What to do when your neck is cold and you can’t turn your head? Head blown: what to do, symptoms and treatment of the problem

In spring and autumn, when it gets cold and windy outside, you can see a lot of young (and not so young) people without a hat. Obviously, they had never encountered something that blew their heads. The symptoms of this disease are quite unpleasant, and treatment will take more than one day. What does a person feel who has over-cooled his head, and how can he save the situation?

What happens in the body if it’s “blown”?

The doctor, of course, will not write “Heads blown” on the card, since this is not a medical term. This is a serious pathology that can have dangerous consequences: the matter is unlikely to be limited only to the head. A blow is a reflex reaction of the body to cold, which is expressed by spasm and inflammation of muscles and blood vessels and can lead to damage to the nerve trunk. Even if everything goes away without treatment, over time the pathological process can make itself felt with the following problems: hearing loss, frequent headaches, annual inflammation of cold frontal and frontal sinuses.

It should also be taken into account that people with strong immunity, even if they walk in the rain and wind without a hat or sit under air conditioners, do not experience such an illness. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment, and only a doctor can prescribe it.

How to understand that it is not meningitis, but hypothermia?

Such a problem as “blown head” is quite widespread, so knowing its symptoms and principles of treatment will not hurt everyone. After all, you can encounter it not only in the off-season. It’s enough to sit under an air conditioner or fan, ride in a car with the windows open, go outside with wet hair - and your head literally splits into pieces. Usually a person knows exactly what caused such problems.

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Here are the symptoms that can be used to determine that this is hypothermia, and not a more serious and dangerous illness:

  • headache of varying intensity (sometimes it is simply unbearable);
  • migraine attack;
  • slight dizziness;
  • general weakness;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • lethargy;
  • constant desire to sleep or at least lie down;
  • pain in the neck and limited mobility;
  • fever, chills;
  • “shootings” in the ears and temples.

If the listed symptoms appear, you can assume that you have a headache. What to do if such a nuisance happens? If you know absolutely exactly what caused such sad consequences, then you can try to start treatment yourself. But if you do not know why the headaches occurred or if you do not feel better after a couple of days of home therapy, then immediately contact a neurologist. Still, it’s dangerous to joke with your head!

Here's what you can do in this case:

  • provide yourself with bed rest for a couple of days;
  • remove fatty, spicy, fried foods from the diet;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • take a tablet of Aspirin, Spasmolgon or Nise;
  • if the headache is simply unbearable, then you can use a headache patch (it is sold at the pharmacy);
  • drink a drug from the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Imet;
  • drink more liquid. It is better if it is tea with lemon, honey or raspberry jam, rosehip decoction, fruit and berry juice, compote, natural juice;
  • Provide dry warmth to your head - tie it with a scarf, put on a hat made of natural wool. At night, place a bag of warm salt or semolina under the cold side of the head;
  • take a hot bath prepared using decoctions of mint, chamomile, rosemary;
  • do steam inhalations. Compositions made from chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, and St. John's wort are suitable as medicinal infusions. All these plants need to be brewed, add a drop of sea buckthorn and mint oil to them. Pour the resulting broth into a wide container, bend over the steam (make sure it doesn’t burn!), cover with a terry towel and breathe in the healing steam for about 15 minutes;
  • rub the temples, behind-the-ear areas and the bridge of the nose with menthol oil or Zvezdochka balm;
  • drink 1 tsp. infusion of Chinese lemongrass;
  • prepare yourself a decoction of lemon balm, valerian, coltsfoot, oregano, clover, dill seeds;
  • If you have a headache, a shooting in your ear, and you don’t know how to treat such a problem, then use a proven folk recipe. Take a head of onion, squeeze out the juice, drop 3 drops into the sore ear and plug it with a cotton swab. The pain will go away within 20 minutes;
  • If your eyes hurt and are watery, you can make compresses with tea leaves or chamomile decoction.

