infection. Costs from 101 to 299 rubles.

Expert opinion

Madmuzev ​​Armen Davidovich, specializes in male venereal diseases

There are many drugs that have a depressing effect on pathogenic bacteria, but do not have a harmful effect on the microorganisms of the person himself, so they are not antibiotics.


The candidiasis form of the disease is treated with antifungal drugs in tablets and creams. Which medicine for balanoposthitis in men to choose:

  • Fluconazole- a highly effective antifungal agent, analogues of which are Flucostat, Diflucan, Mikosist. These pills are best administered to both partners at the same time to avoid cases of re-infection. In uncomplicated forms of the disease, it is sufficient to use the drug at a dose of 150 mg once. The chronic form of the disease requires long-term treatment, when the drug is taken once a week for several months. Costs from 33 to 272 rubles.
  • Furagin- one of the most famous drugs from the group of nitrofurans. Its active ingredient is furazidin, which can act on hydrogen carrier molecules and destroy the membrane of bacterial cells of gram-positive cocci and gram-negative rods. Scientific research shows that the drug, while having a negative effect on pathogenic microorganisms, has a minimal effect on beneficial human microorganisms and even helps strengthen the immune system. Tablets are taken orally at 50-200 mg 2-3 times a day after meals for 7-10 days. Costs from 122 to 444 rubles.
  • Nevigramon has an antibacterial, bacteriostatic, bactericidal effect, suppresses most gram-negative bacteria, with the exception of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Strains of microorganisms that are resistant to antibiotics and sulfonamides are sensitive to the drug. Take 1 g orally 4 times a day for 7 days. For long-term treatment, the dose is reduced to 500 mg 4 times a day. Costs about 5195 rubles.
  • Metronidazole- antiprotozoal and antimicrobial drug, which has a wide spectrum of bacterial suppression, does not affect aerobic microorganisms. A foreign analogue is the drug Trichopolum. Take 0.5 g orally 2 times for 5 days. Costs from 43 to 201 rubles.
  • Acyclovir- an antiviral drug active against the herpes virus, if the disease is caused by this pathogen. For balanoposthitis, adults are prescribed a dosage of 0.2 g 5 times a day every 4 hours with a break at night. Duration of use - 5 days. Costs from 27 to 34 rubles.

The most effective remedies for balanoposthitis

Treatment of this disease is most productive with the simultaneous use of various forms of medicines - antiseptic solutions, decoctions and infusions of herbs, ointments or creams, tablets or injections. Which medicine for balanoposthitis should I choose?

  1. Miramistin (from 211 to 749 rubles) And chlorhexidine (from 6 to 185 rubles)- highly effective anti-inflammatory antiseptic solutions that fight various microorganisms - bacteria, fungi, protozoa. Directions for use: compresses, lotions, baths.
  2. Akriderm® GK- cream for external use. Triderm is its foreign analogue. Contains the antibiotic gentamicin, hormones and antifungal components. Used for rubbing and compresses for 1-2 weeks. Costs from 96 to 158 rubles.
  3. Levomekol for external use contains an antibiotic and an immunomodulator. Costs about 124 rubles.
  4. Clotrimazole cream or ointment - has many analogues and is an effective antifungal agent. For external use. Costs from 22 to 151 rubles.
  5. Ciprofloxacin for bacterial infections, Fluconazole for fungal infections. Costs from 22 to 129 rubles.
  6. Pimafucin- complex treatment of candidiasis (fungal) balanoposthitis. Cream - externally, tablets - 100 mg orally 4 times a day for a week. Costs from 254 to 486 rubles.


The best way to avoid getting balanoposthitis is to take preventive measures:

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle, engage in physical activity, eat right, strengthen your immune system, give up bad habits. Periodically use vitamin and mineral complexes.
  2. Strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, take water treatments, and change your underwear regularly.
  3. The partner should undergo timely examinations by a gynecologist so that if vaginal dysbiosis occurs, treatment can begin, which will prevent the man from developing balanoposthitis.
  4. Protect yourself during intimate relationships, using condoms is especially effective.


You can also watch a video where the doctor will tell you what antibiotics you should take for balanoposthitis.

Balanoposthitis is a disease that not only worsens the quality of life of men, but is also fraught with serious consequences - the transition of the disease from catarrhal form to erosive or gangrenous, up to cancer. In addition, balanoposthitis can provoke the emergence and development of other diseases of the urogenital organs.