All these activities should have a positive impact on your well-being. But when the head is hypothermic, neuralgia sometimes develops. It is characterized by burning paroxysmal pain along the trigeminal or occipital nerve. At the same time, the face turns red or pale, spasms of the facial muscles occur, sweating increases, and it is impossible to drink cold water. This is an extremely dangerous condition: it can lead to paralysis of half the face, in other words, it will distort the face. Therefore, you should not conduct experiments, you need to urgently go to the clinic!

Half of my head and ear hurt - what to do?

If the right side of your head and ear hurt, it means your head is blown and your neck muscles are inflamed. This is called "myositis". How to treat and what additional symptoms may occur with this condition? Myositis is often provoked by drafts and hypothermia. It looks like this: pain appears (aching, then quite severe), discomfort occurs in the neck, pain gradually affects the entire scalp, cheek and ear, and the right eye may become watery.

After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe rest and warming procedures. You can wrap your head in a down scarf and walk and sleep in it. Among the medications, NSAIDs (Nimesil) are used; to eliminate pain - Movalis in injections or tablets or hormonal injections (prescribed by a doctor!). You can rub the neck with Diclofenac, Traumeel ointments, and drip Otipax or Otinum into the ear.

It’s not just winter frosts that can blow your head. There are many factors that provoke this unpleasant condition. The symptoms that accompany a cold head are quite painful, they unsettle a person and interfere with study, work, and everyday activities, requiring immediate treatment measures. In addition, if you treat this phenomenon without special caution, you can lead to complications, sometimes dangerous to human health and life.

Causes of the disease

Many people believe that this condition cannot be attributed to any specific disease, and when the head is cleared, a certain set of symptoms appears that correspond to specific colds. There is some truth in this. If you have a headache, the symptoms are of a cold nature and are treated accordingly.

What causes this condition to appear? The main reason, especially in the summer, is drafts. You need to be careful about the following factors:

  • air conditioning, which creates a large temperature difference between indoors and outdoors. In the office, those who sit closest to the air conditioner suffer the most;
  • open windows and doors at different ends of the room;
  • windy weather combined with undried hair;
  • driving in a car "with a breeze": opening all the windows or even sticking your head out in a moving car or bus.

And if we add large quantities of ice cream and iced drinks to all this, we will get a complete picture of what not to do to protect ourselves from the insidious cold.

Why does a person experience certain pain sensations with this condition? When the head is blown through, general intoxication of the body occurs. A headache appears - this occurs as a result of an increase in the amount of intracranial fluid: it compresses the brain tissue and pain occurs. Body temperature rises, otitis media or inflammation of the sinuses may appear.

Basic symptoms

Typically, signs of a cold head become noticeable immediately: within a few hours, headaches and other unpleasant sensations begin. The main symptoms of a cold head are:

  • headache;
  • noise, ringing in the ears, sensation of pulsation;
  • increased body temperature, chills;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness, aches in the muscles of the whole body;
  • pain in the neck muscles;
  • decreased concentration, deterioration in performance.

Hypothermia of the head often entails inflammatory processes in the sinuses, throat or ears, which gives its own specific symptoms. Therefore, the condition may be accompanied by a runny nose, nausea, ear pain, pain in the temples or the frontal part of the head. Sometimes there is an increase in blood pressure. In some cases, there is a feeling as if the roots of the hair on the head hurt. This symptom indicates that you still have a cold in your head.

The symptoms, as you can see, are quite varied and to make a correct diagnosis you need to consult a specialist. He will be able to clearly differentiate your complaints and, based on the tests, make an accurate diagnosis. It is quite difficult to determine the disease yourself. So, pain in the forehead, especially on the right side, indicates that your head is blown. A lumbago in the back of the head has the same cause. And the pain of an increasing nature, which intensifies in a lying position, may indicate a diseased tooth. Shooting pain in the ear or head on one side is a sign of otitis media. In any case, it is necessary to describe the pain sensations as accurately as possible, so the doctor will quickly find his bearings and determine the diagnosis.

What to do first?