Proper comprehensive treatment allows you to completely recover from balanoposthitis and avoid secondary infection.

For quotation: Mazo E.B., Popov S.V. Monodose therapy of candidal balanoposthitis // Breast cancer. 2006. No. 12. P. 906

Introduction Balanoposthitis is an inflammatory disease of the skin of the glans penis and foreskin. The disease is detected in 11% of patients who initially consult a urologist. The prevalence of balanoposthitis in different countries of the world depends on the standard of living and culture, as well as on the religious and ethnic characteristics of the population. According to the classification developed by Waugh in 1998, balanoposthitis is divided into 2 groups: infectious and non-infectious. Infectious diseases include fungal, bacterial (aerobic and anaerobic), mycobacterial, protozoal, treponemal and viral balanoposthitis. The most common infectious balanoposthitis is considered to be candidiasis, which is caused by one of the types of fungi of the genus Candida, usually Candida albicans. Morphologically, fungi of the genus Candida are unicellular organisms that form pseudomycelium and blastospores. Like all mushrooms, they are saprophytes. Fungi of the genus Candida grow well on simple nutrient media, forming moist, cream-colored, shiny or matte colonies. Despite the fact that carriage of yeast-like fungi on the penis occurs in 14-18% of healthy men, candidal balanoposthitis is usually sexually transmitted and is significantly more often observed in patients with phimosis, diabetes mellitus, obesity and with decreased immunological reactivity.

Balanoposthitis is an inflammatory disease of the skin of the glans penis and foreskin. The disease is detected in 11% of patients who initially consult a urologist. The prevalence of balanoposthitis in different countries of the world depends on the standard of living and culture, as well as on the religious and ethnic characteristics of the population. According to the classification developed by Waugh in 1998, balanoposthitis is divided into 2 groups: infectious and non-infectious. Infectious diseases include fungal, bacterial (aerobic and anaerobic), mycobacterial, protozoal, treponemal and viral balanoposthitis. The most common infectious balanoposthitis is considered to be candidiasis, which is caused by one of the types of fungi of the genus Candida, usually Candida albicans. Morphologically, fungi of the genus Candida are unicellular organisms that form pseudomycelium and blastospores. Like all mushrooms, they are saprophytes. Fungi of the genus Candida grow well on simple nutrient media, forming moist, cream-colored, shiny or matte colonies. Despite the fact that carriage of yeast-like fungi on the penis occurs in 14-18% of healthy men, candidal balanoposthitis is usually sexually transmitted and is significantly more often observed in patients with phimosis, diabetes mellitus, obesity and with decreased immunological reactivity.
The first stage of the pathogenesis of candidal infection is the interaction of fungi of the genus Candida with the epithelium of the mucous membranes of the genitourinary tract. In the development of fungal infection, both the pathogenic properties of fungi and the state of local defense mechanisms against Candida life factors play an important role. The main virulence factors of Candida are their genotypic and phenotypic instability, as well as the secretion of proteinases that promote adhesion and penetration of the pathogen into the genital mucosa. Filamentation and subsequent adhesion of Candida to the genital mucosa are the most important stages in the development of the infectious process.
Clinical manifestations of candidal balanoposthitis are redness and itching in the penis with generalized erythema of the glans and/or foreskin, which acquire a dry surface with a varnished sheen and erosive white papules and a white coating. In patients with diabetes, the clinical picture may be more severe - with the presence of swelling and ulceration of the foreskin.
Mandatory laboratory diagnostic measures for the identification of fungi of the genus Candida are the detection of the predominance of vegetative forms - mycelium and budding yeast cells during microscopic examination, as well as the growth of fungal colonies in quantities of more than 102 CFU/ml during cultural examination. In recent years, the polymerase chain reaction method has been proposed as an alternative diagnostic method. Control studies are carried out 10-14 days after completion of therapy. Additional studies include examination for sexually transmitted infections, clinical blood and urine tests, blood tests for glucose, and HIV. It should be noted the need for simultaneous treatment of sexual partners and the use of barrier methods of contraception during sexual intercourse during therapy.
Indications for treatment of candidal balanoposthitis are the presence of clinical signs of the disease and microscopic detection of fungal elements. Local treatment includes toileting the glans penis and foreskin, baths with weak solutions of potassium permanganate 2 times a day. Local antimycotics are used 2 times a day for 2 weeks. Currently, among systemic drugs, preference is given to therapy with a single dose (150 mg) of fluconazole (Flucostat, etc.). Fluconazole (Flucostat) is a drug from the azole group that inhibits the formation of ergosterol, the main component of the fungal membrane, by acting on the enzyme 14a-demethylase, which is part of the cytochrome P450 system. Violation of membrane biosynthesis during peroxidation leads to the death of the fungal cell. It should be noted that fluconazole has high specificity for cytochrome P450-dependent fungal enzymes. In this regard, when using fluconazole, there is no negative effect on the synthesis of steroids and other metabolic processes associated with cytochrome. Fluconazole has a broad spectrum of action, including most species of Candida and other fungi. Among the fungi of the genus Candida, the most sensitive to this drug are Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis and Candida parapsilosis. If candidal balanoposthitis is caused by Candida albicans (based on the results of a sprout test), it is not necessary to determine sensitivity to fluconazole before starting treatment. Resistance of Candida albicans strains during treatment develops in rare cases of long-term treatment of chronic forms of candidiasis in HIV-infected patients.
Material and methods
In the clinic of urology and operative nephrology of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Russian State Medical University of Roszdrav, we observed 22 patients with candidal balanoposthitis aged from 18 to 73 years. All patients had uncircumcised foreskin, 5 had congenital phimosis, and 10 men suffered from cicatricial phimosis due to diabetes mellitus. Sexual partners of 7 men suffered from vulvovaginal candidiasis. Patients with atypical intracellular infections were not included in the study. All patients underwent a physical examination, laboratory tests: general blood and urine analysis, blood test for glucose, HIV, microscopy and cultural examination of scrapings from the skin of the glans penis and foreskin.
When clarifying the complaints, it turned out that 11 patients were bothered by foci of hyperemia of the skin of the glans penis, as well as itching and burning in the penis; 9 patients also had erosive white papules with a white coating. Erythema of the glans penis and/or foreskin was detected in 6 patients. We did not detect ulceration of the foreskin in any patient. In all patients, microscopy and cultural examination of scrapings from the skin of the glans penis and foreskin revealed candida. When identified, they all belonged to the species Candida albicans.
All patients with candidal balanoposthitis were prescribed fluconazole 150 mg (1 tablet) once before bedtime.
Along with the antimycotic, patients were recommended daily toileting of the glans penis and foreskin, baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate 2 times a day; Patients with diabetes mellitus, on the recommendation of an endocrinologist, underwent drug correction of hyperglycemia. All patients were warned about the need to use a condom during sexual relations to avoid superinfection. The effectiveness of therapy was monitored after 2 weeks. after a single dose of the drug.
During a control examination of 22 patients with candidiasis balanoposthitis, carried out after 2 weeks. after a single dose of fluconazole at a dose of 150 mg, Candida albicans ceased to be detected by microscopy and cultural examination of scrapings from the skin of the glans penis and foreskin in 18 (82%) patients. It should be noted that 4 men with newly discovered Candida albicans suffered from diabetes mellitus and, after determining sensitivity to antimycotics, they were re-prescribed fluconazole 50 mg once a day for 7 days with a positive effect.
Taking fluconazole led to a clinical cure - the disappearance of symptoms and a significant reduction or disappearance of inflammatory changes in the skin of the glans penis and foreskin. The dynamics of the above parameters before and after treatment are shown in Table 1.
It should be noted that fluconazole is well tolerated. We did not note any adverse reactions in patients receiving the drug.
The study demonstrated the high effectiveness of single-dose fluconazole therapy for candidal balanoposthitis in the absence of side effects during treatment. Etiological cure occurred in 18 (82%) patients. After a single dose of 150 mg of the drug in a short period of time, it was possible to achieve clinical cure in the majority of patients with candidal balanoposthitis.
Based on a study of the effectiveness of fluconazole, its high activity against the most common causative agent of candida balanoposthitis - Candida albicans - was confirmed.

Balanoposthitis – an inflammatory disease that occurs very often. Bacteria or fungi are concentrated under the inner layer of the foreskin, causing an inflammatory process. It can be triggered by external factors: hypothermia or overheating, mechanical damage to the head of the penis or foreskin, an allergic reaction, poor nutrition.

An infectious form of the disease is also possible, most often venereal.