Quite often there is a situation when the disease strikes on the weekend or late in the evening. In this case, you won’t be able to see a doctor anytime soon, and all the symptoms indicate that you have a headache: how to treat it and how to help yourself as effectively as possible in this case?

The first thing experts advise you to do is drink aspirin and strong tea, preferably with honey. If you experience pain or discomfort in your throat, gargle it with a decoction of sage, calendula or oak. Myositis in this condition is common. It manifests itself as pain in the neck, which hampers movement and prevents you from turning your head. You can lubricate the sore spot with a special ointment with an anti-inflammatory effect, rub it, this improves your well-being. Before going to bed, you need to warm your head - tie a scarf or even put on a hat.

The aroma lamp helps in some cases to improve the condition and reduce headaches. If your ears hurt badly, you can apply a compress around the auricle. It is necessary to moisten the gauze with alcohol, apply it to this area, insulate it and tie it with a scarf to secure it on top. But we must remember that these remedies are temporary, and if you have a headache, you should come to the doctor as soon as possible.

What can you confuse a cold head with?

As you can see, the symptoms of a cold head are varied and general. Therefore, they can be confused with other diseases that are more dangerous to human health. Increased body temperature, headache, pressure surges and darkening of the eyes can indicate diseases that pose a serious threat to health: brain abscess of infectious origin, meningitis, including infectious, osteochondrosis, migraine, and some others.

Folk remedies

These treatments are effective and will provide some relief before visiting a doctor. If there is inflammation in the mouth, gums or throat, rinsing will help. For this procedure, use dry red wine, decoctions of medicinal herbs, or even plain warm water. Baths with herbs - chamomile, rosemary, sage - help well. These herbs contain substances that have a calming, anti-inflammatory effect. And their fragrant vapors have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and relax it. For this purpose, you can use an inhaler, but if you don’t have one, a regular bowl filled with a decoction of herbs is perfect. Cover the head with a large towel, and breathe healing vapors over the basin for several minutes. Before going to bed, the pillow should be covered with a warm shawl, woolen scarf, or towel. This is done to keep your head warm at night.

For ear pain, nasal drops with a vasoconstrictor effect are suitable as a first aid remedy. This will help alleviate the condition by relieving swelling of the nasal mucosa and restoring communication between the middle ear and the nasal cavity. Warm compresses are also used. A good traditional medicine is onion juice. You need to cut the raw juicy onion in half and place both halves with the cut side up. The juice that appears on the cut must be collected with a pipette and dripped into the ear. After this, you need to cover the ear hole with cotton wool, lie on your side so that the juice does not flow out, and tie an insulating scarf on your head. Thanks to this, pain in the ear area will go away.

If the consequence of a head cold is the appearance of stye, it should not be squeezed out or pierced, otherwise its contents may spread to other membranes of the eye, which can lead to deep penetration of the infection. Therefore, in this case, the barley should be examined by a doctor.

Despite the fact that when treating a cold, the head should be kept warm and not allowed to cool, it is not recommended to overheat it. Do not use heating pads or very hot compresses. This can cause increased blood pressure and further increase inflammation.

You can get a cold not only in cold seasons. It is enough to spend a short time in a draft or swim in a cold pond and the disease will not be long in coming. An untreated or undiagnosed head cold can lead to serious consequences and complications, so at the first manifestations of the disease, you must immediately consult a doctor for advice and proper treatment.

What it is

The symptoms of a head cold are very similar to the general damage to the body by colds and are also accompanied by elevated body temperature, general weakness and malaise, nasal congestion and sneezing.

In addition to the general symptoms, an excellent feature of a head cold is headaches that radiate to the top of the head. In some cases, inflammation of the ternary nerve may occur, which complicates the treatment and recovery process.

In severe and advanced cases, the disease can lead to chronic migraine conditions, as well as cause inflammatory reactions in the brain - meningitis.


The causes of a head cold can be various factors. With weakened immunity or chronic diseases of internal organs, the risk of getting a cold increases significantly.