In this case, inflammation is caused by accumulations of gonococci or chlamydia. Often balanoposthitis becomes a consequence of surgery, for example, to remove an inguinal hernia. The disease can take or.

Balanoposthitis in men: treatment with drugs

To prescribe the correct treatment of balanoposthitis in men with drugs, the urologist performs a series of tests, determining the exact nature of the disease. If antimicrobial drugs are required, a combination of antibacterial and immunostimulating agents will help remove infections. On our website you can find out about treatment: and.

If balanitis is caused by a sexually transmitted infection, the patient is prescribed antibiotic tablets for balanoposthitis, followed by a rehabilitation course. The program is developed individually, the dosage of each drug is chosen by the doctor.

It is impossible to interrupt treatment with drugs for balanoposthitis, otherwise the disease will go into the chronic phase, which is much more difficult to treat.


Prescribed for acute forms of infectious or non-infectious balanoposthitis, medications are especially often prescribed for sexually transmitted infections; potent drugs quickly kill chlamydia and gonococci.

Used for treatment macrolides, penicillin and tetracycline drugs, it is advisable not to combine them with each other.

Self-treatment of balanoposthitis in men with tablets is excluded, since each drug is aimed at combating a specific type of infection. The wrong choice of medicine will complicate recovery and contribute to the transition of balanoposthitis from acute to chronic form.

Among the most popular products is an ointment containing the antibiotic chloramphenicol and the immunomodulator methyluracil.

The drug is easily tolerated by weakened patients and has a quick effect.

The drug is suitable for the treatment of acute posthitis; in the chronic form, Levomekol demonstrates less impressive results.

External agents are supplemented with tablets and capsules that effectively act on streptococci, staphylococci and other types of bacteria. Most often, urologists prescribe Azithromycin, Doxycinline, Suprax, Lefomecitin, Furagin.

The drugs suppress the activity of bacteria that have already entered the body, and also prevent secondary infection. The course is assigned individually, depends on the causative agents of the disease and the patient’s condition.

It is undesirable to use antibiotics for viral or fungal infections; after treatment with potent drugs, restorative therapy is necessary.


After a course of antibiotics, immunostimulating drugs are often prescribed to treat balanoposthitis. Most effective interferons alpha, beta and gamma. The drugs increase the body's defenses and prevent secondary infection. The drugs are taken orally, the course and dosage are calculated individually.

At the same time it is recommended taking vitamin complexes. Six months after intensive treatment, the course of immunomodulators and vitamins can be repeated. Such prevention strengthens the body and prevents inflammatory processes in other organs of the genitourinary system.

Antifungal drugs

For candidiasis balanoposthitis, antimycotic drugs are needed in the form of tablets, ointments, and creams. The same funds will be needed after treating acute posthitis with antibiotics. Their task is fight against Candida fungus, causing increased secretion of smegma, severe itching, burning, swelling.

Among the most popular medications for balanoposthitis in men are ointments Clotrimazole, Econazole, Natamycin, Isoconazole, Nystatin.

The drugs are applied directly to the glans penis and under the foreskin 2-3 times a day.

Treatment with solutions of medicinal herbs with an antimicrobial, strengthening and calming effect also helps.

The full course of treatment lasts 10-14 days, if necessary, repeat it.

One of the effective medicines is Fluconazole with balanoposthitis in men. The product belongs to the group of azoles and effectively affects the fungus by disrupting membrane synthesis. These tablets for balanoposthitis in men do not cause resistance and can be used even when other drugs are powerless.

Fluconazole is often prescribed for the chronic form of posthitis, which is much more difficult to cure. You need to take one 150 mg tablet per week, treatment continues until complete recovery. With chronic fasting, the process may take several months.

For acute and chronic inflammation, complex drugs with antifungal, antibacterial, and antiprotozoal effects provide a good effect.

This group includes McMirror from balanoposthitis.

The drug is low toxic and well tolerated by the body. At the same time, it affects gram-negative and gram-positive organisms, including those that are resistant to other medications.

The product is quickly adsorbed and completely eliminated from the body along with urine, without having a harmful effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Available in the form of tablets and ointments, can be used in combination. For acute forms of balanoposthitis, drink 3-6 tablets per day(600-1200 mg), the course of treatment lasts 7-14 days. The ointment is applied 1-2 times a day to the affected areas.

A small amount of the drug can be injected into the urethra, and also lubricate the area under the foreskin. The full course of treatment is 1 week, it can be repeated if necessary.

When using antifungal agents it is important to follow a proper diet.

The menu includes fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as low-fat fermented milk products that normalize the state of microflora. Animal fats, spicy foods, baked goods, yeast bread, smoked meats, pickles and alcohol are excluded from the diet.

Balanoposthitis requires complex treatment under the close supervision of a physician.. You cannot take medications without permission. Violation of the course or its interruption prolongs the healing process and provokes unpleasant complications. The earlier therapy is started, the greater the chances of getting rid of the disease forever and not getting a relapse.

Candidal balanoposthitis is one of the most common mycotic infections of the penis. In addition to independent damage and development of balanoposthitis, there is a secondary addition of candidiasis infection against the background of already existing balanoposthitis of a different etiology. The clinical picture of balanoposthitis caused by Candida fungi is manifested by the presence of patchy erythema, swelling of the skin, and the appearance of erosive and ulcerative elements, while the pathological process can spread to the skin of the scrotum. Data from microscopic and bacteriological examinations allow us to establish the correct diagnosis.

One of the routes of infection for candidal balanoposthitis is sexual, but the presence of endocrinopathies (DM, thyroid disease, obesity, etc.), a decrease in the body’s immunological reactivity and other factors are of decisive importance.

IN urological The clinic has experience in treating 327 patients with candidiasis balanoposthitis.

Depending on the severity of the process, treatment was carried out with local or systemic drugs or a combination of both.

For mild forms of balanoposthitis, along with compliance with hygienic measures, the following was used:

clotrimazole, 1% cream, topically 2-3 times a day, 1-2 weeks. or econazole, cream or powder, topically 2 times a day, 1-2 weeks.

In the presence of risk factors for generalization of infection (for example, in patients with diabetes or patients with immunosuppression), as well as in cases of pronounced inflammatory changes, local therapy was supplemented with drugs for systemic applications:

· fluconazole 150 mg orally, once or fluconazole 150 mg orally, on the 1st day, then 50 mg once a day, 7 days. or fluconazole 200 mg orally, on the 1st day, then 100 mg 1 time per day, 4 days.

This therapy was effective in 93-95% of patients, which was confirmed by the results of examination, microscopic and bacteriological examination. In 5-7% of cases, the course of treatment had to be repeated or prolonged.

Often candidiasis balanoposthitis is combined with candidiasis urethritis. In this case, patients experience pain when urinating, frequent urination, cheesy discharge from the urethra, and hyperemia of the urethral sponges.

The diagnosis is made based on the characteristics of the clinical picture and the results of laboratory methods:

  • · microscopic examination of a native or Gram-stained preparation allows not only to detect the presence of Candida with a predominance of vegetative forms of the fungus (mycelium and budding yeast cells), but also to assess the composition of the urethral microflora (pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms) and the severity of the leukocyte reaction;
  • · Bacteriological examination makes it possible to determine the species of the isolated fungal culture and accompanying microorganisms, as well as to assess drug sensitivity. The growth of fungal colonies >104 CFU/ml is diagnostically significant.

In 55 of 327 patients with candidal balanoposthitis, candidal urethritis was also detected.

Treatment in this case necessarily included a systemic antifungal drug:

Fluconazole 150 mg orally on the 1st day, then 50 mg 1 time per day, 7 days. or fluconazole 200 mg orally on the 1st day, then 100 mg 1 time per day, 4 days.

Candidiasis, or in common parlance thrush, is a fungal disease caused by yeast fungi of the genus Candida. It is mistakenly believed that this is a purely female disease, and not everyone knows that thrush also occurs in men. As a rule, thrush occurs much less frequently in men than in women, but still, in recent years this disease has occurred quite often. Doctors believe that the increase in incidence is associated with a general decrease in immunity in the population.

It is believed that candidiasis occurs about 4 times less often in men than in women. This is due to the anatomical structure of the male penis, due to which the fungus is washed out with urine and rarely has time to “fix” itself and begin to reproduce.

Most often in men, candidiasis affects the glans penis and foreskin: this type of disease is called candidal balanoposthitis.

In most cases, candidal balanoposthitis occurs relatively easily in men. However, the mildness of the disease does not mean that it does not need to be treated, since serious consequences and complications are possible.