Possible reasons for development:

  • staying in a cold room;
  • constant presence near the air conditioner;
  • refusal to wear a headdress (hats, headscarves) in cold weather;
  • swimming or staying in cold water for a long time;
  • staying outside with wet hair;
  • traveling on public transport with open hatches or windows;
  • drafts in the room;
  • drinking cold drinks and ice.

In some cases, a head cold can be triggered by existing colds. This type of head cold is a complication of respiratory diseases and has similar symptoms.

Main symptoms

The symptoms of a head cold vary, so to make the correct diagnosis, as well as prescribe the necessary treatment, it is recommended to seek help from an appropriate specialist.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • headaches (migraine);
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • pain in the neck muscles;
  • chills;
  • heat;
  • noise in ears;
  • decreased level of concentration.

The disease can cause various ailments and lesions in other parts of the head. For example, a common occurrence with a head cold is the development of ENT diseases. The most common are inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity (sinusitis, sinusitis), as well as in the ears (otitis media) or throat (pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis).


Self-prescription of medications is not recommended, since at best you may simply not achieve results, and at worst, it can provoke complications.

The treatment regimen is developed by a specialist on an individual basis. Before visiting a specialist, you can alleviate the condition and use regular Aspirin. It is also recommended to drink more hot tea or just warm liquid. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages.

Among traditional medicines, herbal preparations or decoctions based on chamomile are often used. It is recommended to cover your head with a cloth made of natural wool with a warming effect.

For inflammation of the oral mucosa, rinse with sage or oak bark is used. In some cases, a soda solution is used. If your nose is affected, you can use “Star” balm.

Sometimes it is enough to stand in a draft for some time, walk in the frost without a hat, or drive in a car with an open window for a severe headache to appear. In these cases, it is customary to say that the person has a head cold. What to do and how to treat such a disease? In fact, headache is one of the common symptoms of a cold, when the whole body suffers, not just the head. Therefore, if measures are not taken in time, other unpleasant symptoms may appear. Especially if you have a weakened immune system.

Symptoms of a cold head

If you didn’t take care of yourself and got a cold, the first unpleasant symptoms will appear within the next few hours. Most often it is a severe headache. However, there are other signs that you also need to be aware of. These include:

  • noise in ears;
  • elevated temperature;
  • a feeling of heaviness arises in the head;
  • drowsiness:
  • weakness in the body and muscle aches;
  • dizziness;
  • decrease in overall performance:
  • pain in the neck muscles.

Sometimes nausea and even vomiting occurs, a runny nose may appear, a sore throat, shooting pains in the ears, and the temples may ache. All these are undeniable symptoms that you have a headache. You need to be more careful about your health.

If you have a cold in your head - possible complications

If you are one of those who regularly walk in the cold without a hat, then you may develop more serious illnesses. The consequences of a cold head can be meningitis, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, inflammation of the maxillofacial muscles and joints, sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear, myalgia, myasitis, inflammation of brain tissue. Almost all of these diseases will require long-term and serious treatment, most of them often become chronic. Isn't the retribution for your frivolous behavior too serious?

How to treat if you have a head cold

If you feel a deterioration in your health and you have some of the above symptoms, it means you have a cold, and it’s time to start providing first aid to your body. Of course, such symptoms may also indicate some other disease, however, if you know that they appeared precisely after hypothermia, then the first thing you need to do is warm the sore spot by wrapping it in a warm, preferably woolen scarf. And if possible, stay indoors, especially if it's cold outside. If your head hurts badly, then you should not endure the pain, take a pain reliever. It's even better if you can stay in bed.

If you have a cold, it is recommended to use the same treatment methods as for a common cold. Drink more liquid - warm teas, decoctions of medicinal herbs, compotes, fruit drinks. Rosehip decoction is very useful for any colds. If you have a runny nose or sore throat, we recommend steam inhalation. You can use a pharmacy inhaler for this purpose, or you can remember how our grandmothers did it and breathe in a hot potato decoction. Inhalations using chamomile, sage, and rosemary also help well.

If you do not have a fever, you can take a warm bath. You can add sea salt or the same decoctions of medicinal herbs to the water. Warming baths with the addition of essential oils - lemon, pine, eucalyptus, fir - help well. If your ear or neck hurts, apply a heating pad filled with hot water to this area or use a bag of salt heated in a frying pan for this purpose.

To generally strengthen the body and increase immunity, you can take tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus, lemongrass or echinacea. Add lemon and honey to tea.

If you try home remedies for several days and still do not get relief, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor, otherwise you may develop one of the above complications.

I have a cold in my head and my ear hurts - how to treat it with folk remedies

A very common consequence of walking in the cold without a warm hat is otitis media - inflammation of the middle ear. Of course, it is best to consult a doctor as soon as you feel pain in your ear. But this is not always possible. If you have a cold in your head and in the evening you have a shooting pain in your ear, you can try to relieve it with the help of folk remedies that have been proven over the centuries.

Take a head of onion, peel it and cut it into small pieces. Then take a piece of regular bandage or gauze, wrap a piece of onion in it and make a small tampon. Its size should be such that it can be easily placed in the sore ear for 2-3 hours. Typically, if you've done everything correctly, your ear pain should subside. In addition, your runny nose will disappear and you will breathe easier.

Another good remedy is regular vegetable oil. It should be slightly warmed in a water bath and 2-3 drops should be dripped into the sore ear. This should ease your pain. Remember that the oil should be warm, but under no circumstances hot.

If you have propolis and honey at home, you can mix them in a ratio of 1:2 and also drip 2-3 drops into the sore ear, after heating them in a water bath. This remedy is especially good if you have purulent discharge from the ear canal.

How to make a compress for the ear if you have a cold in your head

Take a large piece of gauze and fold it several times so that it covers the auricle and a small area of ​​skin around it. Make a cut in the gauze so that the auricle fits through it. Soak the gauze well with vodka, squeeze it out and put it on the ear, so that the auricle remains free. The gauze should fit tightly to the skin. Place a plastic film on top, also making a cut in it and freeing the auricle itself. The film should completely cover the gauze. Finally, we put a thick layer of cotton wool on the ear and the film around it and tie it all with a woolen scarf. Very soon the ear pain will subside.

Remember that all folk remedies are only good for first aid. If you do not want acute otitis media to become chronic, be sure to consult a doctor.

Almost every person suffers from colds at least sometimes. Moreover, the causes and manifestations of this disease can be different. The cold itself is considered a mild illness, but it can cause serious consequences and complications. A cold can affect various parts of the body, for example, there is a cold in the head.

Symptoms of a head cold

You should not assume that when you have a cold, the symptoms are only headaches. After all, a cold is a general disease, therefore, in addition to local symptoms, it is also accompanied by signs of general damage to the body. Thus, with a head cold, the same symptoms can be observed as with a common cold: fever, runny nose, cough, weakness, malaise. But severe pain and manifestations of damage to the cranial nerves, which are located from the top of the head to the back of the head, are also noted. Often, with a cold in the head, there is inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, which runs in the forehead, nose and chin.

Feeling dizzy when you have a cold

There can be several reasons for dizziness during a cold. Most often, this is a disruption of the normal functioning of the vegetative-vascular system. It manifests itself as dizziness with a sudden change in body position or standing up. Another cause of dizziness and nausea can be weakness and malaise, which often accompany the first days of illness.

Dizziness with a head cold, appearing in later stages, may indicate inflammatory processes affecting the ears. In such cases, symptoms such as noise and ringing in the ears, hearing loss, heaviness, pain and pressure in the ears are also observed. Such signs are a reason for consultation with an otolaryngologist and a thorough examination.

Why do you have a headache when you have a cold?

There are several reasons for headaches during a cold. The first of them is increased secretion of intracranial fluid as a result of increased body temperature. This leads to increased intracranial pressure and headaches. Another reason is the effect on the entire body and individual organs of toxins of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, when you have a cold, your sinuses can be affected, which often causes headaches.