Most often, thrush in men begins with candidal urethritis (inflammation of the urethra). The incubation period of the inflammatory process lasts from 10 to 20 days, after which the first symptoms of candidiasis appear. It can be determined that Candida fungi are “to blame” first of all by the appearance of mucous, whitish discharge, thick and often thread-like. Also, thrush in men is accompanied by discomfort during sexual intercourse and during erection.

In some cases, discharge does not appear, and symptoms are limited to itching and discomfort. But even the most meager signs are a reason to consult a doctor, who will make a diagnosis and prescribe an appropriate drug.

Why does the disease develop?

There are several different causes of thrush in men. Usually, a doctor, having discovered male thrush, assumes a malfunction in the immune system, a weakening of the immune system, which did not allow the body to cope with the infection. Therefore, people with a weakened body are more likely to be at risk than absolutely healthy men.

The reasons leading to the development of the disease are:

  • Diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism and other endocrine diseases.
  • Oncological diseases and blood diseases that significantly reduce immunity.
  • Psychological overload, frequent stress, neuroses.
  • Deficiency of microelements and vitamins necessary for the body.
  • Prolonged hypothermia.
  • Taking antibiotics without a doctor's prescription for a long time and without concomitant use of antifungal drugs.
  • Excessive insolation (prolonged exposure to the sun or abuse of solariums).
  • Metabolic disorders, including obesity.
  • All these reasons significantly increase the risk of getting candidiasis.

Therapy and possible consequences

Thrush in men, as already mentioned, often occurs with implicit symptoms or is characterized by a short-term course. Usually, immediately after the first symptoms appear, the patient is in no hurry to start treatment, and therefore candidiasis becomes chronic.

become prostatitis and vesiculitis, which become causes of infertility. Therefore, thrush in guys must be confirmed by a doctor, who will prescribe adequate treatment and determine which drugs are best to fight the infection.

Usually, the doctor prescribes local treatment for thrush in men using clotrimazole-based drugs. The most popular drugs in this group are, in fact, Clotrimazole, Pimafucin and Fluconazole. The treatment regimen for Clotrimazole and Fluconazole is selected by the doctor individually, based on the characteristics of the patient’s body and the severity of symptoms, as well as the presence and nature of discharge.

Most often, Clotrimazole is used in the form of an ointment, but if necessary, the doctor may prescribe the drug Fluconazole in tablet form. Tablets are more convenient in cases where the treatment of thrush in men does not occur at home, but, for example, on a business trip, where it is difficult to use ointment.

The doctor determines the regimen and course of treatment depending on the chosen drug and the form of thrush - acute or chronic. In the acute form, if the doctor deems it sufficient, you can take a Fluconazole tablet once and then repeat the dose after a few days. However, without medical supervision, you can only muffle the symptoms, turning the disease into a chronic form. Therefore, the question of how to cure thrush in men should be asked to your doctor, without turning to advice from the Internet.

There is a lot of different advice on the Internet on how to treat yourself at home, and there are plenty of folk recipes, but this does not mean that you should use them. Traditional medicines can only relieve inflammation and drive candida deeper into the body, but they do not get rid of the infection. Folk remedies should only be used as a supportive and anti-inflammatory medicine.

In addition, during the course of treatment and some time after it, you should follow a certain diet:

  1. Avoid fatty, salty, smoked and spicy foods.
  2. Eat more fruits and vegetables, and perhaps take a vitamin complex to strengthen your immune system.
  3. Avoid coffee, tobacco and alcohol – they weaken the body and contribute to the development of thrush.
  4. Reduce sweets and baked goods in your menu to a minimum.
  5. Consume more fermented milk products and natural antiseptics - garlic, onions, lingonberries, etc.

A diet will help the body cope with the disease and not trigger it. Usually the doctor prescribes a diet based on the patient’s condition: if there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then the diet will be one, and if the person is healthy, a slightly different one. But the general principles of the diet will remain unchanged.

How to avoid infection?

In order not to have to think about how to treat thrush in men, and then resort to folk remedies or take antifungal drugs, you should take care of prevention. To ensure the prevention of thrush in men, it is enough to follow these simple requirements:

  • Do not neglect the rules of hygiene, wash your hands not only after visiting the toilet, but also before it - so as not to spread an infection to your penis.
  • Wash your penis regularly and use a condom during sex. This advice is especially important for a guy who does not have a regular partner.
  • Do not use scented gels and soaps to avoid irritation. It is better to choose neutral hygiene products.
  • Wear underwear made from natural fabrics, loose and non-squeezing.
  • Wipe dry after washing, since a humid environment is optimal for the development of candidiasis.

Regimen for taking the drug "Fluconazole" for thrush

06/3/2015 // admin

Thrush is a fungal disease; the main treatment is aimed at suppressing the active activity of yeast fungi. Without treatment, it is impossible to get rid of candidiasis. It is possible that the symptoms will go away on their own the first few times, but then the disease may become chronic. Often the doctor prescribes the drug Fluconazole for this disease.

How to take Fluconazole for thrush is also prescribed by your doctor. After all, a lot depends on the nature of the disease, its neglect and specific form. There is simply no ideal drug for the treatment of thrush that would suit everyone. But Fluconazole can be called one of the most frequently prescribed medications. We also wrote about Clotrimazole ointment: instructions for use.

About the correct dosages

In pharmacies you can find a drug called “Fluconazole” or under other brands, but with the same active ingredient. The regimen will be the same, but individual. The doctor prescribes it after analyzing the medical history and determining the severity of the disease. Much depends on the general health of the patient.

Usually, how to take Fluconazole for thrush depends on the body's reaction. As soon as the first improvements occur, the drug is discontinued. To confirm the improvement, you will have to take a microflora test.

Important! You should not stop taking the drug yourself as soon as the unpleasant symptoms of thrush have disappeared. The disappearance of symptoms does not indicate complete recovery.

Most patients tolerate this drug well. It is taken with caution for diseases of the liver, kidneys, and heart. Also in the instructions on how to take Fluconazole for thrush you can find information that the drug is not for use by persons under 18 years of age or over 65 years of age.

"Fluconazole" for the treatment of men

For the treatment of thrush in men, Fluconazole is also prescribed quite often. This is a 150 mg tablet taken orally, as well as the use of gels or cream. Due to the structure of the genital organs, candidiasis in men rarely manifests itself in an acute form. This is because fungi of the genus Candida are washed off from the mucous membrane of the penis when urinating. Which ointment for thrush is suitable for men?

Important! In addition to this drug, when treating thrush in men, vitamins are required to generally strengthen the immune system. It is important to find out the cause of thrush and, above all, eliminate it.

"Fluconazole" for chronic thrush

If candidiasis appears for the first time, the doctor will always prescribe the following regimen for how to take Fluconazole for thrush: one 150 mg tablet once orally. The tablet can be washed down with water and taken before the main meal. If the symptoms of thrush are severe, then after two weeks an additional dose of the drug will be required.

As for chronic thrush, the course of treatment can be much longer than taking a single pill. Therapy can last for a week straight, sometimes doctors prescribe taking one tablet every week. It is important to understand here that everything depends on the overall picture of the course of thrush. Only a specialist, based on tests and his own observations, can determine the correct regimen for how to take Fluconazole for thrush. Do you know which cream for thrush will help?

Important! It is extremely difficult to cure chronic thrush. You will have to undergo a course of long-term therapy from two to six months. After this, procedures are carried out to restore the vaginal microflora. How is microflora restored after thrush?

Accepted dosage regimen

When treating thrush with the drug described, specialists from many countries around the world adhere to a certain accepted scheme. The patient takes the first three capsules in one day. Then the dose is repeated three times on days 4 and 7 of treatment. Then, for six months, take one capsule per week. It is recommended to take the drug on the same day, preferably at the same time. We have already written about the drug “Nystatin”: how to take it.

Side effects and contraindications

The drug is well tolerated, but side effects are possible. Among the most common adverse reactions are:

  • Headache;
  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • Changes in liver function (with long-term use);

If any side effects occur, you should stop taking the medicine. During pregnancy and lactation, you can take Fluconazole, but only with the consent of your doctor. Breastfeeding will need to be stopped while you are taking the medicine.

Even if you have learned from your doctor your individual regimen for how to take Fluconazole for thrush, you will not be able to be cured with this medicine alone. You need to adjust your diet, play sports and take certain measures to improve your own immunity. Also remember the rules of intimate hygiene.

Thrush (candidiasis) is a fungal disease that can appear due to weakened immunity or be transmitted from another person. The disease affects internal organs and skin, and negatively affects the general condition of the patient. Most often it occurs in women, but men and even children are also not protected from it.

Fluconazole is one of the drugs actively used against candidiasis. It has a powerful antifungal effect, stops inflammatory processes and, in general, helps treat all types of thrush.