In addition to headaches, colds also include aches, fever, and chills. In this case, diseases of a viral nature are usually accompanied by more pronounced symptoms and more severe pain. If at the same time there is also a high temperature (40 degrees or more), repeated vomiting, nausea, etc., then the presence of meningitis can be assumed. If you suspect this disease, you should urgently call an ambulance.

A headache that gets worse when coughing, bending to the side, or lifting heavy things indicates inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Other complications of a head cold can include sinusitis and otitis media.

What to do if you have a head cold

When symptoms of a head cold appear, you need, firstly, to reconsider your daily routine. It is important to pay attention to the presence of other signs of the disease, such as temperature, blood pressure, noise and pain in the ears, vomiting, etc. It is advisable to switch to bed rest and a gentle diet for at least a few days.

If there are no symptoms of serious illness, you can be treated at home. In this case, warming and relaxing treatments will help, for example, a warm herbal bath with the addition of rosemary, sage and chamomile. Inhalations with medicinal plants or special preparations also help.

If there are signs of damage to the ears, sinuses and other organs, you should call a doctor and strictly adhere to his recommendations.

Head cold and its treatment

To relieve pain from a cold, you can do the following:

  • mix mustard seeds crushed to a powder with honey and take in small doses several times a day;
  • Drop clove steam into a liter of hot water and inhale over the steam for 10 minutes.

Often a head cold appears after being in a draft, then, in addition to pain in the head, pimples can form on the skin. Other reasons for their occurrence are wind, frost and other unfavorable factors. Such rashes have a dense structure and do not go away for a long time; they often increase in size. You can deal with them in the following ways:

  • to dry the pimple, apply tea tree oil to it several times a day;
  • you can use the pharmaceutical product cetron;
  • Masks with clay or mud work well; they are applied to the rashes that appear and washed off after a quarter of an hour;
  • Regular iodine can be periodically applied to pimples.

If a head cold recurs periodically, then you should go to an immunologist, because this most likely indicates a violation of the immune system.

Consequences of a head cold

One of the most common consequences of a head cold is sinusitis or sinusitis. These pathologies often develop as complications and the transition of the inflammatory process to the nasal sinuses. Other organs to which inflammation can spread if a head cold is not treated or treated correctly are the ears and eyes. Therefore, after an untreated cold, otitis media or conjunctivitis often develops, as well as inflammation of the optic nerve, leading to a significant decrease in vision function. If the trigeminal nerve is damaged, dental problems may begin. Other consequences and complications of a head cold are possible, but they are much less common.

Scalp cold

This pathology is usually caused by hypothermia. With prolonged exposure to cold on the scalp, vascular spasm in this area is observed, which leads to a deterioration in nutrition and oxygen supply to the skin. The hair follicles react especially acutely to this, which leads to their inflammation and weakening. A cold on the scalp can manifest itself in different ways: sometimes the scalp begins to hurt so much that it is impossible to touch it, in other cases, fragility increases, hair loss increases and dandruff appears.

To treat scalp lesions, traditional medicine recommends applying compresses with formic-camphor alcohol. This product is diluted with water 1:1, and then applied to the hair and left for a couple of hours. It is useful for colds on the scalp to rub burdock oil into it, which is then left for about 4-5 hours.

Among other folk remedies, a mask with chamomile, which reduces irritation, has a good effect. And also washing your hair with infusion of black poplar leaves. During treatment of the scalp, you should avoid all damaging and irritating products and procedures.

You can wash your hair if you have a cold

There is no consensus on whether it is possible to wash your hair during a cold. Most people are sure that at this time it is better to refrain from such procedures, but no one has canceled hygiene even during illness. So, should you wash your hair if you have a cold?

In most cases, washing your hair is fine. Only in this case you need to carefully choose the water temperature and after washing your hair you should not be in a draft. It is better to climb under a warm blanket immediately after a bath and spend some time there. In addition, it is worth remembering that taking a bath and drinking alcohol at the same time when you have a cold is not permissible. It is also better to reduce washing time as much as possible.

It is advisable to refrain from washing at very high temperatures, as well as in the first few days after the onset of the disease.