Available in several forms, including:

  • Pills;
  • Capsules;
  • Solution.
  • General characteristics of the drug
  • Compound
  • Features of application and action
  • Dosage and features of administration
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects
  • Rules for taking and dosage of the drug
  • Why does the drug not help with thrush?

General characteristics of the drug

In order to answer the question of whether Fluconazole really helps with thrush, you need to consider its composition and main features. It is worth noting that many medications against candidiasis contain the substance fluconazole, but it does not act as an active component.

Important! Genital thrush is transmitted sexually, so if you become infected, you need to get treatment together with your partner. It is also recommended to be checked for the presence of the disease a week after completing the course.


The active substance in this medicine is fluconazole. After this come the auxiliary components: corn starch, calcium stearate.

Depending on the form of release, the drug may also contain other substances that help rapid absorption or are used to make the coating of the product. For example, for capsules such elements are: dye, preservatives, gelatin, otherwise the composition does not differ from the above.

Features of application and action

The drug is taken orally. After administration, the product is absorbed fairly quickly and has a high level of bioavailability (about 90%). It can be taken on an empty stomach or after meals, since the time of use does not affect the overall effect of the medicine.

The drug begins to act 1-1.5 hours after administration. It reaches its maximum equilibrium concentration (90%) on day 5 with daily use. The same effect can be achieved on the second day if you take a triple dose of the medicine on the first day.

The active substance penetrates into all biological fluids, which is why the product is several times more effective than other anti-candidiasis drugs.

Fluconazole helps with thrush (at all stages), as well as with some skin diseases. The medication can be taken to treat diseases such as:

  • candidiasis (genital, abdominal and oral cavity, chronic and so on);
  • some types of lichen, including pityriasis versicolor;
  • skin mycoses.

It is suitable for women and men, and is also approved for use by children.

Dosage and features of administration

To properly treat thrush with this medicine, you need to know specific regimens, each of which depends on the type of disease. By observing all the features of the intake, you can get rid of candidiasis as quickly as possible.

The very first scheme is classic, and is used in the initial stages of the development of the disease:

  • 150 mg for women and men;
  • 50 mg for children (average).

You need to calculate the exact dosage for babies based on their weight. The maximum amount of the drug is 10 mg per kg, while children who weigh 50 kg or more can be given an adult dose.

Important! It is better for kids to take tablets, since capsules are several times more difficult to swallow.


The drug has a number of contraindications that you need to be aware of before use. It cannot be used in the following cases:

There have also been cases where the condition of people with liver diseases worsened after using Fluconazole. The drug can have a toxic effect on the diseased organ, but this effect occurs only in severe forms of the disease (example: acute cirrhosis). In any case, during the treatment period it is necessary to monitor the health of the liver and undergo examinations.

Side effects

The product quickly helps to get rid of candidiasis, but at the same time it has a number of side effects that appear due to the body’s natural reaction to some components of the composition.

Among them are the following:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • lack of hunger (decreased appetite);
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence.

Treatment of thrush with Fluconazole in individual cases can cause the following effects:

  • skin rash;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • swelling of the face.

There have been cases of death in adult men and women with liver disease after taking the drug regularly.

For treatment with Fluconazole in case of any damage to this organ, it is recommended to reduce the daily dose to 50 mg per day, and also consult a doctor first. But with a single use of the medicine, a dosage reduction will not be necessary, since it will completely leave the body in the urine within a day after use.

Rules for taking and dosage of the drug

As already mentioned, the average daily intake for women and men is 150 mg per day. But most of all, the dosage depends on the type of disease, as well as its neglect. In individual cases, treatment may be delayed.

Why does the drug not help with thrush?

Indeed, there are cases when after taking Fluconazole the situation does not change at all, and the disease continues to progress. The reason for this is often the incorrect use of the drug, or rather incorrect dosages, which are calculated by a person without studying the diagrams.

Treatment with Fluconazole for thrush of any kind should occur in strict accordance with all recommendations. In addition, it is important to take into account the age of the patient, because children under 4 years of age are not allowed to take this medicine.

It is also worth noting the fact that this drug against thrush begins to act after several days (on average) from the first dose. So, we examined all the features of the product, the regimen of use and the method of taking it for prevention.

Fluconazole against candidiasis has a powerful effect, has a minimum of contraindications, and can also be taken by children.